'Life (but in fact never ended) campaign against the barrier the "Lodo Alfano "by the vote of the Constitutional Affairs Committee.
E 'useless refute the arguments of the opponents of filiform Ruling: it seems more useful to offer the reader a brief - and necessarily partial - a compilation of documentary and bibliographical references. These show that in both constitutional theory and doctrine of the modern state (as absolute bourgeois) in both constitutions political justice "exception" with respect to the ordinary rule is . This is for the obvious reason (among many, the most important) that if there were those exceptions, to govern the country and, subject to influence decisions and activities of government, would not the sovereign people and the general public, but some courts, however, generally recruited with bureaucratic procedures (competitions) and not by popular election.

La conclusione è ovvia: nel tempo e nello spazio non c’è nulla di paragonabile a quanto chiedono i giustizialisti di casa nostra, col loro consueto “senso dello Stato”. Queste richieste non sono né il frutto di preoccupazioni democratiche né di giustizia, né di tante belle parole: sono il diretto derivato dalla prassi raccomandata da Lenin (v. sotto) di servirsi della legalità per scardinare lo Stato (borghese): buona lettura.
…. Resta la responsabilità per diritto comune. Temo che io non abbia un titolo sufficiente per dare giudizii sull’interpretazione della Costituzione francese i quali divergessero da quelli professati da autorevolissimi jurists of France, then modestly tell you how to feel, not as opinion, I think that the Constitution of 1875 does not admit the possibility of the exercise of jurisdiction with regard to that title. There is, indeed, art. 12 of the Constitutional Act of July 16, 1875saying that "the President of the Republic can not be put in charge that the House of Representatives and can not be tried by the Senate that 'but this article confines itself to provide the specialty of the organs prosecution and trial; formal right, therefore, not substantive law. The provision relating to the offenses for which to proceed is in art instead. 6 § 2 already referred to, as il quale:«il Presidente della Repubblica non è responsabile che nel caso di alto tradimento».Se le leggi, soprattutto quelle penali, vanno interpretato così come suonano, mi sembra che il senso dell’articolo non possa dar luogo a dubbii: il presidente non dovrebbe essere penalmente perseguibile se non in quel solo caso, cioè di alto tradimento, caso che vedemmo d’altronde irrealizzabile: anche i reati comuni dovrebbero ritenersi esclusi. Che se poi fosse da seguire l’interpretazione del Duguit, secondo la quale per i reati comuni resterebbe ferma la perseguibilità, con la sola deroga dell’eccezionalità dell’accusatore (la Camera dei Deputati) e del giudice (il Senato), would be to know that the President, tried and, if held, will continue in his capacity as Head of State. Does not continue, he wonders, as it would terminate the office before the trial. If he continues (as is the logic of the system), it could, without much malice, would like to ask the President to convene and chair the Council of Ministers or to receive a foreign ambassador who has to submit the credentials, rather than the Palace of 'Elisha in a cell in the prison of the Holy ".
VE Orlando: by parliamentary immunity and sovereign bodies ,
Right now the general public , Milan 1954, pp. 491-492.
Constitutions in force (among many).
FRANCE - Article 26: "No member of Parliament shall be prosecuted, investigated, arrested, detained or tried for opinions expressed or votes cast in the exercise of its functions.
No member of Parliament during the sessions, be prosecuted or arrested for crimes or violations without the authorization of the assembly which it belongs, except in the case of flagrante delicto.
No member of Parliament out of session, be arrested without the authorization of the Office the Bureau of the Assembly to which it belongs, except in cases of flagrante delicto, authorized to process or a final sentence.
detention or proceeding against a member of Parliament shall be suspended if the Assembly to which it belongs so requires. "
GERMANY - Article 46: "I) A deputy can not be prosecuted in court or disciplinary, or generally be called to account outside the Bundestag for the opinions expressed or votes cast in the Bundestag or one of its Commissions . This arrangement has no value in cases of defamation ed'ingiurie.
II) due to an action for which there is a penalty, a deputy, only after the approval of the Bundestag, may be held liable or be arrested unless caught in the act of committing the fact or during the next day.
III) The approval of the Bundestag is also necessary for any other restriction of personal freedom of a deputy or to start a process against a deputy under Article. 18.
IV) Each and every criminal trial under art. 18 against a deputy, any arrest and any further restriction of personal freedom must be suspended at the request of the Bundestag. "
SPAIN - Article 71: "1) Deputies and Senators enjoy inviolability per le opinioni espresse nell’esercizio delle loro funzioni.
2) Nel periodo del loro mandato i deputati e i senatori godranno inoltre dell’immunità e potranno essere arrestati solo in caso di flagrante reato. Non potranno venir incriminati né processati senza autorizzazione della rispettiva Camera.
3) Per le cause contro deputati e senatori sarà competente la Sezione penale del Tribunale Supremo.
4) I deputati e i senatori riceveranno un’indennità che sarà fissata dalle rispettive Camere”.
BELGIO - Art. 45: “Nessun membro delle due Camere, durante la sessione può essere perseguito o arrestato senza l’autorizzazione della Camera di cui part, except in cases of flagrante delicto.
No coercion may be made against a staff member of either House during the session, without the authorization specified above.
detention in court, or translation of a member of either House shall be suspended during the session, and throughout its duration, if the Chamber so requires. "
JAPAN - Article 50: "Except as provided by law, members of both Houses can not be arrested while the Diet is in session.
Any member arrested before the opening of the session will be at liberty during the same session at the request of the House. "
Article 51: "Members of both Houses will not be held liable outside the House for speeches, debates or votes made in the House."
NETHERLANDS - art. 55: "The king is inviolable. Ministers are responsible. "
Art 100: "The members of the States General, as well as ministers, commissioners provided for in paragraph 2 of art. 113 and officers covered by paragraph 97 can not be prosecuted in the courts for what they have said in the meeting or communicated in writing to the assembly. "
Constitution does not force (among many).
cite, first, some constitutions of the states of "real socialism" now erased from history because even in some of these were forms of immunity.
East Germany (1968) - Article 60: "2) Members of the House of Peoples have inherent rights to parliamentary immunity. Restrictions on personal liberty, house searches, seizure or criminal proceedings against the People of the Chamber of Deputies shall be permissible only with the consent of the House and the people themselves, in the periods between its sessions, with the consent of the State Council. The decision of the latter must be validated by the People's House. "
ROMANIA (1965) - Article 61: "No Member of the Grand National Assembly shall be detained, arrested or prosecuted without the prior approval of the Grand National Assembly, if the session is in progress, or the Council of State, between sessions .
Member may be arrested without permission only in cases of flagrante delicto. "
CZECHOSLOVAKIA (1948) - Article 76: "The President of the Republic is not responsible for the exercise of its functions. The government is liable for claims of the President issued in connection with his presidential duties. "
Article 44: "Members may not be absolutely pursued because of their vote in parliament and in parliamentary committees. The words uttered by them in exercising their mandate only expose them to disciplinary powers of the National Assembly. "
Article 45: "A criminal or disciplinary proceedings against the Member as a result of other actions or omissions can not be started except with the consent of the National Assembly. If you refuse this, the process is definitely ruled out. "
FRANCE (1946) - Article 21: "No member of Parliament shall be prosecuted, investigated, arrested or tried in dependence of the reviews and ratings issued by him in carrying out its functions."
Art. 22: “Nessun membro del parlamento può, durante il suo mandato, essere perseguito e arrestato in materia criminale e correzionale se non con l’autorizzazione della Camera di cui fa parte, salvo il caso di flagrante delitto. La detenzione o il procedimento contro un membro del parlamento sono sospesi, se la Camera di cui fa parte lo richiede”.
v. anche FRANCIA (1791) – Tit. III, Cap. I, Sez. V, art. 7-8; Cap. II, Sez. 1, art. 2 (non riportiamo gli articoli – se ne da notizia perché è stato il modello dell’immunità di buona parte delle costituzioni europee successive).
ITALIA (1948 – Statuto Albertino) - Art. 4: “La persona the king is sacred and inviolable. "
Article 36: "The Senate is in the High Court of Justice by order of the King to judge the crimes of high treason and attempt on state security, and to judge the ministers accused by the Chamber of Deputies.
In these cases, the Senate is the body politic. It can not deal with judicial matters, if not, why was summoned, under penalty of nullity. "
Article 45: "No Member may be arrested, except for the case of flagrante delicto, in the time of the session, or brought to trial in a criminal matter, without the prior consent of the House."
Texts of constitutional theory
Niccolo Machiavelli - Discourses on the first Deca, I, VII
Hobbes - Leviathan cap.
Elements XVIII, p. II, ch. I, 12
Constant - policy principles cap.XII
Holy Roman Empire - course of constitutional law, Padova 1928, p. 323
GGF Hegel - Philosophy of law § 285 (on the responsibilities of the Monarch)
C. Schmitt - Verfassungslehre (translated by A. Caracciolo) Milan 1984, pp. 251 ff., 325, 416 ff. (See especially pp. 251 ss. The consequences of the principle of separation of powers).
Maurice Hauriou - Précis de droit constitutionnel , Paris 1929, pp. 532 ff.
George Burdeau - Droit constitutionnel et Institutions politiques, Paris 1980, pp. 552 ff.
Maurice Duverger - Éléments de droit public, Paris 1981, pp. 117 ff.
To see the political use of law V. Lenin - Extremism, childhood disease of communism , rest. Rome 1974, pp. 90 ff.
So, when someone tore his robes violated or trampled democracy equality, this means that all those ordained in the constitution mentioned above, are not democracies, as in all the "political justice" not exercised in the manner and for offenses of that community.
Claim, to give lessons in democracy and liberalism in France, Belgium, the Netherlands and so on, which speaks for itself.
PS: To all requests for cooperation and criticism: if you find a constitutional text on which to judge any (but not as great rooms, senates, constitutional courts, special courts) is allowed to send to jail in accordance with rules ordinary (and non-special) kings, presidents of the republic, prime ministers, ministers, deputies simple, Notify me what and where can find them. The invitation is extended to the justice-of every denomination.
not take into account provisions of the Member fascists, communists (those residues), dictatorships, state and tribal "failed".
Klitsche Teodoro de la Grange
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