Thursday, May 10, 2007

Brazilian Waxing Louisville Kentucky

Stato e Chiesa in Italia: Un'ingerenza sempre esistita e voluta.

In Italia, anche se in teoria vige la separazione dei due poteri, di fatto non è mai esistita fin dagli anni del dopoguerra. Già dopo la caduta del fascismo ed i primi anni della Repubblica, la Democrazia Cristiana si era posta come la continuazione del Partito Popolare di Don Sturzo e, solo dopo il 1960, si attenuò in qualche modo nella DC quel carattere di partito confessionale, although the majority of the votes were obtained from that part of the voters who voted under his name and the board of the parish priests (some parishes turned into polling stations). Italian civil society in the '60s and then began to assert a degree of indifference to religion in 1970 to bring its law on divorce.
The elections of 1976 and the loss of consensus by the DC and all the political crisis that ensued, led to the formation of governments led by Catholic leaders and close to them (see Andreotti). By the end of the Christian Democrats, after Tangentopoli, the Vatican has not only strengthened its influence on policy, but his power was consolidated even further through lay movements such as Communion and Liberation, Opus Dei and so on. In almost all policy decisions of our country there is the Church's influence, just look at the political parties on the eve of an election when they have to indicate their candidates, President of the Lombardy Region to give one example, a member of Forza Italy , is part of Communion and Liberation, the center-left leader Romano Prodi, training Democrat. And I could mention many others. When the Italian left must signal a candidate, the choice is always conditioned and almost all the political parties launch signals to the Church of collaboration.

May 12 in Rome at the Piazza St. John will be the manifestation of lay Catholics and the "Family Day" and today more than ever back on the Italian scene controversy about the relationship increasingly difficult between church and state and the role of the secular state. I believe partly right
these protests, because they demonstrate is a right that belongs to everyone, but I believe things are a little exploiting the concept of "Family." While you are actually ignoring the fact that the family in which I believe, to come and be part of a society, need first of series of policies at work that will give millions of young people a confidence and economic stability.


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