Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Filmy Online Brzydula

Profession of the Catholic faith and belonging to Freemasonry: Masonic relativism and anti-dogmatism. Rotogravure

Since Freemasonry appeared publicly with the Constitution of Anderson in 1723, there were disagreements with the Catholic Church. The first official condemnation came in 1738 with the Bull of Pope Clement XII "I n eminent apostolatus speculates" .
From the perspective of ecclesial relativism , the esoteric nature of sapere e l'impossibilità di conoscere la verità, rappresentano i tratti fondamentali dell’inconciliabilità tra Fede Cristiana e Massoneria. Se da un lato, la Massoneria insiste nel non voler essere considerata una religione, dall'altro, le origini “mitiche” della stessa fanno riferimento ad un nucleo segreto che sta dietro tutte le religioni e le unifica. Dunque, tale organizzazione, facendo perno sul suo metodo, sul concetto di derivazione esoterica di un'unità sottostante tutte le religioni e sul razionalismo, sottolineando gli aspetti di libera ricerca razionale della verità e di discussione democratica in loggia, svincola se stessa dall'essere a religion and it is said, however, because of its specific characteristics, such as a separate category. Since Freemasonry is a religion might wonder why, so often, was the subject of study and investigation by those involved in religious studies or new religious phenomena. The answer must be found both in his bed method in relation to the needs historical, sociological and cultural factors that have favored the emergence, in the fact that the experience from the various Masonic Lodges will turn to the spiritual and moral sphere and therefore itself has a meaning in some way religious. In terms of historical, sociological and cultural Freemasonry presents as a response to modern ideological pluralism, which proposes as a key to understanding the same relativism, the idea that there is no religious truth or it is only relative and that basically all religions are equal.
Relativism is a view in the West secular majority, where the "believing without belonging" or "I believe in my own way, are characteristic of the religion of the common man. The relationship between Freemasonry and relativism is a direct relationship, in fact, the Masonic method, as described above, is explicitly relativistic, but also because Freemasonry is one of the answers exist and the process of doctrinal fragmentation that characterizes the modern world.
mention in particular the latter point, the answer Masonic sought the establishment of a rule of conduct that forbade dealing in lodge matters of religion and politics and therefore shunned the issues on which they could differ. At the same time, proposed a different recapture homogeneity, obtained by initiation with the idea of \u200b\u200btranscendent unity of religions. The problem of relativism is part of a more general theme of the secular process of being disengaged from the Catholic truth. Closely related to this dell'antidogmatismo problem is also that which is one of the aspects on which so much has been preaches and is one of accusations by the Church to Freemasonry cited as the Association thinks that a religion without dogma. This statement is not considered true when referring to the tenets of faith and true as it relates to the common places. Well, the alleged Masonic dogmatism must be due to a rejection of prejudice and bias that make people shy away from the truth and represent insurmountable obstacles to its achievement. Often, it happened that prejudices and preconceived notions have become dogma, indisputable truths on which it is unlawful and that no doubt will not accept any comparison. Hence the open struggle of Freemasonry, which declared that fierce enemy of the same has been criticized anti-dogmatic. It remains an excellent point: Freemasonry knows that every faith, every religion has its dogma, nor could it be otherwise. So it stands not against the tenets of the faith but against secular tenets of the injury. Article 9 of the constitution of Goi states that "the free builder refuses dogmatism and does not accept limits on the search for truth . Not infrequently it was considered that neither the individual nor Freemasonry Mason had to be submitted and defended truth, and therein lies their anti-dogmatic and tolerant attitude and loro libertà di pensiero. Questa concezione, sostenuta in particolare dalla Chiesa, non sempre rispecchia la natura e la prassi massonica nei templi e nel mondo e non tiene conto di quanto affermato nelle costituzioni e nella tradizione massonica, ma porta con sé una profonda confusione tra ricerca della verità, assolutezza delle verità e fondamento della verità. Un altro carattere discriminante della posizione massonica consiste nel ritenere che l'uomo sia compartecipe della costruzione dell'universo veritativo: questo universo è costituito da verità che l'uomo ha raggiunto, da altre a cui l'uomo tende, da verità a lui ancora sconosciute e da verità a cui ha partecipato alla loro costituzione.
La ricerca della verità is a fundamental way to the initiatory path so it can be stated that:
  1. the Masonic tradition is the bearer of truth, the foundation of which is connected to the historical development of thought and practice Masonic. These truths have a different basis: they are rational truth, esoteric, intuitive and spiritual
  2. the search for truth is a fundamental objective of the Masonic path;
  3. the Masonic institution is intended to present and defend its truth.

The Masonic conception of truth , therefore, denies any form of relativism, that there are only opinions and not the truth and at the same time calls for an attitude of respect and dialogue toward truth considered several different perspectives that complement each other.
In conclusion, we can see that Freemasonry and the Church are two separate entities with different characteristics and with different spheres of influence. Therefore, the declaration of incompatibility between them by the Church, can be understood not as a conviction or an absolute negative opinion but as the previously mentioned diversity awareness in a perspective box.

Filmy Online Brzydula

Profession of the Catholic faith and belonging to Freemasonry: Masonic relativism and anti-dogmatism. Rotogravure

Since Freemasonry appeared publicly with the Constitution of Anderson in 1723, there were disagreements with the Catholic Church. The first official condemnation came in 1738 with the Bull of Pope Clement XII "I n eminent apostolatus speculates" .
From the perspective of ecclesial relativism , the esoteric nature of sapere e l'impossibilità di conoscere la verità, rappresentano i tratti fondamentali dell’inconciliabilità tra Fede Cristiana e Massoneria. Se da un lato, la Massoneria insiste nel non voler essere considerata una religione, dall'altro, le origini “mitiche” della stessa fanno riferimento ad un nucleo segreto che sta dietro tutte le religioni e le unifica. Dunque, tale organizzazione, facendo perno sul suo metodo, sul concetto di derivazione esoterica di un'unità sottostante tutte le religioni e sul razionalismo, sottolineando gli aspetti di libera ricerca razionale della verità e di discussione democratica in loggia, svincola se stessa dall'essere a religion and it is said, however, because of its specific characteristics, such as a separate category. Since Freemasonry is a religion might wonder why, so often, was the subject of study and investigation by those involved in religious studies or new religious phenomena. The answer must be found both in his bed method in relation to the needs historical, sociological and cultural factors that have favored the emergence, in the fact that the experience from the various Masonic Lodges will turn to the spiritual and moral sphere and therefore itself has a meaning in some way religious. In terms of historical, sociological and cultural Freemasonry presents as a response to modern ideological pluralism, which proposes as a key to understanding the same relativism, the idea that there is no religious truth or it is only relative and that basically all religions are equal.
Relativism is a view in the West secular majority, where the "believing without belonging" or "I believe in my own way, are characteristic of the religion of the common man. The relationship between Freemasonry and relativism is a direct relationship, in fact, the Masonic method, as described above, is explicitly relativistic, but also because Freemasonry is one of the answers exist and the process of doctrinal fragmentation that characterizes the modern world.
mention in particular the latter point, the answer Masonic sought the establishment of a rule of conduct that forbade dealing in lodge matters of religion and politics and therefore shunned the issues on which they could differ. At the same time, proposed a different recapture homogeneity, obtained by initiation with the idea of \u200b\u200btranscendent unity of religions. The problem of relativism is part of a more general theme of the secular process of being disengaged from the Catholic truth. Closely related to this dell'antidogmatismo problem is also that which is one of the aspects on which so much has been preaches and is one of accusations by the Church to Freemasonry cited as the Association thinks that a religion without dogma. This statement is not considered true when referring to the tenets of faith and true as it relates to the common places. Well, the alleged Masonic dogmatism must be due to a rejection of prejudice and bias that make people shy away from the truth and represent insurmountable obstacles to its achievement. Often, it happened that prejudices and preconceived notions have become dogma, indisputable truths on which it is unlawful and that no doubt will not accept any comparison. Hence the open struggle of Freemasonry, which declared that fierce enemy of the same has been criticized anti-dogmatic. It remains an excellent point: Freemasonry knows that every faith, every religion has its dogma, nor could it be otherwise. So it stands not against the tenets of the faith but against secular tenets of the injury. Article 9 of the constitution of Goi states that "the free builder refuses dogmatism and does not accept limits on the search for truth . Not infrequently it was considered that neither the individual nor Freemasonry Mason had to be submitted and defended truth, and therein lies their anti-dogmatic and tolerant attitude and loro libertà di pensiero. Questa concezione, sostenuta in particolare dalla Chiesa, non sempre rispecchia la natura e la prassi massonica nei templi e nel mondo e non tiene conto di quanto affermato nelle costituzioni e nella tradizione massonica, ma porta con sé una profonda confusione tra ricerca della verità, assolutezza delle verità e fondamento della verità. Un altro carattere discriminante della posizione massonica consiste nel ritenere che l'uomo sia compartecipe della costruzione dell'universo veritativo: questo universo è costituito da verità che l'uomo ha raggiunto, da altre a cui l'uomo tende, da verità a lui ancora sconosciute e da verità a cui ha partecipato alla loro costituzione.
La ricerca della verità is a fundamental way to the initiatory path so it can be stated that:
  1. the Masonic tradition is the bearer of truth, the foundation of which is connected to the historical development of thought and practice Masonic. These truths have a different basis: they are rational truth, esoteric, intuitive and spiritual
  2. the search for truth is a fundamental objective of the Masonic path;
  3. the Masonic institution is intended to present and defend its truth.

The Masonic conception of truth , therefore, denies any form of relativism, that there are only opinions and not the truth and at the same time calls for an attitude of respect and dialogue toward truth considered several different perspectives that complement each other.
In conclusion, we can see that Freemasonry and the Church are two separate entities with different characteristics and with different spheres of influence. Therefore, the declaration of incompatibility between them by the Church, can be understood not as a conviction or an absolute negative opinion but as the previously mentioned diversity awareness in a perspective box.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Velicity Von Megapost

am stato di recente contattato dalla Redazione di Rotocalco , una rivista online interdisciplinare che affronta diverse tematiche. Il mese scorso ha trattato il tema "TV e Mass Media" e il prossimo argomento sarà "Russia, Oggi" per il quale sono stato invitato a scrivere un articolo che con molto piacere ho accettato di redigere ed è il seguente: "La Russia del nuovo millennio".
Buona lettura

Velicity Von Megapost

am stato di recente contattato dalla Redazione di Rotocalco , una rivista online interdisciplinare che affronta diverse tematiche. Il mese scorso ha trattato il tema "TV e Mass Media" e il prossimo argomento sarà "Russia, Oggi" per il quale sono stato invitato a scrivere un articolo che con molto piacere ho accettato di redigere ed è il seguente: "La Russia del nuovo millennio".
Buona lettura

Friday, November 2, 2007

Bladder Spasms More Condition_symptoms

Immigration Problem or Crisis of Stato Sociale in Italia?

E' da tanto tempo ormai, che in Italia si sente parlare di sicurezza, immigrazione, violenza . Entrambi gli schieramenti politici tendono a fare un uso strumentale del termine sicurezza, ai soli fini elettorali, without realizing that the problems of Italian society is going through or have not been resolved by 5 years of right-wing government that continues to this day to symbolize the word, nor by the Prodi government. The character most important and most obvious is the phenomenon in my dell'affievolirsi image of the State shall enact laws, which now seems to be present as a spectator to the contrast between the groups, violence in our country are recorded daily. The cause of this tragedy is the crisis of governance that is the inability to adequately respond to the questions that people turn to ever more frequent and urgent governing bodies. A crisis in one part due to the increased social complexity, the fact that the power of the other, paralyzed by the slowness of procedures, is overwhelmed by an increasing number of laws enacted without appropriate structures to implement them or at least to let you know. The Italian policy should focus not on the closure of borders, but must promote a culture of immigration, educate their citizens to supplement reasonable in which no community perceives the other as harmful to its integrity and pursuing a positive interaction, good life and peaceful coexistence. In Italy we are witnessing the deterioration of the quality of human relationships, not only due to processes of exclusion, but also for the gradual disintegration of social cohesion and the data prove it. Often the stranger becomes the preferred target of uneasiness and tensions that are produced in our country, but it is much easier to give to a cause outside interference. In this way, the immigrant becomes the expression of all situations of social unrest. We must stop looking to other cultures as undifferentiated block, trying instead to listen and understand the internal differences, helping them to come out. I think we should avoid falling into the trap of confrontation between the communities and listen instead individualized preferences and choices, bring ava nti by the people and not by the community. Other cultures can not be accepted or rejected en bloc, because doing so may void the individual himself. And 'you need to start watching with more attention to deviant behavior in our country trying to understand the causes, which do not come only from external factors, but you need to focus on them as a set of rules violations by Italian citizens . Cases of social deviance, violence in Italy are increasing day by day. The statistical data that can peer on this link are alarming. The studies in the field clearly show that the increase in rapes and violence against women in Italy is not increase in non-connectable. But what's going on?
Every day brings the signs of a decadent society, the massacre of Erba , immigrants crammed into dilapidated apartments, poverty increases, rate of debt to buy a washing machine and young people who have more respect for their parents.
And yet, there is indifferent to the construction company's image of reality, a society devoid of values \u200b\u200bthat should be the foundation of our civilization.

Bladder Spasms More Condition_symptoms

Immigration Problem or Crisis of Stato Sociale in Italia?

E' da tanto tempo ormai, che in Italia si sente parlare di sicurezza, immigrazione, violenza . Entrambi gli schieramenti politici tendono a fare un uso strumentale del termine sicurezza, ai soli fini elettorali, without realizing that the problems of Italian society is going through or have not been resolved by 5 years of right-wing government that continues to this day to symbolize the word, nor by the Prodi government. The character most important and most obvious is the phenomenon in my dell'affievolirsi image of the State shall enact laws, which now seems to be present as a spectator to the contrast between the groups, violence in our country are recorded daily. The cause of this tragedy is the crisis of governance that is the inability to adequately respond to the questions that people turn to ever more frequent and urgent governing bodies. A crisis in one part due to the increased social complexity, the fact that the power of the other, paralyzed by the slowness of procedures, is overwhelmed by an increasing number of laws enacted without appropriate structures to implement them or at least to let you know. The Italian policy should focus not on the closure of borders, but must promote a culture of immigration, educate their citizens to supplement reasonable in which no community perceives the other as harmful to its integrity and pursuing a positive interaction, good life and peaceful coexistence. In Italy we are witnessing the deterioration of the quality of human relationships, not only due to processes of exclusion, but also for the gradual disintegration of social cohesion and the data prove it. Often the stranger becomes the preferred target of uneasiness and tensions that are produced in our country, but it is much easier to give to a cause outside interference. In this way, the immigrant becomes the expression of all situations of social unrest. We must stop looking to other cultures as undifferentiated block, trying instead to listen and understand the internal differences, helping them to come out. I think we should avoid falling into the trap of confrontation between the communities and listen instead individualized preferences and choices, bring ava nti by the people and not by the community. Other cultures can not be accepted or rejected en bloc, because doing so may void the individual himself. And 'you need to start watching with more attention to deviant behavior in our country trying to understand the causes, which do not come only from external factors, but you need to focus on them as a set of rules violations by Italian citizens . Cases of social deviance, violence in Italy are increasing day by day. The statistical data that can peer on this link are alarming. The studies in the field clearly show that the increase in rapes and violence against women in Italy is not increase in non-connectable. But what's going on?
Every day brings the signs of a decadent society, the massacre of Erba , immigrants crammed into dilapidated apartments, poverty increases, rate of debt to buy a washing machine and young people who have more respect for their parents.
And yet, there is indifferent to the construction company's image of reality, a society devoid of values \u200b\u200bthat should be the foundation of our civilization.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Hotel Wedding Welcome Letters

Elezioni in Russia

The Russian Federation is on the verge of an intense election period. fact Russian citizens go to vote next December 2 for the lower house with a new electoral reform that abolishes the share of majority under the old legislation and raises the minimum threshold of 7%. In March 2008 there will be Presidential. How to prepare the political class to these crucial steps? Putin has said publicly that will be a candidate in 2008, but has also hinted that he has no intention of being put aside, even stated that he wants to keep a leading role in Russian political life. At previous elections only a few parties have managed to overcome the threshold barrier. United Russia, with its leader Boris Gryzlov, was the first party with almost 40% of the vote. The young party, is a staunch supporter of President Putin. The main opposition party, however, is the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (Kprf) than in previous elections reached 13% of the votes, followed by Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR) , led by Zhirinovsky. Russian President Putin will leaders for the United Russia party in the race for elections to the Duma. The post-Putin bound to be a continuation of its policy on the part of his loyalists. Of what the Russians are well aware, in fact, the current president has over two thirds of the votes of the electorate and if it was by a majority of the current Russian President would have the presidential election in March, his third term in your pocket. The Russians are very reluctant to lend an ear to the great speeches of many Western democratic values \u200b\u200band their criticism is often unfounded, because in recent years the policy of their President seems to have paid off: the state is strengthened, the economy is picking and Russian armed forces are returning to be among the first in the world. For many analysts, the system has been shrunk only to the ability of the President to keep it that way, removing his opponents (the oligarchs in the first place). With i metodi usati non sempre liberali, ma comunque mai spudoratamente polizieschi, è riuscito a reprimere le ambizioni di coloro che ambivano a mettere le mani sulle enormi ricchezze del Paese. Un dossier apparso recentemente, pubblicato dal Russian Information Center, sottolinea infatti come alcuni oppositori di Putin stiano preparando un ritorno nella Mosca del dopo elezioni e come siano intenzionati a sfruttare la riorganizzazione del potere del Cremlino. Essi stanno facendo il giro di alcune cancellerie occidentali in cerca di sostegno (Usa e Gran Bretagna) e vantano reti di appoggi particolarmente diffuse negli ambiti della malavita non solo interna russa ma anche straniera e nei servizi segreti di numerosi stati occidentali. L’unione di ex oligarchi ansiosi di potere, servizi segreti e malavita internazionale potrebbe rappresentare per la Russia una situazione drammatica se gli uomini che stanno attualmente al potere (fino a prova contraria i più interessati al bene del Paese) non sapranno reagire in maniera forte, anche servendosi di strumenti (già utilizzati) che sono fuori dalla tradizione democratica, in virtù del raggiungimento di un fine più grande: la salvaguardia dell’integrità del Paese.
Quindi nel dibattito politico in questi giorni, sulla successione all’interno dell’èlite politica russa regna un certo grado di confusione, conseguenza delle profonde incognite connesse alla fine della Presidenza Putin ed alle possibili turbolenze nella fase di transizione che potrebbero bring bitter score-settling. What are the possible scenarios for succession to Putin? So far the two candidates for the upcoming presidential election Medvedev and Ivanov, then there are other candidates as unofficial Jakunin close friend of the president. As for Putin assumptions may be different;
Putin could temporarily leave the scene of entrusting the country to his trusted lieutenant to return to the game after the 2012 elections (that the Russian Constitution prohibits only the third term but not the apply for more than mandates). Or he might become President of Gazprom and maybe even join as a member of the Duma. What
think then? Given the situation Western Europe from afar and always ready to rend their garments for universal human rights, but resistant to forego the benefits of oil which gives Moscow at discount prices, the latter often tend to forget that if the forthcoming elections in Russia were Putin really not very likely to win the nationalist and populist anti-Western. It should perhaps facilitate the rise of these? Today, Putin, though not exactly pro-Western, remains the only serious and reliable partner who decided years ago to steer Russia toward the West, despite the negative signals that often come to us to cover up a character at times uncomfortable to some.

Hotel Wedding Welcome Letters

Elezioni in Russia

The Russian Federation is on the verge of an intense election period. fact Russian citizens go to vote next December 2 for the lower house with a new electoral reform that abolishes the share of majority under the old legislation and raises the minimum threshold of 7%. In March 2008 there will be Presidential. How to prepare the political class to these crucial steps? Putin has said publicly that will be a candidate in 2008, but has also hinted that he has no intention of being put aside, even stated that he wants to keep a leading role in Russian political life. At previous elections only a few parties have managed to overcome the threshold barrier. United Russia, with its leader Boris Gryzlov, was the first party with almost 40% of the vote. The young party, is a staunch supporter of President Putin. The main opposition party, however, is the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (Kprf) than in previous elections reached 13% of the votes, followed by Liberal Democratic Party of Russia (LDPR) , led by Zhirinovsky. Russian President Putin will leaders for the United Russia party in the race for elections to the Duma. The post-Putin bound to be a continuation of its policy on the part of his loyalists. Of what the Russians are well aware, in fact, the current president has over two thirds of the votes of the electorate and if it was by a majority of the current Russian President would have the presidential election in March, his third term in your pocket. The Russians are very reluctant to lend an ear to the great speeches of many Western democratic values \u200b\u200band their criticism is often unfounded, because in recent years the policy of their President seems to have paid off: the state is strengthened, the economy is picking and Russian armed forces are returning to be among the first in the world. For many analysts, the system has been shrunk only to the ability of the President to keep it that way, removing his opponents (the oligarchs in the first place). With i metodi usati non sempre liberali, ma comunque mai spudoratamente polizieschi, è riuscito a reprimere le ambizioni di coloro che ambivano a mettere le mani sulle enormi ricchezze del Paese. Un dossier apparso recentemente, pubblicato dal Russian Information Center, sottolinea infatti come alcuni oppositori di Putin stiano preparando un ritorno nella Mosca del dopo elezioni e come siano intenzionati a sfruttare la riorganizzazione del potere del Cremlino. Essi stanno facendo il giro di alcune cancellerie occidentali in cerca di sostegno (Usa e Gran Bretagna) e vantano reti di appoggi particolarmente diffuse negli ambiti della malavita non solo interna russa ma anche straniera e nei servizi segreti di numerosi stati occidentali. L’unione di ex oligarchi ansiosi di potere, servizi segreti e malavita internazionale potrebbe rappresentare per la Russia una situazione drammatica se gli uomini che stanno attualmente al potere (fino a prova contraria i più interessati al bene del Paese) non sapranno reagire in maniera forte, anche servendosi di strumenti (già utilizzati) che sono fuori dalla tradizione democratica, in virtù del raggiungimento di un fine più grande: la salvaguardia dell’integrità del Paese.
Quindi nel dibattito politico in questi giorni, sulla successione all’interno dell’èlite politica russa regna un certo grado di confusione, conseguenza delle profonde incognite connesse alla fine della Presidenza Putin ed alle possibili turbolenze nella fase di transizione che potrebbero bring bitter score-settling. What are the possible scenarios for succession to Putin? So far the two candidates for the upcoming presidential election Medvedev and Ivanov, then there are other candidates as unofficial Jakunin close friend of the president. As for Putin assumptions may be different;
Putin could temporarily leave the scene of entrusting the country to his trusted lieutenant to return to the game after the 2012 elections (that the Russian Constitution prohibits only the third term but not the apply for more than mandates). Or he might become President of Gazprom and maybe even join as a member of the Duma. What
think then? Given the situation Western Europe from afar and always ready to rend their garments for universal human rights, but resistant to forego the benefits of oil which gives Moscow at discount prices, the latter often tend to forget that if the forthcoming elections in Russia were Putin really not very likely to win the nationalist and populist anti-Western. It should perhaps facilitate the rise of these? Today, Putin, though not exactly pro-Western, remains the only serious and reliable partner who decided years ago to steer Russia toward the West, despite the negative signals that often come to us to cover up a character at times uncomfortable to some.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Age Of Empires The Rise Of Rome Fullversion

I Balcani ed il difficile equilibrio

L’”Impasse della politica Italiana” ed il ritorno, dopo la pausa estiva, a programmi televisivi e tribune politiche ripetitive , la sempre maggiore scarsa informazione, mi impongono con estremo piacere ad analizzare alcuni eventi che si stanno verificando nei vicini Balcani.
Proprio in questi giorni una serie di scontri all’interno della Repubblica della Macedonia hanno attirato l'attenzione. Il primo incidente è avvenuto nel mese di agosto quando un gruppo di albanesi ha tentato con la forza di occupare alcuni villaggi macedoni che confinano con il Kosovo (quindi anche con la Serbia dal momento che parte del territorio appartiene a quest’ultima); August 31 another clash between a group of Albanians and the Macedonian police, and finally the latest incident was recorded on September 10 last year. Some villages are trying, with the power to seek separation from Macedonia.
In light of these events, I believe that the future of the young Republic is closely connected with the future development of the Kosovo issue. Kosovo at the moment is central to the anxieties of Europe, USA and Russia as its status has not yet been defined, although UN Secretary-General said that the deadline for the solution is established for the next December. The event that stressed the independence of Kosovo was the NATO war against Belgrade in 1999, but now the question is hampered dall'opposiozione of Serbia also supported by the Russian Federation . I think the position legitimate Serbian not only because it is marked by its historical rights on Kosovo, but also the awareness that it is not big enough to afford the loss of the cradle of their state and its culture, its small enough to be private Part of its territory without reacting.
In the video you can see clearly what is happening today in Kosovo. A group of Albanians are destroying and desecrating an Orthodox Church.

E 'as if Italy were deprived of the Alto Adige region, bearing inert amputation of its territory, seeing that break down the old Catholic churches and monuments without resentment.

And then it is perhaps only to Serbia to give life to the sale of its territory to the Balkan peace is certainly not to risk it? The independence of Kosovo, I believe that raises serious concerns about the future of the Balkans, mainly related to the dubious ability of the future system of Kosovo can guarantee the rule of law and combating criminal activities. The reduced ability to govern once the international presence that now ensures operation at a minimum, would be reduced to a gradual drift with criminal consequences neighboring countries such as Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia. The Serb community lives in fear of further unrest and does not accept the independence because they do not see a chance to live in peace, indeed it would be a constant source of conflict and continuation of work by the most powerful drug mafias in the world.
But let's not forget, the economic factor of an independent Kosovo. Today's manufacturing activities in the region are completely absent, agriculture is neglected and the level of unemployment is very high. In this context and I hope that you take the right fundamental solution without then choose to see the glass half empty or half full. Certainly the rhetoric of Europeanize Kosovo as a key to solving the problem, it seems to me a sad melody. But at present it is likely that the final decision will not like neither the Serbs nor the Albanians and the international community will once again put to the test.

Age Of Empires The Rise Of Rome Fullversion

I Balcani ed il difficile equilibrio

L’”Impasse della politica Italiana” ed il ritorno, dopo la pausa estiva, a programmi televisivi e tribune politiche ripetitive , la sempre maggiore scarsa informazione, mi impongono con estremo piacere ad analizzare alcuni eventi che si stanno verificando nei vicini Balcani.
Proprio in questi giorni una serie di scontri all’interno della Repubblica della Macedonia hanno attirato l'attenzione. Il primo incidente è avvenuto nel mese di agosto quando un gruppo di albanesi ha tentato con la forza di occupare alcuni villaggi macedoni che confinano con il Kosovo (quindi anche con la Serbia dal momento che parte del territorio appartiene a quest’ultima); August 31 another clash between a group of Albanians and the Macedonian police, and finally the latest incident was recorded on September 10 last year. Some villages are trying, with the power to seek separation from Macedonia.
In light of these events, I believe that the future of the young Republic is closely connected with the future development of the Kosovo issue. Kosovo at the moment is central to the anxieties of Europe, USA and Russia as its status has not yet been defined, although UN Secretary-General said that the deadline for the solution is established for the next December. The event that stressed the independence of Kosovo was the NATO war against Belgrade in 1999, but now the question is hampered dall'opposiozione of Serbia also supported by the Russian Federation . I think the position legitimate Serbian not only because it is marked by its historical rights on Kosovo, but also the awareness that it is not big enough to afford the loss of the cradle of their state and its culture, its small enough to be private Part of its territory without reacting.
In the video you can see clearly what is happening today in Kosovo. A group of Albanians are destroying and desecrating an Orthodox Church.

E 'as if Italy were deprived of the Alto Adige region, bearing inert amputation of its territory, seeing that break down the old Catholic churches and monuments without resentment.

And then it is perhaps only to Serbia to give life to the sale of its territory to the Balkan peace is certainly not to risk it? The independence of Kosovo, I believe that raises serious concerns about the future of the Balkans, mainly related to the dubious ability of the future system of Kosovo can guarantee the rule of law and combating criminal activities. The reduced ability to govern once the international presence that now ensures operation at a minimum, would be reduced to a gradual drift with criminal consequences neighboring countries such as Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia. The Serb community lives in fear of further unrest and does not accept the independence because they do not see a chance to live in peace, indeed it would be a constant source of conflict and continuation of work by the most powerful drug mafias in the world.
But let's not forget, the economic factor of an independent Kosovo. Today's manufacturing activities in the region are completely absent, agriculture is neglected and the level of unemployment is very high. In this context and I hope that you take the right fundamental solution without then choose to see the glass half empty or half full. Certainly the rhetoric of Europeanize Kosovo as a key to solving the problem, it seems to me a sad melody. But at present it is likely that the final decision will not like neither the Serbs nor the Albanians and the international community will once again put to the test.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Things To Write On A Wedding Card

Inchiesta "Whynot" in Calabria: Implicate Alte Cariche dello Stato.

Calabria From now comes a warning to all Italian citizens who are tired of being quiet when faced with the plunder of institutions, enterprises and society. Have been placed under investigation by magistrates Luigi De Magistris and Henry John Woodcock at least 26 people across Italy and they are not sure of the common people, but the Chief of the Guardia di Finanza of Agents del Sismi e di uomini appartenenti a quasi tutti gli shieramenti politici. L'inchiesta è stata chiamata Whynot dal nome di una Società di lavoro interinale e, dalle pagine che compongono le indagini, dalle intercettazioni telefoniche, emergono dei fatti allarmanti. Una consorteria potente che vede coinvolti anche appartenenti ad una Loggia Massonica deviata di San Marino che manovrava dagli appalti ai finanziamenti comunitari e regionali, dall'informatica ai lavoratori a tempo determinato. L'operazione naturalmente era già iniziata con l 'inchiesta Poseidone che vide come indagati il Segretario Nazionale dell'UDC Lorenzo Cesa e l'ex Presidente della Regione Calabria Giuseppe Chiaravalloti. Sul conto dello stesso Magistrato De Magistris erano tra l'altro state presentate decine di interrogazioni parlamentari volte a dichiarare l'incompatibilità ambientale e quindi trasferire lo stesso in altra sede, poichè ritenuto personaggio scomodo. Ma io mi chiedo spesso come si può combattere la Mafia , la 'Ndrangheta , la corruzione presente in quasi tutti i settori del nostro paese, se il marcio sta a monte? In questi ultimi 10 anni non si è fatto nessun passo avanti. Dai tempi di tangentopoli , nulla è cambiato ma forse è peggiorata qualcosa. La nostra Calabria, incantevole e straziante terra, che appartiene a tutto il popolo italiano sta diventando spesso oggetto di giochi politici and division of spoils. From EU funds that were disbursed for water purification in recent years and used for other purposes, Calabria should have the cleanest sea in the world and instead this year the three flags were lifted more than blue that remained. I could understand the criticism of the past, when people were almost resigned to the mafia who register. But today there are many assumptions so that things go differently. Indeed it is the associations to the Church, school and citizens, who came a call that repudiates malapianta present in this land, we have stood together to remember the same guys Locri to re-launch with more strength and determination the need for change, to grow. Calabria then can redeem only if, the institutions themselves, the stop being ambiguous in the choice of targets. Phenomena such as those of today are shot down and, in this tragic national emergency of corruption and anti-politics, the time has come to an assumption of collective responsibility, a civic engagement aimed at eradicating the established cultural syndromes that are typical of the country nost corruption, the cost of the policy etc. E 'Civil Society un'interposizione therefore necessary to create any common elements are able to innovate and improve the unbalanced Company Italiana e capace di esigere di più dalla Politica e dalle Istituzioni.
Tutto questo è solo una questione di Civiltà!

Things To Write On A Wedding Card

Inchiesta "Whynot" in Calabria: Implicate Alte Cariche dello Stato.

Calabria From now comes a warning to all Italian citizens who are tired of being quiet when faced with the plunder of institutions, enterprises and society. Have been placed under investigation by magistrates Luigi De Magistris and Henry John Woodcock at least 26 people across Italy and they are not sure of the common people, but the Chief of the Guardia di Finanza of Agents del Sismi e di uomini appartenenti a quasi tutti gli shieramenti politici. L'inchiesta è stata chiamata Whynot dal nome di una Società di lavoro interinale e, dalle pagine che compongono le indagini, dalle intercettazioni telefoniche, emergono dei fatti allarmanti. Una consorteria potente che vede coinvolti anche appartenenti ad una Loggia Massonica deviata di San Marino che manovrava dagli appalti ai finanziamenti comunitari e regionali, dall'informatica ai lavoratori a tempo determinato. L'operazione naturalmente era già iniziata con l 'inchiesta Poseidone che vide come indagati il Segretario Nazionale dell'UDC Lorenzo Cesa e l'ex Presidente della Regione Calabria Giuseppe Chiaravalloti. Sul conto dello stesso Magistrato De Magistris erano tra l'altro state presentate decine di interrogazioni parlamentari volte a dichiarare l'incompatibilità ambientale e quindi trasferire lo stesso in altra sede, poichè ritenuto personaggio scomodo. Ma io mi chiedo spesso come si può combattere la Mafia , la 'Ndrangheta , la corruzione presente in quasi tutti i settori del nostro paese, se il marcio sta a monte? In questi ultimi 10 anni non si è fatto nessun passo avanti. Dai tempi di tangentopoli , nulla è cambiato ma forse è peggiorata qualcosa. La nostra Calabria, incantevole e straziante terra, che appartiene a tutto il popolo italiano sta diventando spesso oggetto di giochi politici and division of spoils. From EU funds that were disbursed for water purification in recent years and used for other purposes, Calabria should have the cleanest sea in the world and instead this year the three flags were lifted more than blue that remained. I could understand the criticism of the past, when people were almost resigned to the mafia who register. But today there are many assumptions so that things go differently. Indeed it is the associations to the Church, school and citizens, who came a call that repudiates malapianta present in this land, we have stood together to remember the same guys Locri to re-launch with more strength and determination the need for change, to grow. Calabria then can redeem only if, the institutions themselves, the stop being ambiguous in the choice of targets. Phenomena such as those of today are shot down and, in this tragic national emergency of corruption and anti-politics, the time has come to an assumption of collective responsibility, a civic engagement aimed at eradicating the established cultural syndromes that are typical of the country nost corruption, the cost of the policy etc. E 'Civil Society un'interposizione therefore necessary to create any common elements are able to innovate and improve the unbalanced Company Italiana e capace di esigere di più dalla Politica e dalle Istituzioni.
Tutto questo è solo una questione di Civiltà!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

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Federazione Russa-USA: Nuovi Scenari.

Quando Vladimir Putin , ex agente del KGB, salì al potere la Federazione Russa appariva al mondo come un immenso territorio assoggettato all'egemonia americana e divorato dalla famiglia Eltsin . In pochi avevano scommesso sulla sua rinascita. Eppure già con il suo primo mandato 2000-2004 Putin ricompose il territorio. Sul fronte interno scacciò gli oligarchici e gli uomini politici corrotti che avevano spogliato brutalmente la Russia ed il Cremlino promuovendo cosi la riconquista del controllo statale. Mi chiedo often if they had the same effect as other methods, perhaps the most democratic in order to reconstruct such a vast territory and a political system that no longer existed for years after the collapse of the Soviet Union . Putin himself has stressed that no conclusions can be liberal reforms without an efficient state capable of enforcing the laws promulgated. In Europe, the methods used by Russian Prime Minister have never liked, but it would appear that the majority of people approve his choices, as well as the nationalization of its political line and program. Often criticized by Americans for lack of credibility, in silence, without raising his voice, Putin, even though some of his methods might be questionable, led his country to an unprecedented economic growth and in just a few years the number of households below the poverty line fell from 42 to 26 million. Amazing! But the central point of my reflection is not the internal politics of the Kremlin, but relations with the outside world and especially Europe and the USA and the new equilibrium that will be created after the G8 summit being held these days in Germany. It 'a bit of time has led to a sharp controversy between the United States in response to some of Bush's foolish and aspirations of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. I consider foolish choices by the President of USA installed in Europe, specifically in Poland and the Czech Republic an anti-missile shield in order defensive. But to defend ourselves by whom and from what? Bush says, Iran's Ahmadinejad . Even if it were possible to his thesis, nobody believes, as potentiality Iranian weapons have the range required to reach Europe.
Then a logical explanation would be to increase its influence on European countries, perhaps because the former KGB agent was upset with the revival of Russian power, and upset the balance of international monopoly on economic, political Americans ? In fact, Russia's refusal to accept the unilateral U.S. action could create, in collaboration with France and Germany, a counterweight to the European Community in these anni è stata incapace di fare.
Bruxelles a mio avviso dovrebbe gettare uno sguardo critico su questi nuovi avvenimenti che sono venuti alla luce negli ultimi tempi, per una serie di motivi. Primo tra tutti, una Russia forte difenderebbe l'Unione Europea da Oriente e la sua vitalità non minaccerebbe veramente nessuno soprattutto quei paesi confinanti che temono con le loro fobie storiche, la vicina potenza.
Gli Stati Uniti dopo il crollo di consensi e la perdita di prestigio sul piano internazionale, vorrebbero far crescere l'influenza sui paesi che confinano con Mosca, cercando di incrinare i rapporti tra questi ed il grande gigante; ma i legami culturali, economici e politici con Mosca sono troppo forti per essere spezzati da semplici programmi training and technical assistance. Will expire in a few years even the Treaty between the U.S. and Russia on the reduction and non-proliferation of nuclear weapons and the main aim of Putin is to sign an additional document to continue that line, but emerged from the latest events, it seems that this policy to the U.S. not like it anymore.
Therefore, the conclusion which I arrived, leads me to say that a strong Europe and a strong ally to the Russian Federation scared, and then the road will be long and tormented by external factors that seek to destabilize the European project and the ambition Russian to be a major player on world politics is to protect its interests, both for the good of the world. I risolvino hope that things in the best way not to go back into the nightmare of a new Cold War that could be devastating for all mankind.

Tadalafil E20 Tablets

Federazione Russa-USA: Nuovi Scenari.

Quando Vladimir Putin , ex agente del KGB, salì al potere la Federazione Russa appariva al mondo come un immenso territorio assoggettato all'egemonia americana e divorato dalla famiglia Eltsin . In pochi avevano scommesso sulla sua rinascita. Eppure già con il suo primo mandato 2000-2004 Putin ricompose il territorio. Sul fronte interno scacciò gli oligarchici e gli uomini politici corrotti che avevano spogliato brutalmente la Russia ed il Cremlino promuovendo cosi la riconquista del controllo statale. Mi chiedo often if they had the same effect as other methods, perhaps the most democratic in order to reconstruct such a vast territory and a political system that no longer existed for years after the collapse of the Soviet Union . Putin himself has stressed that no conclusions can be liberal reforms without an efficient state capable of enforcing the laws promulgated. In Europe, the methods used by Russian Prime Minister have never liked, but it would appear that the majority of people approve his choices, as well as the nationalization of its political line and program. Often criticized by Americans for lack of credibility, in silence, without raising his voice, Putin, even though some of his methods might be questionable, led his country to an unprecedented economic growth and in just a few years the number of households below the poverty line fell from 42 to 26 million. Amazing! But the central point of my reflection is not the internal politics of the Kremlin, but relations with the outside world and especially Europe and the USA and the new equilibrium that will be created after the G8 summit being held these days in Germany. It 'a bit of time has led to a sharp controversy between the United States in response to some of Bush's foolish and aspirations of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. I consider foolish choices by the President of USA installed in Europe, specifically in Poland and the Czech Republic an anti-missile shield in order defensive. But to defend ourselves by whom and from what? Bush says, Iran's Ahmadinejad . Even if it were possible to his thesis, nobody believes, as potentiality Iranian weapons have the range required to reach Europe.
Then a logical explanation would be to increase its influence on European countries, perhaps because the former KGB agent was upset with the revival of Russian power, and upset the balance of international monopoly on economic, political Americans ? In fact, Russia's refusal to accept the unilateral U.S. action could create, in collaboration with France and Germany, a counterweight to the European Community in these anni è stata incapace di fare.
Bruxelles a mio avviso dovrebbe gettare uno sguardo critico su questi nuovi avvenimenti che sono venuti alla luce negli ultimi tempi, per una serie di motivi. Primo tra tutti, una Russia forte difenderebbe l'Unione Europea da Oriente e la sua vitalità non minaccerebbe veramente nessuno soprattutto quei paesi confinanti che temono con le loro fobie storiche, la vicina potenza.
Gli Stati Uniti dopo il crollo di consensi e la perdita di prestigio sul piano internazionale, vorrebbero far crescere l'influenza sui paesi che confinano con Mosca, cercando di incrinare i rapporti tra questi ed il grande gigante; ma i legami culturali, economici e politici con Mosca sono troppo forti per essere spezzati da semplici programmi training and technical assistance. Will expire in a few years even the Treaty between the U.S. and Russia on the reduction and non-proliferation of nuclear weapons and the main aim of Putin is to sign an additional document to continue that line, but emerged from the latest events, it seems that this policy to the U.S. not like it anymore.
Therefore, the conclusion which I arrived, leads me to say that a strong Europe and a strong ally to the Russian Federation scared, and then the road will be long and tormented by external factors that seek to destabilize the European project and the ambition Russian to be a major player on world politics is to protect its interests, both for the good of the world. I risolvino hope that things in the best way not to go back into the nightmare of a new Cold War that could be devastating for all mankind.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Acronis The Installation Was Interrupted Before

La Politica Italiana è al servizio dei cittadini?

These days we hear in our country's political crisis. Many, Massimo D'Alema, Mario Monti that enhances the technical Montezemolo in promoting a real political program. A Mountain of technical answer that a country needs, but the policy is first of all, while the criticisms instead Montezemolo not know where to come due to constant interventions by the government in recent years at Fiat, see layoffs, eco-incentives, incentives for restructuring and a number of rescue aid.
The real problem now is the lack of communication between state and society resulting from the above applications increasingly expressed by the parties, which often do not enjoy the legitimacy conferred by the people. The exercise of the mandate should be possible through tools that promote the formation and promotion of new elites. The conflict of interest that not only Silvio Berlusconi, but hundreds of other politicians should be adequately resolved. The free exercise of parliamentary function must demand that the interests do not prevail between the position of parliamentary staff and the representative function, and then exercised should set out conditions for ineligibility and incompatibility.
policy must deal with the government of society and one way to begin to answer must be the change of form of organization of political parties. The mass parties have now left the scene, the mass party was based on a relatively simple, but what do you do to change? We invented a new Democracy Christian the new Democratic Party. You fight for those who must already be the leader. I do not think these are the answers to be given to citizens.
It is said that the League has contributed to the collapse of the old political system of collecting la protesta sociale. E’ vero. Infatti il nord è spaventato dall’aumento della pressione fiscale per ripianare le spese di un sistema politico insufficiente e per le redistribuzioni alle aree meno produttive della penisola. (vedi le ultime elezioni amministrative del 27-28 maggio 2007).
La società è cambiata, le innovazioni organizzative della grande industria, lo sviluppo della piccola impresa hanno trasformato completamente il tessuto sociale preparando un cambiamento politico che purtoppo tarda ad arrivare. Siamo di fronte ad un'Italia ancora ancorata a vecchi stereotipi.
La situazione di oggi la possiamo percepire allora come un disordine generale che mette a rischio l’ordine politico e sociale di un paese which was built with hard work and national loyalty. The Italian question, therefore, does not lend itself to easy solutions, but there is no time to mourn, we must roll up their sleeves.
I would like to close with a quote that can be interpreted in so many ways and I hope will be a good omen:
"Politics is the noble art of taking votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich by promising to protect each other and ". Oscar Ameringer

Acronis The Installation Was Interrupted Before

La Politica Italiana è al servizio dei cittadini?

These days we hear in our country's political crisis. Many, Massimo D'Alema, Mario Monti that enhances the technical Montezemolo in promoting a real political program. A Mountain of technical answer that a country needs, but the policy is first of all, while the criticisms instead Montezemolo not know where to come due to constant interventions by the government in recent years at Fiat, see layoffs, eco-incentives, incentives for restructuring and a number of rescue aid.
The real problem now is the lack of communication between state and society resulting from the above applications increasingly expressed by the parties, which often do not enjoy the legitimacy conferred by the people. The exercise of the mandate should be possible through tools that promote the formation and promotion of new elites. The conflict of interest that not only Silvio Berlusconi, but hundreds of other politicians should be adequately resolved. The free exercise of parliamentary function must demand that the interests do not prevail between the position of parliamentary staff and the representative function, and then exercised should set out conditions for ineligibility and incompatibility.
policy must deal with the government of society and one way to begin to answer must be the change of form of organization of political parties. The mass parties have now left the scene, the mass party was based on a relatively simple, but what do you do to change? We invented a new Democracy Christian the new Democratic Party. You fight for those who must already be the leader. I do not think these are the answers to be given to citizens.
It is said that the League has contributed to the collapse of the old political system of collecting la protesta sociale. E’ vero. Infatti il nord è spaventato dall’aumento della pressione fiscale per ripianare le spese di un sistema politico insufficiente e per le redistribuzioni alle aree meno produttive della penisola. (vedi le ultime elezioni amministrative del 27-28 maggio 2007).
La società è cambiata, le innovazioni organizzative della grande industria, lo sviluppo della piccola impresa hanno trasformato completamente il tessuto sociale preparando un cambiamento politico che purtoppo tarda ad arrivare. Siamo di fronte ad un'Italia ancora ancorata a vecchi stereotipi.
La situazione di oggi la possiamo percepire allora come un disordine generale che mette a rischio l’ordine politico e sociale di un paese which was built with hard work and national loyalty. The Italian question, therefore, does not lend itself to easy solutions, but there is no time to mourn, we must roll up their sleeves.
I would like to close with a quote that can be interpreted in so many ways and I hope will be a good omen:
"Politics is the noble art of taking votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich by promising to protect each other and ". Oscar Ameringer

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Canon Ixus 500 Light Leak

La Politica Estera Italiana.

It was the choice of Italy at the end of World War II, to ally with the Anglo-Americans who scored what should be the future of our country on the international political scenario. Alcide De Gasperi, the first foreign minister, realized that the way forward was to Europe to avoid a strong policy of isolation. In 1949 the same ministry favored's entry into NATO strongly sanctioned American hegemony over Europe, especially Italy. How could we forget 1953, when it comes ENI (National Hydrocarbons) strongly desired by Enrico Mattei , which play a vital role in the exploitation of newly discovered oil fields, and skillful in weaving agreements with producer countries, sometimes even opposing the role of the "Seven Sisters" the powerful multinational who held control of world oil production. But unfortunately the great Mattei died in 1962 in a plane crash and many hypotheses advanced recently that sabotage somehow took the significant confirmation. The other foreign ministers that followed in the seventies in government Andreotti, ranging from Moro Fanfani were years that brought the country to be our ally and not subject the United States, years in which Italy won great international prestige. With the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Soviet Union is not even what was the role of Italy in the past, a foreign policy made some agreements with a country and a little with each other depending delle circostanze, avendo sempre svolto un ruolo di conciliazione.
Negli anni '90 si vede un paese profondamente cambiato, erano scomparsi quei partiti e quegli uomini che avevano dominato la vita politica italiana negli ultimi 50 anni. E' fu proprio con l'ascesa al potere di Silvio Berlusconi, uomo di grandi capacità imprenditoriali e manageriali, che l'Italia viene guardata in tutto il mondo e soprattutto in Europa con una certa diffidenza; anche per l'alleanza politica con un movimento regionale come la Lega Nord che lasciava forti dubbi sull'integrazione europea. La sua politica estera si racchiude in una sua frase «Io sono a favore di tutto ciò che è americano ancora prima di sapere cos’è» . Si dichiara amico di tutti però, come tanti dicono, non è mai riuscito a rispondere in maniera chiara e precisa alla domanda di che cosa ne pensasse di un'Europa forte e unita.
Lo stesso Ministro degli Esteri attuale Massimo D'Alema sta cercando, in linea di continuità con il glorioso passato, di ricucire quei rapporti che l'abilità di uomini come Andreotti e Craxi erano riusciti a realizzare soprattutto con il mondo arabo, tanto da essere stato accusato di collusione con i terroristi di Hamas. L'Italia, per la sua posizione strategica deve condurre a mio avviso una politica estera non solo atlantista, europeista, ma soprattutto mediterranea. Il nostro paese si ergeva a potenza economica anche in virtù degli accordi intrapesi con paesi come l'Egitto, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Iran. I would like to briefly recall the seizure of the cruise ship Achille Lauro , the then Prime Minister Craxi and his Foreign Minister, Giulio Andreotti took a position on the great country even if it provoked a diplomatic crisis between the U.S. and Italy which ended with the surrender of the United States.
our current foreign minister, who will never forgive the attack on Milosevic's Serbia in 1999 , ask us to feel proud of being Italian, Europe and the world, after a period that is questionable in recent years.

Canon Ixus 500 Light Leak

La Politica Estera Italiana.

It was the choice of Italy at the end of World War II, to ally with the Anglo-Americans who scored what should be the future of our country on the international political scenario. Alcide De Gasperi, the first foreign minister, realized that the way forward was to Europe to avoid a strong policy of isolation. In 1949 the same ministry favored's entry into NATO strongly sanctioned American hegemony over Europe, especially Italy. How could we forget 1953, when it comes ENI (National Hydrocarbons) strongly desired by Enrico Mattei , which play a vital role in the exploitation of newly discovered oil fields, and skillful in weaving agreements with producer countries, sometimes even opposing the role of the "Seven Sisters" the powerful multinational who held control of world oil production. But unfortunately the great Mattei died in 1962 in a plane crash and many hypotheses advanced recently that sabotage somehow took the significant confirmation. The other foreign ministers that followed in the seventies in government Andreotti, ranging from Moro Fanfani were years that brought the country to be our ally and not subject the United States, years in which Italy won great international prestige. With the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Soviet Union is not even what was the role of Italy in the past, a foreign policy made some agreements with a country and a little with each other depending delle circostanze, avendo sempre svolto un ruolo di conciliazione.
Negli anni '90 si vede un paese profondamente cambiato, erano scomparsi quei partiti e quegli uomini che avevano dominato la vita politica italiana negli ultimi 50 anni. E' fu proprio con l'ascesa al potere di Silvio Berlusconi, uomo di grandi capacità imprenditoriali e manageriali, che l'Italia viene guardata in tutto il mondo e soprattutto in Europa con una certa diffidenza; anche per l'alleanza politica con un movimento regionale come la Lega Nord che lasciava forti dubbi sull'integrazione europea. La sua politica estera si racchiude in una sua frase «Io sono a favore di tutto ciò che è americano ancora prima di sapere cos’è» . Si dichiara amico di tutti però, come tanti dicono, non è mai riuscito a rispondere in maniera chiara e precisa alla domanda di che cosa ne pensasse di un'Europa forte e unita.
Lo stesso Ministro degli Esteri attuale Massimo D'Alema sta cercando, in linea di continuità con il glorioso passato, di ricucire quei rapporti che l'abilità di uomini come Andreotti e Craxi erano riusciti a realizzare soprattutto con il mondo arabo, tanto da essere stato accusato di collusione con i terroristi di Hamas. L'Italia, per la sua posizione strategica deve condurre a mio avviso una politica estera non solo atlantista, europeista, ma soprattutto mediterranea. Il nostro paese si ergeva a potenza economica anche in virtù degli accordi intrapesi con paesi come l'Egitto, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Iran. I would like to briefly recall the seizure of the cruise ship Achille Lauro , the then Prime Minister Craxi and his Foreign Minister, Giulio Andreotti took a position on the great country even if it provoked a diplomatic crisis between the U.S. and Italy which ended with the surrender of the United States.
our current foreign minister, who will never forgive the attack on Milosevic's Serbia in 1999 , ask us to feel proud of being Italian, Europe and the world, after a period that is questionable in recent years.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Hollywood Wax Wikipedia

Lavoro: L'Handicap della Società Italiana.

Article 1 of the Italian Constitution : "Italy is a democratic republic founded on work."

Our generation is fortunate some say. In part could be an obvious truth, since we have not gone to war, starved and having seen almost every day the meat at the table. In reality today is no certainty and a solid foundation. First of all, the work that affects millions of young people. E 'prorprio these years, the Biagi reform that precarious workers are not allowing them to form a family, getting a mortgage to buy a house, being so precarious not only in work but also in life. Failure parts of the ruling class and politics in Italy also stems from the fact that an employee who reaches 30 years without a home ownership, economic independence, difficult to find interest in getting involved in politics.
Furthermore, ours is a world where you are required to produce, but without looking at the quality of work. The most recent data emerging on the safety in the workplace, the results are alarming in our country produces an average of 5 deaths per day and we refer only to the data reported, flying around the fatal accidents that are masked. Laws to prevent such tragedies are there, see D.lgs 626/94 and many other EU directives, but in fact it is the surface on their practical application, lack of control by the relevant authorities. Where are the Inspectors of Labour? In Italy we say "enough" aphorism "the law passed, find the loophole," it is time to expose the ignorance of those who, like the employer, which should protect its employees in terms of safety, is instead deregulation in order to derive personal economic benefits to the detriment of citizens. We have a duty to fight against undeclared work and all irregularities that arise.
Even cases of violence to which we are witnessing in recent years, are closely related to the prima osservato, la devianza sociale è uno dei fattori determinanti che scatta nell'individuo, nel momento in cui viene lesa la propria dignità, quando si viene a creare quello scompenso tra le proprie aspettative e le gratificazioni che offre la Società Civile, quando il disagio economico diventa sociale fino a colpire i sentimenti delle persone; si può essere respinti per un certo numero di volte, ma poi cominci a dubitare delle tue capacità!
Che futuro ci attende allora? Per il lavoratore si parla di un futuro non più considerato nell'arco temporaneo fondato sui reali bisogni dell'uomo, ma si parla invece di un futuro che si basa sulle convenienze delle imprese!