The news we have today of the philosopher Pythagoras Samo , are very scarce. The Pythagorean ancient and modern literature, however, is quite extensive so it can be assumed that his knowledge in each field were enormous.
Pythagoras lived in the sixth century BC and founded a Crotone, in Calabria, a school that Aristotle called "Italian school" , where among the other things taught arithmetic and geometry. The attraction of the philosopher to the reputation of Croton was medical school who was in town and it is here or near Crotone, as many scholars argue, the spread Pythagoreanism because he found a people and a civilization long placed a high provision of thought practicing cults and myths of all kinds.
But the question that arises here is that we understand that there is link between the teaching of Pythagoras, who lived in the sixth century BC, and Freemasonry which officially came into being in the eighteenth century AD.
The symbol of the Pythagorean Tetractis nella sua forma schematica di triangolo equilatero coincide perfettamente con la forma schematica del Delta massonico.
Il Delta che è insieme al sole ed alla luna uno dei lumi sublimi della società dei liberi muratori come dice il rituale dell’apprendista, si trova nei lavori di primo grado tra i simboli del sole e della luna dietro il saggio del Venerabile, mentre nei lavori di secondo grado è sostituito dalla stella fiammeggiante. Le rispettive età iniziatiche dell’apprendista e del compagno corrispondono a questa sostituzione. Ne deriva, una stretta connessione tra i due simboli e siccome la stella a cinque punte è simbolo tanto dell’antico sodalizio pitagorico che della Massoneria, ne identification was confirmed with the Delta Masonic Pythagorean Tetractis. Among the masons
symbols, not responsible for any Christian symbol, not even the cross, and it is natural, only symbols of occupation and geometric symbols, architectural and numerical. If the Masonic symbol had a Christian character, it would be a symbol isolated, confused and not understand the existence in Freemasonry.
Masonry inherits from the doctrine of Pythagoras many symbols.
The operation and further development in the spiritual tradition in the masonry and sealed, is called The Great Work , be performed according to art.
In both traditions is expressed through symbolism, geometric-Masonic and alchemical respectively. The raw material is the raw stone, that the novice Freemason and is therefore a matter already chosen and assessed to that end. The rough stone is roughly square and polished until it assumed the form of the cubic stone of mastery. Tools of this work are the team and the compass, the work must be done by the team through the righteousness that is by the compass and measure between the square and compass that is to say secret, because it is the nature of the operation of an inner struggle and intimacy.
is not easy to trace the links between hermetic philosophy and Freemasonry. S ccording to reports Apuleius, Pythagoras said that not all wood must carve a mercury Freemasonry and the same for any layman can not become a Freemason, and not everyone can become apprentices and fellows of the Masters, because it is developing a natural gift and not to create out of nothing and there is an art that can make a Paganini whose ear is not provided necessary. The
Pythagoreanism as Freemasonry, is for the purpose this great work of spiritual edification, even if you encounter the difficulty of the mystery and secrecy, which is compounded by the scarcity of written documents and Pythagoreans reached us. Our great countryman
Dante Alighieri manifestly inspired by the concept of Pythagorean Tetractis or notebook, the Delta Masonic light (see Par XVII, 37-39). He relates in his supreme vision of the noble philosopher Pythagoras using the same word, the same symbol and same concept. The lesson of today is a duty to help bring the followers scattered across the Earth's surface to the noble task of brotherhood and secular: to give light to those who knock on the door of the temple and bring the elect to perfection.
But the question that arises here is that we understand that there is link between the teaching of Pythagoras, who lived in the sixth century BC, and Freemasonry which officially came into being in the eighteenth century AD.

The symbol of the Pythagorean Tetractis nella sua forma schematica di triangolo equilatero coincide perfettamente con la forma schematica del Delta massonico.

symbols, not responsible for any Christian symbol, not even the cross, and it is natural, only symbols of occupation and geometric symbols, architectural and numerical. If the Masonic symbol had a Christian character, it would be a symbol isolated, confused and not understand the existence in Freemasonry.
Masonry inherits from the doctrine of Pythagoras many symbols.
The operation and further development in the spiritual tradition in the masonry and sealed, is called The Great Work , be performed according to art.

is not easy to trace the links between hermetic philosophy and Freemasonry. S ccording to reports Apuleius, Pythagoras said that not all wood must carve a mercury Freemasonry and the same for any layman can not become a Freemason, and not everyone can become apprentices and fellows of the Masters, because it is developing a natural gift and not to create out of nothing and there is an art that can make a Paganini whose ear is not provided necessary. The
Pythagoreanism as Freemasonry, is for the purpose this great work of spiritual edification, even if you encounter the difficulty of the mystery and secrecy, which is compounded by the scarcity of written documents and Pythagoreans reached us. Our great countryman
Dante Alighieri manifestly inspired by the concept of Pythagorean Tetractis or notebook, the Delta Masonic light (see Par XVII, 37-39). He relates in his supreme vision of the noble philosopher Pythagoras using the same word, the same symbol and same concept. The lesson of today is a duty to help bring the followers scattered across the Earth's surface to the noble task of brotherhood and secular: to give light to those who knock on the door of the temple and bring the elect to perfection.
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