Minimum income guarantee: a new season begins
05/02/2009 - New York - additional protection for temporary workers and unemployed
law yesterday that we brought in the classroom - said Peppe Mariani, Chairman of the Labor and Social Policy of the Latium region - is an important step towards a new idea for the protections and social guarantees. But above all, marks a turning point for the regional government and this majority of welfare policies. Faced with a scenario of great concern and insecurity, under the dark of the economic crisis and mass layoffs, this law can represent a perspective in response to those requests for protection to which the traditional and ineffective safety nets now no longer able to cope in our country. On this the responses of the national government were inadequate to say the least. The "social card" in fact, represents more than a publicity stunt that intervention that structural reform of social safety nets that would try to put them, for once, in step with the standards of modern European countries. is therefore very important - Mariani continues - it's the Lazio Region to intervene in a courageous way in this dispute. And it does so with a law the result of a long path of participation with the social partners and policy. The institution in our region to GMI introduces a tool to support the incomes of unemployed e precari. A questi viene corrisposto un sussidio di 5400 euro annui (in forma piena per disoccupati e inoccupati e in misura ridotta per i precari) che abbiano percepito nell'anno precedente alla richiesta del sussidio non più di 7500 euro. L'intervento si compone poi di una serie servizi e di agevolazioni (sull'affitto, sui trasporti, sulle utenze) che i Comuni potranno erogare in relazione alle disponibilità finanziarie, cui contribuirà un apposito fondo regionale, e alle necessità del territorio e della popolazione. Purtroppo il finanziamento della legge, 30 milioni di euro distribuiti in tre anni, è ancora troppo esiguo: è quindi fondamentale che ci sia un impegno da parte della Giunta e della maggioranza affinché nel prossimo adjustment of the budget is being refinanced substantially to enable as many people as possible to take advantage of this measure. The risk of social exclusion in our area is now more than ever high - concludes Mariani - the soaring cost of living combined with the decline in wages is likely to impoverish ever larger segments of the population, who today lose jobs or who is occupied a precarious existence has no tools to be able, alone, cope with the rising cost of living. In this context must be radically rethought the instruments of income support as well as in general social policies should be strengthened and completed the process of stabilizing the unstable region. It is only from a serious and timely response to these problems that the institution will be able to regain the trust of citizens.
policy must be able to "fly high" and pass the emergency measures with the system. The minimum wage is just that.
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