The integration is now a challenge for the whole of Europe and all political forces both conservative and progressive, because the concept if misunderstood or interpreted incorrectly, can create distrust and the citizens of a country that for immigrants, so hopefully in a dialogue and a sharing of ideas that may not be as often the case especially in Italy, to remove what has been done by the previous government. Today, Germany is the largest country of immigration in Europe with approximately 7 million immigrants, followed by France, Italy and as it prepares to take over the place in the ranking, having flows much higher growth. Over the years 50 and 60 you had to do with immigrants, but it was true that this need was born for business, and therefore not so much interested in the integration, rather we are concerned about how to use them and were often locked in their social and cultural ghettos. Only after 70 years this influx of people was perceived as a problem. Today in many European countries there is much confusion about how it is addressing the issue. The number one problem for many is represented by Islam although this has little to do with the real social problems with violence or terrorism. Distinctions should be made to avoid making generalizations. We are facing what some scholars called "Islamization of the problems."
In fact, there are social and economic problems that have nothing to do with religion. But there are many politicians who do not find answers to real problems confuse the issue of social evils daily with the fact that these people are Muslims or Arabs. An example that supports this theory is represented by episodes that occurred in 2005 in the French banlieues. These disorders do not arise from questions of religion or anything, but were the result of protests by people who claimed rights. Fortunately, the French politicians have not downloaded the problem by laying the blame on Muslim citizens as it did many newspapers and intellectuals who have argued the opposite.
The problem to which I referred to earlier, namely the Islamization of the problems is not only politicians but also by many in the Muslim citizens who claim to be victims of the system do the same thing. one you should consider is how far you can rethink policies to ensure that foreign nationals are part of this process. I believe that immigrants are in Europe for more time for them now is that the West has become their land, can help new migrants who are still there to be more integrated and better understand the customs and cultures Europe.
The German experience or French but with many aspects of improvement can be valuable for Italy and for Europe as a whole, precisely because they represented over the last few years, combining immigration, facilitate integration of the peoples.
In closing, I quote a phrase Michael Steiner, Germany's ambassador in Italy , " For too long we Germans have not wanted to be considered a country of immigration: workers wanted, but we often overlook the fact that people were , that men and women who wished to remain with us and live a decent life. Understanding this was a very painful process and characterized by various conflicts a livello di politica interna ”. La svolta, secondo l’ambasciatore è avvenuta lo scorso luglio con l’approvazione del Piano d’integrazione nazionale redatto dal Cancelliere Angela Merkel.
Auspico che il nuovo governo italiano nell'affrontare il delicato tema dell'immigrazione faccia un distinguo sulle misure forti da adottare nei confronti di chi delinque da una seria politica di integrazione di pari passo con gli altri paesi europei perché non è chiudendo le frontiere che si risolvono i problemi e non si vince una battaglia contro l'insicurezza sociale attraverso un approccio basato esclusivamente sulla sicurezza.
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