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Do in progress here to start a new series of posts to be placed necessarily in this blog Force dedicated to political activism in Italy, whose name can be restored tranquillimamente now, after the shambles in place of the old "People of Freedom", where clearly there is no people and no freedom. It is also true that the possession financial resources and public funding, which benefits only a narrow strip of Notables, does not allow any room for expression in a number of those voters who can not choose between the worst and not worse, have decided to focus their hopes on ' Man, that should be Berlusconi. Among the titles that make use of that funding is "The West" directed by Giancarlo Loquenzi, organic to the Israel Lobby, and to which we send from time to time published articles critical comments. Comments are published or not published at the discretion of the Moderator, that every time we try not to ail carefully following the statutory criteria of relevance, continence, truthfulness. Our efforts were sporadic, but now we decide to give them systematically collecting and collating, on this blog, the first in a series of thirty on disparate topics, but strictly intended for political debate within a policy area, from which the same lobby has tried to "hunt" since I am not a voice line, not tamed.
But who is he trying to "tour"?
Ms. Nirenstein is releasing promotional interviews as follows: we do not intend to speak on the Israeli government policy, which is giving be done to seek peace with the Palestinians, which is very dear to us. We are interested to counter the widespread - she says - to delegitimize Israel.
objections: a) The legitimacy / legality of something is not a matter of natural right and the time of Antigone each of us with heart and mind is the sovereign judge of what is "legitimate" and what is not. The "legitimacy" as a school of natural law is different from the "legality" was "legal" the Nazi state in the same manner in which he is now "legal" the state "Jewish and democratic state" founded on ethnic cleansing and on ' apartheid. But each Luckily for us the freedom of moral judgments, if it considers that they are "unlawful" the thousand Israeli massacres against the Palestinians (the last to be discovered and documented by Joe Sacco, is that of Kahn Younis in November of 1956 ... Ms. Nirenstein was also present there as a journalist embedded?), Lead Time, Mavi Marmara, the open-air prison of Gaza, the siege of starvation, targeted assassinations, the highest number of Palestinians in prison for any reason (other than Shalit soldier trained to kill!). The lady wants to coerce Nirenstein and deny free of all moral judgments, including this writer, who would have no subjection to a contradiction with the same?
b) In the event occurred and after hearing the recordings, where the "truth" is not coming out any that do not already know and that coincides with that contained in the UN resolution that equated Zionism with racism (I'm sorry for Albertazzi, but it is so, even if they did withdraw that resolution true), just to isolate the action of singing Riccardo Pacifici, who says the settlers? Their families are growing and need more room for their needs. Therefore the settlements can continue, and may continue the peace talks, the eternal "peace process", which very clearly is the peace of cemeteries, even the mass graves where the bodies were piled often obscured women, old people and children. But who wants to make fun of Mrs. Fiamma Nirenstein, of which I read that you yourself would be a "colony" having a home or residence in the illegal turn or Gilo?
And here I stop paying other place analytical criticism of each of the individual actions of the event, where I found no truth that was not already known and described in last again in the Goldstone report no pity for the Palestinian people, expropriated of his land and reduced to a condition that makes enviable slavery of the ancient world. It is significant in all the many interventions as has been none at all just the Palestinian people, the stone guest "stone", if not for the events are contested on the square that seems to have taken place. It has even been theorized (Pezzana) that the "Palestinian people" was invented after 1967: first there! It is still significant as the event will be announced and advertised and held in "closed doors" in the Temple of Hadrian and not "in Piazza di Pietra" as had been announced publicly, inviting anyone who wanted to come, if only to feel the enormity of which are been said. In fact, the square was the Italian people who were demonstrating against the foreign policy of the Minister Frattini, who in Temple revealed its "organic" with the organizers of the "Truth."
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