These days we hear in our country's political crisis. Many, Massimo D'Alema, Mario Monti that enhances the technical Montezemolo in promoting a real political program. A Mountain of technical answer that a country needs, but the policy is first of all, while the criticisms instead Montezemolo not know where to come due to constant interventions by the government in recent years at Fiat, see layoffs, eco-incentives, incentives for restructuring and a number of rescue aid.
The real problem now is the lack of communication between state and society resulting from the above applications increasingly expressed by the parties, which often do not enjoy the legitimacy conferred by the people. The exercise of the mandate should be possible through tools that promote the formation and promotion of new elites. The conflict of interest that not only Silvio Berlusconi, but hundreds of other politicians should be adequately resolved. The free exercise of parliamentary function must demand that the interests do not prevail between the position of parliamentary staff and the representative function, and then exercised should set out conditions for ineligibility and incompatibility.
policy must deal with the government of society and one way to begin to answer must be the change of form of organization of political parties. The mass parties have now left the scene, the mass party was based on a relatively simple, but what do you do to change? We invented a new Democracy
Christian the new Democratic Party. You fight for those who must already be the leader. I do not think these are the answers to be given to citizens.
It is said that the League has contributed to the collapse of the old political system of collecting la protesta sociale. E’ vero. Infatti il nord è spaventato dall’aumento della pressione fiscale per ripianare le spese di un sistema politico insufficiente e per le redistribuzioni alle aree meno produttive della penisola. (vedi le ultime elezioni amministrative del 27-28 maggio 2007).
La società è cambiata, le innovazioni organizzative della grande industria, lo sviluppo della piccola impresa hanno trasformato completamente il tessuto sociale preparando un cambiamento politico che purtoppo tarda ad arrivare. Siamo di fronte ad un'Italia ancora ancorata a vecchi stereotipi.
La situazione di oggi la possiamo percepire allora come un disordine generale che mette a rischio l’ordine politico e sociale di un paese which was built with hard work and national loyalty. The Italian question, therefore, does not lend itself to easy solutions, but there is no time to mourn, we must roll up their sleeves.
I would like to close with a quote that can be interpreted in so many ways and I hope will be a good omen:
"Politics is the noble art of taking votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich by promising to protect each other and ". Oscar Ameringer
policy must deal with the government of society and one way to begin to answer must be the change of form of organization of political parties. The mass parties have now left the scene, the mass party was based on a relatively simple, but what do you do to change? We invented a new Democracy

It is said that the League has contributed to the collapse of the old political system of collecting la protesta sociale. E’ vero. Infatti il nord è spaventato dall’aumento della pressione fiscale per ripianare le spese di un sistema politico insufficiente e per le redistribuzioni alle aree meno produttive della penisola. (vedi le ultime elezioni amministrative del 27-28 maggio 2007).
La società è cambiata, le innovazioni organizzative della grande industria, lo sviluppo della piccola impresa hanno trasformato completamente il tessuto sociale preparando un cambiamento politico che purtoppo tarda ad arrivare. Siamo di fronte ad un'Italia ancora ancorata a vecchi stereotipi.
La situazione di oggi la possiamo percepire allora come un disordine generale che mette a rischio l’ordine politico e sociale di un paese which was built with hard work and national loyalty. The Italian question, therefore, does not lend itself to easy solutions, but there is no time to mourn, we must roll up their sleeves.
I would like to close with a quote that can be interpreted in so many ways and I hope will be a good omen:
"Politics is the noble art of taking votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich by promising to protect each other and ". Oscar Ameringer