Friday, March 11, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Akiho Yoshizawateacher
What is the most effective way to fight drugs, this feel-good movie from imaginary parish or this sequence of authentic images BEFORE and AFTER?
(Report taken from Bad Avenue, a comment from Les Matins des Magiciens )
This declaration issued Pasquale Barbella Panorama Economy , although not directly concerned with this movie, explains the problem well:
"The Anglo-Saxons have a sense of consistency and the fact that we lack. Italians in the commercials are always happy: eat breakfast in the gardens of their villas, always smile and dream of white windmills. Advertising endlessly reproduces the three or four plates that are well known: mitodipendenza, tricks from door to door seller, fighismo at all costs and slapstick surrealism, from paradise Bonolis faces of the Christian De Sica. "
Exactly what happens even nell'ingenuo ministerial spot.
Akiho Yoshizawateacher
What is the most effective way to fight drugs, this feel-good movie from imaginary parish or this sequence of authentic images BEFORE and AFTER?
(Report taken from Bad Avenue, a comment from Les Matins des Magiciens )
This declaration issued Pasquale Barbella Panorama Economy , although not directly concerned with this movie, explains the problem well:
"The Anglo-Saxons have a sense of consistency and the fact that we lack. Italians in the commercials are always happy: eat breakfast in the gardens of their villas, always smile and dream of white windmills. Advertising endlessly reproduces the three or four plates that are well known: mitodipendenza, tricks from door to door seller, fighismo at all costs and slapstick surrealism, from paradise Bonolis faces of the Christian De Sica. "
Exactly what happens even nell'ingenuo ministerial spot.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Diarrhea Treatment More Condition_symptoms
Some fear that Facebook may have monopolistic temptations and try not to become the most used service on the Internet, but try to eat entire Internet.
Probably this temptation, or that benchmark has it really.
But it is very difficult to achieve, as a matter of numbers: currently 50% of Internet users has a Facebook profile. But these users, only 30% or less, is available every day on Facebook. 30% of 50 is 15. This means that only 15% of Internet users is available every day on Facebook. The 85% make more. In addition, the real percentages are probably lower, because there are estimates that give Internet users to two billion, five hundred million Facebook profiles, many of them duplicates.
is still a long way to go before we achieve 100% of Internet users.
still apply the advice of TagliaBlog in the link mentioned at the beginning: the contents of value, first publish them out of Facebook.
Diarrhea Treatment More Condition_symptoms
Some fear that Facebook may have monopolistic temptations and try not to become the most used service on the Internet, but try to eat entire Internet.
Probably this temptation, or that benchmark has it really.
But it is very difficult to achieve, as a matter of numbers: currently 50% of Internet users has a Facebook profile. But these users, only 30% or less, is available every day on Facebook. 30% of 50 is 15. This means that only 15% of Internet users is available every day on Facebook. The 85% make more. In addition, the real percentages are probably lower, because there are estimates that give Internet users to two billion, five hundred million Facebook profiles, many of them duplicates.
is still a long way to go before we achieve 100% of Internet users.
still apply the advice of TagliaBlog in the link mentioned at the beginning: the contents of value, first publish them out of Facebook.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Design A Drivers Licence For Free
The perception of "advertising" full of half-naked women to advertise products is the result of an error of perception: with the exception of women's magazines, if you take a magazine and there are no female advertising pages with these half-naked women are few and most are in usually made by photographers without advertising agency or by agencies of the second floor.
For example, I got GQ Italy, February 2011, a magazine that always contains a number of erotic pictures.
The advertisements are 47. Of these, the majority (42 out of 47) does not contain even a female figure .
repeat: GQ Italy, a magazine for young lovers women, 42 of 47 ads contain not even a female figure.
Those containing female figures are:
- Gucci , with two models and a model, dressed from head to feet but vaguely suggestive.
- Diesel: three boys, two of which with his shirt open and two girls, one with a vest open.
- BMW : two men (a cyclist and a golfer) and a girl, fully dressed as a runner.
- Roy Rogers : a boy and a girl. The girl has a short jacket that reveals her navel.
- Yamamay (which sells underwear) : a boy and a girl in panties panties and bra.
or 5 cases out of 47 ads, which for most represented or the product itself or the product in some way tied to one or more men (in a few cases, shirtless. Men) .
The only nude photos in that issue of GQ is on the editorial content.
(who wants to deny them, is asked to get that number of GQ and redo the math. And then also similar accounts for Panorama, L'Espresso, Vanity Fair, and so on. And then count minutes of advertising on TV naked in proportion to the minute with dancers in underwear and valleys in microskirts).
In fact, the publication should be regarded with much respect, for these reasons:
- agencies, women are often the majority, and often have leadership roles ( many agencies have more women employees than men: I once spent a year working in an agency that had at least 12 women versus 3 men, including myself, and the agency's director was a woman, in all cases the percentage of women who work in advertising is very high).
- advertising campaigns with the classical naked woman often are made by companies that are directed towards a photographer , which is often an excellent photographer but, with rare exceptions, usually does not have expertise or marketing or communication (eg, three years ago m'è ever had to do with a photographer who, almost totally inexperienced web, being a friend of the owner of the client wanted to have his say on the texts of the site that I had written. As I, who have limited skills in photography, I would venture to guide the hand of a photographer while framing the subject in a way that photographer corrected my lyrics word for word, I politely interrupted the work and cooperation, the site went online with un anno di ritardo).
- Molte campagne stampa e di affissioni con donne nude o seminude sono per prodotti di abbigliamento e moda , e sono realizzate da fotografi e non da pubblicitari (vedi punto 2). (Altra testimonianza personale: quindici anni fa ebbi occasione di lavorare con un importante nome della moda italiana, un grande creatore di stile. In fatto di marketing non capiva letteralmente niente e inoltre cambiava diametralmente orientamento da una riunione all'altra. Anche in quel caso interruppi la collaborazione.)
- Il nudo e semi-nudo femminile viene usato con una certa frequenza, è vero, per cosmetici, abbigliamento intimo e costumi da bagno, ma si tratta di prodotti per donne acquistati da donne . Se si guardano analoghi prodotti maschili si possono notare analoghi trattamenti del corpo maschile, ma per esigenze di rappresentazione del prodotto (esempio, nello spot Proraso si intravedono nudi maschili).
- L'80% degli acquisti sono decisi dalle donne. Sarebbe autolesionista proporre immagini femminili offensive. E infatti quelle immagini in genere NON sono prodotte da pubblicitari professionisti ma da dilettanti (vedi punti 1, 2 e 3) oppure da eccellenti professionisti nel loro campo (ad esempio i fotografi) ma che non sempre hanno anche le competenze di comunicazione.
- All advertising (except the amateurs) know that if you want to talk to women representing women, and if you want to talk to men represent men. A naked woman to a shaving foam or pneumatic hammer is typically a technical error (which in fact is often done by amateurs), as well as a naked man underwear for women is a mistake as stupid.
Design A Drivers Licence For Free
The perception of "advertising" full of half-naked women to advertise products is the result of an error of perception: with the exception of women's magazines, if you take a magazine and there are no female advertising pages with these half-naked women are few and most are in usually made by photographers without advertising agency or by agencies of the second floor.
For example, I got GQ Italy, February 2011, a magazine that always contains a number of erotic pictures.
The advertisements are 47. Of these, the majority (42 out of 47) does not contain even a female figure .
repeat: GQ Italy, a magazine for young lovers women, 42 of 47 ads contain not even a female figure.
Those containing female figures are:
- Gucci , with two models and a model, dressed from head to feet but vaguely suggestive.
- Diesel: three boys, two of which with his shirt open and two girls, one with a vest open.
- BMW : two men (a cyclist and a golfer) and a girl, fully dressed as a runner.
- Roy Rogers : a boy and a girl. The girl has a short jacket that reveals her navel.
- Yamamay (which sells underwear) : a boy and a girl in panties panties and bra.
or 5 cases out of 47 ads, which for most represented or the product itself or the product in some way tied to one or more men (in a few cases, shirtless. Men) .
The only nude photos in that issue of GQ is on the editorial content.
(who wants to deny them, is asked to get that number of GQ and redo the math. And then also similar accounts for Panorama, L'Espresso, Vanity Fair, and so on. And then count minutes of advertising on TV naked in proportion to the minute with dancers in underwear and valleys in microskirts).
In fact, the publication should be regarded with much respect, for these reasons:
- agencies, women are often the majority, and often have leadership roles ( many agencies have more women employees than men: I once spent a year working in an agency that had at least 12 women versus 3 men, including myself, and the agency's director was a woman, in all cases the percentage of women who work in advertising is very high).
- advertising campaigns with the classical naked woman often are made by companies that are directed towards a photographer , which is often an excellent photographer but, with rare exceptions, usually does not have expertise or marketing or communication (eg, three years ago m'è ever had to do with a photographer who, almost totally inexperienced web, being a friend of the owner of the client wanted to have his say on the texts of the site that I had written. As I, who have limited skills in photography, I would venture to guide the hand of a photographer while framing the subject in a way that photographer corrected my lyrics word for word, I politely interrupted the work and cooperation, the site went online with un anno di ritardo).
- Molte campagne stampa e di affissioni con donne nude o seminude sono per prodotti di abbigliamento e moda , e sono realizzate da fotografi e non da pubblicitari (vedi punto 2). (Altra testimonianza personale: quindici anni fa ebbi occasione di lavorare con un importante nome della moda italiana, un grande creatore di stile. In fatto di marketing non capiva letteralmente niente e inoltre cambiava diametralmente orientamento da una riunione all'altra. Anche in quel caso interruppi la collaborazione.)
- Il nudo e semi-nudo femminile viene usato con una certa frequenza, è vero, per cosmetici, abbigliamento intimo e costumi da bagno, ma si tratta di prodotti per donne acquistati da donne . Se si guardano analoghi prodotti maschili si possono notare analoghi trattamenti del corpo maschile, ma per esigenze di rappresentazione del prodotto (esempio, nello spot Proraso si intravedono nudi maschili).
- L'80% degli acquisti sono decisi dalle donne. Sarebbe autolesionista proporre immagini femminili offensive. E infatti quelle immagini in genere NON sono prodotte da pubblicitari professionisti ma da dilettanti (vedi punti 1, 2 e 3) oppure da eccellenti professionisti nel loro campo (ad esempio i fotografi) ma che non sempre hanno anche le competenze di comunicazione.
- All advertising (except the amateurs) know that if you want to talk to women representing women, and if you want to talk to men represent men. A naked woman to a shaving foam or pneumatic hammer is typically a technical error (which in fact is often done by amateurs), as well as a naked man underwear for women is a mistake as stupid.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Hyper Metal Core Wheels
Sono inciampato su questo thread interessantissimo, che raccoglie anche alcuni esemplari presenti nel mio blog, ma con delle perle davvero scintillanti.
Hyper Metal Core Wheels
Sono inciampato su questo thread interessantissimo, che raccoglie anche alcuni esemplari presenti nel mio blog, ma con delle perle davvero scintillanti.
Fruit Center Wedding Pieces
Qui tutti i santi sono quelli a cui si pensa quando si vede questo edificio che mi segnala il mio carissimo amico Franco di Bologna (ma che viaggia moltissimo per lavoro).

Che dite, quest'ultima non vi ricorda niente? ...

Uno sponsor? PubblicitĂ occulta? Messaggio subliminale ai frequentatori dell'oratorio? Ai POSTER will judge!
Fruit Center Wedding Pieces
Qui tutti i santi sono quelli a cui si pensa quando si vede questo edificio che mi segnala il mio carissimo amico Franco di Bologna (ma che viaggia moltissimo per lavoro).

Che dite, quest'ultima non vi ricorda niente? ...

Uno sponsor? PubblicitĂ occulta? Messaggio subliminale ai frequentatori dell'oratorio? Ai POSTER will judge!
Implantation Later For Twins?
I Bern from Piacenza writes: "I often regret that many unfortunate people will never see the parish church dedicated to Saint Martyr Mario Vigolzone locations in the province of Piacenza."
Well, 'as they say, is blind luck, but bad luck sees us very well. Judge for yourself.
Implantation Later For Twins?
I Bern from Piacenza writes: "I often regret that many unfortunate people will never see the parish church dedicated to Saint Martyr Mario Vigolzone locations in the province of Piacenza."
Well, 'as they say, is blind luck, but bad luck sees us very well. Judge for yourself.
Coupon For Pee Dee Christian Book And Supply
writes Sandra from Gallarate I reported a few beautiful specimens.
The parish of St. Paul (which seems to be the church of the Smurfs) has sinuous lines, and at least it's positive to be original and not very intrusive.

Unlike the case of "Disco Church" as referring Sandro citizens call it: the church of Our Lady of Hope
truly remarkable tunnels with Madonna, can you imagine evening full of strobe lights. The bell tower that is contracted out to Enel.
Coupon For Pee Dee Christian Book And Supply
writes Sandra from Gallarate I reported a few beautiful specimens.
The parish of St. Paul (which seems to be the church of the Smurfs) has sinuous lines, and at least it's positive to be original and not very intrusive.

Unlike the case of "Disco Church" as referring Sandro citizens call it: the church of Our Lady of Hope
truly remarkable tunnels with Madonna, can you imagine evening full of strobe lights. The bell tower that is contracted out to Enel.