Friday, July 11, 2008
Sandrail Wiring Diagram
Giorgio Mele
Nel 2010 in Cina ci saranno 797 milioni di lavoratori: il più grande mercato del lavoro al mondo. Un mercato con poche regole e pochi diritti, selvaggio e complesso, che sta cambiando drasticamente gli equilibri geopolitici ed economici del pianeta, a cui guardano con at- tenzione, avidità e talvolta con una certa preoccupazione tutte le economie occi- dentali. Fino alla morte di Mao la Cina non aveva un vero mercato del lavoro. Era direttamente il Partito comunista cinese a programmare assumptions in the various sectors and to establish in the absence of contractual relations and the economic and regulatory conditions. Soon after Mao's death, the leadership of the CCP started with caution and determination, openness to market logic.
The process of Chinese economic reform began in 1978 with the reform of rural areas, followed in 1984 than in urban areas. Objective: To encourage greater labor mobility and the state monopoly over the allocation of resources in order to create for the first time a labor market less constrained, more efficient and decentralized.demanding working conditions have led since the late eighties, a widespread social unrest which the government responded in time with partial measures, often with the crackdown. In the early nineties, with the planned abolition of the quota of recruits by public enterprises that had disappeared a social safety net in the past ensured stability, uniform standard wage. With decentralization and the gradual liberalization of the logic of matching demand and supply of labor is the first trigger tensions in the labor market that the government operates with the introduction of an initial unemployment benefits for workers in urban areas. The Chinese government has responded by launching a series of legislative measures aimed at regulating labor relations and collective bargaining agreements. In 1992 he passed the Trade Union Law, which states that trade unions can sign collective bargaining agreements with the heads of companies. It is the first time that collective agreements are mentioned in Chinese law at work. | The most important measure of the nineties was the decade of the 1994 Labour Law, in which collective agreements become a real possibility. With this measure is done with greater precision the nature and objectives of collective bargaining agreements. The law allows - but only in companies with at least 25 employees - the workers and businesses to be able to sign collective agreements or special agreements on wages, working hours, safety, holidays, health insurance and welfare. The law states, anche qui per la prima volta, il carattere pienamente legale dei contratti collettivi, ulteriormente ribadito da una circolare del ministro del Lavoro del dicembre dello stesso anno in cui si indicano le linee guida di implementazione del sistema dei contratti collettivi. La legge stabilisce che i contratti collettivi possono essere siglati da sindacati rappresentativi, ma laddove il sindacato non esiste essi possono essere firmati da rappresentanze scelte dai lavoratori e dalle imprese. Con il successivo documento Regulations on Collective Contracts, emanato dal ministro del Lavoro, viene stabilito che i lavoratori possono eleggere i loro rappresentanti. Se in un'azienda non vi è un sindacato, i lavoratori possono nominare la loro rappresentanza, che deve ottenere il majority vote of the employees of that company.||||||||||
Immediately after the approval Labour Law of the Ministry and the union say different priorities. The main objective of the ministry is to promote individual contracts in enterprises, the ACFTU mind concentrates its efforts on collective agreements. This diversity of purpose must not think of a sharp conflict with the government or the party. As highlighted by the China Labour Bulletin, the ACFTU has always been closely linked to the Communist Party and it is credible that the leaders of the union had a green light from the party before committing to the promotion of collective agreements. If the permit had not reached the self-promotion of collective bargaining system by dell'Acftu would be seriously undermined. | At the end of 1995 to 2.5 million companies in fact only 48,431 have signed a collective agreement. For many local trade unions promote the system of collective consultation "was not something that could be done simply for the desire of the union (through a spontaneous and free contracting), it required the close cooperation of the company management and the recognition of government agencies a high level of support from departments involved in the reform of the system, support and understanding of public opinion. "||||||||||
The ACFTU is decided then to become actively involved nella campagna per l'estensione dei contratti collettivi a partire dalle aziende di Stato. Tuttavia incontra grandi ostacoli, perché proprio in quegli anni il governo mette in atto il programma di privatizzazione di massa delle aziende pubbliche, durante il quale centinaia di migliaia di queste aziende vengono chiuse, fuse, rilevate o liquidate, e milioni di lavoratori vengono licenziati. (...) | ||||||||||
The adverse opinion on the effectiveness of counter regional it can extend to almost all the agreements made in recent years. The conditions of the workers in China are heavy, except in some niches of some sectors of the high production areas, where wages have also increased significantly. The process of unionization has not yet produced a significant step forward for Chinese workers or in terms of purchasing power or in terms of rights. As highlighted by the China Labour Bulletin terms of the relationship between workers and companies like that in the initial period of the industrial revolution. The impact of this rights situation and the conditions of workers is dramatic. | It is therefore in these years had a significant increase in workers' protests with strikes, marches, sit-ins. He grew the number of disputes recorded in the various Labour Dispute Arbitration Committee (Ldac). The disputes and protests involve both domestic companies and those with investment from Taiwan and Hong Kong - concentrated in the coastal strip of South-East - both large western industries. The majority of the employees of these companies are migrants from poorer and less developed land in China that have decided not to bear more of the dramatic conditions in which they were forced to live. (...) The protests increased in||||||||||
Under gloomy that we have so far described, is in fact open and developed a series of struggles for a role, especially in recent years. So the Chinese government was forced to give a signal of response to the growing impatience of the working classes. At the end of 2005 have been raised minimum wages and in 2006 a law was passed establishing the high standards of welfare in urban areas. In 2006 the Chinese Communist Party leadership has decided to propose a new law on employment contracts which had the objective of improving workers' rights. The protection of workers was part of a wider course correction imposed by President Hu Jintao. Unlike his predecessor, Jiang Zemin, who was considered "American," Hu Jintao has expressed sympathy for a kind of social democratic model that is based on the share capital of some European countries. In many speeches Hu Jintao and his premier Wen Jiabao have stressed the social stability of development. Other watchwords of this new policy are the protection of the environment, fighting corruption, the rebalancing of growth towards areas that are lagging behind the construction of a welfare state (pensions and health). (...) The law was passed in June 2007 and entered into force on 1 January 2008 taking on some of the demands of large Western corporations, whose attitude gives the lie to their concern for human rights , especially when it comes to work and profit. In late 2007, many companies have fielded one thousand tricks to circumvent the new legislation, some have tried to dismiss their employees, then summarize their experience seniority under which they could put forward any new rights under the new rules. for European trade unions, which in recent years have enhanced their relationship with the trade unions of China and are directly involved in organizing courses in various companies with foreign capital, the law is formally a significant step forward in the legislation on employment law. They point out that the new legislation applies to all workplaces, both public and private. This could start the affairs of millions of workers, women and men subjected to heavy exploitation, primarily those migrants who left their land and those who have suffered exclusion from the production cycle because of privatizzazioni. Nel 2010 in Cina ci saranno 797 milioni di lavoratori: il più grande mercato del lavoro al mondo. Un mercato con poche regole e pochi diritti, selvaggio e complesso, che sta cambiando drasticamente gli equilibri geopolitici ed economici del pianeta, a cui guardano con at- tenzione, avidità e talvolta con una certa preoccupazione tutte le economie occi- dentali. Fino alla morte di Mao la Cina non aveva un vero mercato del lavoro. Era direttamente il Partito comunista cinese a programmare assumptions in the various sectors and to establish in the absence of contractual relations and the economic and regulatory conditions. Soon after Mao's death, the leadership of the CCP started with caution and determination, openness to market logic. Under gloomy that we have so far described, is in fact open and developed a series of struggles for a role, especially in recent years. So the Chinese government was forced to give a signal of response to the growing impatience of the working classes. At the end of 2005 have been raised minimum wages and in 2006 a law was passed establishing the high standards of welfare in urban areas. In 2006 the Chinese Communist Party leadership has decided to propose a new law on employment contracts which had the objective of improving workers' rights. The protection of workers was part of a wider course correction imposed by President Hu Jintao. Unlike his predecessor, Jiang Zemin, who was considered "American," Hu Jintao has expressed sympathy for a kind of social democratic model that is based on the share capital of some European countries. In many speeches Hu Jintao and his premier Wen Jiabao have stressed the social stability of development. Other watchwords of this new policy are the protection of the environment, fighting corruption, the rebalancing of growth towards areas that are lagging behind the construction of a welfare state (pensions and health). (...) The law was passed in June 2007 and entered into force on 1 January 2008 taking on some of the demands of large Western corporations, whose attitude gives the lie to their concern for human rights , especially when it comes to work and profit. In late 2007, many companies have fielded one thousand tricks to circumvent the new legislation, some have tried to dismiss their employees, then summarize their experience seniority under which they could put forward any new rights under the new rules. for European trade unions, which in recent years have enhanced their relationship with the trade unions of China and are directly involved in organizing courses in various companies with foreign capital, the law is formally a significant step forward in the legislation on employment law. They point out that the new legislation applies to all workplaces, both public and private. This could start the affairs of millions of workers, women and men subjected to heavy exploitation, primarily those migrants who left their land and those who have suffered exclusion from the production cycle because of privatizzazioni. |
Monday, July 7, 2008
I-catcher Console-web Monitor
But the question that arises here is that we understand that there is link between the teaching of Pythagoras, who lived in the sixth century BC, and Freemasonry which officially came into being in the eighteenth century AD.
The symbol of the Pythagorean Tetractis nella sua forma schematica di triangolo equilatero coincide perfettamente con la forma schematica del Delta massonico. Il Delta che è insieme al sole ed alla luna uno dei lumi sublimi della società dei liberi muratori come dice il rituale dell’apprendista, si trova nei lavori di primo grado tra i simboli del sole e della luna dietro il saggio del Venerabile, mentre nei lavori di secondo grado è sostituito dalla stella fiammeggiante. Le rispettive età iniziatiche dell’apprendista e del compagno corrispondono a questa sostituzione. Ne deriva, una stretta connessione tra i due simboli e siccome la stella a cinque punte è simbolo tanto dell’antico sodalizio pitagorico che della Massoneria, ne identification was confirmed with the Delta Masonic Pythagorean Tetractis. Among the masons
symbols, not responsible for any Christian symbol, not even the cross, and it is natural, only symbols of occupation and geometric symbols, architectural and numerical. If the Masonic symbol had a Christian character, it would be a symbol isolated, confused and not understand the existence in Freemasonry.
Masonry inherits from the doctrine of Pythagoras many symbols.
The operation and further development in the spiritual tradition in the masonry and sealed, is called The Great Work , be performed according to art. In both traditions is expressed through symbolism, geometric-Masonic and alchemical respectively. The raw material is the raw stone, that the novice Freemason and is therefore a matter already chosen and assessed to that end. The rough stone is roughly square and polished until it assumed the form of the cubic stone of mastery. Tools of this work are the team and the compass, the work must be done by the team through the righteousness that is by the compass and measure between the square and compass that is to say secret, because it is the nature of the operation of an inner struggle and intimacy.
is not easy to trace the links between hermetic philosophy and Freemasonry. S ccording to reports Apuleius, Pythagoras said that not all wood must carve a mercury Freemasonry and the same for any layman can not become a Freemason, and not everyone can become apprentices and fellows of the Masters, because it is developing a natural gift and not to create out of nothing and there is an art that can make a Paganini whose ear is not provided necessary. The
Pythagoreanism as Freemasonry, is for the purpose this great work of spiritual edification, even if you encounter the difficulty of the mystery and secrecy, which is compounded by the scarcity of written documents and Pythagoreans reached us. Our great countryman
Dante Alighieri manifestly inspired by the concept of Pythagorean Tetractis or notebook, the Delta Masonic light (see Par XVII, 37-39). He relates in his supreme vision of the noble philosopher Pythagoras using the same word, the same symbol and same concept. The lesson of today is a duty to help bring the followers scattered across the Earth's surface to the noble task of brotherhood and secular: to give light to those who knock on the door of the temple and bring the elect to perfection.
I-catcher Console-web Monitor
But the question that arises here is that we understand that there is link between the teaching of Pythagoras, who lived in the sixth century BC, and Freemasonry which officially came into being in the eighteenth century AD.
The symbol of the Pythagorean Tetractis nella sua forma schematica di triangolo equilatero coincide perfettamente con la forma schematica del Delta massonico. Il Delta che è insieme al sole ed alla luna uno dei lumi sublimi della società dei liberi muratori come dice il rituale dell’apprendista, si trova nei lavori di primo grado tra i simboli del sole e della luna dietro il saggio del Venerabile, mentre nei lavori di secondo grado è sostituito dalla stella fiammeggiante. Le rispettive età iniziatiche dell’apprendista e del compagno corrispondono a questa sostituzione. Ne deriva, una stretta connessione tra i due simboli e siccome la stella a cinque punte è simbolo tanto dell’antico sodalizio pitagorico che della Massoneria, ne identification was confirmed with the Delta Masonic Pythagorean Tetractis. Among the masons
symbols, not responsible for any Christian symbol, not even the cross, and it is natural, only symbols of occupation and geometric symbols, architectural and numerical. If the Masonic symbol had a Christian character, it would be a symbol isolated, confused and not understand the existence in Freemasonry.
Masonry inherits from the doctrine of Pythagoras many symbols.
The operation and further development in the spiritual tradition in the masonry and sealed, is called The Great Work , be performed according to art. In both traditions is expressed through symbolism, geometric-Masonic and alchemical respectively. The raw material is the raw stone, that the novice Freemason and is therefore a matter already chosen and assessed to that end. The rough stone is roughly square and polished until it assumed the form of the cubic stone of mastery. Tools of this work are the team and the compass, the work must be done by the team through the righteousness that is by the compass and measure between the square and compass that is to say secret, because it is the nature of the operation of an inner struggle and intimacy.
is not easy to trace the links between hermetic philosophy and Freemasonry. S ccording to reports Apuleius, Pythagoras said that not all wood must carve a mercury Freemasonry and the same for any layman can not become a Freemason, and not everyone can become apprentices and fellows of the Masters, because it is developing a natural gift and not to create out of nothing and there is an art that can make a Paganini whose ear is not provided necessary. The
Pythagoreanism as Freemasonry, is for the purpose this great work of spiritual edification, even if you encounter the difficulty of the mystery and secrecy, which is compounded by the scarcity of written documents and Pythagoreans reached us. Our great countryman
Dante Alighieri manifestly inspired by the concept of Pythagorean Tetractis or notebook, the Delta Masonic light (see Par XVII, 37-39). He relates in his supreme vision of the noble philosopher Pythagoras using the same word, the same symbol and same concept. The lesson of today is a duty to help bring the followers scattered across the Earth's surface to the noble task of brotherhood and secular: to give light to those who knock on the door of the temple and bring the elect to perfection.