Sunday, December 13, 2009

Wording For New Baby Congratulations

Solidarity with poisoned dumpling: commentary and analysis on the statements made.

I come in these minutes, the news of an attack on Silvio Berlusconi in Milan. But along with the news of the attack, I also come a number of statements of solidarity. Statements that I would rather not hear and that, frankly, seem more serious than the same aggression. Indeed, they themselves could be instigators of new attacks. He reminds me of Berlusconi, in some respects, Aldo Moro. It was very easy to approach and, therefore, any attacker could have easily play against him. Remember, by contrast, the famous day - unless I am mistaken - 2 December. When it was organized great day of Forza Italy, or People of Freedom, a national event with San Giovanni in Laterano: the historic square of all the major events that take place in Rome, able to contain any possible crowd, taking the square itself and its continuation as a Carlo Felice. Well, the crowd - of necessity - also had to blend the major national political, having to march side by side with ordinary citizens. But they were well surrounded by bodyguards and was virtually impossible to get to say hello or shake their hands, or even ask for an autograph, for those who have these hobbies.

Unlike the manner of offering to the public by Berlusconi as a lamb. Not is the first time it is attacked by some rowdy that more can be found among millions of people. I think that Berlusconi is exposed to these risks knowingly. We do not remember, we, the figure of the Pope inside a reinforced glass booth? But this makes sense to be with the people he claims to represent? Certain risks, I seem inevitable. What, though, I was immediately struck, and the tenor of some of solidarity. To sum up: "I give you my sympathy, but what happens to you you deserve it ... ". Other declarations, then exude blatant hypocrisy. I find that those who do not hear an order that, with sincerity, all forms of violence and to be unreservedly supportive con la vittima, farebbe meglio a tacere ed a risparmiarci lo spettacolo penoso della sua doppiezza, la sua “polpetta avvelenata”.

La violenza mediatica, il razzismo implicito, la menzogna, l’inganno, la manipolazione… sono gli ordinari e quotidiani ingredienti della nostra scena politica. Per Berlusconi, al di là di singole questioni politiche, io penso sempre allo schema teorico dell’Uno, del Molti e del Popolo. L’Uno è la figura del Capo, della guida e del leader capace di decidere e risolvere i nostri problemi a cui tutti pensiamo quando siamo nei nostri guai privati (lavoro, casa, carovita, ingiustizie...). I Molti, sono le oligarchie, gli ottimati, i nobili, le ristrette fasce che si trovano in posizioni di privilegio, spesso a scapito e sulle spalle del Popolo: vale a dire, tutti noi poveri disgraziati che sentiamo di non aver nessun potere, anche se ci dicono che siamo il Popolo sovrano, ma un sovrano che, in pratica, non conta nulla e che viene portato ‘pro forma’ a votare, per non decidere mai nulla. Se non dobbiamo farci illusioni, se non ce la sentiamo di credere ancora a Babbo Natale, è facile, però, fare quattro conti: meglio essere comandati da Uno solo, piuttosto che oppressi da una moltitudine. A sua volta, l’Uno dovrebbe comprendere che la sua forza è il Popolo, non i Molti che vorrebbero “fargli le scarpe”. Staremo, comunque, a vedere come evolve il dramma.
news in real time, read:
"... According to intelligence sources, the man was treated for 10 years, for mental problems at the Policlinico of Milan."
And I think, comparing everything to my problems, the "tooth aches" and that is coupled with the broken one to Berlusconi. The "crazy" true, that is - the unhappy people who need to be treated, but also preserved - if they can be dangerous for the next unsuspecting for years now, are in free circulation, on our streets and I think everyone we met someone who, perhaps, there has physically assaulted, but there has offended and insulted. The "wise men" whose fault is very serious to say what they think, without any form of violence to anyone, and say without pretense and hypocrisy, well, they are put in jail. In Germany alone, at least 15,000 each year. In Austria, the best known case is that of the historian Irving, but Irving is a well-known, there are thousands and thousands that are completely unknown and unknown to most who do not know what there is rotten in the kingdom of Denmark in Shakespeare's memory.

and read more about where you pull out of partisanship, the image of the "Pied Piper", already used for Hitler:
"And then the attack on Prime Minister Bersani:" We have nothing to gain from a model of democracy where there is a populist billionaire piping and all the poor souls who are behind. " Exactly! The fact that people are "poor."
But these poor people know that many politicians, with neither art nor part, were no less "poor" (with "patches ...") and made his fortune with the policy for them was a "manna" a "deal". In short, their accommodation! Still, the policy - for most of the professional politicians - is a way to get rich and make a fortune for himself and for his family. Here, then, that much is worth to trust Berlusconi that of his and does not need a stipend from parliamentary pension for life with, in some cases, be granted for a single day's session. What it means to "populism", it is clearly understood from the passage quoted. They are afraid of the people, not the people want. Institutions? But which institutions? Everything is to be remade. And who can do it all if not 'A', outside the usual round?

How very sad and depressing news of Facebook groups that are divided between fans of Tartaglia and others in solidarity with Berlusconi. Although I also a member of Facebook, I have no sympathy for this network and I rarely use. I think not conducive to accountability, always necessary when you write. Of course, I do not mean that one should not be able to freely express his thoughts, but it's another thing they are celebrating physical violence against specific persons. Beyond the fact itself, I fear for the Network that I would like a free and safe from attempts at censorship. I fear the action of groups deliberately provocative. But I think the main culprits of the climate of "hate" are the main stream , major newspapers, television networks that encourage the general public and then do the dirty work for young people politically immature or naive, to which they have practice of armed hand. The group that arise spontaneously in the network and are not inflated by main stream do not exceed a few hundred units spread and have devastating impact: are neutralized within the network itself. Although these aspects are deplorable dangers threatening our democracy. If

so far can be seen that the criticism I lean to one side, update saying that I do not feel more comfortable in seeing the usual idiotic talk shows like "Friends" Berlusconi think they can profit from the event for a New crackdown on our freedoms, already seriously compromised. The referees that we have already seen us do not bode well. Really, it seems to me that the system becomes more and more speed and I wonder which may be our defenses, if any are still possible, if we reduce ourselves to go underground just to be able to freely exchange our views on the political situation of our country and the international situation.

Wording For New Baby Congratulations

Solidarity with poisoned dumpling: commentary and analysis on the statements made.

I come in these minutes, the news of an attack on Silvio Berlusconi in Milan. But along with the news of the attack, I also come a number of statements of solidarity. Statements that I would rather not hear and that, frankly, seem more serious than the same aggression. Indeed, they themselves could be instigators of new attacks. He reminds me of Berlusconi, in some respects, Aldo Moro. It was very easy to approach and, therefore, any attacker could have easily play against him. Remember, by contrast, the famous day - unless I am mistaken - 2 December. When it was organized great day of Forza Italy, or People of Freedom, a national event with San Giovanni in Laterano: the historic square of all the major events that take place in Rome, able to contain any possible crowd, taking the square itself and its continuation as a Carlo Felice. Well, the crowd - of necessity - also had to blend the major national political, having to march side by side with ordinary citizens. But they were well surrounded by bodyguards and was virtually impossible to get to say hello or shake their hands, or even ask for an autograph, for those who have these hobbies.

Unlike the manner of offering to the public by Berlusconi as a lamb. Not is the first time it is attacked by some rowdy that more can be found among millions of people. I think that Berlusconi is exposed to these risks knowingly. We do not remember, we, the figure of the Pope inside a reinforced glass booth? But this makes sense to be with the people he claims to represent? Certain risks, I seem inevitable. What, though, I was immediately struck, and the tenor of some of solidarity. To sum up: "I give you my sympathy, but what happens to you you deserve it ... ". Other declarations, then exude blatant hypocrisy. I find that those who do not hear an order that, with sincerity, all forms of violence and to be unreservedly supportive con la vittima, farebbe meglio a tacere ed a risparmiarci lo spettacolo penoso della sua doppiezza, la sua “polpetta avvelenata”.

La violenza mediatica, il razzismo implicito, la menzogna, l’inganno, la manipolazione… sono gli ordinari e quotidiani ingredienti della nostra scena politica. Per Berlusconi, al di là di singole questioni politiche, io penso sempre allo schema teorico dell’Uno, del Molti e del Popolo. L’Uno è la figura del Capo, della guida e del leader capace di decidere e risolvere i nostri problemi a cui tutti pensiamo quando siamo nei nostri guai privati (lavoro, casa, carovita, ingiustizie...). I Molti, sono le oligarchie, gli ottimati, i nobili, le ristrette fasce che si trovano in posizioni di privilegio, spesso a scapito e sulle spalle del Popolo: vale a dire, tutti noi poveri disgraziati che sentiamo di non aver nessun potere, anche se ci dicono che siamo il Popolo sovrano, ma un sovrano che, in pratica, non conta nulla e che viene portato ‘pro forma’ a votare, per non decidere mai nulla. Se non dobbiamo farci illusioni, se non ce la sentiamo di credere ancora a Babbo Natale, è facile, però, fare quattro conti: meglio essere comandati da Uno solo, piuttosto che oppressi da una moltitudine. A sua volta, l’Uno dovrebbe comprendere che la sua forza è il Popolo, non i Molti che vorrebbero “fargli le scarpe”. Staremo, comunque, a vedere come evolve il dramma.
news in real time, read:
"... According to intelligence sources, the man was treated for 10 years, for mental problems at the Policlinico of Milan."
And I think, comparing everything to my problems, the "tooth aches" and that is coupled with the broken one to Berlusconi. The "crazy" true, that is - the unhappy people who need to be treated, but also preserved - if they can be dangerous for the next unsuspecting for years now, are in free circulation, on our streets and I think everyone we met someone who, perhaps, there has physically assaulted, but there has offended and insulted. The "wise men" whose fault is very serious to say what they think, without any form of violence to anyone, and say without pretense and hypocrisy, well, they are put in jail. In Germany alone, at least 15,000 each year. In Austria, the best known case is that of the historian Irving, but Irving is a well-known, there are thousands and thousands that are completely unknown and unknown to most who do not know what there is rotten in the kingdom of Denmark in Shakespeare's memory.

and read more about where you pull out of partisanship, the image of the "Pied Piper", already used for Hitler:
"And then the attack on Prime Minister Bersani:" We have nothing to gain from a model of democracy where there is a populist billionaire piping and all the poor souls who are behind. " Exactly! The fact that people are "poor."
But these poor people know that many politicians, with neither art nor part, were no less "poor" (with "patches ...") and made his fortune with the policy for them was a "manna" a "deal". In short, their accommodation! Still, the policy - for most of the professional politicians - is a way to get rich and make a fortune for himself and for his family. Here, then, that much is worth to trust Berlusconi that of his and does not need a stipend from parliamentary pension for life with, in some cases, be granted for a single day's session. What it means to "populism", it is clearly understood from the passage quoted. They are afraid of the people, not the people want. Institutions? But which institutions? Everything is to be remade. And who can do it all if not 'A', outside the usual round?

How very sad and depressing news of Facebook groups that are divided between fans of Tartaglia and others in solidarity with Berlusconi. Although I also a member of Facebook, I have no sympathy for this network and I rarely use. I think not conducive to accountability, always necessary when you write. Of course, I do not mean that one should not be able to freely express his thoughts, but it's another thing they are celebrating physical violence against specific persons. Beyond the fact itself, I fear for the Network that I would like a free and safe from attempts at censorship. I fear the action of groups deliberately provocative. But I think the main culprits of the climate of "hate" are the main stream , major newspapers, television networks that encourage the general public and then do the dirty work for young people politically immature or naive, to which they have practice of armed hand. The group that arise spontaneously in the network and are not inflated by main stream do not exceed a few hundred units spread and have devastating impact: are neutralized within the network itself. Although these aspects are deplorable dangers threatening our democracy. If

so far can be seen that the criticism I lean to one side, update saying that I do not feel more comfortable in seeing the usual idiotic talk shows like "Friends" Berlusconi think they can profit from the event for a New crackdown on our freedoms, already seriously compromised. The referees that we have already seen us do not bode well. Really, it seems to me that the system becomes more and more speed and I wonder which may be our defenses, if any are still possible, if we reduce ourselves to go underground just to be able to freely exchange our views on the political situation of our country and the international situation.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Wording New Baby Congratulations

What "freedom of expression"? Reflections on the anti-Berlusconi demonstration.

I am following with great skepticism on the agencies today's event against Berlusconi. issued in the name - it seems - of freedom of information. But not because freedom of expression and thought is cheaper to me than to them. Far from it! I believe, however, that freedom of expression has nothing to do with "freedom" of the mass media: that, in particular, groped on a daily basis of what they themselves would have us believe that we citizens should be absolutely and submissively believe. They claim to be their "public opinion" and can make or break governments at will. I'm not even a priori defense of any government. I believe that ours is a true bipartisan regime, where a voter has little choice.

Certainly there is great confusion in this event where the victims are the more naive in good faith. If it's really spontaneous, there are those who try to ride it. Manipulation is the highlight of the given stage. Against Berlusconi, who fell out of favor in Washington, was, first, brought up "scandal" of the escort, and now, you want the Mafia. I do not think all this is just my opinion and politics. We'll see what action today will antiberlusconiana event, an event "ad personam", that is, against a single person, although powerful, that you try to demonize and criminalize anyway. Berlusconi will not overlook the means to promote a counter-demonstration in his favor.

are not satisfied with the current government, of every component of any policy that is pursued. But it is naive to expect the breakdown of the ongoing political and civil society, Italian and European trends are clear and unambiguous. Each of us should be able to look at the whole and to overlook details, see the whole forest instead of the single tree. I think the only way a citizen, not tied to lobbyists and corporations, but an authentic expression of the Italian people as a whole, can extricate itself in a situation that is deliberately made more and more entangled precisely those large newspapers that claim for themselves the freedom of manipulation and defamation, passed off as "press freedom" and "expression" of "information" and similar nonsense, of which I do not know the truth to estimate the number of victims in good faith.

I think the consensus that has been created around the figure Berlusconi can hardly survive. I do not see a fine or other direction. Many people think after Berlusconi, then considered to have recovered full freedom of movement and political action. Considering the current electoral laws and other laws liberticide not a few, I expect that there will be - as can be - many enzymes within civil society. I hope with all my heart that you do not experience the phenomena of political violence, but if he wants to save the Italian people can no longer rely on closed eyes to the current political class. I read that antiberlusconiana the event that you are still playing as I write, has adopted the banner of revolution "Color" of the former Soviet bloc: the signal could not be more disturbing. The ambiguities require physiological time to melt. It is questionable however whether the country can afford all this and what will be the cost recovery policy and a moral at the same time.

Since the event in the course very much a demonstration "against" one person, logic dictates that it must soon follow a counter to that person or to produce an even greater consensus around Berlusconi. Not a manifestation of the PDL, where there are several leaders who aspire to the succession of the Cape, but a demonstration called by the Chief that calls upon his supporters, che stando ai suoi sondaggi sarebbero sopra la soglia del 60 per cento. Non credo che la manifestazione di San Giovanni nasca tutta dalla Rete. Credo invece che vi siano gli stessi registi che hanno operato in altre situazioni, ad esempio le rivoluzioni “colorate”. La Rete nella sua frammentarietà non è capace di una simile organizzazione. Gli striscioni, i cartelli, i costi materiali e quanto altro da chi sono stati forniti? Non da Facebook!

A Roma di manifestazioni ne ho viste tante, di ogni genere e di ogni colore. Quella odierna volta a chiedere le dimissioni di Berlusconi mi sembra debole nelle sue motivazioni più che nel numero dei partecipanti. Anzi direi che con motivazioni deboli una manifestazione è the weaker the higher the number of demonstrators: an inverse relationship, however, that well describes the confusion and lack of prospects. Resignation requested by whom and in whose name? And what are the prospects? Who should succeed Berlusconi? Purposes? Di Pietro? Franceschini? Bindi? They are the saviors who are waiting for? Who will be the Messiah? I have no preconceived hostilities against the protesters, but I do not see much of their policy proposals, the alternative. The themes of their slogans seem copied from the newspapers. But I think that Berlusconi, released from his colonels, may still be the alternative. Needs to be a growing political and delivered by her. Vale's theorem Machiavelli of the One, the Many and the People. For the People is better to be driven by one rather than be oppressed by many. They call it "populism". Maybe ...

Wording New Baby Congratulations

What "freedom of expression"? Reflections on the anti-Berlusconi demonstration.

I am following with great skepticism on the agencies today's event against Berlusconi. issued in the name - it seems - of freedom of information. But not because freedom of expression and thought is cheaper to me than to them. Far from it! I believe, however, that freedom of expression has nothing to do with "freedom" of the mass media: that, in particular, groped on a daily basis of what they themselves would have us believe that we citizens should be absolutely and submissively believe. They claim to be their "public opinion" and can make or break governments at will. I'm not even a priori defense of any government. I believe that ours is a true bipartisan regime, where a voter has little choice.

Certainly there is great confusion in this event where the victims are the more naive in good faith. If it's really spontaneous, there are those who try to ride it. Manipulation is the highlight of the given stage. Against Berlusconi, who fell out of favor in Washington, was, first, brought up "scandal" of the escort, and now, you want the Mafia. I do not think all this is just my opinion and politics. We'll see what action today will antiberlusconiana event, an event "ad personam", that is, against a single person, although powerful, that you try to demonize and criminalize anyway. Berlusconi will not overlook the means to promote a counter-demonstration in his favor.

are not satisfied with the current government, of every component of any policy that is pursued. But it is naive to expect the breakdown of the ongoing political and civil society, Italian and European trends are clear and unambiguous. Each of us should be able to look at the whole and to overlook details, see the whole forest instead of the single tree. I think the only way a citizen, not tied to lobbyists and corporations, but an authentic expression of the Italian people as a whole, can extricate itself in a situation that is deliberately made more and more entangled precisely those large newspapers that claim for themselves the freedom of manipulation and defamation, passed off as "press freedom" and "expression" of "information" and similar nonsense, of which I do not know the truth to estimate the number of victims in good faith.

I think the consensus that has been created around the figure Berlusconi can hardly survive. I do not see a fine or other direction. Many people think after Berlusconi, then considered to have recovered full freedom of movement and political action. Considering the current electoral laws and other laws liberticide not a few, I expect that there will be - as can be - many enzymes within civil society. I hope with all my heart that you do not experience the phenomena of political violence, but if he wants to save the Italian people can no longer rely on closed eyes to the current political class. I read that antiberlusconiana the event that you are still playing as I write, has adopted the banner of revolution "Color" of the former Soviet bloc: the signal could not be more disturbing. The ambiguities require physiological time to melt. It is questionable however whether the country can afford all this and what will be the cost recovery policy and a moral at the same time.

Since the event in the course very much a demonstration "against" one person, logic dictates that it must soon follow a counter to that person or to produce an even greater consensus around Berlusconi. Not a manifestation of the PDL, where there are several leaders who aspire to the succession of the Cape, but a demonstration called by the Chief that calls upon his supporters, che stando ai suoi sondaggi sarebbero sopra la soglia del 60 per cento. Non credo che la manifestazione di San Giovanni nasca tutta dalla Rete. Credo invece che vi siano gli stessi registi che hanno operato in altre situazioni, ad esempio le rivoluzioni “colorate”. La Rete nella sua frammentarietà non è capace di una simile organizzazione. Gli striscioni, i cartelli, i costi materiali e quanto altro da chi sono stati forniti? Non da Facebook!

A Roma di manifestazioni ne ho viste tante, di ogni genere e di ogni colore. Quella odierna volta a chiedere le dimissioni di Berlusconi mi sembra debole nelle sue motivazioni più che nel numero dei partecipanti. Anzi direi che con motivazioni deboli una manifestazione è the weaker the higher the number of demonstrators: an inverse relationship, however, that well describes the confusion and lack of prospects. Resignation requested by whom and in whose name? And what are the prospects? Who should succeed Berlusconi? Purposes? Di Pietro? Franceschini? Bindi? They are the saviors who are waiting for? Who will be the Messiah? I have no preconceived hostilities against the protesters, but I do not see much of their policy proposals, the alternative. The themes of their slogans seem copied from the newspapers. But I think that Berlusconi, released from his colonels, may still be the alternative. Needs to be a growing political and delivered by her. Vale's theorem Machiavelli of the One, the Many and the People. For the People is better to be driven by one rather than be oppressed by many. They call it "populism". Maybe ...

Friday, December 4, 2009

What Is California Pubic Wax

Petition against the monopoly of Communion and Liberation in Lombardy

Lombardy regional official suspended for attacking CL

The Lombardy Region, led by Roberto Formigoni CL, suspended for one month from the salary of office and one of its officials, Enrico De Alessandri. The reason? He wrote a book with which he attacked the "system" Government of Communion and Liberation. The book, titled Communion and Liberation: assault in power in Lombardy is presented on the site of political theology studies, edited by De Alessandri. The official has also created an online petition on the monopoly power sdi Communion and Liberation in the Lombardy region. The vertices of Pirellone defended themselves arguing that the measure was required: employees can not denigrate your employer.

(from the site )

data = "" width = "468" height = "60"
id = "flaMovie ">


What Is California Pubic Wax

Petition against the monopoly of Communion and Liberation in Lombardy

Lombardy regional official suspended for attacking CL

The Lombardy Region, led by Roberto Formigoni CL, suspended for one month from the salary of office and one of its officials, Enrico De Alessandri. The reason? He wrote a book with which he attacked the "system" Government of Communion and Liberation. The book, titled Communion and Liberation: assault in power in Lombardy is presented on the site of political theology studies, edited by De Alessandri. The official has also created an online petition on the monopoly power sdi Communion and Liberation in the Lombardy region. The vertices of Pirellone defended themselves arguing that the measure was required: employees can not denigrate your employer.

(from the site )

data = "" width = "468" height = "60"
id = "flaMovie ">