I have repeatedly stated that he was an elector of Gianni Alemanno. If I regret it, not to vote for Rutelli is that I would feel better at this time. Or Rutelli Alemanno, it passes the monastery of the so-called democracy. What I struggle to convince my opponents, detractors and critics, is that instead of crying and sprinkle ashes on their heads, I find myself in the best possible condition in order to criticize Gianni Alemanno, to the extent that I can follow what he does or does not. For example, much puzzled me to see a gala evening where the Jewish-Roman seems to raise funds for settlements "illegal" in the West Bank, as if the others were "legal", or the strange idea, now accepted by Gianni, granting citizenship "honorary" the soldier Shalit and in this way, "Addison" in the eyes of over one billion people throughout the Roman citizenship to three million people, 400,000 of which would seem of Calabrian origin, my fellow countrymen. I do not have a service that I update all of the exploits of Jack, who pocketed my vote and many others, sends word from good political fools who are, for now I have cheated. Then we'll see as more willing to fraud. But we accept the sporting catch. Moreover, with this electoral system is evolving towards a situation in which even 90 percent of voters, both administrative and policy, may well stay at home. To decide just 10 percent. But mind you, not the 10 percent of the best, of which Rousseau said that if citizens were "virtuous" had good right to expect more of the other 90 non virtruosi. Here is the exact opposite is the worst 10 per cent of which will go to vote while 90 percent of the virtuous, if they are at home helpless and disgusted. Moreover, with the right to reimbursement approved after the referendum, the public financing of parties has ruled that taxes are levied on the head of those who do not go to the polls. Therefore, the bonanza for the politicians to craft shows as follows: higher revenues and lower costs as alienation from the people vote. Election campaigns, even without party political apparatus, now useless and extinct, just pay a little more or less briefly clad showgirls who distribute advertising packages, or invitations to lunch and dinner, to facilitate the election campaign. These trends appear to me wonderful that our local democracy has become an export product from the Middle Eastern deserts. In this post raccogliere Notizie significative dal mio punto di vista riguardanti qui Gianni Alemanno, ma poi aprendo altre schede per altri esponenti della mia area di militanza politica dove mi piace più criticare che non applaudire. Le cose che vanno bene, vanno bene, se vanno bene e non vi è nulla da dire. Su quelle che invece vanno male, si deve poter discorrere.
Versione 1.0
Status: 9.1.09
Sommario: 1.
Striscioni contro Alemanno . – 2.
Pacifici denuncia . – 3.
A chi si deve la vigliaccata ? –
1 .
Striscioni contro Alemanno . – Evidentemente il corso sionista di Gianni non piace ad alcuni. I do not know what the movement "Militia" and now for the first time I read the name and limit myself here to report that I find the sidebars without comment, a comment that may be premature. First you need to know the facts, albeit with a pinch of salt and then form an independent opinion.
UNION SARDA.it> The Union 24 Hours
Gaza: Rome, Alemanno banners against
Still banners signed by the extreme right-wing militia movement in the capital. In the first, seized by the police, the writing was drawn against the mayor of Rome, "Alemanno Zionist Executioner". At the same banner, along more than 4 meters in the area of \u200b\u200bBridge Lanciani, including insults against the president of the Jewish community of Rome, Riccardo Pacifici. Banner in the other hand, had been traced the inscription: 'Hamas to victory. " The mayor of the capital and the president of Rome's Jewish community yesterday had set "a walk" to the shops in the Ghetto in response to a proposal, then retracted, an independent trade union not to make purchases at stores operated by Jewish traders.
The same story is given by Rome City some detail more, but now self-censorship. The text reads:
Two banners signed Militia and about 4 feet long have been removed this night by police in Ponte Lanciani. As reported by the police on a banner was written "to the Hamas victory," while on "Zionist Executioner Alemanno, Pacifici against your ...".
Turning back to the same episode we read from Iris press Marrazzo of action, which if I remember correctly was a Velinario past policy. Here is the text:
(IRIS) - ROME, Jan. 9 - "I express my solidarity with the mayor Alemanno and the President of the Jewish Community of Rome, Riccardo Pacifici, for banners appeared last night in Ponte Lanciani. Those responsible should know that this unnecessary stunt lower guard on the themes of tolerance and the preservation of the principles enshrined in our Constitution. " So the president of Lazio Piero Marrazzo in a statement continues: "For the simple reason that this would all'imbarbarimento of Italian society and the prevalence of anti-democratic logic already defeated by history. Such personal attacks are slow to no effect, except to push relentlessly at the margins of history, the few individuals who insist on cultivating the vacuum of ideas filled with intolerance and hatred. I take this opportunity to thank the police, promptly intervened to remove banners these shameful. "
Much has been discussed and is still debated yes or no on the sanctification of Pius XII. We know how the Jews and Romans did not believe they have jurisdiction over the matter. Our politicians a result of our vote by putting a cross in a secret voting booth, the Saints are already a result of our vote. There is to reflect, and just yesterday I put the topic as a topic of debate, of what it means to the television and media pronouncements of a miracle by the nost powerful vote. The question is: when we put a Alemanno, but it could be anyone else: Gasparri, Fini, Cicchitto, speaks to the effect that opens his mouth and pronounce judgments and evaluations, what we say is our thinking? What you are supposed to limit a properly elected? A sign the papers need signatures. But at least our thinking, to each of us, not delegated or not delegated, may we remain without a Alemanno or others may say in our name that even remotely think. I have nothing to do with the boys of "Militia", but I am sorry to see speeches by Marrazzo. But at the end of "democracy" is nothing but a more clever and perhaps more hypocritical to do what the managers of power have always done. I still believe that the criteria of legitimacy of the Hobbesian protection-obedience relationship to be more ethically sound of a consensus chimeric electoral fraud that results in a raspberry from the elected to his electorate, just snatched the vote. That great man who had said there was Toto.
Well, I am also in favor of Hamas and I have not participated in the demonstration of "Militia", but to that of January 3 that started from Piazza della Repubblica. There were many red flags, but I marched in solidarity for Gaza and the Palestinians, not for others.
2. Pacifici
complaint. - Deserves a separate paragraph, the news reported by the Republic on the banners against Aleman. It requires evidence of the whole authority which they feel invested Riccardo Pacifici. From his own rebuke not save anyone, not even the pope, who in Rome became the representative of a foreign state (!). Poor teachers in schools and universities and middle school. If overdriven just a comma, gets up to the powerful voice of Riccardo Pacifici, who asked if the teacher can continue teaching. Good thing I'm writing now that I'm here at my house, protected by a door, but I should not wonder if reading this Richard to ask the President of the Republic or maybe John if I can continue to stay at my house, paying all of course the fees payable to the municipality. But who is Richard and what follows as incredible power? In Rome there is a Jewish community of 10 or 15 thousand people. How to be clear in front of 400,000 Calabrian each election are pestered by virtue of letters of Calabria derived from the place of birth and easily obtainable dall'anagrafe city. Roman Jews have their own organization as Jews. Calabrian We unfortunately do not have it, but I have floated the idea with my fellow countrymen. We must learn from Richard, who holds a thousand votes in hand Gianni. I say a little more than a thousand or so among the persons entitled to vote will be about 30 percent. Of these, only a part of voting for Richard, which I think has won acclaim for a matter of pensions on which I saw a tabloid television appearances Striscia la Notizia rowdy and a tub with Richard saying they had found a portion of funds to his ministry, Report where it was at the same time see the attachment di macchine copiatrici per sentenze di condanna da parte della Corte europea. Quando ne avrò finalmente il tempo, mi riservo di studiare la questione sotto il profilo tecnico-giuridico perché non posso smettere di pensare di come alla mia povera madre in una situazione analoga la pensione fu tolta. Chiusa la parentesi, credo che su questo consenso abbia vinto le sue elezioni interne alla comunità ebraica. La sua leadership si distingue poi per uno sfegatato sionismo, che a noi altri qualche problema ce lo pone. Noi stiamo dalla parte di Hamas e dei palestinesi e non degli israeliani massacratori. Per farlo capire a Gianni non bastano neppure gli striscioni di Militia. Questi ragazzi o elettori delusi vengono qui criminalizzati e fatti passare per barbari la cui cittadinanza Italian is a misnomer. One must wait until they inflicted similar treatment to that given to Hamas and the Palestinians. Guys, if you read me, you're in the bell. There is open warfare in the sense of the Manifesto of the more than 1000 intellectuals with Angelo d'Orsi are telling us that the propaganda in the past was a "tool" of the war. Now, however, is the war itself. A qualitative leap that perhaps the doctrine has not yet been adequately studied. You want to add then to the secret influence of the power of Richard Roman traders, of which there are no reliable statistics ad hoc, but is estimated to be largely in the hands of the Jewish community, which extends up to trade in such religious souvenirs Catholics in St. Peter's Square. These are truths that are verified studied. Republic of the paragraph above refers to the same episode but with a particular emphasis given to Pacific. This is followed by several comments that readers may perhaps be instructive to read and comment on them. We do not know. We are going to do it. If not all, because too many, we report what we believe more than one meaning. We do not know if the comments were moderate or are automatic. We'll find out quickly in the last one leaving us.
The issue of Jewish boycott on trade must have touched a sensitive part. We do not know anything about it. What kind of union it is and what constitutes the offense. But following the developments in his case as far as possible. Meanwhile, I wonder, must I go shopping in the same shops that Gianni has exorcised and sanctified by his presence? I do not know what they are. But laws do not think of being held. But since in this area these days one can not know enough to ask some local councilor, the city police or the competent offices if there is a similar obligation.
Pacifici: "We denounce this union"
the night popping banners Militia
against Alemanno: "Zionist Executioner, and peaceful ..."
[ here is not questioned by any way the word is lacking, but from London City you read the first three letters. We should study the vocabulary combinations possible, but our curiosity is not come to this]
At the conclusion of the President of the Regione Lazio, Piero Marrazzo, with the Jewish community of Rome, which was attended President dell'Ucei, Renzo Gattegna, the president of the Jewish community, Riccardo Pacifici, and the chief rabbi Riccardo Di Segni, Pacific has announced that the Jewish community in Rome that denounce the union has proposed the boycott of Jewish shops.
[ And if you do not even remember the name if the people who want to take? With or with Fanstasmi Nameless? I would also like to know from him by the Consumer if this is free to go where he wants to spend his money or has to compulsorily go to the places he recommended, perhaps with a special sticker. The one thing that you study at school as "legal certainty" here becomes very narrow. But in the age to be Germanic: the barbarians are not only entered into Rome, but took possession of the institution stable and freedoms of citizens, even the elementary stabilirfe where to spend their money more and more skimpy, are at risk .]
A proposal for a boycott that has Gattegna accused as "a mad attempt of discrimination carried out by an association of which not even remember the name." "So how did the CGIL, CISL and UIL sued the union using the Mancino law for incitement to racial hatred - Pacifici says - even the Jewish community of Rome will spare no effort and will do the same action." [ therefore Busillis Here! Mancino Law! Good for all uses. Even deciding where to buy underwear! Of course, the same law does not apply if it is to hit the market or even to ban Muslim Muslim prayer in a public square. That great man religioso dal volto luciferino che risponde al nome di Ignazio La Russa ha chiesto una messa riparatoria da parte cristiana. Magari a celebrarla saranno lui e lo stesso Alemanno. A partecipare alla funzione, facendo la parte dei fedeli, saranno magari gli stessi membri della comunità ebraica romana o milanese. Ormai di tutto ci si può aspettare in un paese allo sbando. ]
Intanto questa notte due striscioni firmati Militia, lunghi circa 4 metri, sono stati trovati e rimossi dagli agenti della polizia di Stato a Ponte Lanciani. Secondo quanto si apprende, su uno striscione c'era scritto "Hamas fino alla vittoria", mentre sull'altro "Alemanno sionista boia, Pacifici la tua tro...". I due banners were noted by agents of the state police department flying into service to control the territory around the unit. Investigations are ongoing to trace the authors. [ In a country ravaged by centuries with the Mafia, Ndrangheta, Camorra, Sacra Corona Unita, historical organizations, along with other recent non-organized, our investigators have nothing better to do than to punish "lampoons". And then we complain that in Italy undetected crimes. I should think so. They spend the time to deal with the non-crime. When I find time to take care of our security. We must learn to think for themselves. Then we are not always prosecuted for arbitrary exercise of autodifesa. ]
I commenti alla notizia sono 53 alla data del 9 gennaio ore 15:37. Li leggiamo prima di decidere quali e quanti pubblicare, o se magari non conviene riassumerli. Speriamo la lettura sia almeno divertente. La parte in tondo è il commento che si trova sulla Repubblica. Non so se ci sono problemi giuridici nel riportarli. Per prudenza evito il nome degli autori. A richiesta degli aventi diritto non ho nessuna difficoltà a rimuovere il contenuto che si può leggere nel link sopra e qui ripetuto. I miei commenti ai commenti sono in corsivo.
I fatti
E' così difficile avere chiarezza sui FATTI nudi e crudi??? Qualcuno - Including myself yesterday - saw on the website of Flaica a call to boycott Israeli goods ", while others speak of a (former?) Statement calling on the" a purchase in a boycott ..
The bar code 729
Each product has a barcode. The Israelis have a product code beginning with 729. Boycotting the Israeli economy is the only way we can stop them. Nobody has ever done nod to the Roman Jewish shops.
3 .
Watch the movie "the truce" just to know how things went, because of who has gotten this far, how and why Hamas was born ... just to know.
blackmail and bullying
The Jewish community behaves bully sue people for trivial reasons and using the Holocaust and anti-Semitism as a weapon of blackmail.
No wonder that schierino openly in favor of the crimes of the State of Israel.
What crime is it?
"The two banners were noted by agents of the state police department flying in service to control the territory around the unit. Investigations are underway to trace the perpetrators. "
Surveys? What crime is to hang banners of the innocent?
A case artfully assembled?
'boycott of Israeli products business in Rome, (very common in clothing stores in Rome in a while all the main shopping streets) in protest and indignation AGAINST THIS MASSACRE BE ORDERED acknowledgment now unanimously From the entire international political landscape. "
This however has been published on repubblica.it:
'BOYCOTT OF TRADE purchase in a shop in Rome refer to the Jewish Community in Rome (very common in clothing stores) in protest against this outrage and massacre condemned by all. "
anyone give an explanation: which of the two is that true? if it were the first, then the case would have been artfully assembled, if the second then who wrote it assumes full responsibility for the statements.
The first is signed and a telephone link to
The boycott is legitimate
is all too obvious that something is Anti-Semitism (abhorrent) and another is the dissent against the current government of the Israeli state.
Otherwise, any conduct by those who descended from the victims or survivors of the Holocaust would become legitimate and unquestionable, such as, for example, if you wanted to give a license of impunity to those who are relatives of victims of the Mafia. This is not possible because each one responsible for his actions, both in criminal and morally.
So the target of a boycott are correct, for example, Israeli products. A sort of embargo to be accountable to those who govern the world community that Israel disagrees with the violence that the Israeli army ha attuato ed attua ancora a Gaza.
Trovo fin qui di una grande maturità i commenti. Non ho più tempo per gli altri. Ma intanto è venuto fuori una verità diversa da quella data dai media, perfino in confutazione della stessa “Repubblica”, dove evidentemente non si sono accorti del commento che riportava il testo originario apparso su Forum Palestina e quanto invece è stato diffuso. Siamo davvero ad una guerra della propaganda, dove ci si deve aspettare di tutto e dove occorre prendere tutte le precauzioni possibile su ciò che si legge.
Ho mandato un mio commento in contradditorio con un commento. Fino a quando non lo vedro, se lo vedrò, non posso stabilire come funziona moderation. Not having appeared I automatically inferred that the comments are filtered. And this is not bad, but then we have to go and see such comments which are not. All this, however, requires much time.
Who is responsible for the cowardly ? - With the passing of the years I became increasingly suspicious and less inclined to believe in good faith, especially people whose depraved wish I got to check out. Going to the link is the actual text of the union in question, that he would campaign for boicottagio of Israeli products, not of Jewish shops in Rome, for which, however, I reserve full freedom as a consumer. I would like Richard now see who thinks to report under the Mancino law. Unless you consider that the Mancino law is a law of the Knesset. In fact it is, but not yet in the legal form to be applied by any court. You wonder if Pacific is in turn sued for libel.
4. Latest news
. - It would appear, and accentuates it seems there may be a false crafted. Thing I am not surprised and I believe that our capable "friends." I saw a text which speaks of "Israelite shops in Rome," or similar expressions. Then I read an article where Guzzanti There is even the "Kristallnacht". It is one thing if I decide not to enter a store knowing that it is a Jewish store, where with my money is then financed the military aggression in Gaza and other things we know. As we know, for letting us tell them that the Roman Jews have access supporters of Israel. Another thing is to break stones at the windows of those shops. The union in question has never invited to break the windows. And there remains the question of the distinction between a draft and an official text, provided that there was an earlier draft that is a copy of the Home published by the students that they must have been the architects of the typical victim of the propaganda with which it is abused good faith of the people. If the complaint will be by Pacifici controdenuncia or from the union, we will follow the case. But I ask myself the question: are free to spend my money wherever I want. I have just brought home two sweaters. I do not know which shop they were bought, but I watched the bar code: fortunately do not see the number 729. From now on all my purchases always watch the bar code and the number 729 is easy to remember. As for retailers, we'll see. Certainly I have never broken windows in my life. I do not think I'll start doing right now. The moral of the story is the extreme propensity for spying and repression of any mass movement. It's stronger than me even if the expression is vulgar: we are a people ... to a struggle for liberation must mobilize all our energies. The Palestinians with their heroism in the face of top world powers are warning and example.
5. My speech
. - Surfing the net, I learned today of the frame about the boycott of Jewish traders in the capital. The Santore Guzzanti, known Zionist parliament in the ranks of my own party, has even evoked the Kristallnacht. I find that a large bias and irresponsibility, the very improper resposabilità who plays her. Since I am not a puppet of anyone, but a free citizen who has decided freely and with dignity to join a party, I disagree sharply by members of my own party, from which exit, believing that if anything out of it should be others who regard the party as a "thing to them." I hope that some extraordinary event - Hands Clean or not know what - to lead in such fervor for reform to the law applied art. 49 of the Constitution. Even today, the citizen who decides to make policy and will not be any customer does not have any regulatory framework. Laws are stupid and harmful, as the law or the law Mancino Columbus on his memory, but the laws are not essential for the exercise of political rights. The final electoral law is a kind of regression Fascism. A former Parliamentary long course, no longer re-elected and now back in the Faculty, has joked about serious democratic deficit, assuming that soon also will eliminate the vote of the citizens, having already become useless and even arrogance of elected separately voted to do the most extravagant and partisan statements attributed to a people totally unaware and thus made responsible for the worst infamy.
Here is the text of my statement which is on the site
Liberaroma :
I am a militant and leader of center-right voters as well as certain elected who have made statements, which were neither consulted nor I have given them Permissions whatsoever to speak on my behalf as used Universus. I do not think that the vote given to me I intended to dispose of my own ability to think and act according to our knowledge of the facts prevailing in the ethical, moral, religious. Since the genocide in "concentration camp" in Gaza - as defined by Cardinal Renato Raffaele Martino, and after countless condemnations of Israel by the UN - more than any consideration of its patronage and opportunistic nature of the relationship between elected representatives and powerful business groups, I disagree sharply while the representatives voted to me. They simply do not have the right to issue statements which I learned only from the press to inform them that they themselves are party to the war being fought in the Gaza Strip. Their job and their functions are limited to the exercise of the right to vote in assemblies and in the organs where they were elected and delegates, I hope that we play well the administrative functions delegated to them.
According to the best legal doctrine, each of us as representatives of voters who are not allowed to vote and revoke the mandate, however, does not alienate its share of sovereignty as a result of the vote, but the people remain at all times the owner of his sovereignty. In moments like the one we are experiencing exceptional sovereignty back to the people is expressed out of the colleges election, that the streets in public events and through his intellectual and spokesperson commented on the field. In
public events in Italy and all over the world people of the world have expressed strong and clear condemnation of the massacre in Gaza due to the government of Israel. In some cases were even cut off diplomatic relations with the state of Israel. The people of Italian art. 11 of its constitution rejects war as a means of resolving disputes. Given the obvious imbalance of offensive means, there is no doubt that in Gaza there has been deliberate and criminal aggression against an unarmed people, already driven from their homes and villages and held in unspeakable conditions in prisons. It is my firm condemnation of such a situation, using all the means I shall be granted, including the boycott of Israeli goods and the social and economic groups that support the criminal aggression in Rome.
is hypocritical and insulting the intelligence of the Italian people to terrorize the citizens by the mere hint of a trade boycott, however, difficult to organize, when the population of Gaza is under economic embargo for more than 18 months, a major humanitarian emergency, the which are responsible for all elected representatives with lists of blocked and no possibility of choice of individual candidates, which in some cases represent the Israeli government instead of the Italian people.
For further progress, revisions and updates to the referring page of my blog:
- The weariness of the constant voltage generated in me to follow continuously since its inception the massacre of Gaza does not allow me a better wording made it here. For the final draft on my blog I reserve the right to intervene at any time. This text is intended as a draft.
The site includes other measures, including that of
Kelebek that collects dichairazioni I kept in mind.