gladly begin the review with what has been the nightmare of my childhood: that industrial building of reinforced concrete tower that Egyptian side walls full of moguls like the back of a crocodile. The church of Santa Maria a Mare, a village of Rimini is well within Viserba nell’ordine MONOLITICO. Vedere per credere…

A destra, sulla facciata, si può vedere con un po’ di acume visivo una faccia lunare che porta su di sé quella che pare una pedata, o una scaletta. Eh, i miracoli della religione… l’uomo sulla luna! E dire che una volta pensavano che la luna fosse fissata su una sfera di cristallo e che girasse intornoa noi! Aspetta, questo è vero… è la prova che non c’è conflitto fra fede e scienza! Ma tra religione e architettura, la guerra è aperta.
Ricordo che durante un temporale quella croce di ghisa, che da sola sarà pesata 15 tonnellate, è caduta. L’hanno replaced by a life worthy of the space station Mir is a long tube made of sharp iron. What's more, with a chilling touch of modernity, they added an icy blue light that floods the building at night, lying on a pillow basalt block this bluish. Maybe ... maybe fly away on a cloud ...

The interiors are in accordance with the lightness of the exterior. The architect must have seen the picture of the Sagrada Familia and must be put into his head to imitate Gaudi. Bad idea, the tragic result. The dark ceiling looms like a threatening storm cloud over the heads of the faithful, who see dazed at the altar the strange lights that seem to come from a mirage, or a tab of LSD. A cross-chandelier, an admirable example of polysemy object, dominates the altar too strictly concrete. In the picture is not visible, but the stations of the cross walls that surrounded the bricks are so stylized as to be incomprehensible, even grotesque. Some bunch of flowers here and there thrown into a pot of moplen is unable to counter the heaviness of stocky build, and bowing his head sadly disappears like a willow tree, in tears.
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