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Bologna a surprise strike at 'McDonald's inauguration of the Bologna train station

Bologna a surprise strike at the opening of the McDonald's of the Bologna train station

Benedetta Aledda Bologna a surprise strike at the opening of the McDonald's of the Bologna train station . Before exercise, reopened yesterday after a restructuring, protested throughout the morning several dozen workers. Who makes the full-time shift began at 5 am, made the first 4 hours and then, after the forced break (2 to 4 hours), surprisingly did not recur. Stood out as employees of Cigar, the the company which runs all the restaurants of the resort, including fast food, now gathered in the building on the east side of the square gold medals. After the breaking of union negotiations, decided to strike on all 23 hours of opening. "Under the pretext of renewing the local storekeepers and fired three seek to bring us all to do part time work or leave," denounced the workers. "I was a warehouseman for 23 years - said one of them, 45 years and a mortgage to pay - I was fired because they say that the stock is no longer needed." "Now ask us to carry the load because it can not come alone on the shelves!" Protested one of the counters remained in service, with i colleghi invita i passanti a non consumare al McDonald's.
A marzo l'azienda ha aperto una procedura di mobilità per 23 dipendenti full time. «Aggiungendo i tempi determinati, si arriva a 52 persone in meno», chiarisce Giuseppina Cupaiolo della Fisascat-Cisl. Da allora Cigar ha assunto per periodi di 3 o 9 mesi molti dei ragazzi che ieri, insieme ai responsabili, hanno tenuto aperto il McDonald's.
«Eravamo disponibili anche a fare il turno continuato», spiega Grazia De Siena, banconista e delegata della Filcams-Cgil, «ma l'azienda ha insistito con il turno spezzato, ha allungato l'apertura da 12 a 23 ore e a molti ha comunicato che dovranno fare anche altre mansioni». E' capitato a una cassiera dei vecchi bar, out in tears after the first 4 hours of work: "I'm a cashier for 28 years and suddenly they put me to make pizzas," he says with shining eyes. "They want to make us feel uncomfortable - a co-operative hired 33 years ago - so we fired them and take the kids with temporary contracts." With new rounds, press a few days ago, between those who make full time there are those who enter and exit at 17 to 21, then detaches and resumed from 24 to 3. In fast food, but now they are all part time, half foreign, and therefore more open to blackmail, hired on short term contracts and insertion when Cigar had already said the redundancies. "This means that the company is not in crisis but that is taking advantage the renewal of efforts to restructure the staff, "reports the City Council of the PRC Sconciaforni Roberto, who came to express solidarity, as did his colleague of the Left. "The mayor Cofferati must say if this behavior is compatible with the renewal projects of the station," Sconciaforni presses. CGIL CISL UIL category, along with UGL, are ready to sue the company for anti-union behavior.

Liberation 11/07/2008


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