Wave upon wave, the bridge of the precarious
The ferry connection between Messina and Villa San Giovanni has been the scene last Saturday in protest of the researchers 'invisible' in Sicily and Calabria. A creative way to say that the government is throwing in the sea and search for SOS
- Oh Captain, precarious in the sea ... many years talking about the bridge over the Strait of Sicily to join the rest of Italy. Yesterday, the Sicilian and precarious Calabrian have symbolically used the very stretch of sea that divides the two regions to find a common point of union in protest against the minister Gelmini. First, a parade, not very large but certainly not gone unnoticed - many of the protesters had a neck ring buoy - has gone through the streets of Messina nearby boarding the ferry.
"The university is about to sink, SOS research at sea" was the slogan chanted by protesters at the time of boarding. And so the initiative, coming out of Precarious Coordination of Catania in Sicily and Calabria Precarious Invisible Research University just before Christmas, brought together on the deck of the ferry of the State Railways about seventy people, from the three universities of Catania in Sicily, Palermo and Messina from Calabria and Catanzaro, Cosenza and Reggio Calabria. For the latter, the journey was a real odyssey, given the impracticability of the Salerno-Reggio Calabria. After leaving the bus in Rosario, in fact, they had to reach Messina directly by train. As emphasized, however, Henry Christmas, a member of Precarious Invisibles, the issue is too important not to mobilize even a little movement has always busy as the Calabrian, "This initiative is a good thing because, in Calabria, it means waking up from a deep sleep dating back hundreds of years. Begin to demonstrate our ability to challenge when necessary, and when the proposal is appropriate, is something that fills us with joy. We want to invent something new, with our creativity and originality from Calabria and Sicily. "
The event took place almost entirely on the ferry. The little traffic on a sunny early afternoon and the almost total indifference of the media did not prevent the demonstrators to carry out their protest, however, with a continuous distribution of leaflets and participated. The objective of this meeting centered, celebrated with a friendly exchange of gifts, however, must be only the first step towards a union that should be national. As explained by Salvatore Garozzo, representative of the Coordination of Precarious Catania.
"The protest acts on two levels, locally and nationally. We are facing substantial cuts in the future and we can see the possibility that the Italian research can go forward and achieve results. This should be the first step in raising public awareness, starting from the South. "
After reaching Villa S. John Messina and after returning to the ferry, the event had a second time at the hall of Guernica during Garibaldi, where he held the Assembly of Precarious Research, which concluded its work by drawing up a document.
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