Der Schmiß: some considerations on its modern interpretation
Most 'want today only the scar on his right cheek as a sign of membership of Central European origin with a high social class. That 'the prevailing interpretation, next to the Manichean "all Nazis" on which there would be little material for discussion given the paucity of assumptions. In reality, 'the writer has known to Jews and Communists who exhibit this mark of distinction and who was little more than' a beast that should know very well that what National Bolshevism Soviet abolished social classes based on wealth just because 'both based on the myth of the Volk socialist, although unlike married to national or international. When the weapon was supplied of every soldier or officer, that sign was common in all western national context, if not longer, until the dawn of time. Or someone thinks that modern sport fencers use the protections that have a value just aesthetic? Therefore, what conclusions to draw? Just the usual historical manipulation to which we are now accustomed, even on the verge of nausea. In the historical context from Jahn onwards, were largely a sign of belonging to the Patriotic Association, and then 'common ground that preludesse to create or consolidate a new ruling class, but this was based on meritocracy, not on hereditary right, as is the case always in all contexts patriotic, with a minimum of military organization. The test the duel was in itself 'itself a test of ability' and dexterity of gymnastics, even before an initiation rite; skills' is not separated from the recognition of the values \u200b\u200bon which it was based membership. Moreover, the same Turnen Jahn was born with patriotic intent and purpose 'to export the "gymnastics" in the western world. Because each class leader worthy of the name and 'always passed through the universities', but living Plato would feel nice, this explains the mystery, so' as the fact that the Marxist ideology, which replaces the Catholic religion and is now taken in half the world along with breast milk, in doses of horse, whether we like it or not, does not bear any mark of distinction that is not between those authorized, as it has done each hegemony, after all. Then there 'even though the ends justified the Jewish vengeance to fall on old now harmless or questionable opinions from teachers and then discussed, while ignoring the real dangers ideological and religious, in order to obtain, mind you, not in Israel, but in West, a multicultural regime in fact, destructive of identity 'national, and then the rest of the ideological mishmash complied with the principle of "Vae Victis". What all this' to happen again after 60 years since the Second World War should mean something, for a keen mind. That something, in the opinion of the writer, is summed up in what 'he wrote Oswald Spengler in "The Decline of the West" the beginning of last century, and forgive me if I quote a text ideological, more 'philosophy that, from which Nazism drew with both hands, but anyone who would deny that this is not in place, if not fatal, were nearly cover the ridiculous.
Die Mensur: place historical and environmental
It is a tradition in northern Europe around the fifteenth century date. and is part of the collegiate student fraternities in all languages \u200b\u200bof the Saxon strain are still under the name "Afrika Korps". This term is' also the same used by the different weapons in the cultural Saxon army. The Goliarda Saxon nations, but also Anglo-Saxon, not ' never been a phenomenon only folklore, but the company gym 'in which there were more' rights and duties that what 'is perfectly in line with the ancient tradition of chivalry, including initiation. In a context of 'cultural context in which the ritual' takes on the weight of the duel is one of the most 'important, a real initiation based on the blood in which every aspirant aspires to be scarred by the opponent to establish a relationship of brotherhood seconds all the more 'ancient pagan rituals. The "Cursum honorum" will follow 'then this test and the initiate must' ensure the academic performance, his behavior, observing the rules of being worthy of honor and that 'was granted. The full report ' intended to last a lifetime, and as' easy to imagine the type of initiation. Despite the time still exist to this day a thousand Korps. Of course the Nazis did not c'e'ntra nothing. (Ad usum stultorum)
Oswald Spengler: "Sunset and metamorphosis of the West"
desymbolization Globalization and civilizations have similar meanings conceptually: Spengler tried to show how symbolic culture to give strength and energy vital to a civilization, allowing for growth. In the early twentieth century, when Spengler wrote his masterpiece, the veneration of the idea of \u200b\u200bEurope was in progress, which, even through ups and downs, has never abandoned the Faustian soul of man, the soul of the West. This man seemed triumphant, ready to settle with his idea of \u200b\u200bcivilization the world. The Faustian man never would have imagined that people would one day rich in symbolism could threaten and maybe hurt him to death.
Zu Ihnen Meinen Herren that is, the man who accepts his responsibility ', the challenge is preparing for adversity', defends the high opinion he has of 'itself and from public test: Honor.
Tod wo ist dein Sieg ? or man that tries to overcome its limitations to questioning and defying death.
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