L’”Impasse della politica Italiana” ed il ritorno, dopo la pausa estiva, a programmi televisivi e tribune politiche ripetitive , la sempre maggiore scarsa informazione, mi impongono con estremo piacere ad analizzare alcuni eventi che si stanno verificando nei vicini Balcani.
Proprio in questi giorni una serie di scontri all’interno della Repubblica della Macedonia hanno attirato l'attenzione. Il primo incidente è avvenuto nel mese di agosto quando un gruppo di albanesi ha tentato con la forza di occupare alcuni villaggi macedoni che confinano con il Kosovo (quindi anche con la Serbia dal momento che parte del territorio appartiene a quest’ultima); August 31 another clash between a group of Albanians and the Macedonian police, and finally the latest incident was recorded on September 10 last year. Some villages are trying, with the power to seek separation from Macedonia.
In light of these events, I believe that the future of the young Republic is closely connected with the future development of the Kosovo issue.
Kosovo at the moment is central to the anxieties of Europe, USA and Russia as its status has not yet been defined, although UN Secretary-General said that the deadline for the solution is established for the next December. The event that stressed the independence of Kosovo was the NATO war against Belgrade in 1999, but now the question is hampered dall'opposiozione of Serbia also supported by the Russian Federation . I think the position legitimate Serbian not only because it is marked by its historical rights on Kosovo, but also the awareness that it is not big enough to afford the loss of the cradle of their state and its culture, its small enough to be private Part of its territory without reacting.
In the video you can see clearly what is happening today in Kosovo. A group of Albanians are destroying and desecrating an Orthodox Church.
E 'as if Italy were deprived of the Alto Adige region, bearing inert amputation of its territory, seeing that break down the old Catholic churches and monuments without resentment.
And then it is perhaps only to Serbia to give life to the sale of its territory to the Balkan peace is certainly not to risk it? The independence of Kosovo, I believe that raises serious concerns about the future of the Balkans, mainly related to the dubious ability of the future system of Kosovo can guarantee the rule of law and combating criminal activities. The reduced ability to govern once the international presence that now ensures operation at a minimum, would be reduced to a gradual drift with criminal consequences neighboring countries such as Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia. The Serb community lives in fear of further unrest and does not accept the independence because they do not see a chance to live in peace, indeed it would be a constant source of conflict and continuation of work by the most powerful drug mafias in the world.
But let's not forget, the economic factor of an independent Kosovo. Today's manufacturing activities in the region are completely absent, agriculture is neglected and the level of unemployment is very high. In this context and I hope that you take the right fundamental solution without then choose to see the glass half empty or half full. Certainly the rhetoric of Europeanize Kosovo as a key to solving the problem, it seems to me a sad melody. But at present it is likely that the final decision will not like neither the Serbs nor the Albanians and the international community will once again put to the test. 
In the video you can see clearly what is happening today in Kosovo. A group of Albanians are destroying and desecrating an Orthodox Church.
E 'as if Italy were deprived of the Alto Adige region, bearing inert amputation of its territory, seeing that break down the old Catholic churches and monuments without resentment.
And then it is perhaps only to Serbia to give life to the sale of its territory to the Balkan peace is certainly not to risk it? The independence of Kosovo, I believe that raises serious concerns about the future of the Balkans, mainly related to the dubious ability of the future system of Kosovo can guarantee the rule of law and combating criminal activities. The reduced ability to govern once the international presence that now ensures operation at a minimum, would be reduced to a gradual drift with criminal consequences neighboring countries such as Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia. The Serb community lives in fear of further unrest and does not accept the independence because they do not see a chance to live in peace, indeed it would be a constant source of conflict and continuation of work by the most powerful drug mafias in the world.