Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Fanfiction Super Sentai
The crisis in the Caucasus and the information war.
During the first days of conflict, being in the middle of August, I had the opportunity to follow closely the events that were occurring in the Caucasus, but listening to the Western media, came out openly that it was Russian aggression in Georgia. Only through broader and more precise information, I was able to pursue the matter. it certainly appeared that the West, or rather the Western media have chosen the very beginning of the conflict to whom to assign right and wrong, truth is not failing often negligible, as the fact that the presence of Russian soldiers in South Ossetia has a function of peacekeeping and is part of a program of pacification agreed a livello internazionale. Certamente la reazione militare russa è stata durissima, d’altro canto questo è un elemento innegabile in un conflitto, ma la guerra in Caucaso ha inizio con l’attacco georgiano all’Ossezia del Sud ed alle truppe russe , quest’ultime ribadisco erano presenti in quei territori con un mandato internazionale di interposizione. I mass media russi, stampa, TV, radio ed internet sono tra l’altro meno schierati con il governo di quanto i mezzi di informazioni occidentali li dipingano. Basti pensare ai rinomati analisti come Vladimir Pozner o come la fondazione Carnegie di Mosca che hanno un atteggiamento più collaborativo con gli USA e l’Europa and certainly these items were even stronger under President Yeltsin than they are today, but still have a role in the Russian media landscape. Returning to the central theme of the article, it must be said that the world did not know that between the 7-8 August, Georgian troops attacked South Ossetia razing the city of Tskhinvali and killing nearly 3,000 civilians . How can the public world has not known anything of what the Russian leadership has defined thrashing Genocide? At the outbreak of war, many Russian analysts have stated: "We are losing the information war" ed in effetti l’8 agosto la CNN riportava “La Russia invade la Georgia”. Nelle prime ore di conflitto il compito principale dei media è stato sorvolare sulla notizia dell’aggressione georgiana e scaricare ogni responsabilità a Mosca. L’attacco georgiano all’Ossezia del sud ed alle truppe russe e la conseguente risposta russa, si è conclusa con il riconoscimento da parte di Mosca delle due repubbliche georgiane di Abkhazia e Ossezia del sud . Il conflitto in questione, per la prima volta dopo l’ex URSS ha mostrato al mondo una recuperata azione militare di Mosca e senza manifestare il minimo timore nei confronti degli Stati Uniti. Naturalmente la Russia forte del precedente of Kosovo, has taken this action in defense of the breakaway territories. In 2006, Russian Foreign Minister Condoleezza Rice had repeatedly warned Europe that recognition of Kosovo would set a dangerous precedent for the Caucasus. The Georgia crisis should be read in depth, however, Georgian and contradictions have emerged not only as a result of the response of the Kremlin, but mainly because of the statement of the ultra-nationalist Georgian project, which sought to apply in a multi-ethnic and multilingual territory, identity uniform at all costs. Today it seems that the Agreement on the peace plan presented by France, signed by Moscow and Tbilisi could be the first step toward detente but the negotiations with Poland for the establishment of the space shield project could cause new tensions with the Kremlin.

Fanfiction Super Sentai
The crisis in the Caucasus and the information war.
During the first days of conflict, being in the middle of August, I had the opportunity to follow closely the events that were occurring in the Caucasus, but listening to the Western media, came out openly that it was Russian aggression in Georgia. Only through broader and more precise information, I was able to pursue the matter. it certainly appeared that the West, or rather the Western media have chosen the very beginning of the conflict to whom to assign right and wrong, truth is not failing often negligible, as the fact that the presence of Russian soldiers in South Ossetia has a function of peacekeeping and is part of a program of pacification agreed a livello internazionale. Certamente la reazione militare russa è stata durissima, d’altro canto questo è un elemento innegabile in un conflitto, ma la guerra in Caucaso ha inizio con l’attacco georgiano all’Ossezia del Sud ed alle truppe russe , quest’ultime ribadisco erano presenti in quei territori con un mandato internazionale di interposizione. I mass media russi, stampa, TV, radio ed internet sono tra l’altro meno schierati con il governo di quanto i mezzi di informazioni occidentali li dipingano. Basti pensare ai rinomati analisti come Vladimir Pozner o come la fondazione Carnegie di Mosca che hanno un atteggiamento più collaborativo con gli USA e l’Europa and certainly these items were even stronger under President Yeltsin than they are today, but still have a role in the Russian media landscape. Returning to the central theme of the article, it must be said that the world did not know that between the 7-8 August, Georgian troops attacked South Ossetia razing the city of Tskhinvali and killing nearly 3,000 civilians . How can the public world has not known anything of what the Russian leadership has defined thrashing Genocide? At the outbreak of war, many Russian analysts have stated: "We are losing the information war" ed in effetti l’8 agosto la CNN riportava “La Russia invade la Georgia”. Nelle prime ore di conflitto il compito principale dei media è stato sorvolare sulla notizia dell’aggressione georgiana e scaricare ogni responsabilità a Mosca. L’attacco georgiano all’Ossezia del sud ed alle truppe russe e la conseguente risposta russa, si è conclusa con il riconoscimento da parte di Mosca delle due repubbliche georgiane di Abkhazia e Ossezia del sud . Il conflitto in questione, per la prima volta dopo l’ex URSS ha mostrato al mondo una recuperata azione militare di Mosca e senza manifestare il minimo timore nei confronti degli Stati Uniti. Naturalmente la Russia forte del precedente of Kosovo, has taken this action in defense of the breakaway territories. In 2006, Russian Foreign Minister Condoleezza Rice had repeatedly warned Europe that recognition of Kosovo would set a dangerous precedent for the Caucasus. The Georgia crisis should be read in depth, however, Georgian and contradictions have emerged not only as a result of the response of the Kremlin, but mainly because of the statement of the ultra-nationalist Georgian project, which sought to apply in a multi-ethnic and multilingual territory, identity uniform at all costs. Today it seems that the Agreement on the peace plan presented by France, signed by Moscow and Tbilisi could be the first step toward detente but the negotiations with Poland for the establishment of the space shield project could cause new tensions with the Kremlin.

Friday, September 5, 2008
Roadhouse What Type Of Car Did Dalton Purchase
Asl precarious precarious 'strip-conference' on YouTube for the right to work
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Precarie nude contro i licenziamenti. E' su youtube
la protesta delle ex centraliniste dell'ospedale di Legano
"Venerdi' saro' nuda come tutti i precari, venerdi' saro' nuda come tutte le lavoratrici senza sicurezza, venerdi' saro' nuda perche' nessun Governo mi ha vestito rights, Friday 'I will' naked 'cause I do not have citizenship income, Friday' I will 'naked as I left the Biagi law ": one after another, all in kimonos, the 11 precarious dismissed from the hospital turned wood on You Tube to launch the call for 'strip-conference' tomorrow. The event, set at 11 in Milan at the Theatre Cooperative, will be 'sent direct course websites, by c6.tv. occasion the poor who, having lost his job three days ago had still to be auctioned on You Tube, will launch a general strike of all the dangerous and precarious for September 19.
'Friday' evening will be 'can see without veils, we are not afraid to put in gioco i nostri corpi - dichiara Ornella Cameran, collega delle licenziate e rappresentante Rdb-Cub di Legnano - gia' siamo gia' state spogliate dei diritti". Oltre a giornalisti, tv e fotografi, le precarie invitano alla conferenza anche eventuali nuovi datori di lavoro.
Roadhouse What Type Of Car Did Dalton Purchase
Asl precarious precarious 'strip-conference' on YouTube for the right to work
Precarie nude contro i licenziamenti. E' su youtube
Precarie nude contro i licenziamenti. E' su youtube
la protesta delle ex centraliniste dell'ospedale di Legano
"Venerdi' saro' nuda come tutti i precari, venerdi' saro' nuda come tutte le lavoratrici senza sicurezza, venerdi' saro' nuda perche' nessun Governo mi ha vestito rights, Friday 'I will' naked 'cause I do not have citizenship income, Friday' I will 'naked as I left the Biagi law ": one after another, all in kimonos, the 11 precarious dismissed from the hospital turned wood on You Tube to launch the call for 'strip-conference' tomorrow. The event, set at 11 in Milan at the Theatre Cooperative, will be 'sent direct course websites, by c6.tv. occasion the poor who, having lost his job three days ago had still to be auctioned on You Tube, will launch a general strike of all the dangerous and precarious for September 19.
'Friday' evening will be 'can see without veils, we are not afraid to put in gioco i nostri corpi - dichiara Ornella Cameran, collega delle licenziate e rappresentante Rdb-Cub di Legnano - gia' siamo gia' state spogliate dei diritti". Oltre a giornalisti, tv e fotografi, le precarie invitano alla conferenza anche eventuali nuovi datori di lavoro.
Miniature Battery Operated Blender
there is not a substitute who has had a year: a few days ago when the tables were published with the allocations in primary schools, was to run out of words, not one place, not even half. Were precarious, will remain precarious. There were 400 in 2007 had an assignment from September to June, but had worked. "Now nothing, all 400 will stay home."
Luisa Prisco is one of them.
dagli elenchi si rendono conto di non avere speranze e che l’anno prossimo andrà ancora peggio, e fra due anni pure. «Ora arriva il maestro unico: se prima erano tre, ne resta uno. E gli altri due? E’ chiaro che ci saranno sempre meno posti, è chiaro che si andrà verso il blocco delle assunzioni. E io e tutti gli altri che cosa dobbiamo fare? Cambiare lavoro?»
An alternative would E 'so that it becomes too precarious
and you end up in an empty box. Think of your children, your husband, just a bit ' accounts and in the meantime the State, as fast, we upset the calculations and takes away his salary. Gone are the United States, Sarah Palin, women should have 'equal opportunities, without exception'. And if in Alaska, the only difference between a hockey mom and a pitbull is lipstick, Somma Vesuvius, where hockey is not considered one of the most popular sports and lipstick can be a luxury too, seems to see just walking around pitbull as mothers struggle with life.
This year no one had warned
Lucia and the others. They felt quite calm. "Last year I taught in fourth grade. Mathematics, English and music for 22 hours per week plus two programming. They were fond of me and my students. " But the gap, that at least, is put into the account of the master precarious. She knows she has to learn the names of all in September and forget them until June. The trouble begins when the September following no more names to learn.
Luisa toured many schools Neapolitan hinterland.
"I started in a private school but I stayed there for one year. I had all the requirements to enter the ranking and become the role, I went to public schools. " He taught the children of Ponticelli, an area with high levels of the Camorra, which in May to resolve the problem of the Roma have seen fit to give fire to their camp. He has taught at St. Joseph Vesuvius and also in Ischia. "When you have to do with classes like this one is an experience that no score can ever consider."
And now?
"We could appeal but will take years to obtain a ruling. Someone tells us that there is a public project from € 30 000, which gives many of us to work but I have big doubts that can go through. For now I'm making attempts in private schools. But who would take away the place for someone to give it to me? ".
Miniature Battery Operated Blender
there is not a substitute who has had a year: a few days ago when the tables were published with the allocations in primary schools, was to run out of words, not one place, not even half. Were precarious, will remain precarious. There were 400 in 2007 had an assignment from September to June, but had worked. "Now nothing, all 400 will stay home."
Luisa Prisco is one of them.
dagli elenchi si rendono conto di non avere speranze e che l’anno prossimo andrà ancora peggio, e fra due anni pure. «Ora arriva il maestro unico: se prima erano tre, ne resta uno. E gli altri due? E’ chiaro che ci saranno sempre meno posti, è chiaro che si andrà verso il blocco delle assunzioni. E io e tutti gli altri che cosa dobbiamo fare? Cambiare lavoro?»
An alternative would E 'so that it becomes too precarious
and you end up in an empty box. Think of your children, your husband, just a bit ' accounts and in the meantime the State, as fast, we upset the calculations and takes away his salary. Gone are the United States, Sarah Palin, women should have 'equal opportunities, without exception'. And if in Alaska, the only difference between a hockey mom and a pitbull is lipstick, Somma Vesuvius, where hockey is not considered one of the most popular sports and lipstick can be a luxury too, seems to see just walking around pitbull as mothers struggle with life.
This year no one had warned
Lucia and the others. They felt quite calm. "Last year I taught in fourth grade. Mathematics, English and music for 22 hours per week plus two programming. They were fond of me and my students. " But the gap, that at least, is put into the account of the master precarious. She knows she has to learn the names of all in September and forget them until June. The trouble begins when the September following no more names to learn.
Luisa toured many schools Neapolitan hinterland.
"I started in a private school but I stayed there for one year. I had all the requirements to enter the ranking and become the role, I went to public schools. " He taught the children of Ponticelli, an area with high levels of the Camorra, which in May to resolve the problem of the Roma have seen fit to give fire to their camp. He has taught at St. Joseph Vesuvius and also in Ischia. "When you have to do with classes like this one is an experience that no score can ever consider."
And now?
"We could appeal but will take years to obtain a ruling. Someone tells us that there is a public project from € 30 000, which gives many of us to work but I have big doubts that can go through. For now I'm making attempts in private schools. But who would take away the place for someone to give it to me? ".
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