Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Acronis The Installation Was Interrupted Before

La Politica Italiana è al servizio dei cittadini?

These days we hear in our country's political crisis. Many, Massimo D'Alema, Mario Monti that enhances the technical Montezemolo in promoting a real political program. A Mountain of technical answer that a country needs, but the policy is first of all, while the criticisms instead Montezemolo not know where to come due to constant interventions by the government in recent years at Fiat, see layoffs, eco-incentives, incentives for restructuring and a number of rescue aid.
The real problem now is the lack of communication between state and society resulting from the above applications increasingly expressed by the parties, which often do not enjoy the legitimacy conferred by the people. The exercise of the mandate should be possible through tools that promote the formation and promotion of new elites. The conflict of interest that not only Silvio Berlusconi, but hundreds of other politicians should be adequately resolved. The free exercise of parliamentary function must demand that the interests do not prevail between the position of parliamentary staff and the representative function, and then exercised should set out conditions for ineligibility and incompatibility.
policy must deal with the government of society and one way to begin to answer must be the change of form of organization of political parties. The mass parties have now left the scene, the mass party was based on a relatively simple, but what do you do to change? We invented a new Democracy Christian the new Democratic Party. You fight for those who must already be the leader. I do not think these are the answers to be given to citizens.
It is said that the League has contributed to the collapse of the old political system of collecting la protesta sociale. E’ vero. Infatti il nord è spaventato dall’aumento della pressione fiscale per ripianare le spese di un sistema politico insufficiente e per le redistribuzioni alle aree meno produttive della penisola. (vedi le ultime elezioni amministrative del 27-28 maggio 2007).
La società è cambiata, le innovazioni organizzative della grande industria, lo sviluppo della piccola impresa hanno trasformato completamente il tessuto sociale preparando un cambiamento politico che purtoppo tarda ad arrivare. Siamo di fronte ad un'Italia ancora ancorata a vecchi stereotipi.
La situazione di oggi la possiamo percepire allora come un disordine generale che mette a rischio l’ordine politico e sociale di un paese which was built with hard work and national loyalty. The Italian question, therefore, does not lend itself to easy solutions, but there is no time to mourn, we must roll up their sleeves.
I would like to close with a quote that can be interpreted in so many ways and I hope will be a good omen:
"Politics is the noble art of taking votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich by promising to protect each other and ". Oscar Ameringer

Acronis The Installation Was Interrupted Before

La Politica Italiana è al servizio dei cittadini?

These days we hear in our country's political crisis. Many, Massimo D'Alema, Mario Monti that enhances the technical Montezemolo in promoting a real political program. A Mountain of technical answer that a country needs, but the policy is first of all, while the criticisms instead Montezemolo not know where to come due to constant interventions by the government in recent years at Fiat, see layoffs, eco-incentives, incentives for restructuring and a number of rescue aid.
The real problem now is the lack of communication between state and society resulting from the above applications increasingly expressed by the parties, which often do not enjoy the legitimacy conferred by the people. The exercise of the mandate should be possible through tools that promote the formation and promotion of new elites. The conflict of interest that not only Silvio Berlusconi, but hundreds of other politicians should be adequately resolved. The free exercise of parliamentary function must demand that the interests do not prevail between the position of parliamentary staff and the representative function, and then exercised should set out conditions for ineligibility and incompatibility.
policy must deal with the government of society and one way to begin to answer must be the change of form of organization of political parties. The mass parties have now left the scene, the mass party was based on a relatively simple, but what do you do to change? We invented a new Democracy Christian the new Democratic Party. You fight for those who must already be the leader. I do not think these are the answers to be given to citizens.
It is said that the League has contributed to the collapse of the old political system of collecting la protesta sociale. E’ vero. Infatti il nord è spaventato dall’aumento della pressione fiscale per ripianare le spese di un sistema politico insufficiente e per le redistribuzioni alle aree meno produttive della penisola. (vedi le ultime elezioni amministrative del 27-28 maggio 2007).
La società è cambiata, le innovazioni organizzative della grande industria, lo sviluppo della piccola impresa hanno trasformato completamente il tessuto sociale preparando un cambiamento politico che purtoppo tarda ad arrivare. Siamo di fronte ad un'Italia ancora ancorata a vecchi stereotipi.
La situazione di oggi la possiamo percepire allora come un disordine generale che mette a rischio l’ordine politico e sociale di un paese which was built with hard work and national loyalty. The Italian question, therefore, does not lend itself to easy solutions, but there is no time to mourn, we must roll up their sleeves.
I would like to close with a quote that can be interpreted in so many ways and I hope will be a good omen:
"Politics is the noble art of taking votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich by promising to protect each other and ". Oscar Ameringer

Sunday, May 20, 2007

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La Politica Estera Italiana.

It was the choice of Italy at the end of World War II, to ally with the Anglo-Americans who scored what should be the future of our country on the international political scenario. Alcide De Gasperi, the first foreign minister, realized that the way forward was to Europe to avoid a strong policy of isolation. In 1949 the same ministry favored's entry into NATO strongly sanctioned American hegemony over Europe, especially Italy. How could we forget 1953, when it comes ENI (National Hydrocarbons) strongly desired by Enrico Mattei , which play a vital role in the exploitation of newly discovered oil fields, and skillful in weaving agreements with producer countries, sometimes even opposing the role of the "Seven Sisters" the powerful multinational who held control of world oil production. But unfortunately the great Mattei died in 1962 in a plane crash and many hypotheses advanced recently that sabotage somehow took the significant confirmation. The other foreign ministers that followed in the seventies in government Andreotti, ranging from Moro Fanfani were years that brought the country to be our ally and not subject the United States, years in which Italy won great international prestige. With the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Soviet Union is not even what was the role of Italy in the past, a foreign policy made some agreements with a country and a little with each other depending delle circostanze, avendo sempre svolto un ruolo di conciliazione.
Negli anni '90 si vede un paese profondamente cambiato, erano scomparsi quei partiti e quegli uomini che avevano dominato la vita politica italiana negli ultimi 50 anni. E' fu proprio con l'ascesa al potere di Silvio Berlusconi, uomo di grandi capacità imprenditoriali e manageriali, che l'Italia viene guardata in tutto il mondo e soprattutto in Europa con una certa diffidenza; anche per l'alleanza politica con un movimento regionale come la Lega Nord che lasciava forti dubbi sull'integrazione europea. La sua politica estera si racchiude in una sua frase «Io sono a favore di tutto ciò che è americano ancora prima di sapere cos’è» . Si dichiara amico di tutti però, come tanti dicono, non è mai riuscito a rispondere in maniera chiara e precisa alla domanda di che cosa ne pensasse di un'Europa forte e unita.
Lo stesso Ministro degli Esteri attuale Massimo D'Alema sta cercando, in linea di continuità con il glorioso passato, di ricucire quei rapporti che l'abilità di uomini come Andreotti e Craxi erano riusciti a realizzare soprattutto con il mondo arabo, tanto da essere stato accusato di collusione con i terroristi di Hamas. L'Italia, per la sua posizione strategica deve condurre a mio avviso una politica estera non solo atlantista, europeista, ma soprattutto mediterranea. Il nostro paese si ergeva a potenza economica anche in virtù degli accordi intrapesi con paesi come l'Egitto, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Iran. I would like to briefly recall the seizure of the cruise ship Achille Lauro , the then Prime Minister Craxi and his Foreign Minister, Giulio Andreotti took a position on the great country even if it provoked a diplomatic crisis between the U.S. and Italy which ended with the surrender of the United States.
our current foreign minister, who will never forgive the attack on Milosevic's Serbia in 1999 , ask us to feel proud of being Italian, Europe and the world, after a period that is questionable in recent years.

Canon Ixus 500 Light Leak

La Politica Estera Italiana.

It was the choice of Italy at the end of World War II, to ally with the Anglo-Americans who scored what should be the future of our country on the international political scenario. Alcide De Gasperi, the first foreign minister, realized that the way forward was to Europe to avoid a strong policy of isolation. In 1949 the same ministry favored's entry into NATO strongly sanctioned American hegemony over Europe, especially Italy. How could we forget 1953, when it comes ENI (National Hydrocarbons) strongly desired by Enrico Mattei , which play a vital role in the exploitation of newly discovered oil fields, and skillful in weaving agreements with producer countries, sometimes even opposing the role of the "Seven Sisters" the powerful multinational who held control of world oil production. But unfortunately the great Mattei died in 1962 in a plane crash and many hypotheses advanced recently that sabotage somehow took the significant confirmation. The other foreign ministers that followed in the seventies in government Andreotti, ranging from Moro Fanfani were years that brought the country to be our ally and not subject the United States, years in which Italy won great international prestige. With the fall of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Soviet Union is not even what was the role of Italy in the past, a foreign policy made some agreements with a country and a little with each other depending delle circostanze, avendo sempre svolto un ruolo di conciliazione.
Negli anni '90 si vede un paese profondamente cambiato, erano scomparsi quei partiti e quegli uomini che avevano dominato la vita politica italiana negli ultimi 50 anni. E' fu proprio con l'ascesa al potere di Silvio Berlusconi, uomo di grandi capacità imprenditoriali e manageriali, che l'Italia viene guardata in tutto il mondo e soprattutto in Europa con una certa diffidenza; anche per l'alleanza politica con un movimento regionale come la Lega Nord che lasciava forti dubbi sull'integrazione europea. La sua politica estera si racchiude in una sua frase «Io sono a favore di tutto ciò che è americano ancora prima di sapere cos’è» . Si dichiara amico di tutti però, come tanti dicono, non è mai riuscito a rispondere in maniera chiara e precisa alla domanda di che cosa ne pensasse di un'Europa forte e unita.
Lo stesso Ministro degli Esteri attuale Massimo D'Alema sta cercando, in linea di continuità con il glorioso passato, di ricucire quei rapporti che l'abilità di uomini come Andreotti e Craxi erano riusciti a realizzare soprattutto con il mondo arabo, tanto da essere stato accusato di collusione con i terroristi di Hamas. L'Italia, per la sua posizione strategica deve condurre a mio avviso una politica estera non solo atlantista, europeista, ma soprattutto mediterranea. Il nostro paese si ergeva a potenza economica anche in virtù degli accordi intrapesi con paesi come l'Egitto, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Iran. I would like to briefly recall the seizure of the cruise ship Achille Lauro , the then Prime Minister Craxi and his Foreign Minister, Giulio Andreotti took a position on the great country even if it provoked a diplomatic crisis between the U.S. and Italy which ended with the surrender of the United States.
our current foreign minister, who will never forgive the attack on Milosevic's Serbia in 1999 , ask us to feel proud of being Italian, Europe and the world, after a period that is questionable in recent years.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Hollywood Wax Wikipedia

Lavoro: L'Handicap della Società Italiana.

Article 1 of the Italian Constitution : "Italy is a democratic republic founded on work."

Our generation is fortunate some say. In part could be an obvious truth, since we have not gone to war, starved and having seen almost every day the meat at the table. In reality today is no certainty and a solid foundation. First of all, the work that affects millions of young people. E 'prorprio these years, the Biagi reform that precarious workers are not allowing them to form a family, getting a mortgage to buy a house, being so precarious not only in work but also in life. Failure parts of the ruling class and politics in Italy also stems from the fact that an employee who reaches 30 years without a home ownership, economic independence, difficult to find interest in getting involved in politics.
Furthermore, ours is a world where you are required to produce, but without looking at the quality of work. The most recent data emerging on the safety in the workplace, the results are alarming in our country produces an average of 5 deaths per day and we refer only to the data reported, flying around the fatal accidents that are masked. Laws to prevent such tragedies are there, see D.lgs 626/94 and many other EU directives, but in fact it is the surface on their practical application, lack of control by the relevant authorities. Where are the Inspectors of Labour? In Italy we say "enough" aphorism "the law passed, find the loophole," it is time to expose the ignorance of those who, like the employer, which should protect its employees in terms of safety, is instead deregulation in order to derive personal economic benefits to the detriment of citizens. We have a duty to fight against undeclared work and all irregularities that arise.
Even cases of violence to which we are witnessing in recent years, are closely related to the prima osservato, la devianza sociale è uno dei fattori determinanti che scatta nell'individuo, nel momento in cui viene lesa la propria dignità, quando si viene a creare quello scompenso tra le proprie aspettative e le gratificazioni che offre la Società Civile, quando il disagio economico diventa sociale fino a colpire i sentimenti delle persone; si può essere respinti per un certo numero di volte, ma poi cominci a dubitare delle tue capacità!
Che futuro ci attende allora? Per il lavoratore si parla di un futuro non più considerato nell'arco temporaneo fondato sui reali bisogni dell'uomo, ma si parla invece di un futuro che si basa sulle convenienze delle imprese!

Hollywood Wax Wikipedia

Lavoro: L'Handicap della Società Italiana.

Article 1 of the Italian Constitution : "Italy is a democratic republic founded on work."

Our generation is fortunate some say. In part could be an obvious truth, since we have not gone to war, starved and having seen almost every day the meat at the table. In reality today is no certainty and a solid foundation. First of all, the work that affects millions of young people. E 'prorprio these years, the Biagi reform that precarious workers are not allowing them to form a family, getting a mortgage to buy a house, being so precarious not only in work but also in life. Failure parts of the ruling class and politics in Italy also stems from the fact that an employee who reaches 30 years without a home ownership, economic independence, difficult to find interest in getting involved in politics.
Furthermore, ours is a world where you are required to produce, but without looking at the quality of work. The most recent data emerging on the safety in the workplace, the results are alarming in our country produces an average of 5 deaths per day and we refer only to the data reported, flying around the fatal accidents that are masked. Laws to prevent such tragedies are there, see D.lgs 626/94 and many other EU directives, but in fact it is the surface on their practical application, lack of control by the relevant authorities. Where are the Inspectors of Labour? In Italy we say "enough" aphorism "the law passed, find the loophole," it is time to expose the ignorance of those who, like the employer, which should protect its employees in terms of safety, is instead deregulation in order to derive personal economic benefits to the detriment of citizens. We have a duty to fight against undeclared work and all irregularities that arise.
Even cases of violence to which we are witnessing in recent years, are closely related to the prima osservato, la devianza sociale è uno dei fattori determinanti che scatta nell'individuo, nel momento in cui viene lesa la propria dignità, quando si viene a creare quello scompenso tra le proprie aspettative e le gratificazioni che offre la Società Civile, quando il disagio economico diventa sociale fino a colpire i sentimenti delle persone; si può essere respinti per un certo numero di volte, ma poi cominci a dubitare delle tue capacità!
Che futuro ci attende allora? Per il lavoratore si parla di un futuro non più considerato nell'arco temporaneo fondato sui reali bisogni dell'uomo, ma si parla invece di un futuro che si basa sulle convenienze delle imprese!

Monday, May 14, 2007

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Immigrazione ed integrazione sociale.

Le conseguenze della globalizzazione, sono molteplici. Prima di tutto essa ha creato occasioni di incontro tra diverse culture, cooperazione economica ecc. Per un altro verso invece ha generato fenomeni di chiusura, autodifesa. La maggior parte degli italiani non ha contatti diretti con il lavoratore immigrato e si finisce cosi per restare molto estranei al loro bagaglio culturale, si creano pregiudizi e di solito, costoro, vengono visti come rappresentanti della loro cultura e non come persone da integrare. Mi capita spesso di sentire ai vari telegiornali conduttori e/o giornalisti, che dovrebbero essere quantomeno preparati nell'esercitare la loro professione, che affermano: "Rapinata villa nel nord-est, si presume che siano cittadini di nazionalità Slavic. "possibly alluding to an Albanian and Rumanian, which tralaltro are not Slavs. But at least these guys know what does the word" Slav "? The term slave is used to define a group of Indo-European languages \u200b\u200bdistributed in the following countries: Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Russia, Bulgaria, Poland, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Belarus. I do not know that in our country there are many immigrants who come from these areas and I do not even show that the criminals. This suggests that the poor form of expression often tends to discriminate and to lay the groundwork for the creation of division and violence. These people always know that in our country there are many good workers Albanian Romanians and North Africans (who are not Slavs) that do work very hard, that we Italians do not do more for years, without a minimum of security?
Often the alien is defined in a detached, critical. In mature democracies, see England, France, these things do not happen in years or perhaps never happened, a healthy democracy, not only develops with the affirmation of equal rights, but especially with the elimination of social differences and identity. That Article 3 of the Italian Constitution defines that all citizens have equal social dignity regardless of sex, language, religion and race. Today more than ever, faced with globalization and modernization, we should do un'attenta riflessione. Dovremmo iniziare ad abituarci all'idea di inserire nella società che cambia processi di inclusione e riconoscimento delle diversità culturali, affermando cosi non solo diritti di cittadinanza civili, sociali, politici, ma anche diritti culturali di cittadinanza.

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Immigrazione ed integrazione sociale.

Le conseguenze della globalizzazione, sono molteplici. Prima di tutto essa ha creato occasioni di incontro tra diverse culture, cooperazione economica ecc. Per un altro verso invece ha generato fenomeni di chiusura, autodifesa. La maggior parte degli italiani non ha contatti diretti con il lavoratore immigrato e si finisce cosi per restare molto estranei al loro bagaglio culturale, si creano pregiudizi e di solito, costoro, vengono visti come rappresentanti della loro cultura e non come persone da integrare. Mi capita spesso di sentire ai vari telegiornali conduttori e/o giornalisti, che dovrebbero essere quantomeno preparati nell'esercitare la loro professione, che affermano: "Rapinata villa nel nord-est, si presume che siano cittadini di nazionalità Slavic. "possibly alluding to an Albanian and Rumanian, which tralaltro are not Slavs. But at least these guys know what does the word" Slav "? The term slave is used to define a group of Indo-European languages \u200b\u200bdistributed in the following countries: Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Russia, Bulgaria, Poland, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Belarus. I do not know that in our country there are many immigrants who come from these areas and I do not even show that the criminals. This suggests that the poor form of expression often tends to discriminate and to lay the groundwork for the creation of division and violence. These people always know that in our country there are many good workers Albanian Romanians and North Africans (who are not Slavs) that do work very hard, that we Italians do not do more for years, without a minimum of security?
Often the alien is defined in a detached, critical. In mature democracies, see England, France, these things do not happen in years or perhaps never happened, a healthy democracy, not only develops with the affirmation of equal rights, but especially with the elimination of social differences and identity. That Article 3 of the Italian Constitution defines that all citizens have equal social dignity regardless of sex, language, religion and race. Today more than ever, faced with globalization and modernization, we should do un'attenta riflessione. Dovremmo iniziare ad abituarci all'idea di inserire nella società che cambia processi di inclusione e riconoscimento delle diversità culturali, affermando cosi non solo diritti di cittadinanza civili, sociali, politici, ma anche diritti culturali di cittadinanza.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Brazilian Waxing Louisville Kentucky

Stato e Chiesa in Italia: Un'ingerenza sempre esistita e voluta.

In Italia, anche se in teoria vige la separazione dei due poteri, di fatto non è mai esistita fin dagli anni del dopoguerra. Già dopo la caduta del fascismo ed i primi anni della Repubblica, la Democrazia Cristiana si era posta come la continuazione del Partito Popolare di Don Sturzo e, solo dopo il 1960, si attenuò in qualche modo nella DC quel carattere di partito confessionale, although the majority of the votes were obtained from that part of the voters who voted under his name and the board of the parish priests (some parishes turned into polling stations). Italian civil society in the '60s and then began to assert a degree of indifference to religion in 1970 to bring its law on divorce.
The elections of 1976 and the loss of consensus by the DC and all the political crisis that ensued, led to the formation of governments led by Catholic leaders and close to them (see Andreotti). By the end of the Christian Democrats, after Tangentopoli, the Vatican has not only strengthened its influence on policy, but his power was consolidated even further through lay movements such as Communion and Liberation, Opus Dei and so on. In almost all policy decisions of our country there is the Church's influence, just look at the political parties on the eve of an election when they have to indicate their candidates, President of the Lombardy Region to give one example, a member of Forza Italy , is part of Communion and Liberation, the center-left leader Romano Prodi, training Democrat. And I could mention many others. When the Italian left must signal a candidate, the choice is always conditioned and almost all the political parties launch signals to the Church of collaboration.

May 12 in Rome at the Piazza St. John will be the manifestation of lay Catholics and the "Family Day" and today more than ever back on the Italian scene controversy about the relationship increasingly difficult between church and state and the role of the secular state. I believe partly right
these protests, because they demonstrate is a right that belongs to everyone, but I believe things are a little exploiting the concept of "Family." While you are actually ignoring the fact that the family in which I believe, to come and be part of a society, need first of series of policies at work that will give millions of young people a confidence and economic stability.

Brazilian Waxing Louisville Kentucky

Stato e Chiesa in Italia: Un'ingerenza sempre esistita e voluta.

In Italia, anche se in teoria vige la separazione dei due poteri, di fatto non è mai esistita fin dagli anni del dopoguerra. Già dopo la caduta del fascismo ed i primi anni della Repubblica, la Democrazia Cristiana si era posta come la continuazione del Partito Popolare di Don Sturzo e, solo dopo il 1960, si attenuò in qualche modo nella DC quel carattere di partito confessionale, although the majority of the votes were obtained from that part of the voters who voted under his name and the board of the parish priests (some parishes turned into polling stations). Italian civil society in the '60s and then began to assert a degree of indifference to religion in 1970 to bring its law on divorce.
The elections of 1976 and the loss of consensus by the DC and all the political crisis that ensued, led to the formation of governments led by Catholic leaders and close to them (see Andreotti). By the end of the Christian Democrats, after Tangentopoli, the Vatican has not only strengthened its influence on policy, but his power was consolidated even further through lay movements such as Communion and Liberation, Opus Dei and so on. In almost all policy decisions of our country there is the Church's influence, just look at the political parties on the eve of an election when they have to indicate their candidates, President of the Lombardy Region to give one example, a member of Forza Italy , is part of Communion and Liberation, the center-left leader Romano Prodi, training Democrat. And I could mention many others. When the Italian left must signal a candidate, the choice is always conditioned and almost all the political parties launch signals to the Church of collaboration.

May 12 in Rome at the Piazza St. John will be the manifestation of lay Catholics and the "Family Day" and today more than ever back on the Italian scene controversy about the relationship increasingly difficult between church and state and the role of the secular state. I believe partly right
these protests, because they demonstrate is a right that belongs to everyone, but I believe things are a little exploiting the concept of "Family." While you are actually ignoring the fact that the family in which I believe, to come and be part of a society, need first of series of policies at work that will give millions of young people a confidence and economic stability.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

What Is A Dongle Switch

L' Informazione in Italia.

Let me start this article with a quote from Marco Travaglio taken from his book "The disappearance of the facts" (which I highly recommend reading).

"If American journalism is the watchdog of power in Italy is the pet dog. O retriever."
Unfortunately in our country is more information, or journalism is becoming more powerful son of the guy. They are less and less careful observers as it was Indro Montanelli, a writer of singular intellectual integrity and great expressiveness. Missing in our country editors who do not have cards, who love truth and justice, there are people above the party.
The first duty of every journalist should be to take a critical look civil society and report real events without regard to party. Not to mention that Italian television is the most common means of communication and assist in daily programs that are copied to each other thus making the wealth of information more and more miserable. Just look at the television broadcasts of the first and second night to realize as well as political information is handled and given a very personalized leadership.
But luckily there is now "Information Democracy" which is a historic revolution almost equal to that of the print, where anyone can make their voices heard and often the content coming from below are more reliable than television or appearing all day in the newspapers. Already in the United States the power to address some bloggers is almost equal to that of a newspaper. Precisely for this reason they are very confident in looking to the network as a medium that can contribute to changing social, cultural and communicative.

What Is A Dongle Switch

L' Informazione in Italia.

Let me start this article with a quote from Marco Travaglio taken from his book "The disappearance of the facts" (which I highly recommend reading).

"If American journalism is the watchdog of power in Italy is the pet dog. O retriever."
Unfortunately in our country is more information, or journalism is becoming more powerful son of the guy. They are less and less careful observers as it was Indro Montanelli, a writer of singular intellectual integrity and great expressiveness. Missing in our country editors who do not have cards, who love truth and justice, there are people above the party.
The first duty of every journalist should be to take a critical look civil society and report real events without regard to party. Not to mention that Italian television is the most common means of communication and assist in daily programs that are copied to each other thus making the wealth of information more and more miserable. Just look at the television broadcasts of the first and second night to realize as well as political information is handled and given a very personalized leadership.
But luckily there is now "Information Democracy" which is a historic revolution almost equal to that of the print, where anyone can make their voices heard and often the content coming from below are more reliable than television or appearing all day in the newspapers. Already in the United States the power to address some bloggers is almost equal to that of a newspaper. Precisely for this reason they are very confident in looking to the network as a medium that can contribute to changing social, cultural and communicative.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Latex-free Flavored Condoms

Emergenza Idrica: Riflessioni.

E 'now spent a few years since it was stated that in the last century many wars were fought over oil supply and that in the next century would be fought for "water".
words of an indisputable truth.
Especially in these days we hear more than ever the crisis of energy sources so as to become internationally relevant argument. The causes of this are primarily in the increasing world population, but not limited to pollution another factor, climate change, desertification processes.
If we think of water, the first things that come to mind are the basic needs of every individual, to wash, drink etc.. What is more alarming than the crisi della gestione delle risorse idriche, è caratterizzata dal prezzo che si paga per usufruirne, che cresce a ritmi elevati e che a mio avviso, va a contrastare con uno dei diritti fondamentali dell'uomo.
Esiste una stertta connessione tra sviluppo economico, industriale e acqua. Basti pensare alla questione del Nilo e allo sfruttamento delle sue acque, che da sempre ha visto antagonisti lottare per il controllo.
Non voglio entrare in questioni di carattere economico-politico, ma vorrei semplicemente lanciare un appello, una lotta agli sprechi, un programma serio per il contenimento dei consumi, un piano irriguo nazionale capace di garantire alle generazioni che verranno un futuro migliore. Come si può to act in this mechanism, self-destructive? Perhaps there 's need for a system of new rules, more international cooperation, an act of understanding. What would be a way out to avoid an environmental disaster and to avert a crisis of no return?

Latex-free Flavored Condoms

Emergenza Idrica: Riflessioni.

E 'now spent a few years since it was stated that in the last century many wars were fought over oil supply and that in the next century would be fought for "water".
words of an indisputable truth.
Especially in these days we hear more than ever the crisis of energy sources so as to become internationally relevant argument. The causes of this are primarily in the increasing world population, but not limited to pollution another factor, climate change, desertification processes.
If we think of water, the first things that come to mind are the basic needs of every individual, to wash, drink etc.. What is more alarming than the crisi della gestione delle risorse idriche, è caratterizzata dal prezzo che si paga per usufruirne, che cresce a ritmi elevati e che a mio avviso, va a contrastare con uno dei diritti fondamentali dell'uomo.
Esiste una stertta connessione tra sviluppo economico, industriale e acqua. Basti pensare alla questione del Nilo e allo sfruttamento delle sue acque, che da sempre ha visto antagonisti lottare per il controllo.
Non voglio entrare in questioni di carattere economico-politico, ma vorrei semplicemente lanciare un appello, una lotta agli sprechi, un programma serio per il contenimento dei consumi, un piano irriguo nazionale capace di garantire alle generazioni che verranno un futuro migliore. Come si può to act in this mechanism, self-destructive? Perhaps there 's need for a system of new rules, more international cooperation, an act of understanding. What would be a way out to avoid an environmental disaster and to avert a crisis of no return?