From the perspective of ecclesial relativism , the esoteric nature of sapere e l'impossibilità di conoscere la verità, rappresentano i tratti fondamentali dell’inconciliabilità tra Fede Cristiana e Massoneria. Se da un lato, la Massoneria insiste nel non voler essere considerata una religione, dall'altro, le origini “mitiche” della stessa fanno riferimento ad un nucleo segreto che sta dietro tutte le religioni e le unifica. Dunque, tale organizzazione, facendo perno sul suo metodo, sul concetto di derivazione esoterica di un'unità sottostante tutte le religioni e sul razionalismo, sottolineando gli aspetti di libera ricerca razionale della verità e di discussione democratica in loggia, svincola se stessa dall'essere a religion and it is said, however, because of its specific characteristics, such as a separate category. Since Freemasonry is a religion might wonder why, so often, was the subject of study and investigation by those involved in religious studies or new religious phenomena. The answer must be found both in his bed method in relation to the needs historical, sociological and cultural factors that have favored the emergence, in the fact that the experience from the various Masonic Lodges will turn to the spiritual and moral sphere and therefore itself has a meaning in some way religious. In terms of historical, sociological and cultural Freemasonry presents as a response to modern ideological pluralism, which proposes as a key to understanding the same relativism, the idea that there is no religious truth or it is only relative and that basically all religions are equal.
Relativism is a view in the West secular majority, where the "believing without belonging" or "I believe in my own way, are characteristic of the religion of the common man. The relationship between Freemasonry and relativism is a direct relationship, in fact, the Masonic method, as described above, is explicitly relativistic, but also because Freemasonry is one of the answers exist and the process of doctrinal fragmentation that characterizes the modern world.
mention in particular the latter point, the answer Masonic sought the establishment of a rule of conduct that forbade dealing in lodge matters of religion and politics and therefore shunned the issues on which they could differ. At the same time, proposed a different recapture homogeneity, obtained by initiation with the idea of \u200b\u200btranscendent unity of religions. The problem of relativism is part of a more general theme of the secular process of being disengaged from the Catholic truth. Closely related to this dell'antidogmatismo problem is also that which is one of the aspects on which so much has been preaches and is one of accusations by the Church to Freemasonry cited as the Association thinks that a religion without dogma. This statement is not considered true when referring to the tenets of faith and true as it relates to the common places. Well, the alleged Masonic dogmatism must be due to a rejection of prejudice and bias that make people shy away from the truth and represent insurmountable obstacles to its achievement. Often, it happened that prejudices and preconceived notions have become dogma, indisputable truths on which it is unlawful and that no doubt will not accept any comparison. Hence the open struggle of Freemasonry, which declared that fierce enemy of the same has been criticized anti-dogmatic. It remains an excellent point: Freemasonry knows that every faith, every religion has its dogma, nor could it be otherwise. So it stands not against the tenets of the faith but against secular tenets of the injury. Article 9 of the constitution of Goi states that "the free builder refuses dogmatism and does not accept limits on the search for truth . Not infrequently it was considered that neither the individual nor Freemasonry Mason had to be submitted and defended truth, and therein lies their anti-dogmatic and tolerant attitude and loro libertà di pensiero. Questa concezione, sostenuta in particolare dalla Chiesa, non sempre rispecchia la natura e la prassi massonica nei templi e nel mondo e non tiene conto di quanto affermato nelle costituzioni e nella tradizione massonica, ma porta con sé una profonda confusione tra ricerca della verità, assolutezza delle verità e fondamento della verità. Un altro carattere discriminante della posizione massonica consiste nel ritenere che l'uomo sia compartecipe della costruzione dell'universo veritativo: questo universo è costituito da verità che l'uomo ha raggiunto, da altre a cui l'uomo tende, da verità a lui ancora sconosciute e da verità a cui ha partecipato alla loro costituzione.
La ricerca della verità is a fundamental way to the initiatory path so it can be stated that:
La ricerca della verità is a fundamental way to the initiatory path so it can be stated that:

- the Masonic tradition is the bearer of truth, the foundation of which is connected to the historical development of thought and practice Masonic. These truths have a different basis: they are rational truth, esoteric, intuitive and spiritual
- the search for truth is a fundamental objective of the Masonic path;
- the Masonic institution is intended to present and defend its truth.
The Masonic conception of truth , therefore, denies any form of relativism, that there are only opinions and not the truth and at the same time calls for an attitude of respect and dialogue toward truth considered several different perspectives that complement each other.
In conclusion, we can see that Freemasonry and the Church are two separate entities with different characteristics and with different spheres of influence. Therefore, the declaration of incompatibility between them by the Church, can be understood not as a conviction or an absolute negative opinion but as the previously mentioned diversity awareness in a perspective box.
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