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I was having fun, I think as good parte degli italiani, per l’uscita di Ciarrapico sulle “kippah” (qui il video integrale) e sulle reazioni bipartisan che ha suscitato, quando come ubbidendo ad un ordine i falsi stormi dell’informazione si sono subito, all’istante, spostati dalle “kippah” di Ciarrapico al misterioso attentato a Belpietro, pure lui – per dirla con Ciarrapico – uomo di “kippah”. Un uomo, di cui apprendo che da ben otto anni godeva a spese del contribuente di una scorta, con impiego di forze dell’ordine, quando in molti paesi d’Italia a stento si vede una pattuglia dove serve. Chi potrebbe mai avere interesse a torcere un hair to a character like Belpietro or its editorial staff or its usual signatures? The enormity that you read about "Free" at the bottom are the best antidote to any Zionist influence on the minds of Italians, aside from the usual instrumental accusation of anti-Semitism at every rustle of leaves, however, that no intelligent and honest person is willing to lend credit . I wonder if talking about "caps" instead of "kippah" we would have seen an equal reaction media. And if you watch the video with the full speech, you will notice in all its disproportion that bitch that followed. It is not the first time and will not be the last. Who does not Cantalamessa points out the monk? Neither the Senate nor pulpit media are protected from artillery, which fortunately seems autoannullarsi for the cross-fire that spares no one: who makes the wait!
Since in our country must inevitably become suspicious, I suspect that I have a "false flag" we have wanted to divert attention from some of the Italians more serious problem. Perhaps the problem of our foreign policy, all crushed in the coverage of criminal operations such as "Molten Lead" or "Mavi Marmara" to refer only the latest in a centuries-old chain. This close dependence on Israel è inviduabile in un nutrito gruppo di parlamentari, dell’una e dell’altra parte, che meglio giustificherebbero la loro presenza alla Knesset che non nel parlamento italiano. Un internauta, appena un poco scafato, sa che i disegni più efferati dei governi maturano e vanno in esecuzione, mentre l’attenzione dei cittadini è distolta con futilità di ogni genere: il classico coniglio di pezza dietro al quale al cinodromo viene fatto correre il cane.
Si è voluto usare ancora una volta l’arma, ideologica e terrorista, dell’antisemitismo per tentare di chiudere la bocca perfino ad un Senatore della Repubblica, che ha come sua prerogativa not only constitutional law but also the need to say everything he thinks, without hesitation and without fear nothing, as long as this republic remains faithful to the constitution that says is its foundation, but that is actually the second of Stratton how they move those forces which in turn give body to the material constitution. For one thing, clear enough for those who want to understand, Italy, under the constitution, he would never due to attend military aggression in Afghanistan and Iraq. Have circumvented the constitution and betrayed, and left-wing governments both present and should be right and alternative. Already, alternative. And no! Here there is absolutely no alternative. Conquer the most dismal approval, so they win either, for the Italians and change very little cliques, and right or left, will never be any good.
Among those who gave him a Ciarrapico, I could read for the first time an intervention by the Nirenstein Fiammetta - arrived in parliament thanks to Fini, I believe - that it was not strettamentente "Israeli." Blithely violating the rules of the House, which did not allow work on the speeches of Senators, gave him to fellow party Ciarrapico in unity of purpose with other parliamentary del partito antagonista (si fa per dire), il Pd: si è visto chiaramente all’opera il Partito della “Kippah”, presente nell’uno e nell’altro schieramento, dove tutti sono apparsi uniti come un sol uomo nel dare addosso ad un unico e isolato uomo. Come a dire: litigate pure e in apparenza scontratevi su quello che volete, ma da certe sudditanze non si esce e non vi azzardate a ribellarvi: il resto è solo dettaglio marginale che non ci interessa e sul quale vi potete sbizzarrire come meglio credete. Noi siamo “democratici” e “liberali”: quello che non ci interessa ve lo lasciamo fare e dire liberamente.
Fra pochi giorni, guarda caso, in una square near the House, Ms. Nirenstein and the Parliamentary Committee for Friendship with Israel will be a manifestation of "Truth for Israel." Truth? You tell us what we believe and expect them to power, authority, even by the mouth of our foreign minister, he too was a man of "kippah" in the sense indicated by Ciarrapico. They hand in the Italian parliament: imagine, if we are free to think with our heads. They're just preparing a law to eliminate the thinking differently, perhaps starting with the parliament itself. If someone says otherwise, the wait or the jail (in Germany, France, Austria, Switzerland ...), or "shame" the media (for now we will be limited to this, with some administrative penalty in addition). The media (obey anyone?) Do not want in any way be considered an alarming fact: in Germany alone since 1994, according to my calculations I would like to contradict someone or resize it (I would be pleased and grateful), 200,000 citizens have been prosecuted for crimes of opinion with penalties of up to eight years. Similar legislation exists in France with the law Fabius-Gayssot. If we look at how these laws were raised and who is behind it, we always find the "kippah." We do not have the law Mancino different origins: this law is only an embryo and then move on to other legislative laws on the German model, as has been attempted with Mastella, and how it is continually asked by the "kippah" in our house.
If just as soon as we analyze what is in the States AIPAC and how this association strongly influences the election of any Member that wants to make a career and then if on the basis of public information easily accessible, stable and parallel association of ideas, is not at all difficult to see what pot Ciarra has uncovered: he was aware of it? The man has a story. On him it has been said of all colors and were repeated di recente per screditarlo ancora. Ma ciò non toglie che chiunque possa dire la verità, magari una verità che tanti altri meglio referenziati preferiscono tacere o hanno interesse a tacere. Immolarsi poi per la verità è altra questione. Noi abbiamo avuto in Italia i diversi casi di Giordano Bruno e di Galilei Galilei, ad appena una generazione l’uno dall’altro.
In Italia non esiste nè la libertà di pensiero né le altre fondamentali libertà politiche: mettiamocelo bene in testa! La furbizia italica, quella dei nostri politici “porci”, consiste nel proclamare con voce alta e forte l’esistenza di quella libertà che in realtà si vuole conculcare. La "Caste" of the editors is also firmly believe that "freedom of thought and expression", which often becomes their freedom to defame, is entirely up to them and nobody else. Everyone can easily find the examples he wants. Let us return instead to Ciarrapico. Has not told the truth? It is also true that just after the Berlusconi appeared to contradict it, but it is a denial that raises new questions.
With this first article on this blog now return to those issues for which he was born: the political debate within the Force then it seemed that Italy had become PDL and now is in fact returned Forza Italy. The blog "Civium Libertas ", while dealing with similar issues, is not specifically addressed to the militancy Berlusconi, whose area with distinction and all the things I already said I place myself. I find it positive as it brings clarity to the rift that seems to have been created within the PDL, which is a seaport where it touches more people live with the indigestible, but anywhere else without the aura is more healthy. There was an air of suffocating and oppressive, which penalized the middle and grassroots activists. I hope we can return to discuss and that the "notables" are put aside, leaving the base and speak ordinary citizens and voters who are many and that many identify with the person di Berlusconi.
Presidente Berlusconi, se mi senti, ti rilancio questo appello: fai pulizia e cacciali tutti, prima che ti facciano loro le scarpe. Datti da fare, finché sei in tempo, per costruire in Italia un autentico partito popolare. Diversamente, cessata la tua presidenza, nessuna persona del tuo entourage è per me degna di interesse. Finanzia perciò in ogni angolo d’Italia le vecchie sezioni di una volta: restituisci ai cittadini, a tutti i cittadini, i soldi che sono stati loro tolti con il finanziamento pubblico dei partiti, soldi che sparisconono nel nulla e non ritornano ai cittadini. Levaci di torno l’immane esercito di opportunisti e faccendieri, che fanno politica solo per fare soldi. Tu i soldi li hai già e non hai bisogno di farne altri. È questa la ragione per la quale ti ho tributato la mia fiducia. Gli altri, che tu hai beneficato, hanno incominciato letteralmente con le “pezze al culo” e con la politica si sono arricchiti. Tu sei entrato in politica, avendoceli già i soldi. Non ho tempo per ascoltare tutte le chiacchiere su di te e non penso certo che tu sia Padre Pio. Se però tu pensi di amare questo paese, dimostralo! Ogni comune cittadino lo potrà e lo saprà giudicare. E per favore: non metterti anche tu la “kippah” e non dire che ti senti o sei “israeliano”. L’Italia vuole un presidente italiano , not Israeli or Amerikan or Papuan.
But here's the kippah, the real ones, break the silence, apparently due to their special holidays, and burst onto the scene, demanding " sanctions" against Ciarrapico by both the PDL with a nice expulsion from the party: the wonders Gasparri, and even penalties of a non-constitutional in the Constitution, in the Senate by President Schifani, "guilty" of him and not let him talk Ciarrapico now taped over your mouth. The making in these cases we know that especially when it comes to penalties for the crime of high treason. Having mentioned that ironically "Kippah" is interpreted as "high treason" that never leaves "appalled". It should be remembered that the Jews in Italy are around 30,000, but if you consider their parliamentary representation, one can not remain puzzled and alarmed by their undoubted influence. Italians - and their representatives - should seriously reflect on the undoubted privilege of a minority. In fact a committee of inquiry should investigate all the many cases where it is violated the principle of equality not discrimination, but priority sections of the population at the expense of others. The kippah, which in these times demand the "punishment" of a senator republic, guilty of having expressed his opinion, or ignore the existing constitution or they have the utmost contempt. We look here in real time over the next developments. And here they are
developments: they put the Constitution under their feet, the champions of freedom and democracy, strictly bipartisan and moving units in compliance. Gasparri I had no doubt much less of Nirenstein, but us ordinary militants of the PDL can accept this? The chieftains have taken over the party and power. Gasparri always reveals a lack of knowledge of the constitution and follows his political insight. I do not feel at all "proud", as Berlusconi declared voter (not Gasparri or Nirenstein!) the fact that Italy is the government more "pro-Israel" is certainly the Gasparri, Frattini, Nirenstein, but certainly not me, who are Italian, I think most of the Gasparri Nirenstein, Frattini. As for the possibility that political Ciarrapico be expelled from the PDL, the logic should apply where it makes sense (but not Gasparri) what Berlusconi said about Fini: you have been elected to the PDL with President Berlusconi and therefore you can not "betray" the electoral mandate. Now, therefore, also Ciarrapico was elected because he put on the list in the PDL, but unlike Fini has no intention of "betraying" the President, but indeed he has publicly declared his loyalty. Talk about ugly speculation the direct question, that would even expel from the PDL. Schifani And instead of defending the constitutional prerogatives of a single senator, "stigmatizes " now we know who is boss in Italy.
The events will happen and we will seguamo in real time, updating and revising our text: a senator announces that it intends to buy 134 kippah to give to every senator, except that Ciarrapico, who did not intend to accept . It will be an interesting show to attend sittings of parliament, gathered in rooms with men all the kippah. He asks me se come logica conseguenze assisteremo ad una pubblica lapidazione di Ciarrapico in piazza di Montecitorio. In un certo senso, la lapidazione è stata già fatta, poca importa che alla lapidazione ideale ovvero mediatica segua quella reale . Gli uomini di questa repubblica sono quelli che vediamo ed appaiono. Irritante la disinformazione strisciante, che fa ben capire in cosa consista il controllo dei media. Orbene, Ciarrapico intervenendo in risposta al fuoco concentrato su di lui, fa un’affermazione abbastanza chiara e netta: non è antisemita, non c’è l’ha con gli ebrei, può addirittura dire che la sua famiglia ha protetto e salvato gli ebrei, durante gli anni tragici, but for the article, he tries to "justify ": the sentence has already been well proncunciata and is res judicata. It is comforting news that appears even in these days: the Corriere della Sera journalists are on strike as a result of the crisis that affects all print journalists: people do not buy more or buy less and less sheets of paper at newsstands. To find out what the people think, then, must go among the people.
The situation is deteriorating because of the sortie on Ciarrapico "kippah" which in normal living was not different from a sortie on the "caps" and the "Basque" or the "caps" and I do not know how many other possible types of headgear. If a way can have serious and highly political speech Ciarrapico senators, is a question on Italian foreign policy. The U.S. political scientists Mearsheimer and Walt book has raised the very serious problem of the influence that the Israel lobby exercises over American foreign policy. Do not summarize here the content of the book and the debate that has arisen around the world, being the book of the two political scientists translated almost in real time in all major world languages. And we have things as they are? We can be sure that people who voted for politicians, so do Israel Italy's interests rather than those of Israel? And they tell us that their interests closely dovetailed and Italy are the same as those of Israel? We must believe in them? The problem posed by Ciarrapico, not know how much with his knowledge, it is damn serious and I hope that it will be understood and dibattutto for its seriousness.
Another problem, I would say it is hollowing out. I try to expose it to a metaphor, hoping not to be misunderstood instrumentally. We are witnessing in Europe, a controversy over the veil and the burqa. It would be hypocritical to hide that it is a significant attack on the Muslim communities in Europe. Hypocrisy is part of the policy and not delude ourselves that this is objectively recognized. But we still good for the crusade against the Islamic veil. Now if had publicly demonstrated similar positions to those of Ciarrapico I feel obliged to submit to an administrative act of discretion and that depends on a certain Palmeri, the city council, which claims to be proud to wear a "kippah" How can I feel comfortable about its fairness and impartiality? And if the "kippah" I even saw a judge, a teacher, a doctor ... and I fear to entrust my interests, my education, my person to a "kippah", how should I adjust the color? So, if their masters, they want to draw their own consequences, We must say no to the veil, but the kippah is? Sad times ahead.
But this whole affair seems to come to its conclusion on the one hand a letter of apology to the same Ciarrapico Gattegna, I would not have done that and humiliates the function of Ciarra senator who has not been able to play in the interest of the Italians, he that particularly appeals to the values \u200b\u200bItalianess. But this man is and we can not wait no longer. They forced him to deny and to kneel, touch feeling pity for human weakness and increased severity for those who have used physical violence and morality. It also closes because it now seems certain the government crisis and early elections. It is even probable that we are going to vote with a new electoral law. If there are new preferences, and the appointments of Parliament, is likely but not certain, that there will be - if this country is still lawful in the metaphor - less kippah and more people aware of the problems of work and survival of Italians . With subsequent revisions in real time I wanted to write these reflections, which have no claim, but which are justified in contrast to the rabble at least the mainstream. Change to luck if you access the music, with a little 'hard work in research, free voices of resistance in the media. Good news these days: The Corriere della Sera and so all other organs of the print paper dimininuiscono copy, sales, earnings. And it also seems to be so abroad. People have understood and perhaps understand more and more that their function is mere propaganda of the regime. Or maybe you are simply tired of constant stress and void of neural connections offered by the mainstream. Woe to believe that the voices of newspapers, their directors, their "opinion leaders", their flatulence, are people's minds, that the truth has particular problems with accommodation, food, standard of living.

Among those who gave him a Ciarrapico, I could read for the first time an intervention by the Nirenstein Fiammetta - arrived in parliament thanks to Fini, I believe - that it was not strettamentente "Israeli." Blithely violating the rules of the House, which did not allow work on the speeches of Senators, gave him to fellow party Ciarrapico in unity of purpose with other parliamentary del partito antagonista (si fa per dire), il Pd: si è visto chiaramente all’opera il Partito della “Kippah”, presente nell’uno e nell’altro schieramento, dove tutti sono apparsi uniti come un sol uomo nel dare addosso ad un unico e isolato uomo. Come a dire: litigate pure e in apparenza scontratevi su quello che volete, ma da certe sudditanze non si esce e non vi azzardate a ribellarvi: il resto è solo dettaglio marginale che non ci interessa e sul quale vi potete sbizzarrire come meglio credete. Noi siamo “democratici” e “liberali”: quello che non ci interessa ve lo lasciamo fare e dire liberamente.
Fra pochi giorni, guarda caso, in una square near the House, Ms. Nirenstein and the Parliamentary Committee for Friendship with Israel will be a manifestation of "Truth for Israel." Truth? You tell us what we believe and expect them to power, authority, even by the mouth of our foreign minister, he too was a man of "kippah" in the sense indicated by Ciarrapico. They hand in the Italian parliament: imagine, if we are free to think with our heads. They're just preparing a law to eliminate the thinking differently, perhaps starting with the parliament itself. If someone says otherwise, the wait or the jail (in Germany, France, Austria, Switzerland ...), or "shame" the media (for now we will be limited to this, with some administrative penalty in addition). The media (obey anyone?) Do not want in any way be considered an alarming fact: in Germany alone since 1994, according to my calculations I would like to contradict someone or resize it (I would be pleased and grateful), 200,000 citizens have been prosecuted for crimes of opinion with penalties of up to eight years. Similar legislation exists in France with the law Fabius-Gayssot. If we look at how these laws were raised and who is behind it, we always find the "kippah." We do not have the law Mancino different origins: this law is only an embryo and then move on to other legislative laws on the German model, as has been attempted with Mastella, and how it is continually asked by the "kippah" in our house.
If just as soon as we analyze what is in the States AIPAC and how this association strongly influences the election of any Member that wants to make a career and then if on the basis of public information easily accessible, stable and parallel association of ideas, is not at all difficult to see what pot Ciarra has uncovered: he was aware of it? The man has a story. On him it has been said of all colors and were repeated di recente per screditarlo ancora. Ma ciò non toglie che chiunque possa dire la verità, magari una verità che tanti altri meglio referenziati preferiscono tacere o hanno interesse a tacere. Immolarsi poi per la verità è altra questione. Noi abbiamo avuto in Italia i diversi casi di Giordano Bruno e di Galilei Galilei, ad appena una generazione l’uno dall’altro.
In Italia non esiste nè la libertà di pensiero né le altre fondamentali libertà politiche: mettiamocelo bene in testa! La furbizia italica, quella dei nostri politici “porci”, consiste nel proclamare con voce alta e forte l’esistenza di quella libertà che in realtà si vuole conculcare. La "Caste" of the editors is also firmly believe that "freedom of thought and expression", which often becomes their freedom to defame, is entirely up to them and nobody else. Everyone can easily find the examples he wants. Let us return instead to Ciarrapico. Has not told the truth? It is also true that just after the Berlusconi appeared to contradict it, but it is a denial that raises new questions.
With this first article on this blog now return to those issues for which he was born: the political debate within the Force then it seemed that Italy had become PDL and now is in fact returned Forza Italy. The blog "Civium Libertas ", while dealing with similar issues, is not specifically addressed to the militancy Berlusconi, whose area with distinction and all the things I already said I place myself. I find it positive as it brings clarity to the rift that seems to have been created within the PDL, which is a seaport where it touches more people live with the indigestible, but anywhere else without the aura is more healthy. There was an air of suffocating and oppressive, which penalized the middle and grassroots activists. I hope we can return to discuss and that the "notables" are put aside, leaving the base and speak ordinary citizens and voters who are many and that many identify with the person di Berlusconi.
Presidente Berlusconi, se mi senti, ti rilancio questo appello: fai pulizia e cacciali tutti, prima che ti facciano loro le scarpe. Datti da fare, finché sei in tempo, per costruire in Italia un autentico partito popolare. Diversamente, cessata la tua presidenza, nessuna persona del tuo entourage è per me degna di interesse. Finanzia perciò in ogni angolo d’Italia le vecchie sezioni di una volta: restituisci ai cittadini, a tutti i cittadini, i soldi che sono stati loro tolti con il finanziamento pubblico dei partiti, soldi che sparisconono nel nulla e non ritornano ai cittadini. Levaci di torno l’immane esercito di opportunisti e faccendieri, che fanno politica solo per fare soldi. Tu i soldi li hai già e non hai bisogno di farne altri. È questa la ragione per la quale ti ho tributato la mia fiducia. Gli altri, che tu hai beneficato, hanno incominciato letteralmente con le “pezze al culo” e con la politica si sono arricchiti. Tu sei entrato in politica, avendoceli già i soldi. Non ho tempo per ascoltare tutte le chiacchiere su di te e non penso certo che tu sia Padre Pio. Se però tu pensi di amare questo paese, dimostralo! Ogni comune cittadino lo potrà e lo saprà giudicare. E per favore: non metterti anche tu la “kippah” e non dire che ti senti o sei “israeliano”. L’Italia vuole un presidente italiano , not Israeli or Amerikan or Papuan.
But here's the kippah, the real ones, break the silence, apparently due to their special holidays, and burst onto the scene, demanding " sanctions" against Ciarrapico by both the PDL with a nice expulsion from the party: the wonders Gasparri, and even penalties of a non-constitutional in the Constitution, in the Senate by President Schifani, "guilty" of him and not let him talk Ciarrapico now taped over your mouth. The making in these cases we know that especially when it comes to penalties for the crime of high treason. Having mentioned that ironically "Kippah" is interpreted as "high treason" that never leaves "appalled". It should be remembered that the Jews in Italy are around 30,000, but if you consider their parliamentary representation, one can not remain puzzled and alarmed by their undoubted influence. Italians - and their representatives - should seriously reflect on the undoubted privilege of a minority. In fact a committee of inquiry should investigate all the many cases where it is violated the principle of equality not discrimination, but priority sections of the population at the expense of others. The kippah, which in these times demand the "punishment" of a senator republic, guilty of having expressed his opinion, or ignore the existing constitution or they have the utmost contempt. We look here in real time over the next developments. And here they are
developments: they put the Constitution under their feet, the champions of freedom and democracy, strictly bipartisan and moving units in compliance. Gasparri I had no doubt much less of Nirenstein, but us ordinary militants of the PDL can accept this? The chieftains have taken over the party and power. Gasparri always reveals a lack of knowledge of the constitution and follows his political insight. I do not feel at all "proud", as Berlusconi declared voter (not Gasparri or Nirenstein!) the fact that Italy is the government more "pro-Israel" is certainly the Gasparri, Frattini, Nirenstein, but certainly not me, who are Italian, I think most of the Gasparri Nirenstein, Frattini. As for the possibility that political Ciarrapico be expelled from the PDL, the logic should apply where it makes sense (but not Gasparri) what Berlusconi said about Fini: you have been elected to the PDL with President Berlusconi and therefore you can not "betray" the electoral mandate. Now, therefore, also Ciarrapico was elected because he put on the list in the PDL, but unlike Fini has no intention of "betraying" the President, but indeed he has publicly declared his loyalty. Talk about ugly speculation the direct question, that would even expel from the PDL. Schifani And instead of defending the constitutional prerogatives of a single senator, "stigmatizes " now we know who is boss in Italy.
The events will happen and we will seguamo in real time, updating and revising our text: a senator announces that it intends to buy 134 kippah to give to every senator, except that Ciarrapico, who did not intend to accept . It will be an interesting show to attend sittings of parliament, gathered in rooms with men all the kippah. He asks me se come logica conseguenze assisteremo ad una pubblica lapidazione di Ciarrapico in piazza di Montecitorio. In un certo senso, la lapidazione è stata già fatta, poca importa che alla lapidazione ideale ovvero mediatica segua quella reale . Gli uomini di questa repubblica sono quelli che vediamo ed appaiono. Irritante la disinformazione strisciante, che fa ben capire in cosa consista il controllo dei media. Orbene, Ciarrapico intervenendo in risposta al fuoco concentrato su di lui, fa un’affermazione abbastanza chiara e netta: non è antisemita, non c’è l’ha con gli ebrei, può addirittura dire che la sua famiglia ha protetto e salvato gli ebrei, durante gli anni tragici, but for the article, he tries to "justify ": the sentence has already been well proncunciata and is res judicata. It is comforting news that appears even in these days: the Corriere della Sera journalists are on strike as a result of the crisis that affects all print journalists: people do not buy more or buy less and less sheets of paper at newsstands. To find out what the people think, then, must go among the people.
The situation is deteriorating because of the sortie on Ciarrapico "kippah" which in normal living was not different from a sortie on the "caps" and the "Basque" or the "caps" and I do not know how many other possible types of headgear. If a way can have serious and highly political speech Ciarrapico senators, is a question on Italian foreign policy. The U.S. political scientists Mearsheimer and Walt book has raised the very serious problem of the influence that the Israel lobby exercises over American foreign policy. Do not summarize here the content of the book and the debate that has arisen around the world, being the book of the two political scientists translated almost in real time in all major world languages. And we have things as they are? We can be sure that people who voted for politicians, so do Israel Italy's interests rather than those of Israel? And they tell us that their interests closely dovetailed and Italy are the same as those of Israel? We must believe in them? The problem posed by Ciarrapico, not know how much with his knowledge, it is damn serious and I hope that it will be understood and dibattutto for its seriousness.
Another problem, I would say it is hollowing out. I try to expose it to a metaphor, hoping not to be misunderstood instrumentally. We are witnessing in Europe, a controversy over the veil and the burqa. It would be hypocritical to hide that it is a significant attack on the Muslim communities in Europe. Hypocrisy is part of the policy and not delude ourselves that this is objectively recognized. But we still good for the crusade against the Islamic veil. Now if had publicly demonstrated similar positions to those of Ciarrapico I feel obliged to submit to an administrative act of discretion and that depends on a certain Palmeri, the city council, which claims to be proud to wear a "kippah" How can I feel comfortable about its fairness and impartiality? And if the "kippah" I even saw a judge, a teacher, a doctor ... and I fear to entrust my interests, my education, my person to a "kippah", how should I adjust the color? So, if their masters, they want to draw their own consequences, We must say no to the veil, but the kippah is? Sad times ahead.
But this whole affair seems to come to its conclusion on the one hand a letter of apology to the same Ciarrapico Gattegna, I would not have done that and humiliates the function of Ciarra senator who has not been able to play in the interest of the Italians, he that particularly appeals to the values \u200b\u200bItalianess. But this man is and we can not wait no longer. They forced him to deny and to kneel, touch feeling pity for human weakness and increased severity for those who have used physical violence and morality. It also closes because it now seems certain the government crisis and early elections. It is even probable that we are going to vote with a new electoral law. If there are new preferences, and the appointments of Parliament, is likely but not certain, that there will be - if this country is still lawful in the metaphor - less kippah and more people aware of the problems of work and survival of Italians . With subsequent revisions in real time I wanted to write these reflections, which have no claim, but which are justified in contrast to the rabble at least the mainstream. Change to luck if you access the music, with a little 'hard work in research, free voices of resistance in the media. Good news these days: The Corriere della Sera and so all other organs of the print paper dimininuiscono copy, sales, earnings. And it also seems to be so abroad. People have understood and perhaps understand more and more that their function is mere propaganda of the regime. Or maybe you are simply tired of constant stress and void of neural connections offered by the mainstream. Woe to believe that the voices of newspapers, their directors, their "opinion leaders", their flatulence, are people's minds, that the truth has particular problems with accommodation, food, standard of living.
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