Capitolo III e seguenti
"Una cultura nasce nell'attimo in cui una grande anima si desta dallo stato psichico originario dell'eternità eternamente fanciulla e se ne distacca, come una forma da ciò che è privo di forma, come qualcosa di limitato e di perituro dall'illimitato e dal permanente. Essa fiorisce sulla base di un territorio delimitabile in modo preciso, al quale rimane vincolata come una pianta. Una cultura perisce quando quest'anima ha realizzato l'intera somma delle sue possibilità sotto forma di popoli, di lingue, di dottrine religiose, di arti, di stati e di scienze, ritornando quindi nel grembo della spiritualità originaria." Oswald Spengler (da "Il tramonto dell'Occidente")
Schicksalstag: Berlin 1989
Il 9 novembre 1989 il muro di Berlino cadde apparentemente per uno dei tanti errori di comunicazione della ormai sfiancata DDR. La radio di stato diede notizia (guardacaso alle 9 di mattina) della liberalizzazione delle uscite dai confini della nazione, ratifica un po' tardiva del fatto che l'emorragia demografica avveniva gia' attraverso tortuosi giri per Austria e Polonia, ma la popolazione ammassata da tempo sotto all'edificio decise che l'ora era venuta e il comando della VolksPolizei ritenne di non dover intervenire, anzi ritiro' il personale, forse sollecitato dalla STASI che, attraverso Markus Wolf, aveva un referente molto vicino alla Perestrojka di Herr Gorbachov. Probabilmente furono proprio gli agenti del controspionaggio a sobillare il popolo ad abbattere il muro: meraviglie del materialismo dialettico. Iniziava la riunificazione della Germania in assenza della Germania stessa, ma furono in pochi ad accorgersene immediatamente. Alcune delle persone citate qui avevano capito con largo anticipo che il finale sarebbe stato diverso da quello che essi avevano auspicato. Non della fine di una segregazione si sarebbe trattato, ma della sepoltura dello stesso ideale nazionale sotto i calcinacci del muro. Probabilmente cio' remains of von Clausewitz is sold now, the rubble intermixed with mo 'to remember sull'Unter den Linden.
Dresden 1980
"Herr Professor Herr Arnolfini ... ..." A quick bow of the head and a duty and a hundred years suddenly disappeared, like nothing had happened: they 'October Revolution, it' Great War, it 'National Socialism, it' World War II, it 'Globalization ... nothing to reset the Weimar Republic without any intermediate station. The Phantom of the Hindenburg was reincarnated without anyone gliel'avesse required. My job host, so 'as my companion August, lived in the past and this led tutti i segni ben visibili ed orgogliosamente ostentati; soprattutto lo Schmiß sulla guancia destra. E questo era ben altro che un semplice sfregio procuratosi in duello all'universita' di Magdeburgo; era un segno di appartenenza che nessun chirurgo estetico avrebbe mai piu' potuto cancellare senza rimuovere con esso l'anima di chi lo portava, anzi, la coscienza stessa di tutto un Volk, o Nation, se fichtianamente inteso. Tutte cose che oggigiorno farebbero ridere a causa del feroce anacronismo, nondimeno, questo passato remoto mi stava di fronte nell'anno "di grazia" 1980: assolutamente "presente" e percepibile; di fronte e a fianco, in quanto la persona che mi accompagnava ne era un'immagine speculare, ma io stesso ne avevo assunta senz'accorgermene a Party under 'the teachings received. It was a sort of unofficial and official investiture together, as always happens when old men feel that "tempus fugit," and the urgent need 'to entrust to someone their own witness because' the chain of tradition can not be interrupted, often that happens in an emergency there is a lot of possibilities 'choice in the dignity' of the heir, but despite this, with the fall of the Berlin Wall, you can 'be said that the mission and finally' been done, although results were opposite to those desired as well as long, patiently pursued. Unfortunately, death does not save 'these, and others, brave the painful awareness of having conquered the proverbial Pyrrhic victory.
We were in Dresden, in the heart of Saxony, the cradle of German Renaissance which, along with Nuremberg, and saw the consecration of that regime that for many it seemed destined to accomplish, but it was the cause of his total irreversible destruction, the socialist GDR was a kind of morgue where the bodies were lined up all the history of the nation under the watchful eye of a Soviet folk hero, with the parabellum paved, which seemed straight out of a poster by Mayakovsky, in case someone had tried to escape ... Curiously, Germany "real" had been more 'to the east and west, where the model sviluppo USA aveva prevalso rimuovendo con il mercato le macerie della coscienza storica prima ancora che quelle causate dai bombardamenti aerei. Infatti, ad est, le macerie fisiche e spirituali stavano ancora tutte li' e nessuno si sognava nemmeno lontanamente di rimuoverle: a causa di un'economia depressa dal comunismo, ma soprattuto come monito: il solito "vae victis" che il Soviet esasperava con la crudelta' alla quale ci ha resi avvezzi in piu' di 70 anni di pugno di ferro e destabilizzazioni in ogni angolo del mondo; una crudelta' al cui confronto il regime nazista avrebbe potuto apparire davvero come qualcosa di incomparabilmente piu'"democratico", oltre che piu "Teutsch", naturalmente. Il socialismo della DDR era formalmente basato sull'industria and crafts, it 'more', it 'less than it was Nazism itself, but on the contrary of this, he could not recreate that same widespread prosperity that the German people had never known before Adolf Hitler: the first mandate to be "gloriously" to the slaughterhouse, of course. The equitable distribution of social distress on the ground Germanic depicted as a further and final insult to Stalin, a punishment accepted by society 'more international' to the economic implications of this behavior, not the Cold War and the looming threat of another war far more 'destructive of all those that have preceded it. In such a cultural patriotism out of time these revived Teutonic Knights bought really makes sense and threw down the gauntlet in the face of a world that would never 'had the guts to pick it up, let alone after the reunification of Germany, sweeping' away with poverty even what 'that' s identity 'nell'ibernazione Socialist German was still surviving.
Our host was a tall and lean, more 'or less like mine Vate, but despite the signs on the face, the tough tasks and they were both masters of Jewish confession, not ex-Nazis, in fact you sorption few years in a labor camp, though they were brilliant officers of the Wehrmacht, decorated with the Iron Cross with or without leaves, I can not remember exactly. Almost twins to see. Probably the situation of "racial" was discovered later, but the honors were even persecution and were kept until their death for this' I know. These former soldiers of proven ability 'were two great artists, two "Dirigenten", or conductors, writers, painters ... could do everything. And this just 'cause they had been accustomed to manage their time with an iron discipline. One lived in the Deutsche Demokratische Republik, and had done Sozialdemokratische (read communist), the other in Italy where he had done ... predominantly own business mulling the past in a present which he could not 'never to adapt after the war ended, reaching almost to believe that Hitler and Mussolini had not perhaps entirely wrong to make war in that world then it occurred so 'impossible to live it. Just look how the two veterans looked on their first farewell after more 'than 30 years, to see how everything had changed around, but not in their way of remembering: a single motion of his eyes was enough to confess the nostalgia of the common youth but the dignity 'was such that even when they were drunk with beer and schnapps wept with emotion. The one, the first ruins' simply on the table, forcing me to call the secretary companion, testing my sgangheratissimo German, fearing that the poor man had breathed the last breath. Of course, efficiency was the Communist historical fact, nobody came, so I had to put on their shoulders the inert bodies of the two elderly gentlemen and lie down badly in the first chamber, it seemed, had been assigned to them. It should be recognized that an error of "zimmer", in that paradise of the people, would have triggered effects bureaucratic chain and forced many officials to complain, or pretending to do so as not to appear responsible in the eyes of his superiors, then, imagine the weight of responsibility 'that weighed on my shoulders, much more' that, on the other reading, a vestige of the past who had to willingly carry.
We were in Dresden, in the heart of Saxony, the cradle of German Renaissance which, along with Nuremberg, and saw the consecration of that regime that for many it seemed destined to accomplish, but it was the cause of his total irreversible destruction, the socialist GDR was a kind of morgue where the bodies were lined up all the history of the nation under the watchful eye of a Soviet folk hero, with the parabellum paved, which seemed straight out of a poster by Mayakovsky, in case someone had tried to escape ... Curiously, Germany "real" had been more 'to the east and west, where the model sviluppo USA aveva prevalso rimuovendo con il mercato le macerie della coscienza storica prima ancora che quelle causate dai bombardamenti aerei. Infatti, ad est, le macerie fisiche e spirituali stavano ancora tutte li' e nessuno si sognava nemmeno lontanamente di rimuoverle: a causa di un'economia depressa dal comunismo, ma soprattuto come monito: il solito "vae victis" che il Soviet esasperava con la crudelta' alla quale ci ha resi avvezzi in piu' di 70 anni di pugno di ferro e destabilizzazioni in ogni angolo del mondo; una crudelta' al cui confronto il regime nazista avrebbe potuto apparire davvero come qualcosa di incomparabilmente piu'"democratico", oltre che piu "Teutsch", naturalmente. Il socialismo della DDR era formalmente basato sull'industria and crafts, it 'more', it 'less than it was Nazism itself, but on the contrary of this, he could not recreate that same widespread prosperity that the German people had never known before Adolf Hitler: the first mandate to be "gloriously" to the slaughterhouse, of course. The equitable distribution of social distress on the ground Germanic depicted as a further and final insult to Stalin, a punishment accepted by society 'more international' to the economic implications of this behavior, not the Cold War and the looming threat of another war far more 'destructive of all those that have preceded it. In such a cultural patriotism out of time these revived Teutonic Knights bought really makes sense and threw down the gauntlet in the face of a world that would never 'had the guts to pick it up, let alone after the reunification of Germany, sweeping' away with poverty even what 'that' s identity 'nell'ibernazione Socialist German was still surviving.
Our host was a tall and lean, more 'or less like mine Vate, but despite the signs on the face, the tough tasks and they were both masters of Jewish confession, not ex-Nazis, in fact you sorption few years in a labor camp, though they were brilliant officers of the Wehrmacht, decorated with the Iron Cross with or without leaves, I can not remember exactly. Almost twins to see. Probably the situation of "racial" was discovered later, but the honors were even persecution and were kept until their death for this' I know. These former soldiers of proven ability 'were two great artists, two "Dirigenten", or conductors, writers, painters ... could do everything. And this just 'cause they had been accustomed to manage their time with an iron discipline. One lived in the Deutsche Demokratische Republik, and had done Sozialdemokratische (read communist), the other in Italy where he had done ... predominantly own business mulling the past in a present which he could not 'never to adapt after the war ended, reaching almost to believe that Hitler and Mussolini had not perhaps entirely wrong to make war in that world then it occurred so 'impossible to live it. Just look how the two veterans looked on their first farewell after more 'than 30 years, to see how everything had changed around, but not in their way of remembering: a single motion of his eyes was enough to confess the nostalgia of the common youth but the dignity 'was such that even when they were drunk with beer and schnapps wept with emotion. The one, the first ruins' simply on the table, forcing me to call the secretary companion, testing my sgangheratissimo German, fearing that the poor man had breathed the last breath. Of course, efficiency was the Communist historical fact, nobody came, so I had to put on their shoulders the inert bodies of the two elderly gentlemen and lie down badly in the first chamber, it seemed, had been assigned to them. It should be recognized that an error of "zimmer", in that paradise of the people, would have triggered effects bureaucratic chain and forced many officials to complain, or pretending to do so as not to appear responsible in the eyes of his superiors, then, imagine the weight of responsibility 'that weighed on my shoulders, much more' that, on the other reading, a vestige of the past who had to willingly carry.

It was so '. Comrade non-ricordo-come-si-chiamava aveva un diavolo per capello perche' una frau dal nome simile al suo si era lamentata di aver trovata una stanza "in disordine", dunque minacciava a voce alta deferimenti alla segreteria del partito e fino al Soviet supremo a causa dell'insopportabile affronto alle sue competenze. Si trattava davvero di un perfetto sincretismo tra l'efficientismo teutonico e la burocrazia sovietica, ma cio' ricordava molto anche la petulanza, ancora peggiore, dei funzionari cinesi deputati ad analogo ufficio. Tutto il mondo e' paese, ma sotto falce e martello lo e' un po' di piu'. Tanto io sono sempre stato italiano, dunque, capivo solo una lamentela su tre, percio' potevo anche permettermi di ridere apertamente del signore sudato che si dimenava for two cushions, but in my heart I laughed even more 'the idea that this was unaware that the two scarred aveveno a close friend rather important in the GDR, whose name was Markus ... Do not stay 'here to explain what the Stasi, think about a kind of Gestapo much more' efficient, well, that this was its acknowledged leader and feared, a little 'how could it be Violante in Italy, for instance. But because, drunk or not drunk, the August patriots used to get up very early, around four o'clock in the morning, regardless of the time in which they had gone to bed, I found them both in the salon testing intent to listen to motets by Heinrich Schuetz, Samuel Scheidt and Italian Carlo Giuseppe Peranda dell'oriundo up already 'at seven, cosa disumana e insopportabile per noi italici che non cominciamo mai le prove prima delle dieci e mezza; le musiche erano di compositori cinque-seicenteschi la cui opera veniva scodellata tutta quanta ad un pubblico che forse avrebbe preferito qualcosa di piu' moderno... ma i musicologi sono una razza a parte, del tutto simile ai topi di biblioteca. I gruppi, allora nascenti, di musica antica che studiavano l'Auffuehrungspraxis con lo stesso piglio con cui si studiano gli Evangeli o Das Kapital, non avevano ancora raggiunta ne' una decente maturita' stilistica, ne' esecutiva, e a volte davano l'impressione di lavorare un po' contro voglia, ma l'evento era in se' piuttosto importante per gli studiosi, tanto che tutte le serate vennero registrate e trasmesse up from the distant Soviet RAI Italian: no exception ... listen to a boring but beautiful motets Schuetz one behind the other like an assembly line. But our heroes were sitting motionless, rapt and happy as a pharaoh on the throne: it 'one leg crossed over, it' a finger out of place, rather than cough it would be made harakiri ... as now, in fact. Probably the sound of a phone, where they had invented, would have led to the shooting spot for summary of the victim that he had done ringing. This is to describe the religious climate in which every audience was immersed in any show with any cultural value, so too 'old-fashioned, as in the case of early music. I had wait for 10 before they can greet the teacher and his friend August.
Then you are greeted warmly, forgetting diplomatically handled the previous night, he talks briefly about the repertoire of the performance, need 'to make it a bit' less tank and then chatting with players who demonstrate the all the musicians' ancestral hunger-servants ancien regime, as it devoured everything with the rapidity 'of lightning, not without giving full answers to questions received, although some entries' jammed by kuecheln. In the afternoon we decide to accept the proposal by some members of Kreuzchor and do some 'Kammer Musik in the company. A close-knit quartet Local will compete 'in the famous quintet of clarinet with J. Brahms op. 115 in h moelle, and that 'one of my favorites, as my teacher and find out' later, his friend, which ends up not surprise me at all. Maybe you can 'conclude with some obscene fee of Mozart and Beethoven, performed a cappella while revelry a bit' and it speaks ill of the government ... but they tell me that Frau Heller is a topic worthy of detailed and perhaps just as dirty, the rest I've had the suspicion that morning as he produced some changes in 'too expensive to justify its zeal to rearrange my "zimmer", but because I was late and had "already '" six-thirty ... Speak ill of the government ... already '. In a place where every 100 people there 's a Stasi agent and any family members and often controls his complaint to them' is not some thing very recommendable for those poor people in this prison will continue to live even after the our departure. We are indeed privileged, as travelers, but also because 'the old people have their guards high in the secret police of the republic. Between us we can talk about everything, but ordinary citizens, an accusation enough to lose their finish or interrogated, beaten and then "re-educated" in some remote northern province. It was said of the Nazi Gestapo ... I learned with dismay that the police feared they exercise control rosewater in Germany. Those hours are undoubtedly much more 'professional and not just technology, and' the same terror that exists in every socialist or communist state, and so 'the same, in which there are no more' fathers, mothers, sons but only comrades against each other to survive. And do not say that it 'a perversion of the original Marxist thought, as it is of nothing but bureaucratic application of the word "good" Karl Marx. Better to speak of gratitude and generosity 'Frau Heller ... poor woman, too.
Then you are greeted warmly, forgetting diplomatically handled the previous night, he talks briefly about the repertoire of the performance, need 'to make it a bit' less tank and then chatting with players who demonstrate the all the musicians' ancestral hunger-servants ancien regime, as it devoured everything with the rapidity 'of lightning, not without giving full answers to questions received, although some entries' jammed by kuecheln. In the afternoon we decide to accept the proposal by some members of Kreuzchor and do some 'Kammer Musik in the company. A close-knit quartet Local will compete 'in the famous quintet of clarinet with J. Brahms op. 115 in h moelle, and that 'one of my favorites, as my teacher and find out' later, his friend, which ends up not surprise me at all. Maybe you can 'conclude with some obscene fee of Mozart and Beethoven, performed a cappella while revelry a bit' and it speaks ill of the government ... but they tell me that Frau Heller is a topic worthy of detailed and perhaps just as dirty, the rest I've had the suspicion that morning as he produced some changes in 'too expensive to justify its zeal to rearrange my "zimmer", but because I was late and had "already '" six-thirty ... Speak ill of the government ... already '. In a place where every 100 people there 's a Stasi agent and any family members and often controls his complaint to them' is not some thing very recommendable for those poor people in this prison will continue to live even after the our departure. We are indeed privileged, as travelers, but also because 'the old people have their guards high in the secret police of the republic. Between us we can talk about everything, but ordinary citizens, an accusation enough to lose their finish or interrogated, beaten and then "re-educated" in some remote northern province. It was said of the Nazi Gestapo ... I learned with dismay that the police feared they exercise control rosewater in Germany. Those hours are undoubtedly much more 'professional and not just technology, and' the same terror that exists in every socialist or communist state, and so 'the same, in which there are no more' fathers, mothers, sons but only comrades against each other to survive. And do not say that it 'a perversion of the original Marxist thought, as it is of nothing but bureaucratic application of the word "good" Karl Marx. Better to speak of gratitude and generosity 'Frau Heller ... poor woman, too.
Those who believe that German is a guttural language and clumsy, they're wrong. To hear him talk about playing correctly sweet and melodious, with a musical cadence that is very similar to that of our Bergamo or Brescia. So 'was the conversation between the two teachers who did not intervene in order not to break the spell of the sound that sprang from those voices, I understood even less than half' of what 'they said, you could feel the immense love for a living culture now in one dimension only museum. From Goethe to Hoelderlin, from Bach to Brahms, with no ideological qualms about it as 'iconoclastic fury of those that suffer in Italy, I felt sciorinare memory fragments of novels and poems, including the' Hymmen an die Nacht "by Novalis, declaimed, not "known" as the word and how to say it is the basis not only of Central European culture, but di tutta quella occidentale, ma ogni lingua ha la sua musicalita' che non pote' mai essere scritta ne' dai greci ne' tantomeno da noi moderni che abbiamo "superato" fino il pentagramma ed ormai ci esprimiamo con i grugniti. Con un bicchiere di brandy scaldato in mano, a distanza di sicurezza da un focolare crepitante e discontinuo a causa dell'imperizia di chi l'aveva acceso, con la neve che cadeva fitta e riempiva i lunghi davanzali delle finestre, la sensazione del tempo si perdeva e il fluire della continuita' storica ormai solo sublimata nelle parole dei due vigorosi vecchi sembrava farsi consistente, mentre l'opprimente cappa della dittatura comunista cominciava gia' a marcire lentamente insieme con i tronchi degli alberi. Ogni tanto qualcuno azzardava a step that was at the piano across the room, the dark all by heart, like the rest, and rarely heard an error or un'inciampo fingers. Well this is not 'was the product of chance. Minds as they have been educated in a way opposite to what 'is being done today in most of the world. So when people 'go to war, the war was also different because' the human dimension and it has' only applied to the letter of any ideology is to make man a machine. Today people ask me 'cause a soldier involved in art, as if they were incompatible things war and art. Of course, where people are blowing up in the midst of the children, and 'so' but 'our' war, the experience in Western culture came fino ad essere una specie di partita di scacchi nella quale le vittime erano pochissime. C'e' chi pensa che si possa giungere ad uno stato di totale pacificazione... queste persone erano d'altro avviso. Perche' "sapevano", non perche' avevano una naturale predisposizione ad uccidere. Sapevano che la pace e' quel periodo che intercorre tra due guerre e che l'uomo e' fatto di spirito e di carne; non si potra' mai giungere al completo dominio di entrambi. Questa e' la saggezza che ci veniva dallo stratificarsi della nostra cultura. Una saggezza che viene oggi marchiata con i luoghi comuni provenienti dalla prassi marxista, a cui molti nel mondo continuano a credere in modo quasi religioso, senza che l'applicazione di una sola di queste teorie abbia portato ancora a positive result, but ...
Now, the curious heroes described in all these lines lie in different places. They all died: the leaders ten years ago after six months of each other and their mysterious friend now is not 'less than a month, probably without even having more' revised after the pretext of Dresden Music Festival Sagittarius. Germany and the rest of their 'once again be united, but this' has been accepted without the enthusiasm that preceded the long and laborious gestation to the first kingdom of Bis-Marx (the irreverent nickname that was saddled with Eric Honecker). Many Germans have experienced the reunification as a burden, especially economic. Sono cambiati, tutto qui. Il nazionalismo e' passato di moda, cosi' come gl'ideali che, per nefasti che fossero, hanno illuso tante persone di potersi elevare al di sopra della dimensione umana, mentre tutto si e' poi risolto nella solita, vecchia gestione del potere: in modo piu' o meno opprimente, ma sempre secondo i canoni classici. Pero', nel bene come nel male, noi siamo quelli che siamo oggi anche grazie alle utopie irrealizzabili e distruttive. L'esperienza diretta non puo' essere sostituita dalla conoscenza-coscienza storica, e a poco valsero gli ammonimenti a ricordare, in quanto gli errori compiuti sono spesso stati identici a quelli del passato. Ma il rassegnarsi all'imperfezione umana senza tentare di superarla in qualche modo e' disumano the following letter to the political or religious liturgies. The education of the human harmony can not 'be something that concerns only the political exclusion of all else, so' as seeing the art as if it were divorced from the passions and 'equally inhuman. In short, it was not only an affront Schmiss, had a value more 'profound today than it has the tattoo made with intent purely aesthetic. The men described here were impenetrable with a lively inner life and knew fully dedicated to love and ideals. Well, this seems like a much more 'human conception of life, compared to business we are experiencing today and which do not have the courage to question, since we are now eradicated from the earth that we have generated.
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