Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Things To Write On A Wedding Card

Inchiesta "Whynot" in Calabria: Implicate Alte Cariche dello Stato.

Calabria From now comes a warning to all Italian citizens who are tired of being quiet when faced with the plunder of institutions, enterprises and society. Have been placed under investigation by magistrates Luigi De Magistris and Henry John Woodcock at least 26 people across Italy and they are not sure of the common people, but the Chief of the Guardia di Finanza of Agents del Sismi e di uomini appartenenti a quasi tutti gli shieramenti politici. L'inchiesta è stata chiamata Whynot dal nome di una Società di lavoro interinale e, dalle pagine che compongono le indagini, dalle intercettazioni telefoniche, emergono dei fatti allarmanti. Una consorteria potente che vede coinvolti anche appartenenti ad una Loggia Massonica deviata di San Marino che manovrava dagli appalti ai finanziamenti comunitari e regionali, dall'informatica ai lavoratori a tempo determinato. L'operazione naturalmente era già iniziata con l 'inchiesta Poseidone che vide come indagati il Segretario Nazionale dell'UDC Lorenzo Cesa e l'ex Presidente della Regione Calabria Giuseppe Chiaravalloti. Sul conto dello stesso Magistrato De Magistris erano tra l'altro state presentate decine di interrogazioni parlamentari volte a dichiarare l'incompatibilità ambientale e quindi trasferire lo stesso in altra sede, poichè ritenuto personaggio scomodo. Ma io mi chiedo spesso come si può combattere la Mafia , la 'Ndrangheta , la corruzione presente in quasi tutti i settori del nostro paese, se il marcio sta a monte? In questi ultimi 10 anni non si è fatto nessun passo avanti. Dai tempi di tangentopoli , nulla è cambiato ma forse è peggiorata qualcosa. La nostra Calabria, incantevole e straziante terra, che appartiene a tutto il popolo italiano sta diventando spesso oggetto di giochi politici and division of spoils. From EU funds that were disbursed for water purification in recent years and used for other purposes, Calabria should have the cleanest sea in the world and instead this year the three flags were lifted more than blue that remained. I could understand the criticism of the past, when people were almost resigned to the mafia who register. But today there are many assumptions so that things go differently. Indeed it is the associations to the Church, school and citizens, who came a call that repudiates malapianta present in this land, we have stood together to remember the same guys Locri to re-launch with more strength and determination the need for change, to grow. Calabria then can redeem only if, the institutions themselves, the stop being ambiguous in the choice of targets. Phenomena such as those of today are shot down and, in this tragic national emergency of corruption and anti-politics, the time has come to an assumption of collective responsibility, a civic engagement aimed at eradicating the established cultural syndromes that are typical of the country nost corruption, the cost of the policy etc. E 'Civil Society un'interposizione therefore necessary to create any common elements are able to innovate and improve the unbalanced Company Italiana e capace di esigere di più dalla Politica e dalle Istituzioni.
Tutto questo è solo una questione di Civiltà!

Things To Write On A Wedding Card

Inchiesta "Whynot" in Calabria: Implicate Alte Cariche dello Stato.

Calabria From now comes a warning to all Italian citizens who are tired of being quiet when faced with the plunder of institutions, enterprises and society. Have been placed under investigation by magistrates Luigi De Magistris and Henry John Woodcock at least 26 people across Italy and they are not sure of the common people, but the Chief of the Guardia di Finanza of Agents del Sismi e di uomini appartenenti a quasi tutti gli shieramenti politici. L'inchiesta è stata chiamata Whynot dal nome di una Società di lavoro interinale e, dalle pagine che compongono le indagini, dalle intercettazioni telefoniche, emergono dei fatti allarmanti. Una consorteria potente che vede coinvolti anche appartenenti ad una Loggia Massonica deviata di San Marino che manovrava dagli appalti ai finanziamenti comunitari e regionali, dall'informatica ai lavoratori a tempo determinato. L'operazione naturalmente era già iniziata con l 'inchiesta Poseidone che vide come indagati il Segretario Nazionale dell'UDC Lorenzo Cesa e l'ex Presidente della Regione Calabria Giuseppe Chiaravalloti. Sul conto dello stesso Magistrato De Magistris erano tra l'altro state presentate decine di interrogazioni parlamentari volte a dichiarare l'incompatibilità ambientale e quindi trasferire lo stesso in altra sede, poichè ritenuto personaggio scomodo. Ma io mi chiedo spesso come si può combattere la Mafia , la 'Ndrangheta , la corruzione presente in quasi tutti i settori del nostro paese, se il marcio sta a monte? In questi ultimi 10 anni non si è fatto nessun passo avanti. Dai tempi di tangentopoli , nulla è cambiato ma forse è peggiorata qualcosa. La nostra Calabria, incantevole e straziante terra, che appartiene a tutto il popolo italiano sta diventando spesso oggetto di giochi politici and division of spoils. From EU funds that were disbursed for water purification in recent years and used for other purposes, Calabria should have the cleanest sea in the world and instead this year the three flags were lifted more than blue that remained. I could understand the criticism of the past, when people were almost resigned to the mafia who register. But today there are many assumptions so that things go differently. Indeed it is the associations to the Church, school and citizens, who came a call that repudiates malapianta present in this land, we have stood together to remember the same guys Locri to re-launch with more strength and determination the need for change, to grow. Calabria then can redeem only if, the institutions themselves, the stop being ambiguous in the choice of targets. Phenomena such as those of today are shot down and, in this tragic national emergency of corruption and anti-politics, the time has come to an assumption of collective responsibility, a civic engagement aimed at eradicating the established cultural syndromes that are typical of the country nost corruption, the cost of the policy etc. E 'Civil Society un'interposizione therefore necessary to create any common elements are able to innovate and improve the unbalanced Company Italiana e capace di esigere di più dalla Politica e dalle Istituzioni.
Tutto questo è solo una questione di Civiltà!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Tadalafil E20 Tablets

Federazione Russa-USA: Nuovi Scenari.

Quando Vladimir Putin , ex agente del KGB, salì al potere la Federazione Russa appariva al mondo come un immenso territorio assoggettato all'egemonia americana e divorato dalla famiglia Eltsin . In pochi avevano scommesso sulla sua rinascita. Eppure già con il suo primo mandato 2000-2004 Putin ricompose il territorio. Sul fronte interno scacciò gli oligarchici e gli uomini politici corrotti che avevano spogliato brutalmente la Russia ed il Cremlino promuovendo cosi la riconquista del controllo statale. Mi chiedo often if they had the same effect as other methods, perhaps the most democratic in order to reconstruct such a vast territory and a political system that no longer existed for years after the collapse of the Soviet Union . Putin himself has stressed that no conclusions can be liberal reforms without an efficient state capable of enforcing the laws promulgated. In Europe, the methods used by Russian Prime Minister have never liked, but it would appear that the majority of people approve his choices, as well as the nationalization of its political line and program. Often criticized by Americans for lack of credibility, in silence, without raising his voice, Putin, even though some of his methods might be questionable, led his country to an unprecedented economic growth and in just a few years the number of households below the poverty line fell from 42 to 26 million. Amazing! But the central point of my reflection is not the internal politics of the Kremlin, but relations with the outside world and especially Europe and the USA and the new equilibrium that will be created after the G8 summit being held these days in Germany. It 'a bit of time has led to a sharp controversy between the United States in response to some of Bush's foolish and aspirations of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. I consider foolish choices by the President of USA installed in Europe, specifically in Poland and the Czech Republic an anti-missile shield in order defensive. But to defend ourselves by whom and from what? Bush says, Iran's Ahmadinejad . Even if it were possible to his thesis, nobody believes, as potentiality Iranian weapons have the range required to reach Europe.
Then a logical explanation would be to increase its influence on European countries, perhaps because the former KGB agent was upset with the revival of Russian power, and upset the balance of international monopoly on economic, political Americans ? In fact, Russia's refusal to accept the unilateral U.S. action could create, in collaboration with France and Germany, a counterweight to the European Community in these anni è stata incapace di fare.
Bruxelles a mio avviso dovrebbe gettare uno sguardo critico su questi nuovi avvenimenti che sono venuti alla luce negli ultimi tempi, per una serie di motivi. Primo tra tutti, una Russia forte difenderebbe l'Unione Europea da Oriente e la sua vitalità non minaccerebbe veramente nessuno soprattutto quei paesi confinanti che temono con le loro fobie storiche, la vicina potenza.
Gli Stati Uniti dopo il crollo di consensi e la perdita di prestigio sul piano internazionale, vorrebbero far crescere l'influenza sui paesi che confinano con Mosca, cercando di incrinare i rapporti tra questi ed il grande gigante; ma i legami culturali, economici e politici con Mosca sono troppo forti per essere spezzati da semplici programmi training and technical assistance. Will expire in a few years even the Treaty between the U.S. and Russia on the reduction and non-proliferation of nuclear weapons and the main aim of Putin is to sign an additional document to continue that line, but emerged from the latest events, it seems that this policy to the U.S. not like it anymore.
Therefore, the conclusion which I arrived, leads me to say that a strong Europe and a strong ally to the Russian Federation scared, and then the road will be long and tormented by external factors that seek to destabilize the European project and the ambition Russian to be a major player on world politics is to protect its interests, both for the good of the world. I risolvino hope that things in the best way not to go back into the nightmare of a new Cold War that could be devastating for all mankind.

Tadalafil E20 Tablets

Federazione Russa-USA: Nuovi Scenari.

Quando Vladimir Putin , ex agente del KGB, salì al potere la Federazione Russa appariva al mondo come un immenso territorio assoggettato all'egemonia americana e divorato dalla famiglia Eltsin . In pochi avevano scommesso sulla sua rinascita. Eppure già con il suo primo mandato 2000-2004 Putin ricompose il territorio. Sul fronte interno scacciò gli oligarchici e gli uomini politici corrotti che avevano spogliato brutalmente la Russia ed il Cremlino promuovendo cosi la riconquista del controllo statale. Mi chiedo often if they had the same effect as other methods, perhaps the most democratic in order to reconstruct such a vast territory and a political system that no longer existed for years after the collapse of the Soviet Union . Putin himself has stressed that no conclusions can be liberal reforms without an efficient state capable of enforcing the laws promulgated. In Europe, the methods used by Russian Prime Minister have never liked, but it would appear that the majority of people approve his choices, as well as the nationalization of its political line and program. Often criticized by Americans for lack of credibility, in silence, without raising his voice, Putin, even though some of his methods might be questionable, led his country to an unprecedented economic growth and in just a few years the number of households below the poverty line fell from 42 to 26 million. Amazing! But the central point of my reflection is not the internal politics of the Kremlin, but relations with the outside world and especially Europe and the USA and the new equilibrium that will be created after the G8 summit being held these days in Germany. It 'a bit of time has led to a sharp controversy between the United States in response to some of Bush's foolish and aspirations of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. I consider foolish choices by the President of USA installed in Europe, specifically in Poland and the Czech Republic an anti-missile shield in order defensive. But to defend ourselves by whom and from what? Bush says, Iran's Ahmadinejad . Even if it were possible to his thesis, nobody believes, as potentiality Iranian weapons have the range required to reach Europe.
Then a logical explanation would be to increase its influence on European countries, perhaps because the former KGB agent was upset with the revival of Russian power, and upset the balance of international monopoly on economic, political Americans ? In fact, Russia's refusal to accept the unilateral U.S. action could create, in collaboration with France and Germany, a counterweight to the European Community in these anni è stata incapace di fare.
Bruxelles a mio avviso dovrebbe gettare uno sguardo critico su questi nuovi avvenimenti che sono venuti alla luce negli ultimi tempi, per una serie di motivi. Primo tra tutti, una Russia forte difenderebbe l'Unione Europea da Oriente e la sua vitalità non minaccerebbe veramente nessuno soprattutto quei paesi confinanti che temono con le loro fobie storiche, la vicina potenza.
Gli Stati Uniti dopo il crollo di consensi e la perdita di prestigio sul piano internazionale, vorrebbero far crescere l'influenza sui paesi che confinano con Mosca, cercando di incrinare i rapporti tra questi ed il grande gigante; ma i legami culturali, economici e politici con Mosca sono troppo forti per essere spezzati da semplici programmi training and technical assistance. Will expire in a few years even the Treaty between the U.S. and Russia on the reduction and non-proliferation of nuclear weapons and the main aim of Putin is to sign an additional document to continue that line, but emerged from the latest events, it seems that this policy to the U.S. not like it anymore.
Therefore, the conclusion which I arrived, leads me to say that a strong Europe and a strong ally to the Russian Federation scared, and then the road will be long and tormented by external factors that seek to destabilize the European project and the ambition Russian to be a major player on world politics is to protect its interests, both for the good of the world. I risolvino hope that things in the best way not to go back into the nightmare of a new Cold War that could be devastating for all mankind.