Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Fanfiction Super Sentai

The crisis in the Caucasus and the information war.

During the first days of conflict, being in the middle of August, I had the opportunity to follow closely the events that were occurring in the Caucasus, but listening to the Western media, came out openly that it was Russian aggression in Georgia. Only through broader and more precise information, I was able to pursue the matter. it certainly appeared that the West, or rather the Western media have chosen the very beginning of the conflict to whom to assign right and wrong, truth is not failing often negligible, as the fact that the presence of Russian soldiers in South Ossetia has a function of peacekeeping and is part of a program of pacification agreed a livello internazionale. Certamente la reazione militare russa è stata durissima, d’altro canto questo è un elemento innegabile in un conflitto, ma la guerra in Caucaso ha inizio con l’attacco georgiano all’Ossezia del Sud ed alle truppe russe , quest’ultime ribadisco erano presenti in quei territori con un mandato internazionale di interposizione. I mass media russi, stampa, TV, radio ed internet sono tra l’altro meno schierati con il governo di quanto i mezzi di informazioni occidentali li dipingano. Basti pensare ai rinomati analisti come Vladimir Pozner o come la fondazione Carnegie di Mosca che hanno un atteggiamento più collaborativo con gli USA e l’Europa and certainly these items were even stronger under President Yeltsin than they are today, but still have a role in the Russian media landscape. Returning to the central theme of the article, it must be said that the world did not know that between the 7-8 August, Georgian troops attacked South Ossetia razing the city of Tskhinvali and killing nearly 3,000 civilians . How can the public world has not known anything of what the Russian leadership has defined thrashing Genocide? At the outbreak of war, many Russian analysts have stated: "We are losing the information war" ed in effetti l’8 agosto la CNN riportava “La Russia invade la Georgia”. Nelle prime ore di conflitto il compito principale dei media è stato sorvolare sulla notizia dell’aggressione georgiana e scaricare ogni responsabilità a Mosca. L’attacco georgiano all’Ossezia del sud ed alle truppe russe e la conseguente risposta russa, si è conclusa con il riconoscimento da parte di Mosca delle due repubbliche georgiane di Abkhazia e Ossezia del sud . Il conflitto in questione, per la prima volta dopo l’ex URSS ha mostrato al mondo una recuperata azione militare di Mosca e senza manifestare il minimo timore nei confronti degli Stati Uniti. Naturalmente la Russia forte del precedente of Kosovo, has taken this action in defense of the breakaway territories. In 2006, Russian Foreign Minister Condoleezza Rice had repeatedly warned Europe that recognition of Kosovo would set a dangerous precedent for the Caucasus. The Georgia crisis should be read in depth, however, Georgian and contradictions have emerged not only as a result of the response of the Kremlin, but mainly because of the statement of the ultra-nationalist Georgian project, which sought to apply in a multi-ethnic and multilingual territory, identity uniform at all costs. Today it seems that the Agreement on the peace plan presented by France, signed by Moscow and Tbilisi could be the first step toward detente but the negotiations with Poland for the establishment of the space shield project could cause new tensions with the Kremlin.

Fanfiction Super Sentai

The crisis in the Caucasus and the information war.

During the first days of conflict, being in the middle of August, I had the opportunity to follow closely the events that were occurring in the Caucasus, but listening to the Western media, came out openly that it was Russian aggression in Georgia. Only through broader and more precise information, I was able to pursue the matter. it certainly appeared that the West, or rather the Western media have chosen the very beginning of the conflict to whom to assign right and wrong, truth is not failing often negligible, as the fact that the presence of Russian soldiers in South Ossetia has a function of peacekeeping and is part of a program of pacification agreed a livello internazionale. Certamente la reazione militare russa è stata durissima, d’altro canto questo è un elemento innegabile in un conflitto, ma la guerra in Caucaso ha inizio con l’attacco georgiano all’Ossezia del Sud ed alle truppe russe , quest’ultime ribadisco erano presenti in quei territori con un mandato internazionale di interposizione. I mass media russi, stampa, TV, radio ed internet sono tra l’altro meno schierati con il governo di quanto i mezzi di informazioni occidentali li dipingano. Basti pensare ai rinomati analisti come Vladimir Pozner o come la fondazione Carnegie di Mosca che hanno un atteggiamento più collaborativo con gli USA e l’Europa and certainly these items were even stronger under President Yeltsin than they are today, but still have a role in the Russian media landscape. Returning to the central theme of the article, it must be said that the world did not know that between the 7-8 August, Georgian troops attacked South Ossetia razing the city of Tskhinvali and killing nearly 3,000 civilians . How can the public world has not known anything of what the Russian leadership has defined thrashing Genocide? At the outbreak of war, many Russian analysts have stated: "We are losing the information war" ed in effetti l’8 agosto la CNN riportava “La Russia invade la Georgia”. Nelle prime ore di conflitto il compito principale dei media è stato sorvolare sulla notizia dell’aggressione georgiana e scaricare ogni responsabilità a Mosca. L’attacco georgiano all’Ossezia del sud ed alle truppe russe e la conseguente risposta russa, si è conclusa con il riconoscimento da parte di Mosca delle due repubbliche georgiane di Abkhazia e Ossezia del sud . Il conflitto in questione, per la prima volta dopo l’ex URSS ha mostrato al mondo una recuperata azione militare di Mosca e senza manifestare il minimo timore nei confronti degli Stati Uniti. Naturalmente la Russia forte del precedente of Kosovo, has taken this action in defense of the breakaway territories. In 2006, Russian Foreign Minister Condoleezza Rice had repeatedly warned Europe that recognition of Kosovo would set a dangerous precedent for the Caucasus. The Georgia crisis should be read in depth, however, Georgian and contradictions have emerged not only as a result of the response of the Kremlin, but mainly because of the statement of the ultra-nationalist Georgian project, which sought to apply in a multi-ethnic and multilingual territory, identity uniform at all costs. Today it seems that the Agreement on the peace plan presented by France, signed by Moscow and Tbilisi could be the first step toward detente but the negotiations with Poland for the establishment of the space shield project could cause new tensions with the Kremlin.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Roadhouse What Type Of Car Did Dalton Purchase

Asl precarious precarious 'strip-conference' on YouTube for the right to work


Precarie nude contro i licenziamenti. E' su youtube "Venerdi' saro' nuda come tutti i precari, venerdi' saro' nuda come tutte le lavoratrici senza sicurezza, venerdi' saro' nuda perche' nessun Governo mi ha vestito rights, Friday 'I will' naked 'cause I do not have citizenship income, Friday' I will 'naked as I left the Biagi law ": one after another, all in kimonos, the 11 precarious dismissed from the hospital turned wood on You Tube to launch the call for 'strip-conference' tomorrow.

The event, set at 11 in Milan at the Theatre Cooperative, will be 'sent direct course websites, by occasion the poor who, having lost his job three days ago had still to be auctioned on You Tube, will launch a general strike of all the dangerous and precarious for September 19.

'Friday' evening will be 'can see without veils, we are not afraid to put in gioco i nostri corpi - dichiara Ornella Cameran, collega delle licenziate e rappresentante Rdb-Cub di Legnano - gia' siamo gia' state spogliate dei diritti". Oltre a giornalisti, tv e fotografi, le precarie invitano alla conferenza anche eventuali nuovi datori di lavoro.

Roadhouse What Type Of Car Did Dalton Purchase

Asl precarious precarious 'strip-conference' on YouTube for the right to work


Precarie nude contro i licenziamenti. E' su youtube "Venerdi' saro' nuda come tutti i precari, venerdi' saro' nuda come tutte le lavoratrici senza sicurezza, venerdi' saro' nuda perche' nessun Governo mi ha vestito rights, Friday 'I will' naked 'cause I do not have citizenship income, Friday' I will 'naked as I left the Biagi law ": one after another, all in kimonos, the 11 precarious dismissed from the hospital turned wood on You Tube to launch the call for 'strip-conference' tomorrow.

The event, set at 11 in Milan at the Theatre Cooperative, will be 'sent direct course websites, by occasion the poor who, having lost his job three days ago had still to be auctioned on You Tube, will launch a general strike of all the dangerous and precarious for September 19.

'Friday' evening will be 'can see without veils, we are not afraid to put in gioco i nostri corpi - dichiara Ornella Cameran, collega delle licenziate e rappresentante Rdb-Cub di Legnano - gia' siamo gia' state spogliate dei diritti". Oltre a giornalisti, tv e fotografi, le precarie invitano alla conferenza anche eventuali nuovi datori di lavoro.

Miniature Battery Operated Blender

La storia di Luisa Prisco, una delle 400 rimaste senza posto a Napoli, dove insegnerà solo chi è di ruolo


, Luisa already knows because once packed up and went to teach in the north. It was the fall of 2004. "My daughter was three and a half years, happily went to kindergarten. Every Sunday and greeted the party. She stayed with my mom after the asylum, and then with my husband when he came home from work. It was not so easy to disappear from the life of a baby still so small. And in the end he spent all the money to travel and live. Why did they go? Why do you have suggested: if you stay here, this time does not have the job. And so I left. " all and hope to become a role as they have thrown much of the new teachers in nursery schools in Naples. Many of them are women, youth, probably with no children, taught at schools in the north enough to enter human bodies permanently. This year they asked to be transferred and will teach in the schools of their town. "Even if they have many years of teaching in less than than me and many others of us. We could not leave, but my husband had a job, here we have the house, not do we feel. "
E 'so that it becomes too precarious
and you end up in an empty box. Think of your children, your husband, just a bit ' accounts and in the meantime the State, as fast, we upset the calculations and takes away his salary. Gone are the United States, Sarah Palin, women should have 'equal opportunities, without exception'. And if in Alaska, the only difference between a hockey mom and a pitbull is lipstick, Somma Vesuvius, where hockey is not considered one of the most popular sports and lipstick can be a luxury too, seems to see just walking around pitbull as mothers struggle with life.

This year no one had warned
Lucia and the others. They felt quite calm. "Last year I taught in fourth grade. Mathematics, English and music for 22 hours per week plus two programming. They were fond of me and my students. " But the gap, that at least, is put into the account of the master precarious. She knows she has to learn the names of all in September and forget them until June. The trouble begins when the September following no more names to learn.

Luisa toured many schools Neapolitan hinterland.

"I started in a private school but I stayed there for one year. I had all the requirements to enter the ranking and become the role, I went to public schools. " He taught the children of Ponticelli, an area with high levels of the Camorra, which in May to resolve the problem of the Roma have seen fit to give fire to their camp. He has taught at St. Joseph Vesuvius and also in Ischia. "When you have to do with classes like this one is an experience that no score can ever consider."

Miniature Battery Operated Blender

La storia di Luisa Prisco, una delle 400 rimaste senza posto a Napoli, dove insegnerà solo chi è di ruolo


, Luisa already knows because once packed up and went to teach in the north. It was the fall of 2004. "My daughter was three and a half years, happily went to kindergarten. Every Sunday and greeted the party. She stayed with my mom after the asylum, and then with my husband when he came home from work. It was not so easy to disappear from the life of a baby still so small. And in the end he spent all the money to travel and live. Why did they go? Why do you have suggested: if you stay here, this time does not have the job. And so I left. " all and hope to become a role as they have thrown much of the new teachers in nursery schools in Naples. Many of them are women, youth, probably with no children, taught at schools in the north enough to enter human bodies permanently. This year they asked to be transferred and will teach in the schools of their town. "Even if they have many years of teaching in less than than me and many others of us. We could not leave, but my husband had a job, here we have the house, not do we feel. "
E 'so that it becomes too precarious
and you end up in an empty box. Think of your children, your husband, just a bit ' accounts and in the meantime the State, as fast, we upset the calculations and takes away his salary. Gone are the United States, Sarah Palin, women should have 'equal opportunities, without exception'. And if in Alaska, the only difference between a hockey mom and a pitbull is lipstick, Somma Vesuvius, where hockey is not considered one of the most popular sports and lipstick can be a luxury too, seems to see just walking around pitbull as mothers struggle with life.

This year no one had warned
Lucia and the others. They felt quite calm. "Last year I taught in fourth grade. Mathematics, English and music for 22 hours per week plus two programming. They were fond of me and my students. " But the gap, that at least, is put into the account of the master precarious. She knows she has to learn the names of all in September and forget them until June. The trouble begins when the September following no more names to learn.

Luisa toured many schools Neapolitan hinterland.

"I started in a private school but I stayed there for one year. I had all the requirements to enter the ranking and become the role, I went to public schools. " He taught the children of Ponticelli, an area with high levels of the Camorra, which in May to resolve the problem of the Roma have seen fit to give fire to their camp. He has taught at St. Joseph Vesuvius and also in Ischia. "When you have to do with classes like this one is an experience that no score can ever consider."

Friday, July 11, 2008

Sandrail Wiring Diagram

always precarious in 2010 in China there are 797 million workers: the largest labor market in the world

Giorgio Mele
Courtesy of "Limes, rivista di geopolitica"
Youtube da Liberazione dell'11 luglio 2008

Giorgio Mele

Per gentile concessione di "Limes, rivista di geopolitica"

Nel 2010 in Cina ci saranno 797 milioni di lavoratori: il più grande mercato del lavoro al mondo. Un mercato con poche regole e pochi diritti, selvaggio e complesso, che sta cambiando drasticamente gli equilibri geopolitici ed economici del pianeta, a cui guardano con at- tenzione, avidità e talvolta con una certa preoccupazione tutte le economie occi- dentali. Fino alla morte di Mao la Cina non aveva un vero mercato del lavoro. Era direttamente il Partito comunista cinese a programmare assumptions in the various sectors and to establish in the absence of contractual relations and the economic and regulatory conditions. Soon after Mao's death, the leadership of the CCP started with caution and determination, openness to market logic.

The process of Chinese economic reform began in 1978 with the reform of rural areas, followed in 1984 than in urban areas. Objective: To encourage greater labor mobility and the state monopoly over the allocation of resources in order to create for the first time a labor market less constrained, more efficient and decentralized.
In 1992, after nearly a decade of reforms to stabilize a socialist market economy, the Government aims to redefine the main areas of the economy by encouraging the development of diversified economic elements, the creation of a modern enterprise system to meet the needs of a market economy, a unified and open market system across China, linking the internal market and internationally. In recent years China has become the ideal and the dream of every capitalist terraqueous Orbe, El Dorado, where everything is possible, first of all enrichment and profits as we have not seen in the West since 1847. And it was agonizing race to grab the best seats in the districts around Shenzhen, in the coastal strip of South-East or elsewhere: Nike, Adidas, Mattel, Walt Disney and hundreds of thousands of American and European companies, including home. The basis upon which This is based Eldorado are the poor conditions of workers and the working class Chinese. All observers and analysts agree that the social protection program has been completely rejected and it came a huge emerging social issue made of forced abandonment of the countryside, mass migration to cities, low wages, brazenly arbitrary master, lack of trade union rights, exploitation of female labor and child pornography. How many Disney toys were built by the hands of the martyred Chinese children? To produce a pair of Timberland in Europe cost more than € 150 in the city of Zhongshan a 14 year old boy earns 45 euro cents. The average wage is around 900 yuan per month for a timetable for the kids can touch 15 hours a day. Working conditions are very heavy both in enterprises and public and private premises or Western. They often lack any protection, there are adequate measures of prevention. In fact, the number of accidents is very high. Many workers are from the countryside and living in a crowded and often sleep in 10 or 12 per room in buildings owned by the company. It is not uncommon for this 'service' may see their monthly salary deducted by 40%. The The most important measure of the nineties was the decade of the 1994 Labour Law, in which collective agreements become a real possibility. With this measure is done with greater precision the nature and objectives of collective bargaining agreements. The law allows - but only in companies with at least 25 employees - the workers and businesses to be able to sign collective agreements or special agreements on wages, working hours, safety, holidays, health insurance and welfare. The law states, anche qui per la prima volta, il carattere pienamente legale dei contratti collettivi, ulteriormente ribadito da una circolare del ministro del Lavoro del dicembre dello stesso anno in cui si indicano le linee guida di implementazione del sistema dei contratti collettivi. La legge stabilisce che i contratti collettivi possono essere siglati da sindacati rappresentativi, ma laddove il sindacato non esiste essi possono essere firmati da rappresentanze scelte dai lavoratori e dalle imprese. Con il successivo documento Regulations on Collective Contracts, emanato dal ministro del Lavoro, viene stabilito che i lavoratori possono eleggere i loro rappresentanti. Se in un'azienda non vi è un sindacato, i lavoratori possono nominare la loro rappresentanza, che deve ottenere il majority vote of the employees of that company. In China, even today, the only legally recognized union is the All China Federation of Trade Union (ACFTU), which has a monopoly of representation. The monopoly until the late eighties was absolute and he practiced in enforcing workplace directives of the party. Since the early nineties, however, with the processes of privatization, the view of the relationships within companies began to diversify and develop the first real conflict in the workplace causes difficulties for the ACFTU, which in the national congress in October 1993 needs to rethink and broaden its role. (...) At the end of 1995 to 2.5 million companies in fact only 48,431 have signed a collective agreement. For many local trade unions promote the system of collective consultation "was not something that could be done simply for the desire of the union (through a spontaneous and free contracting), it required the close cooperation of the company management and the recognition of government agencies a high level of support from departments involved in the reform of the system, support and understanding of public opinion. " In some companies, the local union representatives are working groups composed of workers and party officials to study and promote the system collective bargaining. These working groups develop a contract model based on a process of consultation with all social and institutional areas individually rather than on a genuine dialectic of contract and free enterprise. The result is a process that promotes the negotiation from the top, with a scheme that applies to cascade to all its sites. This is the pattern with which the ACFTU promotes large-scale, after 1996, the system of collective bargaining. In fact, starting from the date of collective agreements are promoted through a tripartite agreement between unions, Ministry of Labour and National Association of enterprises. The ACFTU is decided then to become actively involved nella campagna per l'estensione dei contratti collettivi a partire dalle aziende di Stato. Tuttavia incontra grandi ostacoli, perché proprio in quegli anni il governo mette in atto il programma di privatizzazione di massa delle aziende pubbliche, durante il quale centinaia di migliaia di queste aziende vengono chiuse, fuse, rilevate o liquidate, e milioni di lavoratori vengono licenziati. (...) I contratti collettivi normano, oltre al salario, altri temi specifici del mondo della produzione. Ad esempio i contratti specifici sui diritti delle donne lavoratrici, specialmente nelle imprese di servizio dove c'è la più grande concentrazione di occupazione femminile. I contratti riguardano per lo più i congedi di maternità, esami ginecologici, but not sexual harassment or exploitation. (...) It is therefore in these years had a significant increase in workers' protests with strikes, marches, sit-ins. He grew the number of disputes recorded in the various Labour Dispute Arbitration Committee (Ldac). The disputes and protests involve both domestic companies and those with investment from Taiwan and Hong Kong - concentrated in the coastal strip of South-East - both large western industries. The majority of the employees of these companies are migrants from poorer and less developed land in China that have decided not to bear more of the dramatic conditions in which they were forced to live. (...) The protests increased in years. The year 2007 is characterized by a considerable increase of workers' strikes, especially in the area of \u200b\u200bDogguan. is important to remember some battles with some union conducted directly dall'Acftu Western giants such as tug of war with Wal-Mart, the giant American retailers, forced to accept the entry of unions in its hypermarkets in China.
demanding working conditions have led since the late eighties, a widespread social unrest which the government responded in time with partial measures, often with the crackdown. In the early nineties, with the planned abolition of the quota of recruits by public enterprises that had disappeared a social safety net in the past ensured stability, uniform standard wage. With decentralization and the gradual liberalization of the logic of matching demand and supply of labor is the first trigger tensions in the labor market that the government operates with the introduction of an initial unemployment benefits for workers in urban areas. The Chinese government has responded by launching a series of legislative measures aimed at regulating labor relations and collective bargaining agreements. In 1992 he passed the Trade Union Law, which states that trade unions can sign collective bargaining agreements with the heads of companies. It is the first time that collective agreements are mentioned in Chinese law at work.
Immediately after the approval Labour Law of the Ministry and the union say different priorities. The main objective of the ministry is to promote individual contracts in enterprises, the ACFTU mind concentrates its efforts on collective agreements. This diversity of purpose must not think of a sharp conflict with the government or the party. As highlighted by the China Labour Bulletin, the ACFTU has always been closely linked to the Communist Party and it is credible that the leaders of the union had a green light from the party before committing to the promotion of collective agreements. If the permit had not reached the self-promotion of collective bargaining system by dell'Acftu would be seriously undermined.
The adverse opinion on the effectiveness of counter regional it can extend to almost all the agreements made in recent years. The conditions of the workers in China are heavy, except in some niches of some sectors of the high production areas, where wages have also increased significantly. The process of unionization has not yet produced a significant step forward for Chinese workers or in terms of purchasing power or in terms of rights. As highlighted by the China Labour Bulletin terms of the relationship between workers and companies like that in the initial period of the industrial revolution. The impact of this rights situation and the conditions of workers is dramatic.

Under gloomy that we have so far described, is in fact open and developed a series of struggles for a role, especially in recent years. So the Chinese government was forced to give a signal of response to the growing impatience of the working classes. At the end of 2005 have been raised minimum wages and in 2006 a law was passed establishing the high standards of welfare in urban areas. In 2006 the Chinese Communist Party leadership has decided to propose a new law on employment contracts which had the objective of improving workers' rights. The protection of workers was part of a wider course correction imposed by President Hu Jintao. Unlike his predecessor, Jiang Zemin, who was considered "American," Hu Jintao has expressed sympathy for a kind of social democratic model that is based on the share capital of some European countries. In many speeches Hu Jintao and his premier Wen Jiabao have stressed the social stability of development. Other watchwords of this new policy are the protection of the environment, fighting corruption, the rebalancing of growth towards areas that are lagging behind the construction of a welfare state (pensions and health). (...) The law was passed in June 2007 and entered into force on 1 January 2008 taking on some of the demands of large Western corporations, whose attitude gives the lie to their concern for human rights , especially when it comes to work and profit. In late 2007, many companies have fielded one thousand tricks to circumvent the new legislation, some have tried to dismiss their employees, then summarize their experience seniority under which they could put forward any new rights under the new rules. for European trade unions, which in recent years have enhanced their relationship with the trade unions of China and are directly involved in organizing courses in various companies with foreign capital, the law is formally a significant step forward in the legislation on employment law. They point out that the new legislation applies to all workplaces, both public and private. This could start the affairs of millions of workers, women and men subjected to heavy exploitation, primarily those migrants who left their land and those who have suffered exclusion from the production cycle because of privatizzazioni.
Secondo la legge, tutti i lavoratori devono avere un contratto scritto e se un imprenditore si sottrae a questo obbligo qualunque rapporto si intende a tempo indeterminato. I lavoratori possono dimettersi entro 30 giorni e non sono tenuti al preavviso se il loro datore di lavoro è inadempiente nei loro confronti. Si prevedono sanzioni nei confronti dei funzionari che non fanno rispettare le norme sulla salute e sulla sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro. Viene in parte scoraggiata la pratica dei contratti a tempo determinato, che possono essere rinnovati solo due volte. Vengono introdotti alcuni limiti ai licenziamenti. Viene rafforzato il ruolo dei sindacati, che devono essere consultati sui regolamenti aziendali, per la conclusione dei contratti, in caso disposals for economic reasons. (...)
The hope of European trade unions is that this law would open an era of expansion of rights for all Chinese workers. The biggest limitation is that we still do not recognize the dialectic of freedom of association and formation of other unions, then the risk remains that things continue as in previous years. But since the law came into force increased cases of litigation and the result has so far been almost always in favor of workers. It seems clear that the management of these conflicts needs more democracy, a legal framework more advanced, more and more true dialectic union.

Sandrail Wiring Diagram

always precarious in 2010 in China there are 797 million workers: the largest labor market in the world

Giorgio Mele
Courtesy of "Limes, rivista di geopolitica"
Youtube da Liberazione dell'11 luglio 2008

Giorgio Mele

Per gentile concessione di "Limes, rivista di geopolitica"

Nel 2010 in Cina ci saranno 797 milioni di lavoratori: il più grande mercato del lavoro al mondo. Un mercato con poche regole e pochi diritti, selvaggio e complesso, che sta cambiando drasticamente gli equilibri geopolitici ed economici del pianeta, a cui guardano con at- tenzione, avidità e talvolta con una certa preoccupazione tutte le economie occi- dentali. Fino alla morte di Mao la Cina non aveva un vero mercato del lavoro. Era direttamente il Partito comunista cinese a programmare assumptions in the various sectors and to establish in the absence of contractual relations and the economic and regulatory conditions. Soon after Mao's death, the leadership of the CCP started with caution and determination, openness to market logic.

The process of Chinese economic reform began in 1978 with the reform of rural areas, followed in 1984 than in urban areas. Objective: To encourage greater labor mobility and the state monopoly over the allocation of resources in order to create for the first time a labor market less constrained, more efficient and decentralized.
In 1992, after nearly a decade of reforms to stabilize a socialist market economy, the Government aims to redefine the main areas of the economy by encouraging the development of diversified economic elements, the creation of a modern enterprise system to meet the needs of a market economy, a unified and open market system across China, linking the internal market and internationally. In recent years China has become the ideal and the dream of every capitalist terraqueous Orbe, El Dorado, where everything is possible, first of all enrichment and profits as we have not seen in the West since 1847. And it was agonizing race to grab the best seats in the districts around Shenzhen, in the coastal strip of South-East or elsewhere: Nike, Adidas, Mattel, Walt Disney and hundreds of thousands of American and European companies, including home. The basis upon which This is based Eldorado are the poor conditions of workers and the working class Chinese. All observers and analysts agree that the social protection program has been completely rejected and it came a huge emerging social issue made of forced abandonment of the countryside, mass migration to cities, low wages, brazenly arbitrary master, lack of trade union rights, exploitation of female labor and child pornography. How many Disney toys were built by the hands of the martyred Chinese children? To produce a pair of Timberland in Europe cost more than € 150 in the city of Zhongshan a 14 year old boy earns 45 euro cents. The average wage is around 900 yuan per month for a timetable for the kids can touch 15 hours a day. Working conditions are very heavy both in enterprises and public and private premises or Western. They often lack any protection, there are adequate measures of prevention. In fact, the number of accidents is very high. Many workers are from the countryside and living in a crowded and often sleep in 10 or 12 per room in buildings owned by the company. It is not uncommon for this 'service' may see their monthly salary deducted by 40%. The The most important measure of the nineties was the decade of the 1994 Labour Law, in which collective agreements become a real possibility. With this measure is done with greater precision the nature and objectives of collective bargaining agreements. The law allows - but only in companies with at least 25 employees - the workers and businesses to be able to sign collective agreements or special agreements on wages, working hours, safety, holidays, health insurance and welfare. The law states, anche qui per la prima volta, il carattere pienamente legale dei contratti collettivi, ulteriormente ribadito da una circolare del ministro del Lavoro del dicembre dello stesso anno in cui si indicano le linee guida di implementazione del sistema dei contratti collettivi. La legge stabilisce che i contratti collettivi possono essere siglati da sindacati rappresentativi, ma laddove il sindacato non esiste essi possono essere firmati da rappresentanze scelte dai lavoratori e dalle imprese. Con il successivo documento Regulations on Collective Contracts, emanato dal ministro del Lavoro, viene stabilito che i lavoratori possono eleggere i loro rappresentanti. Se in un'azienda non vi è un sindacato, i lavoratori possono nominare la loro rappresentanza, che deve ottenere il majority vote of the employees of that company. In China, even today, the only legally recognized union is the All China Federation of Trade Union (ACFTU), which has a monopoly of representation. The monopoly until the late eighties was absolute and he practiced in enforcing workplace directives of the party. Since the early nineties, however, with the processes of privatization, the view of the relationships within companies began to diversify and develop the first real conflict in the workplace causes difficulties for the ACFTU, which in the national congress in October 1993 needs to rethink and broaden its role. (...) At the end of 1995 to 2.5 million companies in fact only 48,431 have signed a collective agreement. For many local trade unions promote the system of collective consultation "was not something that could be done simply for the desire of the union (through a spontaneous and free contracting), it required the close cooperation of the company management and the recognition of government agencies a high level of support from departments involved in the reform of the system, support and understanding of public opinion. " In some companies, the local union representatives are working groups composed of workers and party officials to study and promote the system collective bargaining. These working groups develop a contract model based on a process of consultation with all social and institutional areas individually rather than on a genuine dialectic of contract and free enterprise. The result is a process that promotes the negotiation from the top, with a scheme that applies to cascade to all its sites. This is the pattern with which the ACFTU promotes large-scale, after 1996, the system of collective bargaining. In fact, starting from the date of collective agreements are promoted through a tripartite agreement between unions, Ministry of Labour and National Association of enterprises. The ACFTU is decided then to become actively involved nella campagna per l'estensione dei contratti collettivi a partire dalle aziende di Stato. Tuttavia incontra grandi ostacoli, perché proprio in quegli anni il governo mette in atto il programma di privatizzazione di massa delle aziende pubbliche, durante il quale centinaia di migliaia di queste aziende vengono chiuse, fuse, rilevate o liquidate, e milioni di lavoratori vengono licenziati. (...) I contratti collettivi normano, oltre al salario, altri temi specifici del mondo della produzione. Ad esempio i contratti specifici sui diritti delle donne lavoratrici, specialmente nelle imprese di servizio dove c'è la più grande concentrazione di occupazione femminile. I contratti riguardano per lo più i congedi di maternità, esami ginecologici, but not sexual harassment or exploitation. (...) It is therefore in these years had a significant increase in workers' protests with strikes, marches, sit-ins. He grew the number of disputes recorded in the various Labour Dispute Arbitration Committee (Ldac). The disputes and protests involve both domestic companies and those with investment from Taiwan and Hong Kong - concentrated in the coastal strip of South-East - both large western industries. The majority of the employees of these companies are migrants from poorer and less developed land in China that have decided not to bear more of the dramatic conditions in which they were forced to live. (...) The protests increased in years. The year 2007 is characterized by a considerable increase of workers' strikes, especially in the area of \u200b\u200bDogguan. is important to remember some battles with some union conducted directly dall'Acftu Western giants such as tug of war with Wal-Mart, the giant American retailers, forced to accept the entry of unions in its hypermarkets in China.
demanding working conditions have led since the late eighties, a widespread social unrest which the government responded in time with partial measures, often with the crackdown. In the early nineties, with the planned abolition of the quota of recruits by public enterprises that had disappeared a social safety net in the past ensured stability, uniform standard wage. With decentralization and the gradual liberalization of the logic of matching demand and supply of labor is the first trigger tensions in the labor market that the government operates with the introduction of an initial unemployment benefits for workers in urban areas. The Chinese government has responded by launching a series of legislative measures aimed at regulating labor relations and collective bargaining agreements. In 1992 he passed the Trade Union Law, which states that trade unions can sign collective bargaining agreements with the heads of companies. It is the first time that collective agreements are mentioned in Chinese law at work.
Immediately after the approval Labour Law of the Ministry and the union say different priorities. The main objective of the ministry is to promote individual contracts in enterprises, the ACFTU mind concentrates its efforts on collective agreements. This diversity of purpose must not think of a sharp conflict with the government or the party. As highlighted by the China Labour Bulletin, the ACFTU has always been closely linked to the Communist Party and it is credible that the leaders of the union had a green light from the party before committing to the promotion of collective agreements. If the permit had not reached the self-promotion of collective bargaining system by dell'Acftu would be seriously undermined.
The adverse opinion on the effectiveness of counter regional it can extend to almost all the agreements made in recent years. The conditions of the workers in China are heavy, except in some niches of some sectors of the high production areas, where wages have also increased significantly. The process of unionization has not yet produced a significant step forward for Chinese workers or in terms of purchasing power or in terms of rights. As highlighted by the China Labour Bulletin terms of the relationship between workers and companies like that in the initial period of the industrial revolution. The impact of this rights situation and the conditions of workers is dramatic.

Under gloomy that we have so far described, is in fact open and developed a series of struggles for a role, especially in recent years. So the Chinese government was forced to give a signal of response to the growing impatience of the working classes. At the end of 2005 have been raised minimum wages and in 2006 a law was passed establishing the high standards of welfare in urban areas. In 2006 the Chinese Communist Party leadership has decided to propose a new law on employment contracts which had the objective of improving workers' rights. The protection of workers was part of a wider course correction imposed by President Hu Jintao. Unlike his predecessor, Jiang Zemin, who was considered "American," Hu Jintao has expressed sympathy for a kind of social democratic model that is based on the share capital of some European countries. In many speeches Hu Jintao and his premier Wen Jiabao have stressed the social stability of development. Other watchwords of this new policy are the protection of the environment, fighting corruption, the rebalancing of growth towards areas that are lagging behind the construction of a welfare state (pensions and health). (...) The law was passed in June 2007 and entered into force on 1 January 2008 taking on some of the demands of large Western corporations, whose attitude gives the lie to their concern for human rights , especially when it comes to work and profit. In late 2007, many companies have fielded one thousand tricks to circumvent the new legislation, some have tried to dismiss their employees, then summarize their experience seniority under which they could put forward any new rights under the new rules. for European trade unions, which in recent years have enhanced their relationship with the trade unions of China and are directly involved in organizing courses in various companies with foreign capital, the law is formally a significant step forward in the legislation on employment law. They point out that the new legislation applies to all workplaces, both public and private. This could start the affairs of millions of workers, women and men subjected to heavy exploitation, primarily those migrants who left their land and those who have suffered exclusion from the production cycle because of privatizzazioni.
Secondo la legge, tutti i lavoratori devono avere un contratto scritto e se un imprenditore si sottrae a questo obbligo qualunque rapporto si intende a tempo indeterminato. I lavoratori possono dimettersi entro 30 giorni e non sono tenuti al preavviso se il loro datore di lavoro è inadempiente nei loro confronti. Si prevedono sanzioni nei confronti dei funzionari che non fanno rispettare le norme sulla salute e sulla sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro. Viene in parte scoraggiata la pratica dei contratti a tempo determinato, che possono essere rinnovati solo due volte. Vengono introdotti alcuni limiti ai licenziamenti. Viene rafforzato il ruolo dei sindacati, che devono essere consultati sui regolamenti aziendali, per la conclusione dei contratti, in caso disposals for economic reasons. (...)
The hope of European trade unions is that this law would open an era of expansion of rights for all Chinese workers. The biggest limitation is that we still do not recognize the dialectic of freedom of association and formation of other unions, then the risk remains that things continue as in previous years. But since the law came into force increased cases of litigation and the result has so far been almost always in favor of workers. It seems clear that the management of these conflicts needs more democracy, a legal framework more advanced, more and more true dialectic union.

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Bologna a surprise strike at 'McDonald's inauguration of the Bologna train station

Bologna a surprise strike at the opening of the McDonald's of the Bologna train station

Benedetta Aledda Bologna a surprise strike at the opening of the McDonald's of the Bologna train station . Before exercise, reopened yesterday after a restructuring, protested throughout the morning several dozen workers. Who makes the full-time shift began at 5 am, made the first 4 hours and then, after the forced break (2 to 4 hours), surprisingly did not recur. Stood out as employees of Cigar, the the company which runs all the restaurants of the resort, including fast food, now gathered in the building on the east side of the square gold medals. After the breaking of union negotiations, decided to strike on all 23 hours of opening. "Under the pretext of renewing the local storekeepers and fired three seek to bring us all to do part time work or leave," denounced the workers. "I was a warehouseman for 23 years - said one of them, 45 years and a mortgage to pay - I was fired because they say that the stock is no longer needed." "Now ask us to carry the load because it can not come alone on the shelves!" Protested one of the counters remained in service, with i colleghi invita i passanti a non consumare al McDonald's.
A marzo l'azienda ha aperto una procedura di mobilità per 23 dipendenti full time. «Aggiungendo i tempi determinati, si arriva a 52 persone in meno», chiarisce Giuseppina Cupaiolo della Fisascat-Cisl. Da allora Cigar ha assunto per periodi di 3 o 9 mesi molti dei ragazzi che ieri, insieme ai responsabili, hanno tenuto aperto il McDonald's.
«Eravamo disponibili anche a fare il turno continuato», spiega Grazia De Siena, banconista e delegata della Filcams-Cgil, «ma l'azienda ha insistito con il turno spezzato, ha allungato l'apertura da 12 a 23 ore e a molti ha comunicato che dovranno fare anche altre mansioni». E' capitato a una cassiera dei vecchi bar, out in tears after the first 4 hours of work: "I'm a cashier for 28 years and suddenly they put me to make pizzas," he says with shining eyes. "They want to make us feel uncomfortable - a co-operative hired 33 years ago - so we fired them and take the kids with temporary contracts." With new rounds, press a few days ago, between those who make full time there are those who enter and exit at 17 to 21, then detaches and resumed from 24 to 3. In fast food, but now they are all part time, half foreign, and therefore more open to blackmail, hired on short term contracts and insertion when Cigar had already said the redundancies. "This means that the company is not in crisis but that is taking advantage the renewal of efforts to restructure the staff, "reports the City Council of the PRC Sconciaforni Roberto, who came to express solidarity, as did his colleague of the Left. "The mayor Cofferati must say if this behavior is compatible with the renewal projects of the station," Sconciaforni presses. CGIL CISL UIL category, along with UGL, are ready to sue the company for anti-union behavior.

Liberation 11/07/2008

New Teck Deck Online Game

Bologna a surprise strike at 'McDonald's inauguration of the Bologna train station

Bologna a surprise strike at the opening of the McDonald's of the Bologna train station

Benedetta Aledda Bologna a surprise strike at the opening of the McDonald's of the Bologna train station . Before exercise, reopened yesterday after a restructuring, protested throughout the morning several dozen workers. Who makes the full-time shift began at 5 am, made the first 4 hours and then, after the forced break (2 to 4 hours), surprisingly did not recur. Stood out as employees of Cigar, the the company which runs all the restaurants of the resort, including fast food, now gathered in the building on the east side of the square gold medals. After the breaking of union negotiations, decided to strike on all 23 hours of opening. "Under the pretext of renewing the local storekeepers and fired three seek to bring us all to do part time work or leave," denounced the workers. "I was a warehouseman for 23 years - said one of them, 45 years and a mortgage to pay - I was fired because they say that the stock is no longer needed." "Now ask us to carry the load because it can not come alone on the shelves!" Protested one of the counters remained in service, with i colleghi invita i passanti a non consumare al McDonald's.
A marzo l'azienda ha aperto una procedura di mobilità per 23 dipendenti full time. «Aggiungendo i tempi determinati, si arriva a 52 persone in meno», chiarisce Giuseppina Cupaiolo della Fisascat-Cisl. Da allora Cigar ha assunto per periodi di 3 o 9 mesi molti dei ragazzi che ieri, insieme ai responsabili, hanno tenuto aperto il McDonald's.
«Eravamo disponibili anche a fare il turno continuato», spiega Grazia De Siena, banconista e delegata della Filcams-Cgil, «ma l'azienda ha insistito con il turno spezzato, ha allungato l'apertura da 12 a 23 ore e a molti ha comunicato che dovranno fare anche altre mansioni». E' capitato a una cassiera dei vecchi bar, out in tears after the first 4 hours of work: "I'm a cashier for 28 years and suddenly they put me to make pizzas," he says with shining eyes. "They want to make us feel uncomfortable - a co-operative hired 33 years ago - so we fired them and take the kids with temporary contracts." With new rounds, press a few days ago, between those who make full time there are those who enter and exit at 17 to 21, then detaches and resumed from 24 to 3. In fast food, but now they are all part time, half foreign, and therefore more open to blackmail, hired on short term contracts and insertion when Cigar had already said the redundancies. "This means that the company is not in crisis but that is taking advantage the renewal of efforts to restructure the staff, "reports the City Council of the PRC Sconciaforni Roberto, who came to express solidarity, as did his colleague of the Left. "The mayor Cofferati must say if this behavior is compatible with the renewal projects of the station," Sconciaforni presses. CGIL CISL UIL category, along with UGL, are ready to sue the company for anti-union behavior.

Liberation 11/07/2008

Monday, July 7, 2008

I-catcher Console-web Monitor

Pythagoras Masonic Symbols

The news we have today of the philosopher Pythagoras Samo , are very scarce. The Pythagorean ancient and modern literature, however, is quite extensive so it can be assumed that his knowledge in each field were enormous.
Pythagoras lived in the sixth century BC and founded a Crotone, in Calabria, a school that Aristotle called "Italian school" , where among the other things taught arithmetic and geometry. The attraction of the philosopher to the reputation of Croton was medical school who was in town and it is here or near Crotone, as many scholars argue, the spread Pythagoreanism because he found a people and a civilization long placed a high provision of thought practicing cults and myths of all kinds.
But the question that arises here is that we understand that there is link between the teaching of Pythagoras, who lived in the sixth century BC, and Freemasonry which officially came into being in the eighteenth century AD.
The symbol of the Pythagorean Tetractis nella sua forma schematica di triangolo equilatero coincide perfettamente con la forma schematica del Delta massonico. Il Delta che è insieme al sole ed alla luna uno dei lumi sublimi della società dei liberi muratori come dice il rituale dell’apprendista, si trova nei lavori di primo grado tra i simboli del sole e della luna dietro il saggio del Venerabile, mentre nei lavori di secondo grado è sostituito dalla stella fiammeggiante. Le rispettive età iniziatiche dell’apprendista e del compagno corrispondono a questa sostituzione. Ne deriva, una stretta connessione tra i due simboli e siccome la stella a cinque punte è simbolo tanto dell’antico sodalizio pitagorico che della Massoneria, ne identification was confirmed with the Delta Masonic Pythagorean Tetractis. Among the masons
symbols, not responsible for any Christian symbol, not even the cross, and it is natural, only symbols of occupation and geometric symbols, architectural and numerical. If the Masonic symbol had a Christian character, it would be a symbol isolated, confused and not understand the existence in Freemasonry.
Masonry inherits from the doctrine of Pythagoras many symbols.
The operation and further development in the spiritual tradition in the masonry and sealed, is called The Great Work , be performed according to art. In both traditions is expressed through symbolism, geometric-Masonic and alchemical respectively. The raw material is the raw stone, that the novice Freemason and is therefore a matter already chosen and assessed to that end. The rough stone is roughly square and polished until it assumed the form of the cubic stone of mastery. Tools of this work are the team and the compass, the work must be done by the team through the righteousness that is by the compass and measure between the square and compass that is to say secret, because it is the nature of the operation of an inner struggle and intimacy.
is not easy to trace the links between hermetic philosophy and Freemasonry. S ccording to reports Apuleius, Pythagoras said that not all wood must carve a mercury Freemasonry and the same for any layman can not become a Freemason, and not everyone can become apprentices and fellows of the Masters, because it is developing a natural gift and not to create out of nothing and there is an art that can make a Paganini whose ear is not provided necessary. The
Pythagoreanism as Freemasonry, is for the purpose this great work of spiritual edification, even if you encounter the difficulty of the mystery and secrecy, which is compounded by the scarcity of written documents and Pythagoreans reached us. Our great countryman
Dante Alighieri manifestly inspired by the concept of Pythagorean Tetractis or notebook, the Delta Masonic light (see Par XVII, 37-39). He relates in his supreme vision of the noble philosopher Pythagoras using the same word, the same symbol and same concept. The lesson of today is a duty to help bring the followers scattered across the Earth's surface to the noble task of brotherhood and secular: to give light to those who knock on the door of the temple and bring the elect to perfection.

I-catcher Console-web Monitor

Pythagoras Masonic Symbols

The news we have today of the philosopher Pythagoras Samo , are very scarce. The Pythagorean ancient and modern literature, however, is quite extensive so it can be assumed that his knowledge in each field were enormous.
Pythagoras lived in the sixth century BC and founded a Crotone, in Calabria, a school that Aristotle called "Italian school" , where among the other things taught arithmetic and geometry. The attraction of the philosopher to the reputation of Croton was medical school who was in town and it is here or near Crotone, as many scholars argue, the spread Pythagoreanism because he found a people and a civilization long placed a high provision of thought practicing cults and myths of all kinds.
But the question that arises here is that we understand that there is link between the teaching of Pythagoras, who lived in the sixth century BC, and Freemasonry which officially came into being in the eighteenth century AD.
The symbol of the Pythagorean Tetractis nella sua forma schematica di triangolo equilatero coincide perfettamente con la forma schematica del Delta massonico. Il Delta che è insieme al sole ed alla luna uno dei lumi sublimi della società dei liberi muratori come dice il rituale dell’apprendista, si trova nei lavori di primo grado tra i simboli del sole e della luna dietro il saggio del Venerabile, mentre nei lavori di secondo grado è sostituito dalla stella fiammeggiante. Le rispettive età iniziatiche dell’apprendista e del compagno corrispondono a questa sostituzione. Ne deriva, una stretta connessione tra i due simboli e siccome la stella a cinque punte è simbolo tanto dell’antico sodalizio pitagorico che della Massoneria, ne identification was confirmed with the Delta Masonic Pythagorean Tetractis. Among the masons
symbols, not responsible for any Christian symbol, not even the cross, and it is natural, only symbols of occupation and geometric symbols, architectural and numerical. If the Masonic symbol had a Christian character, it would be a symbol isolated, confused and not understand the existence in Freemasonry.
Masonry inherits from the doctrine of Pythagoras many symbols.
The operation and further development in the spiritual tradition in the masonry and sealed, is called The Great Work , be performed according to art. In both traditions is expressed through symbolism, geometric-Masonic and alchemical respectively. The raw material is the raw stone, that the novice Freemason and is therefore a matter already chosen and assessed to that end. The rough stone is roughly square and polished until it assumed the form of the cubic stone of mastery. Tools of this work are the team and the compass, the work must be done by the team through the righteousness that is by the compass and measure between the square and compass that is to say secret, because it is the nature of the operation of an inner struggle and intimacy.
is not easy to trace the links between hermetic philosophy and Freemasonry. S ccording to reports Apuleius, Pythagoras said that not all wood must carve a mercury Freemasonry and the same for any layman can not become a Freemason, and not everyone can become apprentices and fellows of the Masters, because it is developing a natural gift and not to create out of nothing and there is an art that can make a Paganini whose ear is not provided necessary. The
Pythagoreanism as Freemasonry, is for the purpose this great work of spiritual edification, even if you encounter the difficulty of the mystery and secrecy, which is compounded by the scarcity of written documents and Pythagoreans reached us. Our great countryman
Dante Alighieri manifestly inspired by the concept of Pythagorean Tetractis or notebook, the Delta Masonic light (see Par XVII, 37-39). He relates in his supreme vision of the noble philosopher Pythagoras using the same word, the same symbol and same concept. The lesson of today is a duty to help bring the followers scattered across the Earth's surface to the noble task of brotherhood and secular: to give light to those who knock on the door of the temple and bring the elect to perfection.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Maytag Performa Pavt234aww

precarious Sant'Andrea occupy the general direction

(OMNIROMA) Roma, 06 giu - "È in corso uno sciopero dei dipendenti dell'Azienda multinazionale Videocon di Anagni, CHE hanno bloccato la Casilina e l'Autosole. In questo sito sono a rischio licenziamento 1.200 lavoratori (con l'indotto si arriva a 2.000). La proprietà, dopo aver avuto sostegni economici e l'inserimento del sito di Anagni nell'accordo di programma (ed anche finanziamenti dalla European Community for the establishment of Campania), now try to leave the site. "This was communicated in a note, the CGIL Filcem Roma and Lazio.
ROME - After the block now being Grottarossa and employment of the Executive Board, the Coordination Phantom of the workers know that Andreas is a state of agitation does not stop for today and announced initiatives to surprise ("you may be surprised with special effects"). The appointment is at 8:30 in the yard of the hospital.

"For three years we conduct a long and arduous struggle for stabilization. We got two regional laws, a Council resolution, and the Director-General reminds the Coordination-We lack only an authorization from the region. Marrazzo President withdrew the delegation alderman Battle and its offices are now having to give this permission. We are not willing to wait or to be held hostage to the political balance of the region. Respect the laws! Recruitment of top 200 outsourcing by June as expected in acting. "

June 16, 2008

Maytag Performa Pavt234aww

precarious Sant'Andrea occupy the general direction

(OMNIROMA) Roma, 06 giu - "È in corso uno sciopero dei dipendenti dell'Azienda multinazionale Videocon di Anagni, CHE hanno bloccato la Casilina e l'Autosole. In questo sito sono a rischio licenziamento 1.200 lavoratori (con l'indotto si arriva a 2.000). La proprietà, dopo aver avuto sostegni economici e l'inserimento del sito di Anagni nell'accordo di programma (ed anche finanziamenti dalla European Community for the establishment of Campania), now try to leave the site. "This was communicated in a note, the CGIL Filcem Roma and Lazio.
ROME - After the block now being Grottarossa and employment of the Executive Board, the Coordination Phantom of the workers know that Andreas is a state of agitation does not stop for today and announced initiatives to surprise ("you may be surprised with special effects"). The appointment is at 8:30 in the yard of the hospital.

"For three years we conduct a long and arduous struggle for stabilization. We got two regional laws, a Council resolution, and the Director-General reminds the Coordination-We lack only an authorization from the region. Marrazzo President withdrew the delegation alderman Battle and its offices are now having to give this permission. We are not willing to wait or to be held hostage to the political balance of the region. Respect the laws! Recruitment of top 200 outsourcing by June as expected in acting. "

June 16, 2008

Friday, June 6, 2008

T2: The Screen Saver Terminator

Precarious indefinitely

Fewer and fewer but starvation wages, it is of temporary workers, fell by 20,000 units in 2007. 830 mila temporary workers who earn on average € 8,800 a year, this is the last track identikit search IRES-CGIL.
Not only that, a majority of workers remained "trapped" in atypical work: you're insecure ten for two consecutive years and more than 37% for three years (the research takes into account the period 2005-2007). "The good news - he stressed the confederal secretary of the CGIL, Fulvio Fammoni - is that the upward trend has slowed. It means that if you want you can intervene, as did the previous government with concrete action, and we must continue to intervene. However, the total number remains very high and represents an anomaly in Europe. "

To precarious means those workers with atypical collaboration income which has focused exclusively on the Ministry of Labour with a fight against false collaborations. Considerable help to reduce the insecurity also came from increased pension contribution of 5 percentage points from the income that reso meno conveniente per le aziende il ricorso alle collaborazioni.

Identikit del precario

Sono giovani ma non troppo i precari di oggi con un’età media di 34 anni e un contratto medio dura circa sette mesi. A livello territoriale la maggiore concentrazione si riscontra in Calabria e nel Lazio, dove sono precari tre parasubordinati su quattro. Per quanto riguarda i redditi, la ricerca evidenzia come per i precari la media si attesti nel 2007 a 8.800 euro l’anno, con un incremento rispetto al 2005 del 4,8%, pari a 405 euro.

T2: The Screen Saver Terminator

Precarious indefinitely

Fewer and fewer but starvation wages, it is of temporary workers, fell by 20,000 units in 2007. 830 mila temporary workers who earn on average € 8,800 a year, this is the last track identikit search IRES-CGIL.
Not only that, a majority of workers remained "trapped" in atypical work: you're insecure ten for two consecutive years and more than 37% for three years (the research takes into account the period 2005-2007). "The good news - he stressed the confederal secretary of the CGIL, Fulvio Fammoni - is that the upward trend has slowed. It means that if you want you can intervene, as did the previous government with concrete action, and we must continue to intervene. However, the total number remains very high and represents an anomaly in Europe. "

To precarious means those workers with atypical collaboration income which has focused exclusively on the Ministry of Labour with a fight against false collaborations. Considerable help to reduce the insecurity also came from increased pension contribution of 5 percentage points from the income that reso meno conveniente per le aziende il ricorso alle collaborazioni.

Identikit del precario

Sono giovani ma non troppo i precari di oggi con un’età media di 34 anni e un contratto medio dura circa sette mesi. A livello territoriale la maggiore concentrazione si riscontra in Calabria e nel Lazio, dove sono precari tre parasubordinati su quattro. Per quanto riguarda i redditi, la ricerca evidenzia come per i precari la media si attesti nel 2007 a 8.800 euro l’anno, con un incremento rispetto al 2005 del 4,8%, pari a 405 euro.

How Do You Put A Floor In An Aluminum Boat

RAI: \u200b\u200bAgreement on temporary



"To give a secure future for the temporary satisfaction Rai is a first for the company. Having reached within a few days, two fundamental agreements with workers who have long collaborated with RAI (the reference is to the agreement signed with the union of journalists, ed) is the best result we could get closure mandate and the result is a result of strategies implemented from the start with determination, honesty and transparency. "

"To give a secure future for the temporary satisfaction Rai is a first for the company. Having reached within a few days, two fundamental agreements with workers some time working with the RAI is the best result we could get in close and is a result sent the result of strategies implemented from the start with determination, honesty and transparency. "
satisfied Claudio Cappon, director general of RAI, the agreement reached with the unions for the stabilization of temporary workers, meaning that comes to two weeks from the similar agreement signed with the trade unions of journalists. "From the beginning, my goal was to end with the" factory "of the precarious, not to deceive anyone, to be clear to all: why, when I arrived, I asked to be stopped so-called first uses , those contracts that were only to widen the audience of the precarious workers, journalists or not. We closed the "tap" feeding a system destined to collapse because of its unsustainability. From today those who work for the RAI, including temporary, has a career path and also defined and the company knows exactly what they will encounter in terms of staff, 'he said Cappon. The Director-General claims the two agreements signed and "the first contest held in 2007 in Rai graduates after 10 years." "From today, Rai is a house more transparent, more accurate with its workers and those who pay the fee. And this, let me tell you, and especially thanks to the commitment of the Executive Risorse Umane che ha lavorato duramente e coerentemente su un progetto condiviso con la Direzione Generale sin dal primo momento», ha concluso Cappon.

How Do You Put A Floor In An Aluminum Boat

RAI: \u200b\u200bAgreement on temporary



"To give a secure future for the temporary satisfaction Rai is a first for the company. Having reached within a few days, two fundamental agreements with workers who have long collaborated with RAI (the reference is to the agreement signed with the union of journalists, ed) is the best result we could get closure mandate and the result is a result of strategies implemented from the start with determination, honesty and transparency. "

"To give a secure future for the temporary satisfaction Rai is a first for the company. Having reached within a few days, two fundamental agreements with workers some time working with the RAI is the best result we could get in close and is a result sent the result of strategies implemented from the start with determination, honesty and transparency. "
satisfied Claudio Cappon, director general of RAI, the agreement reached with the unions for the stabilization of temporary workers, meaning that comes to two weeks from the similar agreement signed with the trade unions of journalists. "From the beginning, my goal was to end with the" factory "of the precarious, not to deceive anyone, to be clear to all: why, when I arrived, I asked to be stopped so-called first uses , those contracts that were only to widen the audience of the precarious workers, journalists or not. We closed the "tap" feeding a system destined to collapse because of its unsustainability. From today those who work for the RAI, including temporary, has a career path and also defined and the company knows exactly what they will encounter in terms of staff, 'he said Cappon. The Director-General claims the two agreements signed and "the first contest held in 2007 in Rai graduates after 10 years." "From today, Rai is a house more transparent, more accurate with its workers and those who pay the fee. And this, let me tell you, and especially thanks to the commitment of the Executive Risorse Umane che ha lavorato duramente e coerentemente su un progetto condiviso con la Direzione Generale sin dal primo momento», ha concluso Cappon.

Puttinga Floor In An Aluminum Boat

Anagni: dipendenti videocon bloccano Casilina e Autosole

Cronaca - 06 giugno 2008 12:20

Puttinga Floor In An Aluminum Boat

Anagni: dipendenti videocon bloccano Casilina e Autosole

Cronaca - 06 giugno 2008 12:20

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Colored Mucus Before Period

Precari, sempre precari…

He speaks for so long that someone could be misled into thinking that are born with the same precarious Rai. Not really, but the situation, years later, is far from resolved.
remains pending (up to who knows when) the endless question of precarious Rai. We are talking about at least 1,500 workers as the state television, he needs to carry out their plans, despite the huge "battalion" of contract employees, about 13,000. renewals of temporary Rai are now at risk (ironically) because of the new Law of Welfare, trying to stabilize their precarious workers, provides that employees are recruited permanently after 36 months of contracts. After 36 months there can be only a last-term contract (with the agreement of the parties), then taking it. As calculated, the RAI should start to take, by applying the law, from April 2009 about 1185 workers including supervisors, office staff and workers who have reached the 36-month term contract. 416 others are expected to reach the goal in the spring of 2009. A situation intricate and uncertain outcome, because at that point the company tends not to renew the contracts of temporary workers, A first result is instead reached for journalists, who can probably count on a stronger union. Rai in this case is Come to agreements pledging to take a final about 160 editors who until now have had contracts, but recruitment will be gradual and will be completed in 2013. Meanwhile, the 160 will still have fixed-term contracts. For other precarious, despite a meeting of representatives Rai with the unions, the solution is still stalled. Discuss this issue again shortly.
not having to recruit them, causing 'terror' in the latter, who may work for RAI (and work seriously) for many years. Rai insecure need to make every day but its programs can not "afford to hire them, so it tends to" freeze "of the contracts or to give room for other precarious, indeed, without these workers (and their experience '! ), many programs are at risk (and this despite the many thousands of employees mentioned before).