Friday, January 5, 2007

How To Setup Swing Party

To you, Lord (Der Schmiß) Cap IX

Chapter IX

The Jewish plot
We have said that the protagonists of this story had a similar appearance: a look "Teutsch" fully fledged. Most 'older people were just a genuine relic from the Prussian, with lots of Schmiss on the cheek. And is 'also known that one of these formed part of' the Socialist Party of the GDR, even if only for practical needs, which therefore could never be the link between these old-style Patriots to Robert Blum, and a high Communist official , more 'nearly two decades younger than them, who had a dislike to the concept of Nation as "ontologically" Marxist, with whom we share only the outward appearance? Well these people were all circumcised, that is, were a Jewish family. They were all non-practicing Jews, which we should say that Judaism is still intended more 'in the sense of consanguinity' and in that of religious abstract, moreover, when a cultural system (and every religion ' such) resides in the territory in which it is born, the two always coincide, but it becomes an impossible task trying to justify when it is scattered to the four corners of the world. If Judaism was a religion only for today as we intend this term, probably not many killings would take place, but this was never, as the identity of 'Jewish, which occurred on the rivers of ink, and' an identity 'as a people strong enough to keep almost' intact at a distance of two thousand years since the diaspora, and even deeper into the issue of "dual membership" and that 'a necessity' modern as in ancient 'religion is' almost always also the State. The modern view according to which an identity 'People can' transcend the earth itself and in which 'seem to me really been formed unsustainable, especially the test of globalization, which brings back all the belongings one by one with a conflict' surrender possible due to attenuation, when not disappearance, of the international system based on Public Law, and the only one who 'was able to relate the different civilizations' living in different areas on an abstract level. But 'the identity' German 'as strong, and,' o 'was the only identity' really 'voelkisch "throughout the European context and has been able to materialize more' in times of political systems and cultural hegemony In fact, most of the processing of Western culture and 'took place in Germany even if the seed was thrown it anywhere else. When need for 'the historical identity' takes over ethno-cultural, marginalization, if not extermination, of the identity 'competitors in the same territory becomes historically la norma. E' accaduto ovunque, fino dall'epoca assira, e ancora prima di questa. Leggo spesso di patetici tentativi di "ricollocare" o "anticipare" le date della Shoah; di vedere in questa o in quell'altra cosa una "preparazione" allo sterminio nazista. Se si dovesse dare importanza a queste elucubrazioni piu' degne della qabbala che di noi eredi dell'Illuminismo, si darebbe pienamente ragione a tutte le tesi antiebraiche: anche le piu' aberranti. E questo perche' il centro di una Kultur non puo' essere una minoranza sparsa, anche se importante merce' il suo inserimento nel sistema economico e culturale internazionale. Il centro di una cultura e' sempre la maggioranza del popolo che risiede su di un territorio ben delimitato. E' questa che produce the stratification of the customs, laws that are to be properly understood to form the Kultur. The protagonists of this story is all placed inside or outside the German cultural context, so "political" regardless of their religious affiliation, which is sublimated, or simply rejected as appropriate. Dullness 'of Nazi ideology did not succeed' to exceed the volume of "Blut" and win people to his cause like this, but in hindsight Judaism behaves much the same way when it resides outside the sovereign state of Israel in the perennial, as useless, the condition of diaspora, and that as the blood ties and 'more and more' stronger than cultural. The caso del nazismo fu particolare, in quanto basato sullo stesso materialismo che diceva di voler combattere nel comunismo e in una certa parte del capitalismo. In altri termini, fu la comune matrice socialista, piu' che quella nazionalista, a dettare le condizioni per la "Soluzione finale", tant'e' vero che il metodo sovietico fu identico, se non peggiore. L'ideale patriottico tedesco aveva gia' trovati i luoghi ed i tempi per sublimarsi a sua volta, pur senza far perdere alla propria cultura le radici che rimasero sempre ben salde nel territorio, pertanto il ripristino del legame di sangue somigliava poco al rito iniziatico di cui si e' trattato qui, nel qule era solo un simbolo, mentre fu il frutto del tecnicismo imperante e di cio' che "socialismo scientific "truth for now and evolutionism gave 'scientific pseudo-truths' that were popular everywhere, not only in Germany. physiognomy Even these people had nothing in common with the description that even Oscar Wilde gave the 'jew' in full time Victorian in his "Portrait of Dorian Gray." Add to this' finding that the history of the Nordic peoples and not 'properly "peaceful" and we come to the inevitable theme of integration and cultural syncretism and that' today, "the problem in Europe, which is the very cause of its decline.


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