Needless to say, the tears are those that flow from the eyes of susceptible individuals when they collide with exuberant ugliness of this shrine. A this address you can find a brief photo gallery and a few notes, while the official website is

She writes Vincent (thanks for the tip): "Note well the ugliness of the building itself, the enormity of the church that hits you like a punch in 'eye, and you can not miss. I hope you do not like it enough to deserve a place in your blog. " Dear Vince, I love it!
few sentences taken from the site, which alone make scompisciare laughing when you look a bit 'away from the object in question: The project
Andrault French architects Michel and Pierre Parat, chosen on the basis of an international competition , is a work of art that expresses, with great intensity, the religious sentiment of people today and it symbolizes the tears of the Madonna. The Sanctuary is a daring building similar to a hyperbolic paraboloid [...] It is a work of its kind, the most original of the world. [...] For the project of the shrine, called for by the Bishops of Sicily, was an international competition. 100 architects from 17 countries participated. [Think how bad the other proposals had to be! Editor's Note] The form is subject to various interpretations. The architects set out to achieve the structural concept and the sense of elevation of humanity towards God In fact, the plant with its circularity meant to represent humanity, as, by raising the ribs and increasing the intensity of light, God reaches out to other meanings attributed to its shape are those of: lighthouse, identified with Maria leading to the port which is Jesus, tent, within which the mother receives her children to lead them to the Father, tear that falls from above. The vast and solemn "classroom", is paved with fine marble depicting a Star: Mary Morning Star heralding the rising sun, Jesus
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