... with the churches so bad, they say that one becomes an atheist ... I happen from time to time to travel, as it probably happens to many of you. And I often find myself blissfully lulled by the sight of our beautiful cities and landscapes.
So I understood, in this mood of rapt admiration and amazement, of encountering even more violently against some of the worst architectural events of our country. I happened to talk to other people (friends, traveling companions or even improvised) and find a lot of solidarity. Silent solidarity. To some extent, inadvertently, I discovered to my store and catalog architectural traumatic experiences. As a reminder, along with beauty, even the ugliness.
Only in this country you can easily mock the eco-monsters when they are hypertrophic residences, villas spread on the back the valley of the temples, villages abusive. But (not that this is a surprise) I have never heard to challenge the presence of buildings also sometimes giant, incoherent, outrageous landscapes as the thousands of churches and chiesone scattered throughout the Italian territory. See
their angular roofs in the suburbs, their monumental squadrosità popular quarters, their exposed concrete in the seaside villages, their iron beams in the neighborhoods of new construction. Ogle the most modern and sophisticated cities, where they pretend to be young girls and cheeky, these anzianotte buildings that recall both the Aschenbach of Death in Venice. It Pitti, dye, do windows cartoon icone stilizzate, facciate audaci.
È giunto il momento di osare, di estrarre questo silenzioso e mesto catalogo dalla rimozione dei miei ricordi, ed esibirlo pubblicamente affinché altri che come me soffrono silenziosamente possano espellere le loro sofferenze architettoniche.
Finalmente possiamo dirlo in coro, e dimostrarlo: QUESTE CHIESE SONO BRUTTE. Sono degli ecomostri, degli insulti anche al più elementare principio estetico. La religione non c’entra, se non marginalmente. C’entra perché alcuni parroci credono di poter fare quello che gli pare e rimanere impuniti. Credono di poter deturpare le nostre città, borghi, paesini, frazioni con le loro palafitte, coi loro travi rugginosi, coi loro Bullets crucifixes, painted with their warehouses. The criticism in this country fearing God, are not admissible. The zoning bend to the will of the bishops, and that populations, even if only for a quiet life.
I certainly did not claim to revolution venting my frustration here. But maybe, perhaps, a bit 'at a time other people discover their common sense and say to the gentlemen-architects altar boys that no, it is appropriate to make a triangle of iron and cement in front of our house.
send me your experiences, pictures of your bad neighbors. Go hunting on the Internet (in 10 minutes, I found at least 5 that deserve an award for architecture as offensive del mondo) e mandatemi il risultato, insultato: bruttechiese at gmail.com
Non c’entrerà la religione ma diciamocelo così, tra noi… con delle chiese così per forza uno diventa ateo! Queste chiese così brutte, per me, sono la prova che dio non esiste