Friday, January 5, 2007

Master Len Watch Free

To you, Lord (Der Schmiß) Cap I

Chapter I

"All this 'passing and' only a symbol" Johann Wolfgang Goethe (from "Faust")

L'albero della vita secondo la qabbala
November 9 Yesod & Schicksalstag
The number nine and 'to the Jewish Kabbalah characterized by Sephiroth called Yesod, the last before the animal is the most' mysterious of all. On November 9, and 'for the Germans Schicksalstag, namely: "the day of destiny", then it is not surprising that occurred on this date are historical events of great importance for the German nation. In 1848 he was executed the patriot Robert Blum and make them 'the March Revolution in 1918, was dethroned Kaiser Wilhelm II, in 1923 the brewery was the Nazi putsch of Monaco in 1938 and Kristallnacht in 1989, the Berlin Wall fell. Moreover, Adolf Hitler was born in 1889: a hundred years to the day after, the wall that divided Germany in two, was shot down. You may find other reports like this without too much effort, as noted by Giorgio Galli, in his "Hitler and Nazism magic." Curiously, the sum of the cabalistic numbers components per year "1989" (1 +9 +8 +9) always resulting in "9". As with all peoples have a long and troubled history, the theme of destiny 'was elaborated in the context of Germanic culture, and' therefore more 'than likely that these dates have been entered by force from the hand of a man, more 'prone than others to see a degree of symbolism, especially after the great popularity' of the thesis of Oswald Spengler. That this 'is "predestination" or human manipulation, is largely irrelevant: what' is done, so is written in history. However and 'hard to think that even the already' number two powerful and historic leader of the Stasi counterintelligence DDR, has chosen the date of his death, less than a month ago, November 9, 2006. Difficult, if not impossible, especially because 'intelligence services, in general, are often welcome to make use of symbolism to communicate, send messages to the' opposition ', but also to create artificially, or accommodate, cultural and political institutions deemed "productive". In this activity, 'only when the message is' totally incomprehensible appeal is made to the "coincidence". Whilst it may be that of yet another "message" is being discussed, no one but the recipient will know 'anything. One might indulge in most cases 'or less fantastic (but not too much) and wanting to turn the brain to empty you could think of Vladimir Bukovsky and his argument that once an agreement reached between the Communist International and Socialist' Europe, then the EU Constitution, was the "common house" where the reformed socialism Glaznost and perestroika would have to land. Were not all socialist states at the time of the foundation EU? Well, "Yesod" means precisely "Foundation". Needless alchemy of words and symbols, but in these approaches a certain charm you must admit it exists. All fantasies, of course, the only ones that allow me to introduce in these few lines, since 'everything else' was lived life to the writer, along with others, wants to bring a witness today, ancorche 'useless to change the status of things in Europe, which, after passing the scepter of civilization 'to the U.S. and' likely to know a new decline worse than the one that occurred at the time of the fall of the Roman Empire. Moreover, and 'destiny of the West to be the symbol of the decline and we have already' said the man faustiano "tutto cio' che passa e' soltanto un simbolo", ovvero, il tramite tra il mondo fisico e quello metafisico e la parola e', per qualunque civilta', ma in particolare per quella occidentale, il simbolo per eccellenza. Credo dunque che pochi potrebbero obbiettare sul il fatto che l'Ovest, in genere, soffra di una certa qual predestinazione.


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