E' da tanto tempo ormai, che in Italia si sente parlare di
sicurezza, immigrazione, violenza . Entrambi gli schieramenti politici tendono a fare un uso strumentale del termine sicurezza, ai soli fini elettorali, without realizing that the problems of Italian society is going through or have not been resolved by 5 years of right-wing government that continues to this day to symbolize the word, nor by the Prodi government. The character most important and most obvious is the phenomenon in my dell'affievolirsi image of the State shall enact laws, which now seems to be present as a spectator to the contrast between the groups, violence in our country are recorded daily. The cause of this tragedy is the crisis of governance that is the inability to adequately respond to the questions that people turn to ever more frequent and urgent governing bodies. A crisis in one part due to the increased social complexity, the fact that the power of the other, paralyzed by the slowness of procedures, is overwhelmed by an increasing number of laws enacted without appropriate structures to implement them or at least to let you know. The Italian policy should focus not on the closure of borders, but
must promote a culture of immigration, educate their citizens to supplement reasonable in which no community perceives the other as harmful to its integrity and pursuing a positive interaction, good life and peaceful coexistence. In Italy we are witnessing the deterioration of the quality of human relationships, not only due to processes of exclusion, but also for the gradual disintegration of social cohesion and the data prove it. Often the stranger becomes the preferred target of uneasiness and tensions that are produced in our country, but it is much easier to give to a cause outside interference. In this way, the immigrant becomes the expression of all situations of social unrest. We must stop looking to other cultures as undifferentiated block, trying instead to listen and understand the internal differences, helping them to come out. I think we should avoid falling into the trap of confrontation between the communities and listen instead individualized preferences and choices, bring ava
nti by the people and not by the community. Other cultures can not be accepted or rejected en bloc, because doing so may void the individual himself. And 'you need to start watching with more attention to deviant behavior in our country trying to understand the causes, which do not come only from external factors, but you need to focus on them as a set of rules violations by Italian citizens . Cases of social deviance, violence in Italy are increasing day by day.
The statistical data that can peer on this link are alarming. The studies in the field clearly show that the increase in rapes and violence against women in Italy is not increase in non-connectable. But what's going on?
Every day brings the signs of a decadent society, the massacre of Erba
, immigrants crammed into dilapidated apartments,
poverty increases, rate of debt to buy a washing machine and young people who have more respect for their parents.
And yet, there is indifferent to the construction company's image of reality, a society devoid of values \u200b\u200bthat should be the foundation of our civilization.
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