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I was perhaps the first Italian player in the volume of Mearsheimer and Walt, The Israel Lobby and Italian foreign policy just came out in bookstores Italian. I decided immediately to investigate whether also in Italy that could be traced to a phenomenon reported by two American political scientists. Not the way I planned the release of a similar volume. The investment that this would entail would be disproportionate and not really suited to my area specification that is properly philosophical and legal, not sociological. By the time I can say that the volume has some limitations, but absolutely negligible and in any case do not detract from his basic thesis: a narrow minority, a lobby whose activity is only partially known, and that is to say ' public activity that can be read in the media, holds the foreign policy of the greatest military power of the earth and influence that is contrary to the political interests of the overwhelming majority of American people and the maintenance of world peace. The title "Israel lobby" rather than the more spontaneous of "Jewish lobby" is a form of self-censorship to avoid the frustration and instrumental discounted charge of "anti-Semitism": a magic word with which those lobbies seek to intimidate and nipped in the bud any criticism, any speech, any calm reasoning. This form of "terrorism" is not ideological beliefs have equal in history known to us. If anyone reading this thinks I'm exaggerating, well, just try to think about a little word, " kippah," just yesterday that our eyes did deploy the batteries, I think not all of which have such a lobby and equal, even in Italy. We do not live in a globalized world? The big powers are much more and much better connected internationally than they are weak powers. Not the state has now passed his time, but the United Nations. The capital in search of profit quietly crosses borders in search of convenience: no scruples and no other logic and ethics that pure profit. The people and the masses of humans are biological stocks that can safely be sent through the shredder and landfill, if they do not produce profit. This is the logic and ethics that govern us, this is the new religion.
Research has produced its results, leading to the final consolidated certainty that Italy not only exists in the same lobby that condition, the Italian foreign policy, but the lobby is a far more oppressive and overwhelming for the dual dependency of Italy as well as from that of the Lobby too powerful ally, our winner in the last war and our master from 1945 to present. With more than 100 U.S. military bases in Italy, by ourselves paid tribute in the form of perpetual war, our nominal rulers and suspects are actually busybody who vie for the master's undisputed and uncontested. They have transformed our culture, have polluted the school, we have been brainwashed, you think you can pretend all I want today and tomorrow the opposite of what we've been led to believe yesterday. Within this general framework of enslavement, already predicted by Vittorio Emanuele Orlando over half century ago, is located in the Lobby our local bipartisan way. It basically is based on an ideological point of view that has been done on the demonization of all our historical past, shaking every corner of history, going to the revival of fascism and down to the beginning of Judaism-cristiamesimo on the ribs of the dying civilization greek roman, where at least everyone was free to worship the god who could most congenial and without in god's name could be justified killings of all kinds.
I apologize to my reader, but I need to provide an overview before moving on to chronicle the event, which is announced for tomorrow afternoon, where a "lobbyist" whose presence in parliament is due to the known purpose and effect of that "bullshit" of electoral law in this way that reveals all his fault. I will devote a special chapter on the subject. To talk about it now would open another long digression and never would enter in medias res, as I do now instead. However, it is necessary to follow a certain gradual, so that the reader and does not know certain things, can understand, if that's what you look for: an understanding of our everyday life. The "truth" about Israel is quickly told and there is another: in 1948 took place in Palestine a real ethnic cleansing, that is genocide. Those dispossessed of their villages, their houses, all their possessions, their affections and their memory, had the misfortune to survive were enslaved and in a perpetual state of legal inferiority. I said slavery. Controversy may seem an exaggeration, but it'll explain what I said. Reading one of the many books that I have gone into documenting the past two or three years on the Palestinian issue, I came across last night in a few lines, where it was described as the Palestinians "survivors" in 1948 and all subsequent, often excluded from the our knowledge, such as the massacre of Khan Younis in November 1956, they were forced to draw their material sustenance going to work in Jerusalem, employed by those who had dispossessed and getting a tenth of wages: this is not slavery worse than that of the ancient world? Try to think!
What happened in 1948, that is ethnic cleansing, largely told in a book Israeli Jew Ilan Pappe, who came to Rome to speak at a university, could not do so, in this office for official purposes to which no one believed him. Even the Zionist Benny Morris can deny the reality of ethnic cleansing, even if you climb on mirrors to provide an ideological justification for Zionism. So much so that to prevent new historical works that fall into more details the Israeli government has thought well to extend the classified twenty years of Israeli archives. We also know that many incriminating documents were destroyed: who could ever be interested in leaving traces of their misdeeds. But these crimes can be derived not just from archival documents by the same logic and dall'aritmetica we all learned in elementary school: there is no need of the population of another Zionist demographer by the name of Pergola and alarm and cries alarm, saying that Palestinians who were already the clear majority of the population, when in 1882 landed the first Zionist settlers in Palestine, will soon return to be, despite the massacres, killings, poisoning long-term planning with the pollution of groundwater and soil. They are right
lobbies located in the different national contexts to strengthen their grip on power in the media and politicians sguinzagliari to serve them because soon, very soon will be facing the "final decision", the "final solution" of the Palestinian people. It will have to sweat a little to convince us that it is "self-defense" of "legitimate defense" and "right to exist" and "biblical exegesis" and to uphold the "divine will." In another of those readings, just a book of the Jew Noam Chomsky, hated by Zionists, even if another jew named Gilad Atzmon, the same criticism of Chomsky as a moderate and basically he is a "Zionist" as "jew" and "Zionist" has also stated that Richard Goldstone, that as the court has not made before the evidence could not see the war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by the glorious and eticissimo Israeli army in Gaza during the "Lead Time ', well, Chomsky repeated several times in his book," Understanding power, "this concept closely followed in the U.S. and I believe also in Italy: rather than buying a tank is better to spend the same money to buy a politician, sorry, in the sense of completely legal to finance his campaign and thereby ensuring the election. The same can then be applied to the media, opinion leaders, experts, etc..
On stage in the square adjacent to the House, certainly not as big as the Piazza San Giovanni and Piazza del Popolo, enough to hold hundreds of people that the lobby can hardly any time to take to the streets, climb the director of one of those sheet propaganda, direct and clear statement in which it attempts to present unpresentable lies, thinking that this place has done on other occasions: a) There is a moral debt of Europe to Israel; b) For Israel must be given possession of Palestine; c) It is basically a continuation of the same batch that had begun to play with the Crusades, where the West had the retreat of serious misconduct after having tried for several centuries. These individuals need little object such that it is quite fantastic and fanciful talk of a moral debt of Europe to Israel, but when CIA was contrary to all logic is ethical and legal to pay such a debt should be one third that in no more accused of a "fault" that he did not commit, being harassed, threatened and dispossessed in their own home. Talking
I skipped a step that I take now. I said that there can be no doubt of sorts for those who just as soon as means to document the ethnic cleansing of Palestine "in 1948, which meant a reduction by half of the Palestinian population, the destruction and wiped off the map for more than half of the Palestinian villages then existing and viable as well as slavery in the sense specified, the remaining population. But the propaganda that we read daily in an agency, in Italian, but perhaps written in Israel, how do you justify this unprecedented genocide? I struggle to find a logic that is barely standing. They say we have not kicked us, they left them, spontaneously, because they told him all other Arabs. Are nonsense that not even correspond to the dynamics of the facts, which can be read in Ilan Pappe. But even such absurdities that made for good does that mean? If for any reason I moved away from home leave, to get treatment elsewhere, to secure a natural disaster or war, of course, for a strictly limited time, not for centuries or millennia, I can not go back to my house and lose all rights?
is really the abdication of human reason to listen to each one claiming to return home after a fantastic and utterly chimerical absence of two thousand years (the destruction of the Temple by the Romans, followed by deportation as chimeric and non existent) and denied an equal entitle for the above reasons, it would be absent no more than two days or two months? On the one hand we have a "right of return" with which Israel ensures a home, housing and funding to any adventurer who came from all over the world and state jew or convert to Judaism and the other is denied an equal right to return those who have been driven out of the house and who had such a right also enshrined in the UN? If anyone can find this claim a glimmer of logic and justice, there must be an alien or an alien here because you can not find anything human.
To come to us, a theme that is more just, you be investigated and considered in its full scope cover legal, political and moral that such a flagrant violation of every principle of law, justice and humanity has found and is with our politicians, whose names and whose faces we will see again on stage, perhaps after the events of recent days with the kippah on his head. In fact, a senator, as opposed to Ciarrapico controversy, issued to the news agency that he bought (with taxpayers' money) 134 kippah as a gift to every senator except only Ciarrapico that would prove not to accept the Jewish headgear. And dunqe possible that we will see on stage some of these "kippah" received as a gift. Another
consideration here is spontaneous. Of course, the names already announced for this purpose are free to go on stage and to support the cause, indeed, the "Truth" was coined in Israel by a special office of propaganda for foreign countries, with the Hebrew word Hasbara said. To prove what to whom? As long as they meet in secret rooms to concert secret things to us mere mortals, so many Mr Nobody, not even technically know as. And we have a certain Mossad to our service, a service not only to espionage or intelligence as they say, but a service of real killers who commit murders in the world and those who organize "false flag" that now are a constant information date dai media. Un lettore appena un poco intelligente, che continua a comprare i giornali nelle edicole o ascolta regolarmente i telegiornali della sera, deve ormai chiedersi a ogni notizia: sarà vero o è la solita bufala, che magari viene riconosciuta come tale pochi giorni dopo o anche qualche mese dopo, quando ormai ha esaurito la sua funzione. Si noti un fatto risaputo: la bufala ha l’evidenza delle prime pagine, mentre la smentita – se viene dato – trova appena un trafiletto, di cui nessuno si accorge. Ho al riguardo da raccontare cose interessanti, di prima mano, che mi riguardano direttamente, ma riservo ciò ad un’altra storia. Qui mi mantengo sul filo del discorso, che sarebbe «Per la Verità di Israele», a truth that we are here trying to investigate how the Israel lobby our local wants to sell there. We need to take breaks because this car is long and our writing (and its revision) is in real time. If we follow the techniques and timing of the press, would be as Hegel says about the owl of Minerva, giving the image of philosophy that is always at dusk, when the facts have already taken place and the event is over. Our attempt here is to reflect on this during its making: the writing, as an art form, clearly affected. But I have already said that my purpose is not the "form" but the "content". Not I despise the "form", but it can wait, while the "content" has a different urgency.
To my readers of "Libertas Civium", which by chance happen to be here, I explain once again that this blog is a virtual space of militancy in the old Forza Italy, later to become the PDL, and now also in the critical phase of redefinition. I just advised my mother in Calabria, which pulls air in Rome and asked to know which air instead of shooting in Calabria. Certainly, until recently, I could formally be described as "Provincial Coordinator of Clubs in that FI of Reggio Calabria." Alemanno said publicly that "would have occurred." I hope he did and maybe you will deign to let me know. I hope not to have to live with him in the new aggregation, purified by Finian, but it certainly did not confirm my vote for mayor and no one can compel me to do it, I understood a militant FI. It would be better for me if Alemanno a return to what it was and that everyone in Rome knows. In webmagazine of "The West" shows the poster of the event Mrs. Nirenstein, whose presence in the PDL or Forza Italy, or believe in the future aggregate Finian, not that I read "Freedom and the Future", but a future without freedom and without Dignity. What happens every day under our eyes is the demonstration of what I say. Unfortunately, it is well established contempt for language. We are far from evangelical simplicity of our signs say, that must be "yes yes no no" or say "bread bread and wine to wine." Here lie with impunity pretends to use the word Truth and Freedom the more often the more is lost every Freedom, to begin from the same PDL, which is not for nothing that the "people", the internal democracy of the decisions and debates, let alone the "Freedom". The lynching shameful that we have seen to a Senator, that is Ciarrapico, is a resounding statement lack of true freedom and within the institution of Parliament and within the parties themselves, the majority or the opposition: it makes no difference!
In the remainder of this discussion, therefore, I shall avail myself of the "documents" that appear on "The West" by Loquenzi, where my "comments" appear or not appear, depending on whether they are acceptable to the moderator. I can say that the documents appeared to date are of great conceptual inconsistency: they are ideological, false propaganda. The "comments" that you read are usually the classic "shoulder", provided by a veritable army of Troll recruited by Israeli intelligence and the same Lobby. Myself I get requests for "recruitment" to do the job then I see that others do. Therefore, we must purify our debate on the presence of "troll", "parrot", "megaphone", people from the threat dall'insulto and ready. Not clearly "ethnic cleansing", but a clean moral and conceptual in a democracy should seek the advice of everyone, but if one has no arguments, and knows only offend and insult or even threaten, then there is no more room for debate political.
As there is room for debate with those who go on stage, letting us know who will go and signing his name, that does not take anything for awe, anzi ci conferma nella cattiva opinione che già ne avevamo. Non potrò mai dimenticare il vicecoordinatore Cicchitto che durante il massacro di Piombo Fuso era dalla parte dei carnefici anziché delle vittime. Devo però dargli atti di una risposta che mi diede in un primo convegno dello stesso genere, presente le stesse persone (Aznar, Fini...), quando gli chiesi qualificandomi come coordinatore provinciale se non essendo per nulla d’accordo con quello che il vicecoordinatore nazionale diceva dovessi per questo uscire dal partito. Rispose saggiamente e sensatamente di no. Era il minimo che potesse dire, anche se è implicito che io sarei rimasto ai margini. Ma adesso le cose cambiano un poco. Sento dire che i Notabili in procinto di passare chi di qua chi di là, bussano alla base e ai quadri intermedi per portarsi indietro un poco di truppo. E no, cari, avete capito male! Non siamo tutti fessi, clienti e servi, come voi pensate! Con una Fiamma che sale sul palco e noi lì ad applaudire. E no, cara Fiammetta, portati sotto il palco i “coloni” dei “territori occupati”, si noti: “territori illegalmente occupati”, dove dico lei abbia una residenza, in Gilo (= mai coperto, mai messo piede in Israele e spero mai dovercelo mettere), né mediaticamente “territori” o “territori contesi”, secondo quella sistematica “fabbricazione del falso”, cui i nostri media sono abitualmente dediti.
* * *
An ordinary example of the ordinary racism is in this passage today of the "Gazette", whose director at the moment it was announced on the stage of Mrs. Fiammetta Nirenstein:
At the same time (and how not to note the simultaneity?), A new "case" stands on the pages of the newspaper "La Repubblica". The signature that is to be the new "case" was due to appear in court for such a precedent, but he was careful before the court and the first hearing that was scheduled September 29 was postponed to April 15. And they say that Berlusconi speaks ill of the judges and the criminal and civil process in this country. But we in the West, not in Iran! But that is another story, maybe tell in another post. Unfortunately I do not have the direct demonstration, to which I go to go as an observer, but I was discouraged.
The propaganda material that is baked is notable for its uncritical repetition, but not for its argumentative force. For example, I saw a video of Mrs. Fiammetta who plays a curious argument: the UN is angry with us as we are around other crimes, primarily the very existence of Iran, which in most a century has never fought against anyone, but the serious and unforgivable sin of not being under the thumb of Israel, through the U.S. think you can do a gendarme in the Middle East in the reduced condition of servitude which is from Europe 1945 to date. We enjoy in Italy, at our expense, the presence of 114 American bases, but as a wit said, sitting or sitting in parliament, ensure our freedom! A freedom which we ourselves are not clearly able to look after.
In the face of massive propaganda, made up of one or more pieces of the other silly and false, I believe we can offer a mathematical formula, a simple equation:
I do not think those will go up or right now they are talking from the stage, if the event has run its course, will be able to refute it. I believe that the only development which may give is that you are right ethnically cleanse Palestine, because there is an alleged ... Biblical! And then blame the Palestinians themselves if they suffer what they suffer. The ownership of the Holocaust also offers legal right to inflict any possible suffering to others in any way responsible for the well-known historical event for which it is not even allowed to debate history, the prison sentence, as in Germany (200,000 cases!), Or "pillory" turn in contemporary media with la solita sfilata di politici uno più ignorante dell’altro, ma desiderosi di aprire bocca su ogni cosa.
Un altro brano proveniente dallo stesso autore e dalla stessa fonte:
Another example, and some turn out not to raise the polemical tone, having decided to hold more that I faced with such impudence and obscenity:
Beh, ancora un fuor d’opera. Questa che segue è troppo grossa per passare inosservata:
documents that bring into rete per supporto della manifestazione che a quest’ora dovrebbe essere terminata sono autentici pezzi di delirio, che ritengo confidino solo sulla forza stanca e ripetitiva della propaganda, sparata come i pezzi di artiglieri in uso da Israele, anzi i missili lanciati dai droni, che si caratterizzano per la loro mancanza di contradditorio:
SUMMARY: 1. Messages Schifani, Fini, Berlusconi . - 2. The "lies" by Paolo Mieli . - While listening
great recording and playback of the event, which lasted over three hours, I proceed to comment on the sound interventions, which have suffered technical problems and jam . In try again find a recording of Nirenstein, on which I wrote a few lines of comment, which I have not the patience to rebuild. The usual nonsense from which it is useless to draw groped lights. Mrs. points on the strength of the "friends" and has mobilized its wishful thinking that the defendants represent uniformly the Italian intellectual world. As in the Palestinians, Mr lady is totally convinced that others will not count and do not exist. It is the policy of Zionism in Palestine has followed since 1882, the year of the first colonial settlement. In this "preface" I note some general sense, referring also to individual analysis. Until now, you really can touch with hand the mass of ignorant and incompetent that have been gathered: do not even know what they say. Albertazzi that ends in Azzi, he just shot and big drops in the vertical well is estimated that I had as an actor. If the force of "truth" is in his arguments, here there is no force at all, at least from what I heard and now have over three hours and emergency c * Well ladies, I have to say thank the Fiammetta for putting together such a well-stocked collection. Ouch! I'm feeling Raffaele La Capria, che crede di essere intelligente e parla di “diritto di esistenza”, la solita tiritera, ma non si pone neppure per un istante il problema della cancellazione sistematica del popolo autoctono dei palestinesi: lo hanno sempre detto: non esistono! Questa è nuovo: l’«odio di sè» che non è più riferita agli ebrei antisionisti, ma all’Occidente stesso! Il fatto di starmene seduto qui comodamente a casa mia, sentendo le registrazioni, mi consente quei commenti liberi, che non scrivo e che non sarebbero stati altrimenti possibili. Impagabile Antonio Martino: dà a D’Alema del ministro non laureato, ma per la verità does not prove to be more intelligent. a warmonger! And a declaration of war on the "enemy within", that is, to all of us. Let us be careful! They want to put them there in prison, even if we are silent. We will analyze the brain. Rutelli ing out now that the baby jew 82 when raging Sabra and Shatila: reference to Robert Fisk, The martyrdom of a nation. What c. .. It does not take into account in any way that Zionism means ethnic cleansing, if he is ignorant, we can not help it. hope, give us the right to stay away from all these people, who unfortunately plagued with their own government on our skin. "Democracy and freedom ...", ma che dici??? Mamma mia, quant c.... Tutti chiusi in una sala: non sono uomi di piazza. E la piazza è il popolo. Vedo affacciarsi Pacifici. Parla uno in inglese: non lo considero. Un “dissidente” siriano. Ricordo alla precedente manifestazione di un rabbino con tanto di barba che pretendeva da me per strada che gli rispondessi in... ebraico! Belli quelli che vengono in lista. Non avrei potuto ridere di più e lo spettacolo è bello lungo. Me lo posso rivedere e risentire. Se è vero quello che dice il vecchio Hegel, e cioè che il razionale è il reale e il reale è razionale, qui certamente non There is nothing rational and perhaps even nothing real. I always try to maintain the necessary objectivity, even choosing to stand with the victim and the executioner, but here we really are in a complete lack of rationality, humanity, justice, elementary sense of fairness: a people, the Palestinian , was driven from their homes, is killed every day, and they purport to create rights, truth, legitimacy on the principle of ethnic cleansing. Gigi Baptist is talking! Is advertising in Moffa ... himself on the "so-called Holocaust"! We must send him the text of Sion Segre Am ar the "so-called Holocaust." Here he is, he! Peace with the Israeli flag! "Romano" and "Italian" ? And the millions of Iraqi and Palestinian children? Do not exist! Already, the "dissidents"! Two people = the two-state formula of deception pending the completion of ethnic cleansing, tranfer! Richard Bella this: the settlers have children and expand, so they need extra room. The peace we will do the same! Now it Fiammetta: is excited, just a little girl Comen! There has with the UN, that is, with the world, which has very serious wrong to condemn Israel. "Women who choose the husband they want ..." . And with this we want to carry the flag in war against 70 million Iranians and asks us to endorse ethnic cleansing of Palestine. Mamma mia! I hate, hate, hate ... Lies, lies, lies .. But what is Truth? When you tell us? I can not hear even a truth all yours and only yours, at least he's standing with the canons of logic. They only talk about why open your mouth, but with no regard to the opinion of the listener: there is and is not essential. Law surgery, but she did not apply to calls the brevity is the hostess. is saccharine and does not know . Aznar: there was also the last time! Israel is not the East but the West. So the ethnic cleansing has reached its final stage . Vaglielo to say to Muslims. "Israel is a part of this Western"? And so, colonialism and racism? Frattini arrives! To our misfortune foreign minister, after the ministry "did not graduate." I can go home Frattini, hunt and defend my "right to exist" and live at home: this is the content of the speech of a foreign minister that can not not know the creation of propaganda wipe Israel off the map by Iran, while these things were done right by Israel towards the Palestinians. The Italian foreign policy, in the mouth Frattini ... Alas, has it in the net! Be prepared for an interruption of the transmission! The politics of duplicity, which was already in Britain, did not lead well. You might ask: and where is the contradiction here? It is not expected! He with Shalit! The propaganda must have invested a lot in this chapter. Some Latella talks about ... "Nonsense." Appunto! Luca Barbareschi: un’uscita che suona: siccome sono “evoluti” mentre gli altri sono arretrati, allora Viva Israele! In fondo, in fondo è un bene poterli vedere in faccia senza dover ricorrere ad uno “spionaggio” per sapere chi sono, cosa dicono, come la pensano. Parla Ernesto Galli Della Loggia, un “opinionista” misura ed espressione di ciò che pensiamo e possiamo pensare. La Malfa figliolo, dice di Frattini: “L’Italia che parla...”: e chi assolutamente non la pensa come voi non è l’Italia? Penso esattamente il contrario e ne sono perfettamente convinto. Mah! One worse than the other and it is useless to expect a minimum level of depth, you might have even from their "enemies." After all, if they speak a lot of "legitimacy" of Israel means that they are convinced of the opposite and would like us to change your mind. Mamma Mia! Talk Furio Colombo ... The man of the speaker! says an interesting thing, however. I suffer from the recording: it says that "very few" people like him "passionately" pro-Israel. Yet it was his "baby." This is the only interesting thing that gives us hope. He finished but I want to suffer. says something important: although many in the tiny room, are "minority" in the country as the Israel lobby. A comforting. Perhaps the only truth that has been said so far. Everything else is propaganda so vulgar to put at risk our ability to self-control necessary. And I want to hear for the third time, dropping Vernetti, which is ... The epitome of "correct information"! The "upside-down world"! Yeah, you say! The tenant is anxious to say that "many" who want to talk and asks to be brief. But say the things that deserve to be heard, to gain some serious ground for reflection, but you do not hear nothing but bad things that confirm the view that already had them. In this sense, the event is an unexpected success for the anti-Zionists. If this is Zionism, we can be pretty sure that we are not to be in being against . Another who speaks English clearly, and to fill the number one, had to ask for reinforcements from abroad. As another speaker spoke in English I went to eat something, and I said, about democracy, but if there had been this electoral law, someone would have voted for Ms. Nirenstein and all the other Israel lobby in parliament are doing what they do? If we ask by what mechanism the Lobby has crept in the ganglia of power, this can be a strong response. speaks the voice of the Lord's ambassador to Israel! rifritta that hot air and not even worth commenting . Anti-Semitism, Zionism ... are just convinced that we are c. ... rifirare to take always the same lies. With the 'anti-Semitism "want to live until 3000! facts are all the names of Zionists, who are thanked and praised: they can in this way knowledge without the risk of being told we compile the "blacklists", as happened to a poor man who had only taken a list rather than public, but giving an opinion on the merits rather than demerit. Talk ah ah Magdi Cristiano Allam, who wants to send a European law to send to jail anyone who dares to criticize Israel. Mrs. Boniver jump! Of such a beautiful lady you can not say anything and his mouth can say whatever he wants. Shalit is the mother! Arriva Gianni Alemanno, the! The canard of the oldest communities in the world where Shalit was given honorary citizenship. Mah! told him: but Mordecai Vanunu? Do not risk an answer. Ciarrapico, where are you! "We", but who? Talk Rosa who writes on the "Sheet"! Reads the homework that has been written at home, looking like the Marquis Eufemio. Pure a Russian! But they had to scour the world to fill the room. I am really so many strong and terrible. No sense of reality. But perhaps he has had for some notarietà scoop journalism racket or similar? Oh, oh! Depressing when someone opens his mouth about things you do not know even remotely. For him, the Palestinian Authority, the fugitive hunted, killed and humiliated "Do not hesitate," but gay! Those that exist! She told us her ... "Truth" and gave us a really great contribution to knowledge, which made us all grow, young and old. Says the conductor, many places in the room were released! The room is never seen, but only from the podium where the speaker speaks. But the room is already empty. Suspense ... The video Saviano tells us his truth made of images. What? The look in Tel Aviv! Israel formed a hundred nations, namely, the scum of the earth, came there to drive out the natives, the natives. The home of gay! This is sarebbe un “discorso politico”! Un buon numero di discorsi è in inglese: mi riposo, volendo ascoltare tutto di un fiato la lunga registrazione di oltre tre ore. E farne una bozza di commento in estemporanea, salvo poi tornare sui dettagli. Spesso le prime intuizioni sono le migliori. Al di là delle singole cose dette, spesso di nessun valore intrinseco, è da chiedersi cosa credono di aver portato a casa gli organizzatori, quale risultato politico che non abbiano già. Intanto proprio domani dovrebbe esserci in Roma una ben diversa riunione: quella degli organizzatori della nuova Flotilla. Parla Sgarbi, personaggio incredibile, il quale dice che “non si può non essere ebrei”. Per fortuna si! Anche lui la storia dell’«amico ebreo»: non ho la fortuna di avere “amici ebrei”. Mi è rimasto impresso Sgarbi per averlo sentito rispondere in un dibattito che le 114 basi americano, ci stanno - a nostre spese - per difendere la nostra libertà! Lo Stato di Israele una necessità della storia, chiaramente a tutte spese degli autoctoni palestinesi: un dettaglio trascurabile a fronte della “condizione dello spirito” che è l’essere ebreo. Poveri noi che non abbiamo spirito! La tiritera contro Teheran, secondo la più trita propaganda israeliana. Non poteva non dire c... al suo solito! Caspita mi sembra di averlo visto già quel giovanotto che viene dall’Iran ed è un traditore del suo paese: era alla stessa manifestazione sulla destabilization of the Middle Eastern states, that Mrs. Fiammetta had organized years ago and which I have elsewhere extensive review. I was next to a journalist of the "Messenger", and felt compassion for him and his loan to the game to the detriment of his country. The traitors always put so much sadness. Maybe they do not realize what it does and what he says. Trigano Here it is: his colleague as "philosopher"! Bah! We are a great, great family, where everything is right, but everything! I will not because he, being in Italy, thinks he can speak Italian. And at the bottom of Italy is but a distant province of the empire, even a sottoprovincia Israel. Or so believe in the room adjacent to the Palace House. I wonder if all these people coming from abroad, has come to its own costs: I doubt it. And then here is the vile "money" comes into play. It is the twentieth time that the host calls to occupy the empty seats in the hall, evidently those outside do not have any desire to enter and prefers to be on the threshold or they are ashamed or are observers, which I also would have liked to be, if not good reasons I had advised against the poor attendance. Gee, but they all speak English! And brought them all together in Rome! In the room applauded, but it is not difficult to get an audience clapping in a room scheduled. But it was not in the square, a plaza open to the pubblico, al popolo romano e italiano, quella in cui avrebbe dovuto svolgersi la manifestazione? Magari a piazza San Giovanni, dove storicamente si svolgono gli assembramenti di popolo! No, la piazza non è per loro. I loro luoghi sono le segrete stanze dei bottoni. Costoro se ne infischiano del popolo, se non per ingannarlo e sfruttarlo in ogni modo. Li voglio vedere in faccia... La traduttrici è sfinita! Tanti nomi da ricordare e annotare, per chi studia il sionismo. Parla il “filosofo” Panella con una enne. Crede di essere “acuto” e intelligente: è il “pensatore”. Il popolo ebraica ha diritto al “suo” stato e alla “sua” terra a prescindere dalla Shoah! Che commentare? Lasciamolo say, but unfortunately without any hope of mutual. They do not know the law of reciprocity. He is not aware of what he says: you can easily backfire! Are you suggesting a change of charges of propaganda, but for example - to take it - seriously, you should then explain the declaration of war on Zionism in Germany .. 1933 and many other things that have happened in the first world war and generally do not say, because it may give a foundation for the persecution that Jews and Germans have suffered. Talk or Tozzi Cozzi. But it's not a singer? Sing badly! He wants to be Israeli writers in Italy to illuminate the Italians. He wants the schools to go to Israel, to maybe stumble in some bombs. Is telling the truth. Speak Now Rocco ... Buttiglione, a friend and Nirenstein Pacific! Now we know! Well, I know his brilliant career and I refrain from commenting, not to suggest that it is all envy. He has not changed, but has spent his career. Well, some people in life we \u200b\u200bcan do and who's not. A "latent" threats against those he considers "latent anti-Jewish." Well, in practice, the event is a call you people that are from Israel and wants him to say. Of "truth" needless to look for the lantern, but say they are on one side can comfort each other rather than have succeeded. But to us there has to import? We needed? This is the confrontation they wanted? They are there to reverse the insult to which no one can replicate and then give us the "violent", "undemocratic", "anti-Semitic," "haters", "enemies of the West" to them! Mah! "We know," said Roccella, where "we" includes you and only those who are in the room. Talk Companion, another Zionist iron! A tirade against Ahmadinejad, the next victim of the war in preparation, after the Afghan, Iraq. A pull against the United Nations, that all nations of the world who are then freed from the fifty in the colonial rule. And the colonial imprint is one that profoundly characterizes Israel, the last colonial state. He, too, with a picture of Shalit! I confess that I find it hard to understand this fixation. Another sample: Pianetta, which speaks of the Association of Friendship for Israel, which includes ... More than 200 MPs. Wow! We are really in bad shape! The usual omelette of "the great Israeli democracy," based on apartheid and ethnic cleansing. Come on, the Italian parliament. Now my friend Georgie, as if to say Peter, that joke with the teacher. He has been called by his friends to an IC "sublime Zionist": there is no risk to him that the University Rome's Sapienza ask account of his views and allow trade unions. But this is the democracy of the "friends of Israel" with more than 200 parliamentarians! Talk Pezzana Angelo and I'm holding. Complains about the press as if it were not subservient enough: never enough! Until 1967 the Palestinians did not know to be a "people" have never had a state, then these unfortunates were then put in mind of a people and will be a state. If this is not the most vulgar racism ... Be useless to explain to a lot of science the concept of Schmitt's concept of the people that springs from the opposition friend-enemy, but also a historical wrong because if it goes in the early twentieth century I will see that the locals knew as Zionists or the Jewish settlers were to dig the ditch and drive them from their land. Comes now the chief rabbi: The Signs! Just across the Italian Jewish community, which is approximately 30,000 people in front of more than 57 million Italians, whose foreign policy has become one of their prerogative, thanks to the 200 MPs and those using the most undemocratic election law, which does not even have the former Belgian Congo, as in fact considered undemocratic. Hurrah! Other work in English. Really a dip in Italian! All members of associations or international Zionist Jewish were summoned to Rome was conquered land, more or less come un insediamento della West Bank. Si fosse trattato di un convegno di studi internazionali, passi pure. Ma questi hanno preteso che tutto il popolo italiano venisse convocato in piazza per sostenere la politica filosionista di questo ministro, che è un uomo loro e che è finito ministro degli esteri non per volontà del popolo italiano, ma per le mene del potere. Ah, la sala è stata concessa fino alle 10! Poi, probabilmente i lavoratori italiani spegneranno le luci, come hanno fatto una volta al Pantheon! Davvero una manifestazione “popolare”. Mai popolo fu più presente! Il solito iraniano antiraniano! Una volta si diceva traditori, adesso si dice “dissidenti”. Veramente triste! Eccolo il rabbino Di Segni! Cerco di non commentare: è pericoloso. Il papa lo si può criticare, ma il rabbino no! E questo rabbino fu quello che interruppe il papa il sinagoga mentre parlava: per un cattolico sarebbe stato un atto quasi sacrilego. Torna alle Crociate. Ci parla del Talmud: ne avevamo bisogno! Si diletta con delizie talmudiche! «La storia è antica». Parla una evangelica sionista. Dice di essere una “cristiana”. Mamma mia! “Vi abbiamo votati”? E quando mai qualcuno ha potuto votare? La manifestazione sta volgendo alla fine, vale a dire alle 10 “devono” lasciare la sala, ma quello che si nota finora è una straordinaria assenza del palestinese. Parla una certa Lisa, rappresentante della milionesima associazione Jewish, and threatens "not pass away." The topic: the de-legitimization of Israel that someone wants to do. No one comes to mind that legitimation / de-legitimize or not. It is basically an opinion that each of us while we are listening to them, can give. The political force, the atomic bomb, the drones and all the arsenals of them have already died, the 200 deputies as well, and what else do they want? They want our approval as they clear the Palestinians? They want to be loved, understood and applauded? I want them as they did with the Palestinians? Do not even want to leave us the freedom of our moral judgments? And well! One who is from Florence: one of the Club of Free Available: irony names! And he, too, with the truth. We are fine and if they have not heard the truth. "From all the parties" here is the transversal of Zionist! These are ... the whole parliament! Giovanardi, who tells us to be written from 18 years to "Italy-Israel." He says the others are "laughable" and Jerusalem is the navel of the world and he is a Catholic. David Zard is the manager of the event! It is a professional events. They are "industrial", as Norman G. Finkelstein actually said. Ouch! Israel is certified by the Bible! Indeed an industrialist of "cultural events". Tomorrow maybe it will affect the promotion of hamburger with the same technique. Ahmadinejad wants to expel UN Assembly: coming soon, the UN must expel the room! Ha ha ha. This level in the albeit very powerful lobby! A depth of political thought hard to find elsewhere! Adrsso concludes Ms. Fiammetta, creator of so much wisdom and truth that we just missed, thanks to Loquenzi, director of "The West" where I let that comment pass once the other time no. They pretend to do policy analysis on behalf of the PDL A "tsunami of love": no one has said no. But you asked me something? Ha ha ha. I never thought it would come to me in a good mood to feel so "marathon oratoria”! Si chiude con l’inno di Israele! In Italia! Sarà il nostro prossimo inno nazionale.
1 . Messaggi di Schifani, Fini, Berlusconi . – Il carattere propagandistico risalta all’inizio. Intanto si tratta di una “sala” e non di una piazza, a quanto sembra ed a quanto si vede. E ciò è tipico dell’esistenza di una Lobby. La precedente manifestazione di “piazza”, durante durante “Piombo Fuso”, in piazzetta Montecitorio non superava le 400 persone, mentre la manifestazione che da piazza Vittorio scorreva fino a Porta San Paolo ne contrava 200.000. Al momento non vedo la piazza, ma solo una sala, dove uno speaker reads the first "messages" (of Schifani, Fini, Berlusconi's) and announces that he will read the others gradually come. "The borders of Israel as the boundaries of our own country," says Schifani! It's up to Fini: "... sources of misinformation ...": Look who's talking! We could not miss Shalit, forgetting the thousands and thousands of Palestinians in prison. A refutation of Fini, I take a book, A. Gresh, Israel, Palestine. The truth about a conflict, Einaudi, 2004:
Back to the Index.
2. The "lies" by Paolo Mieli. - The only "lies" that can be recognized here are pronounced the same honey, which uncritically silent "other" lies, just without the fear of that "contradictory", which these days is claimed elsewhere. Mieli was the editor of Corriere della Sera, I think he was the director when "Il Manifesto" I could read a strange attendance of the Ambassador of Israel in the preparation of the "Courier." I leave here at the intelligent reader the task to take him to any association of ideas as possible.
(next: I take a break. The comment is equivalent to a long essay. Anyone who wants can add his comments, that if they meet the requirements of law will certainly be published. Jump messages in foreign languages, we are still in Italy, where the official language is still Italian. It was a wise decision by not going to the event: it would have been unspeakable suffering is not compensated by the desire to be informed. A lobby lobby could not be more!)
Research has produced its results, leading to the final consolidated certainty that Italy not only exists in the same lobby that condition, the Italian foreign policy, but the lobby is a far more oppressive and overwhelming for the dual dependency of Italy as well as from that of the Lobby too powerful ally, our winner in the last war and our master from 1945 to present. With more than 100 U.S. military bases in Italy, by ourselves paid tribute in the form of perpetual war, our nominal rulers and suspects are actually busybody who vie for the master's undisputed and uncontested. They have transformed our culture, have polluted the school, we have been brainwashed, you think you can pretend all I want today and tomorrow the opposite of what we've been led to believe yesterday. Within this general framework of enslavement, already predicted by Vittorio Emanuele Orlando over half century ago, is located in the Lobby our local bipartisan way. It basically is based on an ideological point of view that has been done on the demonization of all our historical past, shaking every corner of history, going to the revival of fascism and down to the beginning of Judaism-cristiamesimo on the ribs of the dying civilization greek roman, where at least everyone was free to worship the god who could most congenial and without in god's name could be justified killings of all kinds.
I apologize to my reader, but I need to provide an overview before moving on to chronicle the event, which is announced for tomorrow afternoon, where a "lobbyist" whose presence in parliament is due to the known purpose and effect of that "bullshit" of electoral law in this way that reveals all his fault. I will devote a special chapter on the subject. To talk about it now would open another long digression and never would enter in medias res, as I do now instead. However, it is necessary to follow a certain gradual, so that the reader and does not know certain things, can understand, if that's what you look for: an understanding of our everyday life. The "truth" about Israel is quickly told and there is another: in 1948 took place in Palestine a real ethnic cleansing, that is genocide. Those dispossessed of their villages, their houses, all their possessions, their affections and their memory, had the misfortune to survive were enslaved and in a perpetual state of legal inferiority. I said slavery. Controversy may seem an exaggeration, but it'll explain what I said. Reading one of the many books that I have gone into documenting the past two or three years on the Palestinian issue, I came across last night in a few lines, where it was described as the Palestinians "survivors" in 1948 and all subsequent, often excluded from the our knowledge, such as the massacre of Khan Younis in November 1956, they were forced to draw their material sustenance going to work in Jerusalem, employed by those who had dispossessed and getting a tenth of wages: this is not slavery worse than that of the ancient world? Try to think!
What happened in 1948, that is ethnic cleansing, largely told in a book Israeli Jew Ilan Pappe, who came to Rome to speak at a university, could not do so, in this office for official purposes to which no one believed him. Even the Zionist Benny Morris can deny the reality of ethnic cleansing, even if you climb on mirrors to provide an ideological justification for Zionism. So much so that to prevent new historical works that fall into more details the Israeli government has thought well to extend the classified twenty years of Israeli archives. We also know that many incriminating documents were destroyed: who could ever be interested in leaving traces of their misdeeds. But these crimes can be derived not just from archival documents by the same logic and dall'aritmetica we all learned in elementary school: there is no need of the population of another Zionist demographer by the name of Pergola and alarm and cries alarm, saying that Palestinians who were already the clear majority of the population, when in 1882 landed the first Zionist settlers in Palestine, will soon return to be, despite the massacres, killings, poisoning long-term planning with the pollution of groundwater and soil. They are right
lobbies located in the different national contexts to strengthen their grip on power in the media and politicians sguinzagliari to serve them because soon, very soon will be facing the "final decision", the "final solution" of the Palestinian people. It will have to sweat a little to convince us that it is "self-defense" of "legitimate defense" and "right to exist" and "biblical exegesis" and to uphold the "divine will." In another of those readings, just a book of the Jew Noam Chomsky, hated by Zionists, even if another jew named Gilad Atzmon, the same criticism of Chomsky as a moderate and basically he is a "Zionist" as "jew" and "Zionist" has also stated that Richard Goldstone, that as the court has not made before the evidence could not see the war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by the glorious and eticissimo Israeli army in Gaza during the "Lead Time ', well, Chomsky repeated several times in his book," Understanding power, "this concept closely followed in the U.S. and I believe also in Italy: rather than buying a tank is better to spend the same money to buy a politician, sorry, in the sense of completely legal to finance his campaign and thereby ensuring the election. The same can then be applied to the media, opinion leaders, experts, etc..
On stage in the square adjacent to the House, certainly not as big as the Piazza San Giovanni and Piazza del Popolo, enough to hold hundreds of people that the lobby can hardly any time to take to the streets, climb the director of one of those sheet propaganda, direct and clear statement in which it attempts to present unpresentable lies, thinking that this place has done on other occasions: a) There is a moral debt of Europe to Israel; b) For Israel must be given possession of Palestine; c) It is basically a continuation of the same batch that had begun to play with the Crusades, where the West had the retreat of serious misconduct after having tried for several centuries. These individuals need little object such that it is quite fantastic and fanciful talk of a moral debt of Europe to Israel, but when CIA was contrary to all logic is ethical and legal to pay such a debt should be one third that in no more accused of a "fault" that he did not commit, being harassed, threatened and dispossessed in their own home. Talking
I skipped a step that I take now. I said that there can be no doubt of sorts for those who just as soon as means to document the ethnic cleansing of Palestine "in 1948, which meant a reduction by half of the Palestinian population, the destruction and wiped off the map for more than half of the Palestinian villages then existing and viable as well as slavery in the sense specified, the remaining population. But the propaganda that we read daily in an agency, in Italian, but perhaps written in Israel, how do you justify this unprecedented genocide? I struggle to find a logic that is barely standing. They say we have not kicked us, they left them, spontaneously, because they told him all other Arabs. Are nonsense that not even correspond to the dynamics of the facts, which can be read in Ilan Pappe. But even such absurdities that made for good does that mean? If for any reason I moved away from home leave, to get treatment elsewhere, to secure a natural disaster or war, of course, for a strictly limited time, not for centuries or millennia, I can not go back to my house and lose all rights?
is really the abdication of human reason to listen to each one claiming to return home after a fantastic and utterly chimerical absence of two thousand years (the destruction of the Temple by the Romans, followed by deportation as chimeric and non existent) and denied an equal entitle for the above reasons, it would be absent no more than two days or two months? On the one hand we have a "right of return" with which Israel ensures a home, housing and funding to any adventurer who came from all over the world and state jew or convert to Judaism and the other is denied an equal right to return those who have been driven out of the house and who had such a right also enshrined in the UN? If anyone can find this claim a glimmer of logic and justice, there must be an alien or an alien here because you can not find anything human.
To come to us, a theme that is more just, you be investigated and considered in its full scope cover legal, political and moral that such a flagrant violation of every principle of law, justice and humanity has found and is with our politicians, whose names and whose faces we will see again on stage, perhaps after the events of recent days with the kippah on his head. In fact, a senator, as opposed to Ciarrapico controversy, issued to the news agency that he bought (with taxpayers' money) 134 kippah as a gift to every senator except only Ciarrapico that would prove not to accept the Jewish headgear. And dunqe possible that we will see on stage some of these "kippah" received as a gift. Another
consideration here is spontaneous. Of course, the names already announced for this purpose are free to go on stage and to support the cause, indeed, the "Truth" was coined in Israel by a special office of propaganda for foreign countries, with the Hebrew word Hasbara said. To prove what to whom? As long as they meet in secret rooms to concert secret things to us mere mortals, so many Mr Nobody, not even technically know as. And we have a certain Mossad to our service, a service not only to espionage or intelligence as they say, but a service of real killers who commit murders in the world and those who organize "false flag" that now are a constant information date dai media. Un lettore appena un poco intelligente, che continua a comprare i giornali nelle edicole o ascolta regolarmente i telegiornali della sera, deve ormai chiedersi a ogni notizia: sarà vero o è la solita bufala, che magari viene riconosciuta come tale pochi giorni dopo o anche qualche mese dopo, quando ormai ha esaurito la sua funzione. Si noti un fatto risaputo: la bufala ha l’evidenza delle prime pagine, mentre la smentita – se viene dato – trova appena un trafiletto, di cui nessuno si accorge. Ho al riguardo da raccontare cose interessanti, di prima mano, che mi riguardano direttamente, ma riservo ciò ad un’altra storia. Qui mi mantengo sul filo del discorso, che sarebbe «Per la Verità di Israele», a truth that we are here trying to investigate how the Israel lobby our local wants to sell there. We need to take breaks because this car is long and our writing (and its revision) is in real time. If we follow the techniques and timing of the press, would be as Hegel says about the owl of Minerva, giving the image of philosophy that is always at dusk, when the facts have already taken place and the event is over. Our attempt here is to reflect on this during its making: the writing, as an art form, clearly affected. But I have already said that my purpose is not the "form" but the "content". Not I despise the "form", but it can wait, while the "content" has a different urgency.
To my readers of "Libertas Civium", which by chance happen to be here, I explain once again that this blog is a virtual space of militancy in the old Forza Italy, later to become the PDL, and now also in the critical phase of redefinition. I just advised my mother in Calabria, which pulls air in Rome and asked to know which air instead of shooting in Calabria. Certainly, until recently, I could formally be described as "Provincial Coordinator of Clubs in that FI of Reggio Calabria." Alemanno said publicly that "would have occurred." I hope he did and maybe you will deign to let me know. I hope not to have to live with him in the new aggregation, purified by Finian, but it certainly did not confirm my vote for mayor and no one can compel me to do it, I understood a militant FI. It would be better for me if Alemanno a return to what it was and that everyone in Rome knows. In webmagazine of "The West" shows the poster of the event Mrs. Nirenstein, whose presence in the PDL or Forza Italy, or believe in the future aggregate Finian, not that I read "Freedom and the Future", but a future without freedom and without Dignity. What happens every day under our eyes is the demonstration of what I say. Unfortunately, it is well established contempt for language. We are far from evangelical simplicity of our signs say, that must be "yes yes no no" or say "bread bread and wine to wine." Here lie with impunity pretends to use the word Truth and Freedom the more often the more is lost every Freedom, to begin from the same PDL, which is not for nothing that the "people", the internal democracy of the decisions and debates, let alone the "Freedom". The lynching shameful that we have seen to a Senator, that is Ciarrapico, is a resounding statement lack of true freedom and within the institution of Parliament and within the parties themselves, the majority or the opposition: it makes no difference!
In the remainder of this discussion, therefore, I shall avail myself of the "documents" that appear on "The West" by Loquenzi, where my "comments" appear or not appear, depending on whether they are acceptable to the moderator. I can say that the documents appeared to date are of great conceptual inconsistency: they are ideological, false propaganda. The "comments" that you read are usually the classic "shoulder", provided by a veritable army of Troll recruited by Israeli intelligence and the same Lobby. Myself I get requests for "recruitment" to do the job then I see that others do. Therefore, we must purify our debate on the presence of "troll", "parrot", "megaphone", people from the threat dall'insulto and ready. Not clearly "ethnic cleansing", but a clean moral and conceptual in a democracy should seek the advice of everyone, but if one has no arguments, and knows only offend and insult or even threaten, then there is no more room for debate political.
As there is room for debate with those who go on stage, letting us know who will go and signing his name, that does not take anything for awe, anzi ci conferma nella cattiva opinione che già ne avevamo. Non potrò mai dimenticare il vicecoordinatore Cicchitto che durante il massacro di Piombo Fuso era dalla parte dei carnefici anziché delle vittime. Devo però dargli atti di una risposta che mi diede in un primo convegno dello stesso genere, presente le stesse persone (Aznar, Fini...), quando gli chiesi qualificandomi come coordinatore provinciale se non essendo per nulla d’accordo con quello che il vicecoordinatore nazionale diceva dovessi per questo uscire dal partito. Rispose saggiamente e sensatamente di no. Era il minimo che potesse dire, anche se è implicito che io sarei rimasto ai margini. Ma adesso le cose cambiano un poco. Sento dire che i Notabili in procinto di passare chi di qua chi di là, bussano alla base e ai quadri intermedi per portarsi indietro un poco di truppo. E no, cari, avete capito male! Non siamo tutti fessi, clienti e servi, come voi pensate! Con una Fiamma che sale sul palco e noi lì ad applaudire. E no, cara Fiammetta, portati sotto il palco i “coloni” dei “territori occupati”, si noti: “territori illegalmente occupati”, dove dico lei abbia una residenza, in Gilo (= mai coperto, mai messo piede in Israele e spero mai dovercelo mettere), né mediaticamente “territori” o “territori contesi”, secondo quella sistematica “fabbricazione del falso”, cui i nostri media sono abitualmente dediti.
* * *
An ordinary example of the ordinary racism is in this passage today of the "Gazette", whose director at the moment it was announced on the stage of Mrs. Fiammetta Nirenstein:
... The presence of subcultures Muslim in Europe is a subject that the media deal with regularly and is a significant factor in political debate and election time. "(Source)For much less, for daring to say the word" kippah ", a senator of the republic, was put to" shame ". This kind of racism is by no means a marginal, but co-essential to the whole of existence of Zionism. They want to convince us with the power of propaganda, with its repetitions, perhaps in the mouth of institutional voices (deputies, ministers, ""...) opinion that the 'honor'," safety "of the West are in the massacre innocent people.
At the same time (and how not to note the simultaneity?), A new "case" stands on the pages of the newspaper "La Repubblica". The signature that is to be the new "case" was due to appear in court for such a precedent, but he was careful before the court and the first hearing that was scheduled September 29 was postponed to April 15. And they say that Berlusconi speaks ill of the judges and the criminal and civil process in this country. But we in the West, not in Iran! But that is another story, maybe tell in another post. Unfortunately I do not have the direct demonstration, to which I go to go as an observer, but I was discouraged.
The propaganda material that is baked is notable for its uncritical repetition, but not for its argumentative force. For example, I saw a video of Mrs. Fiammetta who plays a curious argument: the UN is angry with us as we are around other crimes, primarily the very existence of Iran, which in most a century has never fought against anyone, but the serious and unforgivable sin of not being under the thumb of Israel, through the U.S. think you can do a gendarme in the Middle East in the reduced condition of servitude which is from Europe 1945 to date. We enjoy in Italy, at our expense, the presence of 114 American bases, but as a wit said, sitting or sitting in parliament, ensure our freedom! A freedom which we ourselves are not clearly able to look after.
In the face of massive propaganda, made up of one or more pieces of the other silly and false, I believe we can offer a mathematical formula, a simple equation:
Israel = Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine
I do not think those will go up or right now they are talking from the stage, if the event has run its course, will be able to refute it. I believe that the only development which may give is that you are right ethnically cleanse Palestine, because there is an alleged ... Biblical! And then blame the Palestinians themselves if they suffer what they suffer. The ownership of the Holocaust also offers legal right to inflict any possible suffering to others in any way responsible for the well-known historical event for which it is not even allowed to debate history, the prison sentence, as in Germany (200,000 cases!), Or "pillory" turn in contemporary media with la solita sfilata di politici uno più ignorante dell’altro, ma desiderosi di aprire bocca su ogni cosa.
Un altro brano proveniente dallo stesso autore e dalla stessa fonte:
«…Eppure il mondo occidentale dovrebbe occuparsi in modo urgente del piccolo Israele. Perché? Perché rappresenta una piccola oasi di libertà in un ampio deserto di tirannide».Ma quando mai? di cosa parla costui? E sarebbe questa la “verità” che ci si vuole rifilare? Mai menzogna fu più menzogna! Vi è se mai da chiedersi fino a quando si potrà insistere con un questo disco rotto, confutato sul piano storico da libri e documenti, per adesso fruiti da una ristretta fascia di “persone più istruite” – cosa assai temuta da un Benny Morris –, ma domani in un arco di tempo più ridotto rispetto a quello previsto da Gramsci è destinato a diventare “senso comune”. Il tono dell’articolo è quello dello “scontro di civiltà”, ma già la nostra costituzione, se venisse presa sul serio, sancisce il rifiuto assoluto della guerra. Costoro pensano di poterci far ballare le danze che tornano loro comodo. Quanto poi alla “libertà”, di pensiero, di parola, di insegnamento, la stiamo assaggiando su un altro canale che gira in contemporanea. “Opinioni” non ammesse, che non sono “pensiero”, ma sono “crimini” prosecution. To listen to them we should prepare ourselves for a catechism of review allowed, what permitted to think and what is not. And I speak of "tyranny" somewhere else, while we enjoy the most exquisite and extensive freedom!
Another example, and some turn out not to raise the polemical tone, having decided to hold more that I faced with such impudence and obscenity:
"They want to destroy it because they want to destroy us. When the Israelis are fighting to defend freedom of their land, fighting for all of us that there are far away from the front in Europe and America. "If this is the truth that Mrs. Fiammetta, ci voleva far sentire, ed in quel “ci” sarei anche io compreso, allora è il caso di dire: “no, per favore, la smette con queste sconcette e con questi autentici insulti all’intelligenza di chi molto più di lei si sente cittadino di questo paese, non avendo che una e una sola patria.
Beh, ancora un fuor d’opera. Questa che segue è troppo grossa per passare inosservata:
« Da americano, i cui antenati hanno combattuto per la libertà durante la rivoluzione americana e la guerra civile, e i cui zii hanno combattuto in guerra per distruggere il mostro nazista, stare al fianco di Israele significa, molto semplicemente, riaffermare la libertà per cui queste persone hanno risked their lives and I have had the good fortune to inherit. "But you say? And the extermination of the Indians? The question of the Negro? Hiroshima and Nagasaki? All the filth of the world that bear the signature of the CIA and Mossad and that we are known for the least part? Also on 11 September, when most of these American executives have doubts about the real scary and authors? The millions of deaths and passes that cost the war in Iraq, began with a lie and just to do the will of Israel? Know nothing of all this or pretend not to know or know well instead of lying, knowing that we know that you lie?
documents that bring into rete per supporto della manifestazione che a quest’ora dovrebbe essere terminata sono autentici pezzi di delirio, che ritengo confidino solo sulla forza stanca e ripetitiva della propaganda, sparata come i pezzi di artiglieri in uso da Israele, anzi i missili lanciati dai droni, che si caratterizzano per la loro mancanza di contradditorio:
«…L’aggressione ideologica contro Israele è cresciuta a dismisura. Di giorno in giorno, di ora in ora, in lingue diverse i media non fanno altro che annunciare enormi falsità. Israele è lo stato “nazista e fautore dell’apartheid”, l’aggressore “coloniale”. Bella trovata. Il sanguinario imperialismo musulmano e l’apartheid sex and religion of Islam are denied and projected onto Israel. Israel is essentially and fundamentally "evil." In 2005, Ahmadinejad said that Israel should be "wiped off the map". "Here the objection is all too easy, just a kid in elementary, we know about the ethnic cleansing of 1948, where more than half were destroyed Palestinian villages, whose names were erased from the map for real. Now, appeared on the network several articles that explain the exact context of the sentence of Ahmadinejad and forgery, they have been applied. But they continue undeterred with the same song. Because you can not know, this is when we have further proof of their lies, their lie and lie knowing that we know who lie. Maybe calculate, like Benny Morris, that we are a minority, the most educated, and they care most ignorant that you can trim all lies.
critical commentary
SUMMARY: 1. Messages Schifani, Fini, Berlusconi . - 2. The "lies" by Paolo Mieli . - While listening
great recording and playback of the event, which lasted over three hours, I proceed to comment on the sound interventions, which have suffered technical problems and jam . In try again find a recording of Nirenstein, on which I wrote a few lines of comment, which I have not the patience to rebuild. The usual nonsense from which it is useless to draw groped lights. Mrs. points on the strength of the "friends" and has mobilized its wishful thinking that the defendants represent uniformly the Italian intellectual world. As in the Palestinians, Mr lady is totally convinced that others will not count and do not exist. It is the policy of Zionism in Palestine has followed since 1882, the year of the first colonial settlement. In this "preface" I note some general sense, referring also to individual analysis. Until now, you really can touch with hand the mass of ignorant and incompetent that have been gathered: do not even know what they say. Albertazzi that ends in Azzi, he just shot and big drops in the vertical well is estimated that I had as an actor. If the force of "truth" is in his arguments, here there is no force at all, at least from what I heard and now have over three hours and emergency c * Well ladies, I have to say thank the Fiammetta for putting together such a well-stocked collection. Ouch! I'm feeling Raffaele La Capria, che crede di essere intelligente e parla di “diritto di esistenza”, la solita tiritera, ma non si pone neppure per un istante il problema della cancellazione sistematica del popolo autoctono dei palestinesi: lo hanno sempre detto: non esistono! Questa è nuovo: l’«odio di sè» che non è più riferita agli ebrei antisionisti, ma all’Occidente stesso! Il fatto di starmene seduto qui comodamente a casa mia, sentendo le registrazioni, mi consente quei commenti liberi, che non scrivo e che non sarebbero stati altrimenti possibili. Impagabile Antonio Martino: dà a D’Alema del ministro non laureato, ma per la verità does not prove to be more intelligent. a warmonger! And a declaration of war on the "enemy within", that is, to all of us. Let us be careful! They want to put them there in prison, even if we are silent. We will analyze the brain. Rutelli ing out now that the baby jew 82 when raging Sabra and Shatila: reference to Robert Fisk, The martyrdom of a nation. What c. .. It does not take into account in any way that Zionism means ethnic cleansing, if he is ignorant, we can not help it. hope, give us the right to stay away from all these people, who unfortunately plagued with their own government on our skin. "Democracy and freedom ...", ma che dici??? Mamma mia, quant c.... Tutti chiusi in una sala: non sono uomi di piazza. E la piazza è il popolo. Vedo affacciarsi Pacifici. Parla uno in inglese: non lo considero. Un “dissidente” siriano. Ricordo alla precedente manifestazione di un rabbino con tanto di barba che pretendeva da me per strada che gli rispondessi in... ebraico! Belli quelli che vengono in lista. Non avrei potuto ridere di più e lo spettacolo è bello lungo. Me lo posso rivedere e risentire. Se è vero quello che dice il vecchio Hegel, e cioè che il razionale è il reale e il reale è razionale, qui certamente non There is nothing rational and perhaps even nothing real. I always try to maintain the necessary objectivity, even choosing to stand with the victim and the executioner, but here we really are in a complete lack of rationality, humanity, justice, elementary sense of fairness: a people, the Palestinian , was driven from their homes, is killed every day, and they purport to create rights, truth, legitimacy on the principle of ethnic cleansing. Gigi Baptist is talking! Is advertising in Moffa ... himself on the "so-called Holocaust"! We must send him the text of Sion Segre Am ar the "so-called Holocaust." Here he is, he! Peace with the Israeli flag! "Romano" and "Italian" ? And the millions of Iraqi and Palestinian children? Do not exist! Already, the "dissidents"! Two people = the two-state formula of deception pending the completion of ethnic cleansing, tranfer! Richard Bella this: the settlers have children and expand, so they need extra room. The peace we will do the same! Now it Fiammetta: is excited, just a little girl Comen! There has with the UN, that is, with the world, which has very serious wrong to condemn Israel. "Women who choose the husband they want ..." . And with this we want to carry the flag in war against 70 million Iranians and asks us to endorse ethnic cleansing of Palestine. Mamma mia! I hate, hate, hate ... Lies, lies, lies .. But what is Truth? When you tell us? I can not hear even a truth all yours and only yours, at least he's standing with the canons of logic. They only talk about why open your mouth, but with no regard to the opinion of the listener: there is and is not essential. Law surgery, but she did not apply to calls the brevity is the hostess. is saccharine and does not know . Aznar: there was also the last time! Israel is not the East but the West. So the ethnic cleansing has reached its final stage . Vaglielo to say to Muslims. "Israel is a part of this Western"? And so, colonialism and racism? Frattini arrives! To our misfortune foreign minister, after the ministry "did not graduate." I can go home Frattini, hunt and defend my "right to exist" and live at home: this is the content of the speech of a foreign minister that can not not know the creation of propaganda wipe Israel off the map by Iran, while these things were done right by Israel towards the Palestinians. The Italian foreign policy, in the mouth Frattini ... Alas, has it in the net! Be prepared for an interruption of the transmission! The politics of duplicity, which was already in Britain, did not lead well. You might ask: and where is the contradiction here? It is not expected! He with Shalit! The propaganda must have invested a lot in this chapter. Some Latella talks about ... "Nonsense." Appunto! Luca Barbareschi: un’uscita che suona: siccome sono “evoluti” mentre gli altri sono arretrati, allora Viva Israele! In fondo, in fondo è un bene poterli vedere in faccia senza dover ricorrere ad uno “spionaggio” per sapere chi sono, cosa dicono, come la pensano. Parla Ernesto Galli Della Loggia, un “opinionista” misura ed espressione di ciò che pensiamo e possiamo pensare. La Malfa figliolo, dice di Frattini: “L’Italia che parla...”: e chi assolutamente non la pensa come voi non è l’Italia? Penso esattamente il contrario e ne sono perfettamente convinto. Mah! One worse than the other and it is useless to expect a minimum level of depth, you might have even from their "enemies." After all, if they speak a lot of "legitimacy" of Israel means that they are convinced of the opposite and would like us to change your mind. Mamma Mia! Talk Furio Colombo ... The man of the speaker! says an interesting thing, however. I suffer from the recording: it says that "very few" people like him "passionately" pro-Israel. Yet it was his "baby." This is the only interesting thing that gives us hope. He finished but I want to suffer. says something important: although many in the tiny room, are "minority" in the country as the Israel lobby. A comforting. Perhaps the only truth that has been said so far. Everything else is propaganda so vulgar to put at risk our ability to self-control necessary. And I want to hear for the third time, dropping Vernetti, which is ... The epitome of "correct information"! The "upside-down world"! Yeah, you say! The tenant is anxious to say that "many" who want to talk and asks to be brief. But say the things that deserve to be heard, to gain some serious ground for reflection, but you do not hear nothing but bad things that confirm the view that already had them. In this sense, the event is an unexpected success for the anti-Zionists. If this is Zionism, we can be pretty sure that we are not to be in being against . Another who speaks English clearly, and to fill the number one, had to ask for reinforcements from abroad. As another speaker spoke in English I went to eat something, and I said, about democracy, but if there had been this electoral law, someone would have voted for Ms. Nirenstein and all the other Israel lobby in parliament are doing what they do? If we ask by what mechanism the Lobby has crept in the ganglia of power, this can be a strong response. speaks the voice of the Lord's ambassador to Israel! rifritta that hot air and not even worth commenting . Anti-Semitism, Zionism ... are just convinced that we are c. ... rifirare to take always the same lies. With the 'anti-Semitism "want to live until 3000! facts are all the names of Zionists, who are thanked and praised: they can in this way knowledge without the risk of being told we compile the "blacklists", as happened to a poor man who had only taken a list rather than public, but giving an opinion on the merits rather than demerit. Talk ah ah Magdi Cristiano Allam, who wants to send a European law to send to jail anyone who dares to criticize Israel. Mrs. Boniver jump! Of such a beautiful lady you can not say anything and his mouth can say whatever he wants. Shalit is the mother! Arriva Gianni Alemanno, the! The canard of the oldest communities in the world where Shalit was given honorary citizenship. Mah! told him: but Mordecai Vanunu? Do not risk an answer. Ciarrapico, where are you! "We", but who? Talk Rosa who writes on the "Sheet"! Reads the homework that has been written at home, looking like the Marquis Eufemio. Pure a Russian! But they had to scour the world to fill the room. I am really so many strong and terrible. No sense of reality. But perhaps he has had for some notarietà scoop journalism racket or similar? Oh, oh! Depressing when someone opens his mouth about things you do not know even remotely. For him, the Palestinian Authority, the fugitive hunted, killed and humiliated "Do not hesitate," but gay! Those that exist! She told us her ... "Truth" and gave us a really great contribution to knowledge, which made us all grow, young and old. Says the conductor, many places in the room were released! The room is never seen, but only from the podium where the speaker speaks. But the room is already empty. Suspense ... The video Saviano tells us his truth made of images. What? The look in Tel Aviv! Israel formed a hundred nations, namely, the scum of the earth, came there to drive out the natives, the natives. The home of gay! This is sarebbe un “discorso politico”! Un buon numero di discorsi è in inglese: mi riposo, volendo ascoltare tutto di un fiato la lunga registrazione di oltre tre ore. E farne una bozza di commento in estemporanea, salvo poi tornare sui dettagli. Spesso le prime intuizioni sono le migliori. Al di là delle singole cose dette, spesso di nessun valore intrinseco, è da chiedersi cosa credono di aver portato a casa gli organizzatori, quale risultato politico che non abbiano già. Intanto proprio domani dovrebbe esserci in Roma una ben diversa riunione: quella degli organizzatori della nuova Flotilla. Parla Sgarbi, personaggio incredibile, il quale dice che “non si può non essere ebrei”. Per fortuna si! Anche lui la storia dell’«amico ebreo»: non ho la fortuna di avere “amici ebrei”. Mi è rimasto impresso Sgarbi per averlo sentito rispondere in un dibattito che le 114 basi americano, ci stanno - a nostre spese - per difendere la nostra libertà! Lo Stato di Israele una necessità della storia, chiaramente a tutte spese degli autoctoni palestinesi: un dettaglio trascurabile a fronte della “condizione dello spirito” che è l’essere ebreo. Poveri noi che non abbiamo spirito! La tiritera contro Teheran, secondo la più trita propaganda israeliana. Non poteva non dire c... al suo solito! Caspita mi sembra di averlo visto già quel giovanotto che viene dall’Iran ed è un traditore del suo paese: era alla stessa manifestazione sulla destabilization of the Middle Eastern states, that Mrs. Fiammetta had organized years ago and which I have elsewhere extensive review. I was next to a journalist of the "Messenger", and felt compassion for him and his loan to the game to the detriment of his country. The traitors always put so much sadness. Maybe they do not realize what it does and what he says. Trigano Here it is: his colleague as "philosopher"! Bah! We are a great, great family, where everything is right, but everything! I will not because he, being in Italy, thinks he can speak Italian. And at the bottom of Italy is but a distant province of the empire, even a sottoprovincia Israel. Or so believe in the room adjacent to the Palace House. I wonder if all these people coming from abroad, has come to its own costs: I doubt it. And then here is the vile "money" comes into play. It is the twentieth time that the host calls to occupy the empty seats in the hall, evidently those outside do not have any desire to enter and prefers to be on the threshold or they are ashamed or are observers, which I also would have liked to be, if not good reasons I had advised against the poor attendance. Gee, but they all speak English! And brought them all together in Rome! In the room applauded, but it is not difficult to get an audience clapping in a room scheduled. But it was not in the square, a plaza open to the pubblico, al popolo romano e italiano, quella in cui avrebbe dovuto svolgersi la manifestazione? Magari a piazza San Giovanni, dove storicamente si svolgono gli assembramenti di popolo! No, la piazza non è per loro. I loro luoghi sono le segrete stanze dei bottoni. Costoro se ne infischiano del popolo, se non per ingannarlo e sfruttarlo in ogni modo. Li voglio vedere in faccia... La traduttrici è sfinita! Tanti nomi da ricordare e annotare, per chi studia il sionismo. Parla il “filosofo” Panella con una enne. Crede di essere “acuto” e intelligente: è il “pensatore”. Il popolo ebraica ha diritto al “suo” stato e alla “sua” terra a prescindere dalla Shoah! Che commentare? Lasciamolo say, but unfortunately without any hope of mutual. They do not know the law of reciprocity. He is not aware of what he says: you can easily backfire! Are you suggesting a change of charges of propaganda, but for example - to take it - seriously, you should then explain the declaration of war on Zionism in Germany .. 1933 and many other things that have happened in the first world war and generally do not say, because it may give a foundation for the persecution that Jews and Germans have suffered. Talk or Tozzi Cozzi. But it's not a singer? Sing badly! He wants to be Israeli writers in Italy to illuminate the Italians. He wants the schools to go to Israel, to maybe stumble in some bombs. Is telling the truth. Speak Now Rocco ... Buttiglione, a friend and Nirenstein Pacific! Now we know! Well, I know his brilliant career and I refrain from commenting, not to suggest that it is all envy. He has not changed, but has spent his career. Well, some people in life we \u200b\u200bcan do and who's not. A "latent" threats against those he considers "latent anti-Jewish." Well, in practice, the event is a call you people that are from Israel and wants him to say. Of "truth" needless to look for the lantern, but say they are on one side can comfort each other rather than have succeeded. But to us there has to import? We needed? This is the confrontation they wanted? They are there to reverse the insult to which no one can replicate and then give us the "violent", "undemocratic", "anti-Semitic," "haters", "enemies of the West" to them! Mah! "We know," said Roccella, where "we" includes you and only those who are in the room. Talk Companion, another Zionist iron! A tirade against Ahmadinejad, the next victim of the war in preparation, after the Afghan, Iraq. A pull against the United Nations, that all nations of the world who are then freed from the fifty in the colonial rule. And the colonial imprint is one that profoundly characterizes Israel, the last colonial state. He, too, with a picture of Shalit! I confess that I find it hard to understand this fixation. Another sample: Pianetta, which speaks of the Association of Friendship for Israel, which includes ... More than 200 MPs. Wow! We are really in bad shape! The usual omelette of "the great Israeli democracy," based on apartheid and ethnic cleansing. Come on, the Italian parliament. Now my friend Georgie, as if to say Peter, that joke with the teacher. He has been called by his friends to an IC "sublime Zionist": there is no risk to him that the University Rome's Sapienza ask account of his views and allow trade unions. But this is the democracy of the "friends of Israel" with more than 200 parliamentarians! Talk Pezzana Angelo and I'm holding. Complains about the press as if it were not subservient enough: never enough! Until 1967 the Palestinians did not know to be a "people" have never had a state, then these unfortunates were then put in mind of a people and will be a state. If this is not the most vulgar racism ... Be useless to explain to a lot of science the concept of Schmitt's concept of the people that springs from the opposition friend-enemy, but also a historical wrong because if it goes in the early twentieth century I will see that the locals knew as Zionists or the Jewish settlers were to dig the ditch and drive them from their land. Comes now the chief rabbi: The Signs! Just across the Italian Jewish community, which is approximately 30,000 people in front of more than 57 million Italians, whose foreign policy has become one of their prerogative, thanks to the 200 MPs and those using the most undemocratic election law, which does not even have the former Belgian Congo, as in fact considered undemocratic. Hurrah! Other work in English. Really a dip in Italian! All members of associations or international Zionist Jewish were summoned to Rome was conquered land, more or less come un insediamento della West Bank. Si fosse trattato di un convegno di studi internazionali, passi pure. Ma questi hanno preteso che tutto il popolo italiano venisse convocato in piazza per sostenere la politica filosionista di questo ministro, che è un uomo loro e che è finito ministro degli esteri non per volontà del popolo italiano, ma per le mene del potere. Ah, la sala è stata concessa fino alle 10! Poi, probabilmente i lavoratori italiani spegneranno le luci, come hanno fatto una volta al Pantheon! Davvero una manifestazione “popolare”. Mai popolo fu più presente! Il solito iraniano antiraniano! Una volta si diceva traditori, adesso si dice “dissidenti”. Veramente triste! Eccolo il rabbino Di Segni! Cerco di non commentare: è pericoloso. Il papa lo si può criticare, ma il rabbino no! E questo rabbino fu quello che interruppe il papa il sinagoga mentre parlava: per un cattolico sarebbe stato un atto quasi sacrilego. Torna alle Crociate. Ci parla del Talmud: ne avevamo bisogno! Si diletta con delizie talmudiche! «La storia è antica». Parla una evangelica sionista. Dice di essere una “cristiana”. Mamma mia! “Vi abbiamo votati”? E quando mai qualcuno ha potuto votare? La manifestazione sta volgendo alla fine, vale a dire alle 10 “devono” lasciare la sala, ma quello che si nota finora è una straordinaria assenza del palestinese. Parla una certa Lisa, rappresentante della milionesima associazione Jewish, and threatens "not pass away." The topic: the de-legitimization of Israel that someone wants to do. No one comes to mind that legitimation / de-legitimize or not. It is basically an opinion that each of us while we are listening to them, can give. The political force, the atomic bomb, the drones and all the arsenals of them have already died, the 200 deputies as well, and what else do they want? They want our approval as they clear the Palestinians? They want to be loved, understood and applauded? I want them as they did with the Palestinians? Do not even want to leave us the freedom of our moral judgments? And well! One who is from Florence: one of the Club of Free Available: irony names! And he, too, with the truth. We are fine and if they have not heard the truth. "From all the parties" here is the transversal of Zionist! These are ... the whole parliament! Giovanardi, who tells us to be written from 18 years to "Italy-Israel." He says the others are "laughable" and Jerusalem is the navel of the world and he is a Catholic. David Zard is the manager of the event! It is a professional events. They are "industrial", as Norman G. Finkelstein actually said. Ouch! Israel is certified by the Bible! Indeed an industrialist of "cultural events". Tomorrow maybe it will affect the promotion of hamburger with the same technique. Ahmadinejad wants to expel UN Assembly: coming soon, the UN must expel the room! Ha ha ha. This level in the albeit very powerful lobby! A depth of political thought hard to find elsewhere! Adrsso concludes Ms. Fiammetta, creator of so much wisdom and truth that we just missed, thanks to Loquenzi, director of "The West" where I let that comment pass once the other time no. They pretend to do policy analysis on behalf of the PDL A "tsunami of love": no one has said no. But you asked me something? Ha ha ha. I never thought it would come to me in a good mood to feel so "marathon oratoria”! Si chiude con l’inno di Israele! In Italia! Sarà il nostro prossimo inno nazionale.
1 . Messaggi di Schifani, Fini, Berlusconi . – Il carattere propagandistico risalta all’inizio. Intanto si tratta di una “sala” e non di una piazza, a quanto sembra ed a quanto si vede. E ciò è tipico dell’esistenza di una Lobby. La precedente manifestazione di “piazza”, durante durante “Piombo Fuso”, in piazzetta Montecitorio non superava le 400 persone, mentre la manifestazione che da piazza Vittorio scorreva fino a Porta San Paolo ne contrava 200.000. Al momento non vedo la piazza, ma solo una sala, dove uno speaker reads the first "messages" (of Schifani, Fini, Berlusconi's) and announces that he will read the others gradually come. "The borders of Israel as the boundaries of our own country," says Schifani! It's up to Fini: "... sources of misinformation ...": Look who's talking! We could not miss Shalit, forgetting the thousands and thousands of Palestinians in prison. A refutation of Fini, I take a book, A. Gresh, Israel, Palestine. The truth about a conflict, Einaudi, 2004:
And Fini takes care of one prisoner, moreover, a soldier trained to kill. It is difficult to understand the logic of these influential people who govern us."Travelogue: Bassam's call. We met him in Hebron. His name is Ahmed in Nablus ... He has 20 years, has known only occupation, and therefore finds that the age more beautiful than life. Her eyes red with fatigue and does not know yet where he will sleep tonight, fears a new interrogation. In a few months, the West Bank and Gaza have become a huge prison more than 9,000 prisoners. We must incarcerate 300,000 people in France to reach a proprozione equivalent of political prisoners .... "
A. Gresh,
Israel and Palestine. The truth about a conflict ,
Einaudi, 2004, p. 91
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2. The "lies" by Paolo Mieli. - The only "lies" that can be recognized here are pronounced the same honey, which uncritically silent "other" lies, just without the fear of that "contradictory", which these days is claimed elsewhere. Mieli was the editor of Corriere della Sera, I think he was the director when "Il Manifesto" I could read a strange attendance of the Ambassador of Israel in the preparation of the "Courier." I leave here at the intelligent reader the task to take him to any association of ideas as possible.
(next: I take a break. The comment is equivalent to a long essay. Anyone who wants can add his comments, that if they meet the requirements of law will certainly be published. Jump messages in foreign languages, we are still in Italy, where the official language is still Italian. It was a wise decision by not going to the event: it would have been unspeakable suffering is not compensated by the desire to be informed. A lobby lobby could not be more!)
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