Capitolo II
« ... e lasciai che così dicessero e credessero, poiché corre gran pericolo a questo mondo chi intraprende il difficil mestiere di disingannar gl'ingannati. » G. Casanova (da "Il Duello")
Quello che nella mia mente era solo un èscamotage per fare rivedere la sua Germania al mio maestro, fu invece l'unica occasione che ebbi per espletare la mia attivita' di musicologo assai male in arnese, unitamente ad altre esigenze insite nella mia doppia professione, delle quali sarebbe oltremodo noioso il parlare qui. L'occasione del Festival Sagittariano - come denominavamo questo evento in Italia - di Dresda si presentava quindi come la possibilita' di esibire qualche studio che all'epoca ritenevo di fondamentale importanza per la musicologia mondiale... e dall'accoglienza che ricevetti in seguito, m'illusi fino che lo fosse davvero. Ci voleva un paese comunista per fare cio' che in Italia non mi era mai riuscito di fare a causa della mia cronica carenza di "pezzi di carta", e a nulla was worth the fact that I had shot all the inner sanctum of the resurgent auffuehrungspraxis European music as a student, performer and to teaching. The DDR was less common than it was the Italy itself, but at the time no one made it yet because 'there was a cold war to win and the opposing sides of the shareholders handsomely disregard the fact that European states NATO had almost all the Socialists, while the Americans were now convinced that a social democracy was really different from a socialist dictatorship of the people, and perhaps have not understood even today, despite the shining examples in Europe. This too was something that could have political implications, completely unexpected, but there 'who think that these events have finally materialized, although the indifference of a European population whose only interest prevalent and' distracting still football to be the conscience invasion unprecedented in the history mainland since the fall of the Roman Empire. Dangerous illusion that the political situation in Italy is not cause for concern, then let me drag the patriotism of this strange congregation of German Jews, which now offers me an opportunity to reflect on the fact that maybe the war we were all grown at the mercy of lie. In fact, these people would have been hastily called "Nazi" in most of Europe, while at least two out of three people were among the survivors Mauthausen and Auschwitz, and one, no other than a senior Communist raised in Berlin, Moscow and the Black Sea dace reserved for the Soviet elite. The only character visually similar to these people, and unmistakably Nazi, had died only a few years earlier in Spain in which the project took care of Odessa and the financing of armed factions such as the Palestinians, who were funded by sheikhs, Nazis and communists without much formalized. Another person who sported a large Schmiss on the cheek and that he could have at least 12 challenges won the sword, also a nationalist German and Austrian by birth, had chosen the National illusion that it was "die rechte weg" Deutsche Wiedergeburt . General Staffeln Schuetz, personal security officer of the Fuehrer, he was a man who was not afraid of anything. The protagonist of the most 'famous coups of the German saboteurs in World War II, his name was Otto von Skorzeny, now known mainly as the strategist and the perpetrator of the incredible release of Benito Mussolini from prison of Gran Sasso; operation textbook is still under investigation by the special forces around the world.
Who is the spy ...
It 's not it son' of Mary, they 'Jesus', you know. So it's a person must have skills that can compensate for this his original curse, which degenerates into increasingly serious malattia fisiologica professionale, per la quale non e' prevista alcuna "causa di servizio", e garantirle, quantomeno, la piu' lunga sopravvivenza possibile su questa terra, visto e considerato che e' predestinata alla dannazione eterna. Come per la maggior parte degl'individui, c'e' "chi ci nasce" e "chi ci diventa", ebbene: solo i primi hanno alte possibilita' di sopravvivere in un mondo in cui nessuno si fida di nessuno. Chi non e' in grado di contare solo su se stesso ed i propri mezzi o tende a fidarsi del primo venuto e' meglio che cambi mestiere, o cerchi di compensare con l'addestramento tecnico questo grave difetto della sua personalita'. Il mio consiglio spassionato sarebbe comunque il primo, ma se proprio lo si volesse fare per strength ... Basically the light and 'a person sentenced to frustrate their affection' lifetime and see your neighbor in only a benefit or a loss. This is an analysis of "cost - benefit" because of transformed lives, indeed, survival. The ideological affiliation or any other cause embraced by deep conviction must necessarily engage on a personality 'of the first type (who was born there), but also ideology, cause, must be the right type so as not to generate a dichotomy permanent or undermine certainty that at some point may lead to regret, therefore, the atoning sacrifice of their lives. When did the light fall in the near enough to trust their put in his hand your life and the universal rule 'one: to change job. In fact, with make doubly vulnerable that makes you happy is that unhappy, because they determine, however, leaving the ego without 'no chance' to re-enter. The dual needs 'to compensate for the loss of a substantial proportion of possibilities' survival, so 'as to safeguard their loved ones from the intrusiveness of a heartless world, were the most' frequent abandonment of this occupation, abandonment not 'always entirely voluntary .., but also evidence of the fact that "he who comes to us" There's' just a few on the "market" and that these few, most are destined to die of old age. By the horns of course ... I forgot that superstition and 'part of the game, almost to excess compensation of pragmatism, or the same feature is usually found in professional players whose DNA and' the same as our ancient ancestors hunters.
It 's not it son' of Mary, they 'Jesus', you know. So it's a person must have skills that can compensate for this his original curse, which degenerates into increasingly serious malattia fisiologica professionale, per la quale non e' prevista alcuna "causa di servizio", e garantirle, quantomeno, la piu' lunga sopravvivenza possibile su questa terra, visto e considerato che e' predestinata alla dannazione eterna. Come per la maggior parte degl'individui, c'e' "chi ci nasce" e "chi ci diventa", ebbene: solo i primi hanno alte possibilita' di sopravvivere in un mondo in cui nessuno si fida di nessuno. Chi non e' in grado di contare solo su se stesso ed i propri mezzi o tende a fidarsi del primo venuto e' meglio che cambi mestiere, o cerchi di compensare con l'addestramento tecnico questo grave difetto della sua personalita'. Il mio consiglio spassionato sarebbe comunque il primo, ma se proprio lo si volesse fare per strength ... Basically the light and 'a person sentenced to frustrate their affection' lifetime and see your neighbor in only a benefit or a loss. This is an analysis of "cost - benefit" because of transformed lives, indeed, survival. The ideological affiliation or any other cause embraced by deep conviction must necessarily engage on a personality 'of the first type (who was born there), but also ideology, cause, must be the right type so as not to generate a dichotomy permanent or undermine certainty that at some point may lead to regret, therefore, the atoning sacrifice of their lives. When did the light fall in the near enough to trust their put in his hand your life and the universal rule 'one: to change job. In fact, with make doubly vulnerable that makes you happy is that unhappy, because they determine, however, leaving the ego without 'no chance' to re-enter. The dual needs 'to compensate for the loss of a substantial proportion of possibilities' survival, so 'as to safeguard their loved ones from the intrusiveness of a heartless world, were the most' frequent abandonment of this occupation, abandonment not 'always entirely voluntary .., but also evidence of the fact that "he who comes to us" There's' just a few on the "market" and that these few, most are destined to die of old age. By the horns of course ... I forgot that superstition and 'part of the game, almost to excess compensation of pragmatism, or the same feature is usually found in professional players whose DNA and' the same as our ancient ancestors hunters.
The head of counterintelligence STASI, Begleiter General Markus Wolf, nom de guerre "Micha", it was of those who died of old age, or nearly so, after driving for 34 consecutive years by the same department created, whose role was more 'than mere ideological national security. This was a man who had espoused the cause of Soviet totally, so much so that the real referent Moscow in East Germany, as well as authentic revolutionaries. The protagonist of all the most 'important intrigue and more' worried about the socialism for the nation, she was a citizen of the world and did not take any account of his nationality ', but despite this,' however, was one of the most 'important architects of reunification, even if they went 'himself disappointed, although for entirely opposite to those of his family, and my friends whose story I have here raccontato.La his political career before he was a technical, in fact, already' in 24 years was considered an official of the highest quality 'and had already' path with great profit all degrees of education given to executives Soviet dell'intelligentija more 'high the CPSU. It was a character in the background, but only out of necessity 'operation, in reality' corresponded on equal terms with the refined former director of the KGB, and then Secretary of the CPSU Yuri Andropov, but it was also an enthusiastic supporter of the re-establishment of socialist Mikhail Gorbachev . His unshakable faith in socialism was always to the death. He let 'active service six years after these events, to do this' that are almost all indicators unemployed: to write his memoirs, or at least so' should appear. That 'a personality trait' spy that I have not considered carefully in my hasty analysis: Faustian confession lacked the release ... and "Faust" in German means "fist" ... but it is of cases so rare that they can not be 'put in paradigm, as the survivors of the secret meat grinder that goes under the name of "operatives" are always very few and even fewer are those who will become famous. It 'hard to make now a physical description of the character as it did not exist at the time that his photographs were made public only at a later date. It was a person of high stature, elegant, intelligent and unbiased. As always, the best portrait that is given and 'what the work dell'addetto Le Carre' that identifies it in his novel with the code name "Karla", but compliance with the rules of chivalry due to membership of Le Carre 'the same environment, always denied that he laid his character was actually 'Wolf, although there is now little doubt about it. This daring character is now associated with the secret war between East Germany and West Germany was almost a legendary figure ... in reality 'there was a war between the two Germanies, just the usual war of Socialism against the rest of the world, namely the struggle between communism and capitalism by Karl Marx. The reduced to a matter of sovereignty 'in a purely national and ideological' one of the many misrepresentations of the twentieth-century history, which Marxism has always stubbornly confused with political education, especially after the lesson of Lenin and his invention of the artificial " historic reform, "now added to all other ideological vetoes and 'digested' almost 'anywhere, and not only in socialist nations. In reality 'Micha was also German, although educated in the USSR in the war against the Nazis, before, and that against capitalism, then, but perhaps the two things were more' similar to what we think. It was undoubtedly an idealist, but that 'that made him a powerful man was just being "ontologically" Marxist, and then voted to Machiavellian principle of' the end justifies the means. " No ideology, 'in fact never been more' effective in producing this high quality of professional soldiers ': even the Nazis, in which there was an element of mysticism and pagan materialism Marxist entirely absent, and we have already' detto del fatto che quando la spiritualita' fa capolino il pragmatismo indispensabile allo svolgimento corretto di questo "lavoro", va inevitabilmente in pezzi.
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