Thursday, May 29, 2008

Colored Mucus Before Period

Precari, sempre precari…

He speaks for so long that someone could be misled into thinking that are born with the same precarious Rai. Not really, but the situation, years later, is far from resolved.
remains pending (up to who knows when) the endless question of precarious Rai. We are talking about at least 1,500 workers as the state television, he needs to carry out their plans, despite the huge "battalion" of contract employees, about 13,000. renewals of temporary Rai are now at risk (ironically) because of the new Law of Welfare, trying to stabilize their precarious workers, provides that employees are recruited permanently after 36 months of contracts. After 36 months there can be only a last-term contract (with the agreement of the parties), then taking it. As calculated, the RAI should start to take, by applying the law, from April 2009 about 1185 workers including supervisors, office staff and workers who have reached the 36-month term contract. 416 others are expected to reach the goal in the spring of 2009. A situation intricate and uncertain outcome, because at that point the company tends not to renew the contracts of temporary workers, A first result is instead reached for journalists, who can probably count on a stronger union. Rai in this case is Come to agreements pledging to take a final about 160 editors who until now have had contracts, but recruitment will be gradual and will be completed in 2013. Meanwhile, the 160 will still have fixed-term contracts. For other precarious, despite a meeting of representatives Rai with the unions, the solution is still stalled. Discuss this issue again shortly.

Colored Mucus Before Period

Precari, sempre precari…

He speaks for so long that someone could be misled into thinking that are born with the same precarious Rai. Not really, but the situation, years later, is far from resolved.
remains pending (up to who knows when) the endless question of precarious Rai. We are talking about at least 1,500 workers as the state television, he needs to carry out their plans, despite the huge "battalion" of contract employees, about 13,000. renewals of temporary Rai are now at risk (ironically) because of the new Law of Welfare, trying to stabilize their precarious workers, provides that employees are recruited permanently after 36 months of contracts. After 36 months there can be only a last-term contract (with the agreement of the parties), then taking it.
not having to recruit them, causing 'terror' in the latter, who may work for RAI (and work seriously) for many years. Rai insecure need to make every day but its programs can not "afford to hire them, so it tends to" freeze "of the contracts or to give room for other precarious, indeed, without these workers (and their experience '! ), many programs are at risk (and this despite the many thousands of employees mentioned before).

As calculated, the RAI should start to take, by applying the law, from April 2009 about 1185 workers including supervisors, office staff and workers who have reached the 36-month term contract. 416 others are expected to reach the goal in the spring of 2009. A situation intricate and uncertain outcome, because at that point the company tends not to renew the contracts of temporary workers, A first result is instead reached for journalists, who can probably count on a stronger union. Rai in this case is Come to agreements pledging to take a final about 160 editors who until now have had contracts, but recruitment will be gradual and will be completed in 2013. Meanwhile, the 160 will still have fixed-term contracts. For other precarious, despite a meeting of representatives Rai with the unions, the solution is still stalled. Discuss this issue again shortly.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Kidney Infection Thick Brown Discharge

and integration policies between Europe and Islam

The integration is now a challenge for the whole of Europe and all political forces both conservative and progressive, because the concept if misunderstood or interpreted incorrectly, can create distrust and the citizens of a country that for immigrants, so hopefully in a dialogue and a sharing of ideas that may not be as often the case especially in Italy, to remove what has been done by the previous government. Today, Germany is the largest country of immigration in Europe with approximately 7 million immigrants, followed by France, Italy and as it prepares to take over the place in the ranking, having flows much higher growth. Over the years 50 and 60 you had to do with immigrants, but it was true that this need was born for business, and therefore not so much interested in the integration, rather we are concerned about how to use them and were often locked in their social and cultural ghettos. Only after 70 years this influx of people was perceived as a problem. Today in many European countries there is much confusion about how it is addressing the issue. The number one problem for many is represented by Islam although this has little to do with the real social problems with violence or terrorism. Distinctions should be made to avoid making generalizations. We are facing what some scholars called "Islamization of the problems."
In fact, there are social and economic problems that have nothing to do with religion. But there are many politicians who do not find answers to real problems confuse the issue of social evils daily with the fact that these people are Muslims or Arabs. An example that supports this theory is represented by episodes that occurred in 2005 in the French banlieues. These disorders do not arise from questions of religion or anything, but were the result of protests by people who claimed rights. Fortunately, the French politicians have not downloaded the problem by laying the blame on Muslim citizens as it did many newspapers and intellectuals who have argued the opposite.
The problem to which I referred to earlier, namely the Islamization of the problems is not only politicians but also by many in the Muslim citizens who claim to be victims of the system do the same thing.
one you should consider is how far you can rethink policies to ensure that foreign nationals are part of this process. I believe that immigrants are in Europe for more time for them now is that the West has become their land, can help new migrants who are still there to be more integrated and better understand the customs and cultures Europe.
The German experience or French but with many aspects of improvement can be valuable for Italy and for Europe as a whole, precisely because they represented over the last few years, combining immigration, facilitate integration of the peoples.
In closing, I quote a phrase Michael Steiner, Germany's ambassador in Italy , " For too long we Germans have not wanted to be considered a country of immigration: workers wanted, but we often overlook the fact that people were , that men and women who wished to remain with us and live a decent life. Understanding this was a very painful process and characterized by various conflicts a livello di politica interna ”. La svolta, secondo l’ambasciatore è avvenuta lo scorso luglio con l’approvazione del Piano d’integrazione nazionale redatto dal Cancelliere Angela Merkel.
Auspico che il nuovo governo italiano nell'affrontare il delicato tema dell'immigrazione faccia un distinguo sulle misure forti da adottare nei confronti di chi delinque da una seria politica di integrazione di pari passo con gli altri paesi europei perché non è chiudendo le frontiere che si risolvono i problemi e non si vince una battaglia contro l'insicurezza sociale attraverso un approccio basato esclusivamente sulla sicurezza.

Kidney Infection Thick Brown Discharge

and integration policies between Europe and Islam

The integration is now a challenge for the whole of Europe and all political forces both conservative and progressive, because the concept if misunderstood or interpreted incorrectly, can create distrust and the citizens of a country that for immigrants, so hopefully in a dialogue and a sharing of ideas that may not be as often the case especially in Italy, to remove what has been done by the previous government. Today, Germany is the largest country of immigration in Europe with approximately 7 million immigrants, followed by France, Italy and as it prepares to take over the place in the ranking, having flows much higher growth. Over the years 50 and 60 you had to do with immigrants, but it was true that this need was born for business, and therefore not so much interested in the integration, rather we are concerned about how to use them and were often locked in their social and cultural ghettos. Only after 70 years this influx of people was perceived as a problem. Today in many European countries there is much confusion about how it is addressing the issue. The number one problem for many is represented by Islam although this has little to do with the real social problems with violence or terrorism. Distinctions should be made to avoid making generalizations. We are facing what some scholars called "Islamization of the problems."
In fact, there are social and economic problems that have nothing to do with religion. But there are many politicians who do not find answers to real problems confuse the issue of social evils daily with the fact that these people are Muslims or Arabs. An example that supports this theory is represented by episodes that occurred in 2005 in the French banlieues. These disorders do not arise from questions of religion or anything, but were the result of protests by people who claimed rights. Fortunately, the French politicians have not downloaded the problem by laying the blame on Muslim citizens as it did many newspapers and intellectuals who have argued the opposite.
The problem to which I referred to earlier, namely the Islamization of the problems is not only politicians but also by many in the Muslim citizens who claim to be victims of the system do the same thing.
one you should consider is how far you can rethink policies to ensure that foreign nationals are part of this process. I believe that immigrants are in Europe for more time for them now is that the West has become their land, can help new migrants who are still there to be more integrated and better understand the customs and cultures Europe.
The German experience or French but with many aspects of improvement can be valuable for Italy and for Europe as a whole, precisely because they represented over the last few years, combining immigration, facilitate integration of the peoples.
In closing, I quote a phrase Michael Steiner, Germany's ambassador in Italy , " For too long we Germans have not wanted to be considered a country of immigration: workers wanted, but we often overlook the fact that people were , that men and women who wished to remain with us and live a decent life. Understanding this was a very painful process and characterized by various conflicts a livello di politica interna ”. La svolta, secondo l’ambasciatore è avvenuta lo scorso luglio con l’approvazione del Piano d’integrazione nazionale redatto dal Cancelliere Angela Merkel.
Auspico che il nuovo governo italiano nell'affrontare il delicato tema dell'immigrazione faccia un distinguo sulle misure forti da adottare nei confronti di chi delinque da una seria politica di integrazione di pari passo con gli altri paesi europei perché non è chiudendo le frontiere che si risolvono i problemi e non si vince una battaglia contro l'insicurezza sociale attraverso un approccio basato esclusivamente sulla sicurezza.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Power Ranger Clip Art

La rivolta dei concorrenti dei reality

It all started in France, where last February 3 former participants
, stabilendo che Glem paghi gli arretrati per la loro prestazione, corrispondenti a circa 27 mila euro. Ovviamente la società ha fatto ricorso in appello, but the initiative of three competitors
not having to recruit them, causing 'terror' in the latter, who may work for RAI (and work seriously) for many years. Rai insecure need to make every day but its programs can not "afford to hire them, so it tends to" freeze "of the contracts or to give room for other precarious, indeed, without these workers (and their experience '! ), many programs are at risk (and this despite the many thousands of employees mentioned before).

Temptation Island - one of the many reality shows that will delight fans of the genre - have sued Glem, the producer of the television show, Subsidiary the French television broadcaster TF1.

Ad animare i concorrenti sono state le pessime
condizioni di lavoro
cui sono stati costretti durante lo spettacolo, spesso obbligati a bere alcolici per amplificare reazioni e comportamenti, privati del sonno e forzati a “stare in scena” 24 ore su 24, in nome del reality e senza retribuzione. I protagonisti di Temptation Island hanno chiesto al tribunale di essere considerati come
veri dipendenti
, e come tali di poter ricevere uno stipendio per il lavoro svolto.

E la corte ha dato loro ragione
was followed by other competitors various French
reality - more than a hundred - who went to the same lawyer to claim the same rights. Apparently the case is having an impact at the international level
, since the legal department following the various causes has been contacted by lawyers Americans, Germans and Italians also interested in defending this new category of workers, even in its country.

A spokesman for Endemol

(producer, among others, Big Brother) commented by saying that ultimately it is a game

, and that those present agreed to put their lives in the street hoping to win but knowing he could lose. Why complain then?

Power Ranger Clip Art

La rivolta dei concorrenti dei reality

It all started in France, where last February 3 former participants

Temptation Island - one of the many reality shows that will delight fans of the genre - have sued Glem, the producer of the television show, Subsidiary the French television broadcaster TF1.

Ad animare i concorrenti sono state le pessime
condizioni di lavoro
cui sono stati costretti durante lo spettacolo, spesso obbligati a bere alcolici per amplificare reazioni e comportamenti, privati del sonno e forzati a “stare in scena” 24 ore su 24, in nome del reality e senza retribuzione. I protagonisti di Temptation Island hanno chiesto al tribunale di essere considerati come
veri dipendenti
, e come tali di poter ricevere uno stipendio per il lavoro svolto.

E la corte ha dato loro ragione , stabilendo che Glem paghi gli arretrati per la loro prestazione, corrispondenti a circa 27 mila euro. Ovviamente la società ha fatto ricorso in appello, but the initiative of three competitors was followed by other competitors various French
reality - more than a hundred - who went to the same lawyer to claim the same rights. Apparently the case is having an impact at the international level
, since the legal department following the various causes has been contacted by lawyers Americans, Germans and Italians also interested in defending this new category of workers, even in its country.

A spokesman for Endemol

(producer, among others, Big Brother) commented by saying that ultimately it is a game

, and that those present agreed to put their lives in the street hoping to win but knowing he could lose. Why complain then?

Monday, May 12, 2008

Butterfly Wedding Quotes Sayings

Cepu, i precari si ribellano


Antonio Sciotto

there you can take a paradigm of Italian sfruttari, at least those who have spent years studying: high school, cocoprò contract, salary few euro per hour, zero rights and protections, while meanwhile the master of Cepu and Grandes Ecoles - the institutions that promise you guaranteed promotion - grinds huge profits. The two brands - highly publicized, well known in the past for gli spot di Alex Del Piero - sono stati fondati da Francesco Polidori: nel 1969 aveva dato vita alla Marcon - casa editrice di materiale didattico per il recupero degli anni scolastici - evolutasi poi in Grandi Scuole nel 1986, a cui nel 1991 si affiancò la Cepu (e tra l'altro nel 1995 il gruppo acquisì la storica Scuola Radio Elettra di Torino). Ebbene, oggi l'azienda di Polidori macina 120 milioni di fatturato annui, ha 120 sedi e 3200 collaboratori a servizio. Tutti lavoratori super-sfruttati, ovviamente: rigorosamente cocoprò (tranne le receptionist, a termine rinnovate ogni anno, con pause di qualche mese), guadagnano circa 11 euro l'ora, ma la «tariffa» riconosciuta per la prestazione è variabile; cambia a seconda cities, or areas they are teaching (scientific, mathematical or physical, can also get a 15 €). The recovery of Grandes Ecoles - reserved for colleges - see classes with 4-7 students per class, all held in place, but if students do not show up, the time you are not paid, the same when you are sick, and yet from June to September, when school is closed, and with it your contract. The Cepu, which works with academics, however, offers individual lessons, and the payment mechanism is 'perverse': a package of hours for exam preparation will be paid € 310 in all, but you are paid to tranches (40% in all cases, 30% if the student is present for examination and the remaining 30% only if it is promoted, or, to earn that "cursed" 30%, you must continue to prepare, and work more hours for free). To explain the working conditions of teachers is hyper-precarious Simone Vecchi, Bologna Nidil CGIL, which organized the first strike Cepu in Italy, for the moment limited to the province of Emilia. "The workers have turned to us because they were exhausted from the exploitation - he explains - At this point we said, let's move because you are settled, not only do we struggle to move from 11 to 13 euro per hour." Among other things, in Bologna, in a dispute had already obtained the precarious self-organized remuneration for hours not worked due to the fact that students did not appear. "If it is compact, the results are achieved," concludes Vecchi. And from the site, workers already assume a national stop.

Butterfly Wedding Quotes Sayings

Cepu, i precari si ribellano


Antonio Sciotto

there you can take a paradigm of Italian sfruttari, at least those who have spent years studying: high school, cocoprò contract, salary few euro per hour, zero rights and protections, while meanwhile the master of Cepu and Grandes Ecoles - the institutions that promise you guaranteed promotion - grinds huge profits. The two brands - highly publicized, well known in the past for gli spot di Alex Del Piero - sono stati fondati da Francesco Polidori: nel 1969 aveva dato vita alla Marcon - casa editrice di materiale didattico per il recupero degli anni scolastici - evolutasi poi in Grandi Scuole nel 1986, a cui nel 1991 si affiancò la Cepu (e tra l'altro nel 1995 il gruppo acquisì la storica Scuola Radio Elettra di Torino). Ebbene, oggi l'azienda di Polidori macina 120 milioni di fatturato annui, ha 120 sedi e 3200 collaboratori a servizio. Tutti lavoratori super-sfruttati, ovviamente: rigorosamente cocoprò (tranne le receptionist, a termine rinnovate ogni anno, con pause di qualche mese), guadagnano circa 11 euro l'ora, ma la «tariffa» riconosciuta per la prestazione è variabile; cambia a seconda cities, or areas they are teaching (scientific, mathematical or physical, can also get a 15 €). The recovery of Grandes Ecoles - reserved for colleges - see classes with 4-7 students per class, all held in place, but if students do not show up, the time you are not paid, the same when you are sick, and yet from June to September, when school is closed, and with it your contract. The Cepu, which works with academics, however, offers individual lessons, and the payment mechanism is 'perverse': a package of hours for exam preparation will be paid € 310 in all, but you are paid to tranches (40% in all cases, 30% if the student is present for examination and the remaining 30% only if it is promoted, or, to earn that "cursed" 30%, you must continue to prepare, and work more hours for free). To explain the working conditions of teachers is hyper-precarious Simone Vecchi, Bologna Nidil CGIL, which organized the first strike Cepu in Italy, for the moment limited to the province of Emilia. "The workers have turned to us because they were exhausted from the exploitation - he explains - At this point we said, let's move because you are settled, not only do we struggle to move from 11 to 13 euro per hour." Among other things, in Bologna, in a dispute had already obtained the precarious self-organized remuneration for hours not worked due to the fact that students did not appear. "If it is compact, the results are achieved," concludes Vecchi. And from the site, workers already assume a national stop.