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Cepu, i precari si ribellano
Antonio Sciotto
there you can take a paradigm of Italian sfruttari, at least those who have spent years studying: high school, cocoprò contract, salary few euro per hour, zero rights and protections, while meanwhile the master of Cepu and Grandes Ecoles - the institutions that promise you guaranteed promotion - grinds huge profits. The two brands - highly publicized, well known in the past for gli spot di Alex Del Piero - sono stati fondati da Francesco Polidori: nel 1969 aveva dato vita alla Marcon - casa editrice di materiale didattico per il recupero degli anni scolastici - evolutasi poi in Grandi Scuole nel 1986, a cui nel 1991 si affiancò la Cepu (e tra l'altro nel 1995 il gruppo acquisì la storica Scuola Radio Elettra di Torino). Ebbene, oggi l'azienda di Polidori macina 120 milioni di fatturato annui, ha 120 sedi e 3200 collaboratori a servizio. Tutti lavoratori super-sfruttati, ovviamente: rigorosamente cocoprò (tranne le receptionist, a termine rinnovate ogni anno, con pause di qualche mese), guadagnano circa 11 euro l'ora, ma la «tariffa» riconosciuta per la prestazione è variabile; cambia a seconda cities, or areas they are teaching (scientific, mathematical or physical, can also get a 15 €). The recovery of Grandes Ecoles - reserved for colleges - see classes with 4-7 students per class, all held in place, but if students do not show up, the time you are not paid, the same when you are sick, and yet from June to September, when school is closed, and with it your contract. The
Cepu, which works with academics, however, offers individual lessons, and the payment mechanism is 'perverse': a package of hours for exam preparation will be paid € 310 in all, but you are paid to tranches (40% in all cases, 30% if the student is present for examination and the remaining 30% only if it is promoted, or, to earn that "cursed" 30%, you must continue to prepare, and work more hours for free). To explain the working conditions of teachers is hyper-precarious Simone Vecchi, Bologna Nidil CGIL, which organized the first strike Cepu in Italy, for the moment limited to the province of Emilia. "The workers have turned to us because they were exhausted from the exploitation - he explains - At this point we said, let's move because you are settled, not only do we struggle to move from 11 to 13 euro per hour." Among other things, in Bologna, in a dispute had already obtained the precarious self-organized remuneration for hours not worked due to the fact that students did not appear. "If it is compact, the results are achieved," concludes Vecchi. And from the site iprecaridicepu.net, workers already assume a national stop.
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