Monday, June 16, 2008

Maytag Performa Pavt234aww

precarious Sant'Andrea occupy the general direction

(OMNIROMA) Roma, 06 giu - "È in corso uno sciopero dei dipendenti dell'Azienda multinazionale Videocon di Anagni, CHE hanno bloccato la Casilina e l'Autosole. In questo sito sono a rischio licenziamento 1.200 lavoratori (con l'indotto si arriva a 2.000). La proprietà, dopo aver avuto sostegni economici e l'inserimento del sito di Anagni nell'accordo di programma (ed anche finanziamenti dalla European Community for the establishment of Campania), now try to leave the site. "This was communicated in a note, the CGIL Filcem Roma and Lazio.
ROME - After the block now being Grottarossa and employment of the Executive Board, the Coordination Phantom of the workers know that Andreas is a state of agitation does not stop for today and announced initiatives to surprise ("you may be surprised with special effects"). The appointment is at 8:30 in the yard of the hospital.

"For three years we conduct a long and arduous struggle for stabilization. We got two regional laws, a Council resolution, and the Director-General reminds the Coordination-We lack only an authorization from the region. Marrazzo President withdrew the delegation alderman Battle and its offices are now having to give this permission. We are not willing to wait or to be held hostage to the political balance of the region. Respect the laws! Recruitment of top 200 outsourcing by June as expected in acting. "

June 16, 2008

Maytag Performa Pavt234aww

precarious Sant'Andrea occupy the general direction

(OMNIROMA) Roma, 06 giu - "È in corso uno sciopero dei dipendenti dell'Azienda multinazionale Videocon di Anagni, CHE hanno bloccato la Casilina e l'Autosole. In questo sito sono a rischio licenziamento 1.200 lavoratori (con l'indotto si arriva a 2.000). La proprietà, dopo aver avuto sostegni economici e l'inserimento del sito di Anagni nell'accordo di programma (ed anche finanziamenti dalla European Community for the establishment of Campania), now try to leave the site. "This was communicated in a note, the CGIL Filcem Roma and Lazio.
ROME - After the block now being Grottarossa and employment of the Executive Board, the Coordination Phantom of the workers know that Andreas is a state of agitation does not stop for today and announced initiatives to surprise ("you may be surprised with special effects"). The appointment is at 8:30 in the yard of the hospital.

"For three years we conduct a long and arduous struggle for stabilization. We got two regional laws, a Council resolution, and the Director-General reminds the Coordination-We lack only an authorization from the region. Marrazzo President withdrew the delegation alderman Battle and its offices are now having to give this permission. We are not willing to wait or to be held hostage to the political balance of the region. Respect the laws! Recruitment of top 200 outsourcing by June as expected in acting. "

June 16, 2008

Friday, June 6, 2008

T2: The Screen Saver Terminator

Precarious indefinitely

Fewer and fewer but starvation wages, it is of temporary workers, fell by 20,000 units in 2007. 830 mila temporary workers who earn on average € 8,800 a year, this is the last track identikit search IRES-CGIL.
Not only that, a majority of workers remained "trapped" in atypical work: you're insecure ten for two consecutive years and more than 37% for three years (the research takes into account the period 2005-2007). "The good news - he stressed the confederal secretary of the CGIL, Fulvio Fammoni - is that the upward trend has slowed. It means that if you want you can intervene, as did the previous government with concrete action, and we must continue to intervene. However, the total number remains very high and represents an anomaly in Europe. "

To precarious means those workers with atypical collaboration income which has focused exclusively on the Ministry of Labour with a fight against false collaborations. Considerable help to reduce the insecurity also came from increased pension contribution of 5 percentage points from the income that reso meno conveniente per le aziende il ricorso alle collaborazioni.

Identikit del precario

Sono giovani ma non troppo i precari di oggi con un’età media di 34 anni e un contratto medio dura circa sette mesi. A livello territoriale la maggiore concentrazione si riscontra in Calabria e nel Lazio, dove sono precari tre parasubordinati su quattro. Per quanto riguarda i redditi, la ricerca evidenzia come per i precari la media si attesti nel 2007 a 8.800 euro l’anno, con un incremento rispetto al 2005 del 4,8%, pari a 405 euro.

T2: The Screen Saver Terminator

Precarious indefinitely

Fewer and fewer but starvation wages, it is of temporary workers, fell by 20,000 units in 2007. 830 mila temporary workers who earn on average € 8,800 a year, this is the last track identikit search IRES-CGIL.
Not only that, a majority of workers remained "trapped" in atypical work: you're insecure ten for two consecutive years and more than 37% for three years (the research takes into account the period 2005-2007). "The good news - he stressed the confederal secretary of the CGIL, Fulvio Fammoni - is that the upward trend has slowed. It means that if you want you can intervene, as did the previous government with concrete action, and we must continue to intervene. However, the total number remains very high and represents an anomaly in Europe. "

To precarious means those workers with atypical collaboration income which has focused exclusively on the Ministry of Labour with a fight against false collaborations. Considerable help to reduce the insecurity also came from increased pension contribution of 5 percentage points from the income that reso meno conveniente per le aziende il ricorso alle collaborazioni.

Identikit del precario

Sono giovani ma non troppo i precari di oggi con un’età media di 34 anni e un contratto medio dura circa sette mesi. A livello territoriale la maggiore concentrazione si riscontra in Calabria e nel Lazio, dove sono precari tre parasubordinati su quattro. Per quanto riguarda i redditi, la ricerca evidenzia come per i precari la media si attesti nel 2007 a 8.800 euro l’anno, con un incremento rispetto al 2005 del 4,8%, pari a 405 euro.

How Do You Put A Floor In An Aluminum Boat

RAI: \u200b\u200bAgreement on temporary



"To give a secure future for the temporary satisfaction Rai is a first for the company. Having reached within a few days, two fundamental agreements with workers who have long collaborated with RAI (the reference is to the agreement signed with the union of journalists, ed) is the best result we could get closure mandate and the result is a result of strategies implemented from the start with determination, honesty and transparency. "

"To give a secure future for the temporary satisfaction Rai is a first for the company. Having reached within a few days, two fundamental agreements with workers some time working with the RAI is the best result we could get in close and is a result sent the result of strategies implemented from the start with determination, honesty and transparency. "
satisfied Claudio Cappon, director general of RAI, the agreement reached with the unions for the stabilization of temporary workers, meaning that comes to two weeks from the similar agreement signed with the trade unions of journalists. "From the beginning, my goal was to end with the" factory "of the precarious, not to deceive anyone, to be clear to all: why, when I arrived, I asked to be stopped so-called first uses , those contracts that were only to widen the audience of the precarious workers, journalists or not. We closed the "tap" feeding a system destined to collapse because of its unsustainability. From today those who work for the RAI, including temporary, has a career path and also defined and the company knows exactly what they will encounter in terms of staff, 'he said Cappon. The Director-General claims the two agreements signed and "the first contest held in 2007 in Rai graduates after 10 years." "From today, Rai is a house more transparent, more accurate with its workers and those who pay the fee. And this, let me tell you, and especially thanks to the commitment of the Executive Risorse Umane che ha lavorato duramente e coerentemente su un progetto condiviso con la Direzione Generale sin dal primo momento», ha concluso Cappon.

How Do You Put A Floor In An Aluminum Boat

RAI: \u200b\u200bAgreement on temporary



"To give a secure future for the temporary satisfaction Rai is a first for the company. Having reached within a few days, two fundamental agreements with workers who have long collaborated with RAI (the reference is to the agreement signed with the union of journalists, ed) is the best result we could get closure mandate and the result is a result of strategies implemented from the start with determination, honesty and transparency. "

"To give a secure future for the temporary satisfaction Rai is a first for the company. Having reached within a few days, two fundamental agreements with workers some time working with the RAI is the best result we could get in close and is a result sent the result of strategies implemented from the start with determination, honesty and transparency. "
satisfied Claudio Cappon, director general of RAI, the agreement reached with the unions for the stabilization of temporary workers, meaning that comes to two weeks from the similar agreement signed with the trade unions of journalists. "From the beginning, my goal was to end with the" factory "of the precarious, not to deceive anyone, to be clear to all: why, when I arrived, I asked to be stopped so-called first uses , those contracts that were only to widen the audience of the precarious workers, journalists or not. We closed the "tap" feeding a system destined to collapse because of its unsustainability. From today those who work for the RAI, including temporary, has a career path and also defined and the company knows exactly what they will encounter in terms of staff, 'he said Cappon. The Director-General claims the two agreements signed and "the first contest held in 2007 in Rai graduates after 10 years." "From today, Rai is a house more transparent, more accurate with its workers and those who pay the fee. And this, let me tell you, and especially thanks to the commitment of the Executive Risorse Umane che ha lavorato duramente e coerentemente su un progetto condiviso con la Direzione Generale sin dal primo momento», ha concluso Cappon.

Puttinga Floor In An Aluminum Boat

Anagni: dipendenti videocon bloccano Casilina e Autosole

Cronaca - 06 giugno 2008 12:20

Puttinga Floor In An Aluminum Boat

Anagni: dipendenti videocon bloccano Casilina e Autosole

Cronaca - 06 giugno 2008 12:20