Sunday, March 30, 2008

Martha Stewart Waffles

Precari di Palermo incontrano Leoluca Orlando

Martha Stewart Waffles

Precari di Palermo incontrano Leoluca Orlando

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Clip Art Lobster Boat

EuroMayday Aachen 2008

EuroMayDay Aachen 2008: transnational parade of migrants and precarious @ s


Mayday! Mayday! Emergency call from Aachen / Aquisgranum (near Koeln/Cologne)
Info Updates:
On the First of May in Aachen / Aken / Aix-la-Chapelle / Aquisgrana / Aquisgrán / Akwizgran / Ahan, ancient carolignian city, Nicolas Sarkozy will present Angela Merkel with the EU Oscar, the Prix Charlemagne. Irony of the calendar, syndicalist MayDay this year coincides with catholic Ascension Day, when the Eurocracy Awards are traditionally handed out.

The duo congratulates itself for having finally shielded the EU from the social demands of the people, who scream for an end to free-market theology in europe. The new european diarchy is turning the continent into a police state and would be happy to erase the heretic meaning of MayDay, and the Anarchist and Socialist traditions of europe along with it.

This year for MayDay, two worlds clash together: the global movement vs strong-armed governments; grassroots networks and squatted social centers vs EU power; Utopian Society vs Capitalist Market; the radical europe of multitudes vs the conservative Europe of élites.

We are gonna spoil the party of the powerful, by raising hell in Aachen and holding our own party: the EuroMayDay Parade, the transeuropean demonstration of all precarious and migrants against workfare, discrimination and border controls held in more than twenty cities.

We, the EuroMayDay Network cannot accept that MayDay is turned into the Ascension Day into stardom of the two failing sovereigns of Christian, NATO Europe. We reject Charlemagne as symbol of Europe, just as we denounce the neoliberalism of the Barroso Commission and the monetarism of Trichet's Central Bank.
Show Angie and Sarko what the European movement against neoliberalism and militarism is capable of. Come to the special EuroMayDay Protest+Parade+Party that collectives in Aachen, Liège, Maastricht, and other cities of the region are organizing. Facilities, accommodation and food will be provided to protesters in Aachen in the days immediately before and after the First of May. Activists, artists, hackers, unionists, migrant associations, queer collectives, critical cyclists, media creatives, leftist radicals of all stripes – red, black, green, pink, purple, silver – are coming to Aachen and other EuroMayDay Parades to join the fight. First of May in Aachen: morning: EuroMayDay PROTESTS nearby Rathaus where Karlspreis is given to Merkel by Sarkozy EuroMayDay PARADE starts nearby site of protest

evening: MayDay PARTY in public park


fighting precarity and inequality since 2004 See

Clip Art Lobster Boat

EuroMayday Aachen 2008

EuroMayDay Aachen 2008: transnational parade of migrants and precarious @ s


Mayday! Mayday! Emergency call from Aachen / Aquisgranum (near Koeln/Cologne)
Info Updates:
On the First of May in Aachen / Aken / Aix-la-Chapelle / Aquisgrana / Aquisgrán / Akwizgran / Ahan, ancient carolignian city, Nicolas Sarkozy will present Angela Merkel with the EU Oscar, the Prix Charlemagne. Irony of the calendar, syndicalist MayDay this year coincides with catholic Ascension Day, when the Eurocracy Awards are traditionally handed out.

The duo congratulates itself for having finally shielded the EU from the social demands of the people, who scream for an end to free-market theology in europe. The new european diarchy is turning the continent into a police state and would be happy to erase the heretic meaning of MayDay, and the Anarchist and Socialist traditions of europe along with it.

This year for MayDay, two worlds clash together: the global movement vs strong-armed governments; grassroots networks and squatted social centers vs EU power; Utopian Society vs Capitalist Market; the radical europe of multitudes vs the conservative Europe of élites.

We are gonna spoil the party of the powerful, by raising hell in Aachen and holding our own party: the EuroMayDay Parade, the transeuropean demonstration of all precarious and migrants against workfare, discrimination and border controls held in more than twenty cities.

We, the EuroMayDay Network cannot accept that MayDay is turned into the Ascension Day into stardom of the two failing sovereigns of Christian, NATO Europe. We reject Charlemagne as symbol of Europe, just as we denounce the neoliberalism of the Barroso Commission and the monetarism of Trichet's Central Bank.
Show Angie and Sarko what the European movement against neoliberalism and militarism is capable of. Come to the special EuroMayDay Protest+Parade+Party that collectives in Aachen, Liège, Maastricht, and other cities of the region are organizing. Facilities, accommodation and food will be provided to protesters in Aachen in the days immediately before and after the First of May. Activists, artists, hackers, unionists, migrant associations, queer collectives, critical cyclists, media creatives, leftist radicals of all stripes – red, black, green, pink, purple, silver – are coming to Aachen and other EuroMayDay Parades to join the fight. First of May in Aachen: morning: EuroMayDay PROTESTS nearby Rathaus where Karlspreis is given to Merkel by Sarkozy EuroMayDay PARADE starts nearby site of protest

evening: MayDay PARTY in public park


fighting precarity and inequality since 2004 See

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Software Blueprints Create Cage

Precari di Action si "sposano" davanti a casa di Berlusconi a Roma

ROMA (17 marzo) - Militanti di Action hanno manifestato oggi davanti alla residenza-ufficio di Silvio Berlusconi a Roma mettendo in scena un finto matrimonio per criticare la battuta con cui la settimana scorsa il leader del Pdl aveva esortato una precaria a risolvere ogni problema sposando suo figlio o qualche altro milionario.

Un centinaio di persone, poco prima delle 15, ha scortato una coppia in abiti da nuziali davanti a Palazzo Grazioli in via del Plebiscito gettando anche riso contro il portone della residenza di Berlusconi. Prima di essere dispersi dalle forze dell'ordine, ha riferito un testimone, i militanti di Action hanno anche distribuito un volantino su cui è scritto: «Altro che contratto di matrimonio, reddito di cittadinanza subito: tuo figlio non lo sposeremo mai».

I manifestanti, «poche decine» secondo la polizia, sono stati identificati. Non è la prima volta che la casa di Berlusconi, viene preso di mira da militanti dell'area the "Left antagonist. The "disobedient Roman" three cans of manure dumped there in 2003, and in 2005 the same Action, the agency in Rome that fights for the right to housing, we improvised a demonstration against forced evictions.

Software Blueprints Create Cage

Precari di Action si "sposano" davanti a casa di Berlusconi a Roma

ROMA (17 marzo) - Militanti di Action hanno manifestato oggi davanti alla residenza-ufficio di Silvio Berlusconi a Roma mettendo in scena un finto matrimonio per criticare la battuta con cui la settimana scorsa il leader del Pdl aveva esortato una precaria a risolvere ogni problema sposando suo figlio o qualche altro milionario.

Un centinaio di persone, poco prima delle 15, ha scortato una coppia in abiti da nuziali davanti a Palazzo Grazioli in via del Plebiscito gettando anche riso contro il portone della residenza di Berlusconi. Prima di essere dispersi dalle forze dell'ordine, ha riferito un testimone, i militanti di Action hanno anche distribuito un volantino su cui è scritto: «Altro che contratto di matrimonio, reddito di cittadinanza subito: tuo figlio non lo sposeremo mai».

I manifestanti, «poche decine» secondo la polizia, sono stati identificati. Non è la prima volta che la casa di Berlusconi, viene preso di mira da militanti dell'area the "Left antagonist. The "disobedient Roman" three cans of manure dumped there in 2003, and in 2005 the same Action, the agency in Rome that fights for the right to housing, we improvised a demonstration against forced evictions.

Duty Free Sydney Jvc Gz-mg275 High Definition

E i precari mettono il voto in vendita

ROME (March 17) - "I sell my vote," "We will have a pension, too?", "Just graduated and already unemployed." These are the slogans written on white boards by demonstrators who for some days 'march' through the streets of central Rome. A protest calling also on the web. Last Thursday fifteen men and women, all aged between 18 and 30 years or so, have expressed con vari cartelloni uno dei quali recitava «Metto in vendita il mio voto», per protestare contro la mancanza della prospettiva di un lavoro stabile. Turisti, negozianti e semplici romani di passaggio per via del Corso, via dei Condotti, piazza di Spagna e vie limitrofe si sono imbattuti nella singolare iniziativa spontanea, mostrando curiosità per le rivendicazioni dei ragazzi ed esprimendo, in alcuni casi, la loro solidarietà. Venerdì i manifestanti si sono dati appuntamento in varie zone della Capitale, da quelle più centrali a quelle più periferiche. Al momento non si sa ancora bene a chi o a cosa faccia capo il gruppo di dimostranti. Unico segno di riconoscimento dei ragazzi è una maglietta con la scritta «Votantonio».

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Duty Free Sydney Jvc Gz-mg275 High Definition

E i precari mettono il voto in vendita

ROME (March 17) - "I sell my vote," "We will have a pension, too?", "Just graduated and already unemployed." These are the slogans written on white boards by demonstrators who for some days 'march' through the streets of central Rome. A protest calling also on the web. Last Thursday fifteen men and women, all aged between 18 and 30 years or so, have expressed con vari cartelloni uno dei quali recitava «Metto in vendita il mio voto», per protestare contro la mancanza della prospettiva di un lavoro stabile. Turisti, negozianti e semplici romani di passaggio per via del Corso, via dei Condotti, piazza di Spagna e vie limitrofe si sono imbattuti nella singolare iniziativa spontanea, mostrando curiosità per le rivendicazioni dei ragazzi ed esprimendo, in alcuni casi, la loro solidarietà. Venerdì i manifestanti si sono dati appuntamento in varie zone della Capitale, da quelle più centrali a quelle più periferiche. Al momento non si sa ancora bene a chi o a cosa faccia capo il gruppo di dimostranti. Unico segno di riconoscimento dei ragazzi è una maglietta con la scritta «Votantonio».

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Friday, March 14, 2008

Dummy Battery Interface Camera

The Italian University System

Article 34 of the Italian Constitution states: "The school is open to all. The lower education for at least eight years, is compulsory and free. Capable and deserving pupils, even without financial resources, have the right to attain the highest levels of education. The Republic makes this right by scholarships, allowances to families and other provisions, which must be attributed to the competition. " analyzing the Italian school, as clear, especially in recent years and with particular reference to the universities, there is a lot of mediocrity. I do not mean that you believe that I am in favor of a limited number, in fact, I think the right to study is up to all citizens, especially the most marginalized and most vulnerable members of society, but I think there is a need selection process during the academic background and at the time of , because the opportunity to study is a right that can not be denied to anyone. Let me explain, you should demand from those who are enrolled in a university course, to achieve at least enough today Instead you can be sure of promotion and the result is bad health, poor teachers and incompetent leaders. There is an urgent need for a comprehensive review of existing legislation which provides for the limited number not in numerical terms, but qualitatively , a selection of deserving students and the need for a public school that actually works and that ceases to be also what is now a parking lot or for the unemployed. The teacher must be strict, but not bad, because the student can coniarlo as the one who taught him the values \u200b\u200band knowledge that will serve to succeed in life from the professional point of view. For those who want to study or simply not has skills in certain disciplines, there are other areas where we can achieve otherwise. Today for example we are abandoning the old crafts , there is no longer good blacksmith, a mason who once stood out because it expresses the best of himself in that sector and therefore precisely because there are those teachers who do not submit or teaching and or values, but that offer ratings, we come across, unfortunately, too often mediocre and lacking in the medical sense of responsibility. Let me briefly open a parenthesis on school system of some countries like the Republic Ceka, Lithuania, Poland or Russia itself , where the merit was awarded scholarships bestowed until completion of studies and a qualitative selection does not occur only at the time of enrollment, but also during the degree course. A girl told me recently entered medical school in Poland, that a student failed an examination for the second time, again to be able to support, is examined by a committee made up of more people and responsible to carefully assess whether the student is deserving and if there are grounds that he may re-take the exam. In Italy a person, while having neither the vocation nor the ability, in terms of school order to continue the program of study prescelto, alla fine si ritroverà con il tanto famigerato foglio di carta in mano. Accade anche questo oggi nelle Università Italiane. Le facilitazioni per gli studenti stanno causando il deterioramento dell’istruzione segnando una diminuzione degli standard formativi. Ed è per questo che troppo spesso ci si imbatte in studenti demotivati, scadenti e poi professionisti con scarso senso del dovere e di responsabilità. Certo occorre ricordare anche che le scuole del nostro paese, pur con tanti connotati negativi, riescono per fortuna a formare anche tanti studenti bravi e seri professionisti che si distinguono per competenza in Italia e nel mondo. Ma la situazione può e deve nettamente migliorare con l’impegno di tutti coloro who feel an active part in education, in education and training of young people, primarily the state.

Dummy Battery Interface Camera

The Italian University System

Article 34 of the Italian Constitution states: "The school is open to all. The lower education for at least eight years, is compulsory and free. Capable and deserving pupils, even without financial resources, have the right to attain the highest levels of education. The Republic makes this right by scholarships, allowances to families and other provisions, which must be attributed to the competition. " analyzing the Italian school, as clear, especially in recent years and with particular reference to the universities, there is a lot of mediocrity. I do not mean that you believe that I am in favor of a limited number, in fact, I think the right to study is up to all citizens, especially the most marginalized and most vulnerable members of society, but I think there is a need selection process during the academic background and at the time of , because the opportunity to study is a right that can not be denied to anyone. Let me explain, you should demand from those who are enrolled in a university course, to achieve at least enough today Instead you can be sure of promotion and the result is bad health, poor teachers and incompetent leaders. There is an urgent need for a comprehensive review of existing legislation which provides for the limited number not in numerical terms, but qualitatively , a selection of deserving students and the need for a public school that actually works and that ceases to be also what is now a parking lot or for the unemployed. The teacher must be strict, but not bad, because the student can coniarlo as the one who taught him the values \u200b\u200band knowledge that will serve to succeed in life from the professional point of view. For those who want to study or simply not has skills in certain disciplines, there are other areas where we can achieve otherwise. Today for example we are abandoning the old crafts , there is no longer good blacksmith, a mason who once stood out because it expresses the best of himself in that sector and therefore precisely because there are those teachers who do not submit or teaching and or values, but that offer ratings, we come across, unfortunately, too often mediocre and lacking in the medical sense of responsibility. Let me briefly open a parenthesis on school system of some countries like the Republic Ceka, Lithuania, Poland or Russia itself , where the merit was awarded scholarships bestowed until completion of studies and a qualitative selection does not occur only at the time of enrollment, but also during the degree course. A girl told me recently entered medical school in Poland, that a student failed an examination for the second time, again to be able to support, is examined by a committee made up of more people and responsible to carefully assess whether the student is deserving and if there are grounds that he may re-take the exam. In Italy a person, while having neither the vocation nor the ability, in terms of school order to continue the program of study prescelto, alla fine si ritroverà con il tanto famigerato foglio di carta in mano. Accade anche questo oggi nelle Università Italiane. Le facilitazioni per gli studenti stanno causando il deterioramento dell’istruzione segnando una diminuzione degli standard formativi. Ed è per questo che troppo spesso ci si imbatte in studenti demotivati, scadenti e poi professionisti con scarso senso del dovere e di responsabilità. Certo occorre ricordare anche che le scuole del nostro paese, pur con tanti connotati negativi, riescono per fortuna a formare anche tanti studenti bravi e seri professionisti che si distinguono per competenza in Italia e nel mondo. Ma la situazione può e deve nettamente migliorare con l’impegno di tutti coloro who feel an active part in education, in education and training of young people, primarily the state.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Walk In Waxing Toronto

Alitalia assume i precari

10/03/2008 - 09:52

Alitalia is preparing to transform numerous contracts in apprenticeships, which then automatically become permanent due to the Lazio region, with EU concessions. And 'This is the news reported by some media sources, although talks on the issue. Some speak of 400 and 1000 of those precarious. This would be the regularization of seasonal personnel headed to AZ Services.

This is a resolution approved by the Board of Lazio, and staff on how to track workers, employees, etc.. It remains, of course, concerns about how the carrier has decided such a move in the face of its losses (even if, the benefits of recruitment, there would be savings on contributions provided by EU standards), and to have it right now on the verge of sale.

Walk In Waxing Toronto

Alitalia assume i precari

10/03/2008 - 09:52

Alitalia is preparing to transform numerous contracts in apprenticeships, which then automatically become permanent due to the Lazio region, with EU concessions. And 'This is the news reported by some media sources, although talks on the issue. Some speak of 400 and 1000 of those precarious. This would be the regularization of seasonal personnel headed to AZ Services.

This is a resolution approved by the Board of Lazio, and staff on how to track workers, employees, etc.. It remains, of course, concerns about how the carrier has decided such a move in the face of its losses (even if, the benefits of recruitment, there would be savings on contributions provided by EU standards), and to have it right now on the verge of sale.